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Monopole Starship Drive: repost from sci.physics

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Douglas Eagleson

Oct 15, 2023, 12:48:34 PM10/15/23

been along time posting. I was looking at the idea to use the magnetic field of Sol's corona to do something cool. I truly pondered>

Basically the issue became a issue of a magnetic true power from the corona to a body in the general sense.

I tried to figure out the meaning of the electric/magnetic right hand rule and it appears the lowly electron is a true monopole.

To test this theory you simply need a simple six foot diameter spherical aluminized Mylar air filled balloon. The trick is to place a five megavolt battery powered DC power supply INSIDE the balloon. Any metal or thick non-conductor will de-polarize the assembled electrons magnetic monopole field on the balloons conductive surface.

And the meaning of achieving such an assembled monopole is that the balloon placed near the corona will accelerate to 0.5c at the orbit of Jupiter.

Dean Markley

Oct 16, 2023, 7:41:19 AM10/16/23
The lowly electron is NOT a monopole. I suspect you need to go back to school and learn your basics.

Douglas Eagleson

Oct 16, 2023, 12:48:53 PM10/16/23
Well, I was asking for people to truly ponder the formal conjecture I stated.

I stated that you have to apply EM right-hand rule to the electron.


It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to examine the meaning of synchrotron radiation. This radiation class is that when the electron is accelerated in a magnet field. If no monopole field were present, this class of radiation would not exist.

Dean Markley

Oct 17, 2023, 7:34:57 AM10/17/23
Stringing together technical terms does not make you smart. It makes you look silly and infantile. An electron generates a magnetic field due to it's spin. So would a proton if you had a proton beam. This is due to the particle charge and spin, not that there is a "monopole field". Your right-hand rule merely indicates the direction of magnetic field flow.
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