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MSc. in Marine Sciences - University of Milano-Bicocca - EU Students

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Jun 21, 2023, 6:00:39 AM6/21/23
to Scientific Diving List
Dear Colleagues,

Applications for the 2-year Master's Degree in Marine Sciences by the University of Milano-Bicocca will open for European candidates from July 14th to September 4th 2023 and interviews will be held on September 14th-15th 2023.

A second window for applications will be between January 9th and January 26th 2024 with interviews on February 16th 2024.


The international Master’s degree in Marine Sciences is offered jointly by the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy and The Maldives National
University.  The course provides the skills to conceive solutions and develop strategies to solve marine and coastal areas problematic issues. In particular, the student will be prepared to study and analyse: 
a) natural processes and related risks, with reference to the marine ecosystem (chemical, biological, ecological, earth sciences fields); 
b) human interactions with the marine system (socio-economic and legal fields), for a policy of sustainable management and protection from anthropogenic risks in oceanic and coastal environments.


Applicants to the Master’s Degree in Marine Sciences - Scienze Marine - must possess a first-level, three-year (Bachelor’s) university degree or diploma, or a recognized qualification from a non-Italian institution.
More specifically applicants should possess at least 18 credits (CFUs) in the following disciplines:

   - Chemistry and allied areas (CHIM/01, CHIM/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/06),
   - Biology and allied areas (BIO/01, BIO/05),
   - Earth Sciences (GEO/04, GEO/07),
   - Ecology and allied areas (BIO/03, BIO/07).

International students will be evaluated on the basis of their academic record in the above-mentioned subjects and an interview whose procedures will be established by the Course Board and published on the University website.
English: applicants must have certificate of English language at B2 level (or higher) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages issued by recognized institutions OR have obtained a Bachelor’s degree taught in English.

To know more please see here:

To inquire more, feel free to contact

Best wishes!POST Marine Sciences (2).png
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