Sorry Martin, I missed some of your points:Ah yes, I meant new to mailing list ;)
Hi from a newbie.MG>a newbie with extensive experience with maven and make files!
Essentially yes, that is it. I did try contacting the original author, to no avail. I can't recall now if I was able to get that artifact from a repo or had to install it manually.
com.wapmx.native loader can unpack it at runtime. MG>is this NativeLoader what you're alluding toMG>
I didn't use NAR as I was worried it was unsupported,fragmented and overly optimistic on what it was trying to achieve. I could live with the exec plugin firing make, I am happy in make myself.tion across many
of a poor man's AOL (from the nar plugin, which I ended up NOT using). MG>did'nt catch the reasons why you do'nt want to use nar..explain please
Yes. I cannot fathom why there is no easier way to run javah from Maven. It certainly isn't 'native' the way gcc is 'native'. It's a standard Java tool running on .class files. OK, it produces C headers but that doesn't make it 'native'. I may switch to the antrun-plugin for the javah step, since the native-maven-plugin looks a bit alpha itself, and I don't use it for any 'heavy lifting', I use make.
platform Makefiles. MG>smart ..OS and compiler specific variables should be aggregated in OS and compiler specific profiles
See last post, you don't need any LD_LIBRARY_PATH nor -Djava.library.path.
MG>app code?
MG>JNI ?MG>How is the app PATHed to native binaries?
I should qualify this by saying that in PRINCIPLE this should all work on Windows, I have NOT actually tested it, I have just tested Linux 32 and 64 bit.
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