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newsgroup ceasing operation

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David Bostwick

Dec 27, 2010, 12:50:55 PM12/27/10
As we announced a few days ago, the Usenet newsgroup sci.techniques.mass-spec will no longer exist after about December 31.
Georgia Tech has decided to decommission its news server and allow the software license to expire. That will take place
sometime this weekend.

As we also said, the operation is being transferred to the mailing list that John Bartmess of UTK has been using to send out
summaries of newsgroup postings since the group started. Some of you are already subscribers to that mailing list, and you
should have received a message from John about the change, as well as the earlier announcement sent to the newsgroup. If
you are not a subscriber yet, subscription information is available at The
mailing list will be moderated as the newsgroup was, so spam shouldn't reach you. One difference will be that articles will
be approved immediately, instead of being compiled into a mailing sent once or twice a week.

The archive of articles, as well as the list of links and other information we've compiled, will be kept at Tech for the time
being. That link is

Thank you for your participation over the last 15 years, and I hope that the mailing list will be helpful for those of you
who choose to subscribe to it. We welcome any suggestions for making the list more useful.


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