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Fwd: Announcement from LC/MS - John Fenn 1917-2010

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Bostwick, David E

Dec 13, 2010, 11:45:22 AM12/13/10

Most of you have probably already received this news from other mass spec-related sources, but it case you haven't heard the
news yet, this is a repost from Scott McLuckey.


Dear ASMS Members,

It is with great sadness that we share the news that John
Fenn passed away on Friday, December 10. John was a visionary
person - intelligent, driven, and a very warm human being. As
most of you know, John received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
in 2002 for his innovations in Electrospray Ionization
although he could have been sent to Stockholm decades earlier
or even after 2002 for his seminal work in Molecular Beams.

After 2002, John made himself very available to the
scientific community even though he was 85 years old when he
received the Nobel Prize. He traveled around the world at
nearly every invitation that he received to speak. He was a
gentlemen, a scholar, a role-model, a leader and always had
the time to talk with anyone and everyone about his love for
science and life. With his strong sense of humility, John
inspired those around him as a mentor and friend. He will be
deeply missed.

John died at the age of 93.

Best Regards,

Scott A. McLuckey

David Bostwick
Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Facility
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology
315 Ferst Drive
Atlanta. GA 30332-0363
Phone: 404-385-4250
FAX: 404-894-4061

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