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Re: Where Have All The Good Kooks Gone?--ANSWERED! OPEL-RED Explained!!

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Sir Arthur CB Wholeflaffers ASA

Dec 9, 2008, 9:51:48 PM12/9/08
On Dec 9, 5:10 pm, Cujo DeSockpuppet <> wrote:
> "Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A." <> wrote
> > On Nov 30, 3:24 am, "HVAC" <> wrote:
> >> Well here it is almost 2009, so let's take a look at
> >> the current state of Kookdom(tm).
> > Capt. Shitley-dead
> > Twit- dead
> > Sage/Sludge-dead
> > Chen De-Stabilizers- neutralized
> > Bryson- Dead
> > EEL- dead
> > M. Davis-pacified
> > THYROID- neutralized
> > Pete Chumpest- neutralized
> > Hutch - brain-dead
> > Ugly Bob-dead-brain
> > HVAC-Please leave
> > Borsch-Ex-member of the NSA
> > Hagar-shits in pants
> > Free-Dumb-Has nobody to play.  Sad:<
> Dream on fArtie.
> --
> Cujo -

There are still a few trouble-spots but the Top Brass are well aware
of these minor irritants. The vast majority of debunkers are now DEAD,
count em: Sagan-DEAD, No-Klass-DEAD, Menzel-DEAD, as are the usenet
useful idiots listed above. Expect a mop-up operation to proceed
under the new Administration, lets call it Operation Eliminate the
Remaining Debunkers or OPEL-RED. It would be very decent of you to
send over the list of all the debunker whereabouts as well as their
supporters, sympathizers and enablers. This will save the country
manpower which be used to build detainment camps for those truth-
terrorists. Cujo, as is stated in the Kurt Russell movie Escape From
New York: I thought you were dead, but I am happy to know that you are
not. So please help us in rounding up the rest of your kooky cult and
you may be a hero for the cause of democracy. I will notify the
General in regards to your cooperation in these sensitive matters!!


Dec 9, 2008, 11:12:02 PM12/9/08

Sir Arthur CB Wholeflaffers ASA wrote:

his usual nonsense

Cujo DeSockpuppet

Dec 9, 2008, 11:26:59 PM12/9/08
Sir Arthur CB Wholeflaffers ASA <> wrote in

We're having a Skep-Ti-Cult(tm) convention next week in Tampa. Come down
and say hello and buy some of our memorabilia while you're here. They
make great Xmas presents for all your friends. Both of them.

There are already 500 reservations made with a few more last minute
guests expected. It's always fun to laugh at gullible saucerheads while
I'm on a paid vacation. So get your ass down here.

Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in dfw.*,
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych. Supreme Holy
Overlord of alt.fucknozzles. Winner of the 8/2000, 2/2003 & 4/2007 HL&S
award. July 2005 Hammer of Thor. Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse
Memorial Dog Whistle - 12/2005 & 4/2008. COOSN-266-06-01895.
"Few things suppress female sexuality more than a flaccid dick and a guy
talking like Mickey Mouse while wearing panties on his head." - Phoenix
Ed "Pantyhead" Wollmann in one sentence.

Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.

Dec 10, 2008, 2:31:50 AM12/10/08
On Dec 9, 8:26 pm, Cujo DeSockpuppet <> wrote:

> Sir Arthur CB Wholeflaffers ASA <> wrote
> > On Dec 9, 5:10 pm, Cujo DeSockpuppet <> wrote:
> >> "Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A." <> wrote
> >> innews:d
> >

I will inform the OctaGon® (the Pentagon within the Pentagon) of those

AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION to the book “Glimpses of Other Realities-Volume
II: High Strangness:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Recent decades
have taught us that physics is a magic window. It shows us the
illusion that lies behind reality—and the reality that lies behind
illusion. Its scope is immensely greater than we once realized. We are
no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, or, fields of
force, or geometry, or even space and time. Today we demand of physics
some understanding of existence itself "

An Air Force intelligence officer once told me about an elderly
colleague, a Colonel, who supposedly spent time with an
extraterrestrial biological entity retrieved from a crashed silver
disc in New Mexico. The Colonel said the being explained
telepathically that this is not the only universe. He said, "Imagine
a large island of white sand and that each sand grain is a different
universe separated from the others by an electromagnetic membrane. And
surrounding the island is a cold, dark sea."

I asked the intelligence officer what the dark sea was and he
answered, "You don't want to know. It would change you forever.” I
argued that I wanted to know the truth no matter what it was. But he
refused to talk further. His silence, like that of the larger
government he worked for, has evolved from a policy of and reverence
for secret knowledge—secrets hidden and protected by the overriding
authority and power of "national security" interests.

Some of the most highly strange, and often contradictory, information
about the UFO phenomenon has come to me from active or retired
military and intelligence operatives who ask to remain anonymous.
Their communications are about alleged government knowledge and cover-
up of contact with one or more non-human intelligences since at least
the 1940s. One exception to the anonymity was my radio interview in
July 1997 with Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso (Ret.) in Roswell, New Mexico
at the time his book The Day After Roswell was published and became a
best-seller. We met at the 50th Anniversary commemoration of the
alleged crash of a disc, or two discs, between Corona and Roswell in
the first week of July 1947. As the Colonel and I shook hands, he
said, "Linda Howe, I have your book (Glimpses, Vol. 1) and want to
know how you got so much classified information?" The Colonel told me
that he had read highly classified documents about extraterrestrials
mutilating animals and abducting humans as early as the 1950s.

Lt. Colonel Corso's book reveals his assignment in 1961-1963 to work
for General Arthur Trudeau, head of Army Research and Development in
the Pentagon in Washington, D. C. where pieces of extraterrestrial
biological entity (EBEs) technologies retrieved from downed alien
craft were stored in a file cabinet. Col. Corso's task, as head of
General Trudeau's Foreign Technology desk, was "to filter the Roswell
(disc) technology into the mainstream of industrial development
through the military defense contracting programs. Today, items such
as lasers, integrated circuits, fiber-optics networks, accelerated
particle-beam devices, and even the Kevlar material in bulletproof
vests are all commonplace. Yet the seeds for their development of all
of them were found in the crash of the alien craft at Roswell and
turned up in my (Pentagon) files fourteen years later."

I had the Colonel's book with me and had underlined pages 267-268
concerning the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars," program
launched in the early 1980s by the Ronald Reagan Administration. The
Colonel wrote:

"We knew who the real targets of the SDI were, and it wasn't a bunch
of ICBM warheads. It was the UFOs, alien spacecraft thinking
themselves invulnerable and invisible as they soared around the edges
of our atmosphere, swooping down at will to destroy our communications
with EMP bursts (electromagnetic pulse), buzz our spacecraft, colonize
our lunar surface, mutilate cattle in their own horrendous biological
experiments, and even abduct human beings for their medical tests and
hybridization of the species. And what was worse, we had to let them
do it because we had no weapon to defend ourselves."

I asked the Colonel if he thought the U. S. was in a secret war with
one extraterrestrial group and allied with another. He said he no
longer had inside information, but assumed that not much had changed
since his Pentagon days working for General Trudeau when the general
considered the EBEs to be a potential threat to national and world
security. I told him I thought the whole truth of the situation was so
complex that it couldn't be easily categorized. He responded
enigmatically, "Linda, there's a new world coming if we can take it."

The Colonel admitted that no one knew exactly all the motives of the
different EBEs and their androids, but they were real and they were
here whether the government denied or the general media ignored.

Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume I grew out of my efforts to
investigate the worldwide crop circle, animal mutilation and human
abduction mysteries through hard physical evidence and firsthand
eyewitness testimony. This Volume II has evolved from human testimony
that often cannot be proved and is so highly strange that the content
can easily be rejected as "too weird to be real." Astronomer J. Allen
Hynek in fact devised a "Strangeness Rating" in his 1972 ground-
breaking book The UFO Experience, A Scientific Inquiry 3 which
introduced the concept of Encounters of the First, Second and Third
Kind ranging from distant lights to actual occupant sightings. Dr.
Hynek wrote: "Each report that has satisfied the definition of UFO
used in this book can be assigned two numbers: its Strangeness Rating
and its Probability Rating. The Strangeness Rating is, to express it
loosely, a measure of how 'oddball' a report is within its particular
broad classification. More precisely, it can be taken as a measure of
the number of information bits the report contains, each of which is
difficult to explain in common-sense terms."

In Chapter 1, the military sources are haunted by secret knowledge of
government projects related to extraterrestrials and/or other-
dimensional intelligences which could include time travelers. Insiders
say there are well defined procedures for debriefings and field
operations to learn as much as possible about non-human intelligences
and their technologies while keeping the public ignorant. Their
insider goals are to prevent public panic, to gain technology for
military, space and civilian use, and to sustain the current socio-
economic-religious status quo for as long as possible.

Some contend that the "big picture" involves the manipulation of past
and present time lines by other life forms trying to survive a dead
end future. The origins of those other life forms might be from
earth's future, or even from an unimaginable place outside this
visible universe. But whatever their origins, one of their goals might
be to influence human genetic development and to access information
from human genes, minds and souls.

Manipulation of minds, bodies and animals by another intelligence and
its sophisticated beam and craft technologies are also issues for
civilian eyewitnesses in Chapter 2. Soil indentations, biochemical and
biophysical changes in plants, and the dead and surgically cut bodies
of animals are physical residues of some kind of technology and
intense energies. Eyewitnesses have even seen animals, and possibly a
human body, rise up inside beams into disc-shaped aerial craft.

In Chapter 3, Florida real estate developer Jim Sparks describes
conscious interactions with grey beings who showed him a series of
holographic images. Sparks understood the images to be his ancestors'
bloodline back to a primate species. "The aliens made us," Sparks
said, "but we're now like parasites destroying the garden and it has
to stop, or we humans are going to be stopped. The alien technologies
are so advanced they could move us to another dimension in a second.
They can change matter into energy and back like it's nothing."

In fact, current earth physicists are redefining the relationship
between mass and energy. In The Sciences, November/December 1994,4
Bernhard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda and H. E. Puthoff outlined a new
physics "in which mass, inertia and gravity arise from underlying
electromagnetic processes" in an article entitled "Beyond E=mc2."
Bernhard Haisch is a staff scientist at the Lockheed Palo Alto
Research Laboratory in California and a regular visiting fellow at the
Max Planck Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching,
Germany. Alfonso Rueda is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at
California State University in Long Beach. H. E. Puthoff is Director
of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas.

The three scientists wrote, "Recent work by us and others now appears
to offer a radically different insight into the relation E=mc2, as
well as into the very idea of mass itself. To put it simply, the
concept of mass may be neither fundamental nor necessary in physics.
In the view we will present, Einstein's formula is even more
significant than physicists have realized. It is actually a statement
about how much energy is required to give the appearance of a certain
amount of mass, rather than about the conversion of one fundamental
thing, energy, into another fundamental thing, mass.

"Indeed, if that view is correct, there is no such thing as mass—only
electric charge and energy, which together create the illusion of

Three-dimensional illusions and other mind manipulations are common to
non-human encounter experiences, as computer scientistJacques Vallee
and writerJohn Keel both pointed out in their early 1960s
investigations. Later Vallee would write, "I believe that the UFO
phenomenon is one of the ways through which an alien form of
intelligence of incredible complexity is communicating with us
symbolically....I believe that the UFO phenomenon represents evidence
for other dimensions beyond space-time; the UFOs may not come from
ordinary space, but from a multiverse which is all around us, and of
which we have stubbornly refused to consider the disturbing reality in
spite of the evidence available to us for centuries....What we see
here is not an alien invasion. It is a spiritual system that acts on
human and uses humans. " 5

Chapter 4 concerns another technology in which humanoid bodies are
cloned and even life force appears to be transferred from one body con
tainer to another. "The aliens seemed very surprised that I was upset,
tha the body was just going to be tossed overboard," said Linda Porter
after medical encounter with large-headed, grey-skinned beings. "They
told m my body was just a container for the soul and of no other
value. They thin} our concept of funerals is barbarous. To them, there
is no difference be tween an empty beer can and an empty body." Also
in Chapter 4, Wanna Lawson says there is an argument between two main
groups of advanced intelligences about the artificial manipulation of
DNA in already-evolvinp life forms to produce creatures such as Homo
sapiens, the one and only living species of the primate genus Homo
which comprises modern humankind.

One possible motive that an advanced intelligence might have for cre
ating Homo sapiens could be the production of a sophisticated android
to dc work on this planet. An android is a synthetic humanoid created
from bio logical materials. If an advanced intelligence engineered
life-seedin projects on planets throughout this and other galaxies,
"caretakers" specifi cally designed to live in a particular atmosphere
and environment would b needed to tend and harvest the planetary
"gardens." Humans might b someone else's android worker whose genetic
material is harvested period cally for other android productions.
Android caretakers might also b used to tend wide varieties of life
forms on planets designed to be livin libraries, zoos or museums.
Perhaps the most challenging concept of al might involve access and
perpetuation of souls in specific life forms fo yet unknown reasons.

Each year the Big Picture has become more complicated, multiplyin into
more and more mysteries. Once upon a time, people argued abou whether
"strange lights in the sky" really were metal discs with extraterre
trial beings in them. The discussion has now evolved to men, women an
children who describe interactions with entities whose motives remain
hid den or confusing, but which demonstrate an ability to control
human mind and bodies with ease. Humans have returned from alleged
alien abductio experiences with descriptions of other realities and a
different cosmolog, —one that includes parallel universes, missing
time or time expansions an compressions, different time lines and time
travellers, multiple dimension and energy beings. The longer I have
tried to study and analyze the various physical and anecdotal residues
of the UFO phenomenon, the deeper I have found myself in a hall of
mirrors with a quicksand floor.

My hope is that the reader of this high strangeness volume will absorb
the chapters in the frame of mind in which I wrote the prologues for
Volume I and Volume II—that good and bad characterizations might be
too simple for the enormity of a Control System that seems to be
involved with our planet, galaxy and universe. Perhaps the main issue
is survival and experimentation to accomplish genetic goals that were
begun thousands of years ago in earth time. But to the Control System,
earth's past, present and future might be simultaneous. The genetic
challenge might also involve a dispute among higher forces about what
is allowable to do with DNA manipulation and artif~cial creation of

I suspect there is truth to the controversial assertion that a non-
earth intelligence interfered genetically with primate evolution on
this planet. So, efforts to understand the modern day non-human
presence is a challenge inextricably bound up with the origin of our
species and what seems to be the forbidden history of humankind. This
quest spirals back to ancient wisdom which long ago tried to explain
who we are and why we are here by pointing to the stars. There, in the
gigantic cosmic theater, it was said that God-made souls entered
different forms to learn and grow in migrations from one reality to



Dec 10, 2008, 5:46:34 AM12/10/08

"Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A." <> wrote in message

> We're having a Skep-Ti-Cult(tm) convention next week in Tampa.
>>I will inform the OctaGon® (the Pentagon within the Pentagon) of those

By 'coordinates' you mean the address, right?

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