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Covid follow-up

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David Jones

Aug 4, 2023, 9:51:55 AM8/4/23
International readers may be interested in the evidence and
recommendations given by the RSS to the UK's public enquiry on
Covid-19. The following page links to a pdf of this submission, dated
21 April 2023, published 24 July 2023.

Rich Ulrich

Aug 4, 2023, 12:50:48 PM8/4/23
Thanks for the reference.

Even though it would not be /especially/ relevant, I'm thinking
of re-posting the link to people who are not statisticians or
involved in any way, an 'FYI' sort of notice.

The early pages contain a great review of the considerations
for collecting and using these data -- whether scientific ('What
defines a death-due-to-covid?'), technical (multiple file formats
make linkage difficult), or political (multiple agencies, actors,
and legal requirements). These considerations are universal.

In addition to particular recommendations, the Royal Statistical
Society does come down on the side of, 'Politicians should pay
heed to statistics and statisticians.'

Rich Ulrich
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