As the newsgroup ends, we are transferring things to a mailing list. John Bartmess of UTK has been sending out summaries of
newsgroup postings since the group started, and we will continue that list in place of the newsgroup. Some of you are already
subscribers, and you should have received a message from John about the change. If you are not subscribed to the mailing
list, you may do so at The mailing list will be moderated as the newsgroup
was, so spam shouldn't reach you.
At this time of change, I'd like to thank John, Sarah (Shealy) Cepeda, and Ken Busch for encouragement and assistance in setting
up the newsgroup and remailer. I also want to thank Sarah for her work as a co-moderator from the start of the group.
As John said in his message to current list members, there may be a few glitches while the list operation gets settled, so I
hope you'll bear with us. I'm hopeful that STMS will still be a useful resource for mass spectrometry.
David Bostwick
Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Facility
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology
315 Ferst Drive
Atlanta. GA 30332-0363
Phone: 404-385-4250
FAX: 404-894-4061