My logical analysis concerning the "non-written assumption" taken
without checking by the official human science, were inspired by the
television documentary which I viewed in New Zealand television in
2008. In this documentary a young mother was shown. She was shocked by
the medical finding that her own child displays completely different
genetics than herself. This genetics suggested that the child was NOT
at all neither her, nor her husband, although there was NO a physical
reason why it should be so. The birth was in the home - so there was
no possibility that the child could be swapped with some other one.
Also from the very beginning the mother took notice of a special mark
on skin of this child, so that all the time she had assurance that the
child remains the same. Furthermore, present modern information
systems allowed her to find several other similar cases spread all
over the world, in which the certainty of biological motherhood was
equally sure, but still genetics of children differed from genetics of
parents. Then the documentary show a scientist who carried out
detailed research on this and other similar cases. This scientist
argued, that such completely different genetic makeup of a child can
appear just by an accident. Although this scientist used the
scientific terminology which sounded very learned, and although he
contributed a really impressive amount of research effort into this
puzzle of the nature, I personally found his argumentation very naive.
For example, he did NOT even consider the possibility that various
other factors could be in action there which could be different from a
pure coincidence, nor he eliminated logically possibilities of
interferences from such other factors. On the other hand, apart from a
pure coincidence, this different genetic makeup of a child could also
be caused by several other factors - for example due to the use of
this specific mother by UFOnauts as a so-called "surrogate
mother" (for growing a foetus implanted by UFOnauts), or due to a
direct intervention from God (after all, we do NOT know whether Jesus
had the same genetic makeup as the Virgin Mary had).
The matter of this child of a different genetic makeup from his mother
started to bother me. After all, if the husband of this mother did NOT
trust her unreservedly, then he could win a case for divorce in
practically every court - no matter where the truth really lied.
Therefore, philosophical question which I started to ask then, was
whether in our universe all "natural" facts have a direct "cause-
effect relationship" with the truth which they concern. (In this case
whether the fact of a "different genetic makeup of a mother and a
child" have a direct cause-effect relationship with the truth "who is
the biological mother (and father) of this child".) With the elapse of
time this question transformed into a kind of "eye-opening"
philosophical problem.
The answer to this philosophical problem was provided for me by the
analysis of several other cases when "natural" facts actually clearly
contradicted "truths". This answer states that "only in the universe
which is NOT created nor ruled by God, natural facts have a direct
cause-effect relationship to truth that depend on these facts". After
all, only in such an universe deprived of God, if something manifests
itself, it always must result from so-called "natural cause-effect
chains". This is because only such chains in this universe would be
able to govern the process of formation of all objects and the course
of all events. In the universe without God such cause-effect chins
would represent the mechanism which causes the origins of everything.
Thus only in the universe without God, finding e.g. bones of dinosaurs
would really mean that dinosaurs actually lived in there. This is
because the life of dinosaurs would be the only mechanism in there
which would be able to make these bones.
In turn, in the world created and ruled by God, the only reason why
something is created (thus also the reason why it occurs) is the need
of God to accomplish specific goals. Thus, God creates and shapes
everything mainly in such a manner, that with the use of it He is able
to accomplish His superior goals. In this way, for example finding
bones of dinosaurs in the world created by God, may equally well mean
that God intentionally "fabricated" these bones in order to inspire
with them human scientists to carry out creative investigations. Or it
may mean the intention of accomplishing by God various other goals
described in item #A2 from the web page "evolution.htm". After all, in
the world that God created, He creates everything anyway. Since He
takes onto Himself the trouble of creating everything, the most
justified is for Him such creating, which assures the fulfilment of
His Godly goals. In the result, in the world created and ruled by God,
everything may only look as if it is ruled by the "natural cause-
effect chains". After all, in the process of creation and ruling God
uses the so-called "Canon of Ambiguity" described in item #C2 of the
web page "will.htm". However, in reality it is NOT in the interest of
God that everything obeys the "natural cause-effect chain", but it
lies in His interest that it serves well towards accomplishing God's
superior goals. Therefore, while analysing any "facts" from out
surroundings, we always should take under consideration that in the
world created and ruled by God, in the vital interest of this God lies
that "created" (i.e. "fabricated") are these facts only which in the
best manner are to serve the God's goals - even if these facts are
completely separated from the "truth" and they actually contradict the
truth which they supposedly indicate.
In items #A1, #A2 and #E1 of the totaliztic web page "evolution.htm",
outcomes of my research are described on the actual age of our
universe. As from this research stems, the real age of the universe is
just slightly over 6000 years. There is also an extensive wealth of
evidence, that in reality the age of the universe is so low. This
wealth of evidence is presented, amongst others, in subsection JA1.3
from volume 6 of monograph [8/2] (disseminated free of charge via the
totaliztic web page "text_8_2.htm"). But present official human
science, confronted with various empirical findings regarding the
nature, e.g. amongst others confronted with bones of dinosaurs, claims
that the age of the universe already amounts to around 14 billion of
years. The above findings provided me with an illustrative
confirmation, that in the universe ruled by God, empirical evidence
can be, and really is, "fabricated" for important reasons in so
misleading manner, that this evidence is able to contradict the truth
and suggest a complete untruth.
The possibility of "fabrication" of "facts" in the universe created
and ruled by God has this consequence that it undermines, and in
practice also completely invalidates, the to-date methods of
scientific investigations. It also invalidates and categorises as
erroneous all findings to-date accomplished by the official science.
After all in almost all scientific investigations a "non-written
assumption" is taken, that "facts" occurred in the world which neither
was created nor is ruled by God, and thus in which there is NO an
intelligent superior being which for accomplishing some superior goals
is able to "fabricate" facts. On the other hand, for scientists to be
allowed to take such a "non-written assumption" in their
investigations, firstly they would need to prove formally that our
physical world is neither created nor ruled by God. Unfortunately,
official human science, neither presented such a proof so-far, nor
even ever will be able to form a proof for the non-existence of
omnipotent God. After all, as this is illustrated on the totaliztic
web page "god_proof.htm", there is a wealth of scientific evidence
that in spite of everything God does exist, and that this God created
the physical world, and He continually rules over our world. On the
other hand, there is no even a shred of evidence in support of claims
of scientists, that God supposedly does NOT exist, and thus that it is
NOT God who created the physical world.
Of course, through taking the above "non-written assumption" - which
turns out to be false, the official human science commits a basic
error of logical reasoning. Thus the consequence of taking by the
official human science such a "non-written assumption" that "our world
is the world without God", is that all scientific findings to-date can
be untrue.
Independently from bones of dinosaurs, on the Earth various other
strange "facts" and "evidence" is being found, which also display
attributes of God's "fabrications". For example, some findings seem to
suggest, that on our planet technically highly advanced people used to
walk already around 550 millions years ago. Although the official
human science ignores and hides these findings, because they lie in
open contradiction to the official doctrines of present science, until
today a lot of such "facts" was collected. To these belong for example
imprints of human shoes around 550 million years old. (Such imprints
are shown, amongst others, in "Fig. #F1" from the web page "god.htm",
in "Fig. #B1" from the web page "evil.htm", or in "Fig. #5" from the
web page "ufo.htm".) In geological layers from that period are also
being found various metal products of advanced industry. Thus, if we
accept this "non-written assumption" which is adopted currently by the
official human science, that "the Earth was NOT created nor is ruled
by omnipotent God", then such findings and facts would prove
conclusively that people walked over the Earth already around 550
million of years ago. Means, that either already then some relatives
of humans used to arrive to the Earth from space (e.g. in order to
seed the life on the Earth), or already then existed on the Earth some
advanced technical civilisation of humans, similar to our present one.
But is it really true that people walked then over the Earth?
If we accept the fact, that the Earth and people were created and
presently are ruled by God, then it turns out that for various
important reasons God could decide to "fabricate" (i.e. to "create"
and then to introduce into appropriate geological layers) this body of
evidence for the existence of people on the Earth already around 550
million years ago. After all, for the "fabrication" of this evidence
could inspire God e.g. any reason listed in item #A2 from the web page
"evolution.htm". So let us consider now whether there is any evidence
in support of the thesis, that these findings of footprints and other
evidence of the presence of humans on the Earth already around 550
million years ago, in fact were "fabricated" by God for important
reasons. Here are examples of such evidence:
(a) The evidence that the physical world exists only for slightly over
6000 years. This means that around 550 million years ago the Earth
still was NOT created yet. The material evidence for this fact was
already indicated as presented in subsection JA1.3 from volume 6 of
monograph [8/2] (disseminated free of charge via the totaliztic web
page "text_8_2.htm").
(b) The evidence that cosmic relatives of humans do NOT exist in the
permanent manner, but their temporary manifestations are repetitively
"simulated". A wealth of such evidence is presented on totaliztic web
pages. Examples of these include the content of item #F7 from the web
page "evil.htm", or item #D2 from the web page "ufo.htm".
(c) The evidence that around 550 million years ago there were no
enough living organisms on the Earth to support the life of a large
group of people, or the existence of a technical human civilisation.
For example, out of living organisms which remains lasted from that
times until today, there are just so-called "trilobites" (i.e. a kind
of like primitive crayfish). These trilobites in turn are NOT enough
to provide food for a larger group of people.
In order to summarise the above, in the light of what we already know,
people could not walk on the Earth around 550 million years ago for a
simple reason that neither the Earth, nor the physical world, were
already created then. Thus, "facts" and "evidence" which are being
found, that at such early time people were already walking over the
Earth, are another confirmation, that for many vital reasons God
"fabricates" some "facts" - in this number also supposed "evidence"
described here. This in turn reveals to us additionally, that the
human researchers should be very careful how these God's
"fabrications" are interpreted by them.
* * *
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on most vital extensions and improvements introduced to totaliztic web
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it even better. For example, the improvement similar to the above was
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carried out so-far on improvements introduced to totaliztic web pages
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With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak
God does not need to prove that He exists.
> God does not need to prove that He exists.
Then why is it that those countries least kowtow to gods are better off.
for details.
> "Facts" allow us to ....
As result of a Fact Finding Committee?
Do you have in mind such examples of countries, as Saudi Arabia with
its oil reserves, or Malaysia with its speedy advance from a previous
colonial third-world farming status to the present industrial power?
And in a nutshell God did it , so there!
"Godidit" is the despairing cry of the invincibly ignorant.
Now you contradict yourself by judging that "Whatever God is doing,
it always has an important reason...."
> What we really need to be concerned is what humans are doing.
What you "really need to be concerned is what" is a logical
'Godofthegaps' is the straw that drowning theists clutch at!