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Re: AMDIS and Xcalibur

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Little, James

Mar 13, 2010, 10:38:16 PM3/13/10
To see files in AMDIS from Xcalibur use the conversion software (XConvert.exe) within Xcalibur to convert to netCDF format.
AMDIS will work fine with the netCDF file. We process all our files from Xcalibur with Waters Masslynx. First converted to
netCDF then Databridge within Waters software to convert to MassLynx format.

>MrR <> wrote:
>Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 14:11:28 -0800 (PST)
>Is there any way to have the .raw data files from Xcalibur (Thermo)
>read by AMDIS on a stand-alone PC? I only manage to do this on a PC
>where Xcalibur is already installed but I want to have it done without
>the Xcalibur software. I tried the last AMDIS version but no
>success......Appreciate any help on this.

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