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OpenChrom - the open source chromatography software

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Apr 11, 2010, 1:03:33 PM4/11/10
Hi all,

i've released an open source chromatography software at Sourceforge,
called "OpenChrom". It can be expanded by plugins in a very flexible
way and runs on several operating systems. You're maybe interested in
to have a look at the software. Feel free to use it and to extend it
for your own needs, it's open source. Well, it's in an early state of
development and rather couldn't be used for commercial purposes, but
it will hopefully do in a few years.

NOTE: JRE or JDK 1.6 (
must be installed before running OpenChrom.

I'm also interested in your opinion about the software and your
proposals to make it better. If you have questions, feel free to
contact me.

With best regards,

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