Since the amber vacuum light prohibits operating the ZMD, i cannot see
any m/z's.
There is an Edwards Pirani Gauge on the system, which is read-out by
the Masslynx software and shows a <10-4 mbar. But somehow, the ZMD
still shows an amber vacuum light. I replaced all big and small O-
rings but that did not fix the problem. We reseated both turbopumps,
replaced the oil of the RV28 roughing pump, checked all vacuum tubing,
checked the water cooling system (2L/min, 15C, ethylene-glycol/water
mixture) and the temperature of the turbomolecular pumps (which is
below <50C). I'm slowly running out of options, so i started thinking
that it is maybe the electronics (how else does the ZMD show a vacuum
failure but the software shows that the vacuum is fine).
Thanks for the help!