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PSYCOLOQUY (Conferences: 445 lines)

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Jun 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/17/95
PSYCOLOQUY ISSN 1055-0143 Saturday, 17 June 95 Newsletter Section

(1) Conference: Cybernetics & Systems Research, April 1996, Vienna
(2) Conference: Object Perception & Memory, Nov 1995, Los Angeles
(3) Conference: European Soc for Phil & Psych, Aug/Sept 95, Oxford
(4) Conference: Society for Chaos Theory, Aldephi U, NY
(5) Conference: Legacy of George Boole, June 28-30, Cork, Ireland
(6) Conference: Legal & Ethical Issues, July 20-21, U of Vermont


From: paolo petta <paolo%ai.univ...@Princeton.EDU>
Subject: (1) Conference: Cybernetics & Systems Research, April 1996, Vienna

(EMCSR 1996)

April 9 - 12, 1996

Organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies in cooperation
with Dept. of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of
Vienna and International Federation for Systems Research

Cybernetics - "the study of communication and control in the animal and
the machine" (N.Wiener) - has recently returned to the forefront, not
only in cyberpunk and cyberspace, but, even more important,
contributing to the consolidation of various scientific theories.
Additionally, an ever increasing number of research areas, including
social and economic theories, theoretical biology, ecology, computer
science, and robotics draw on ideas from second order cybernetics.
Artificial intelligence, evolved directly from cybernetics, has not
only technological and economic, but also important social impacts.
With a marked trend towards interdisciplinary cooperation and global
perspectives, this important role of cybernetics is expected to be
further strengthened over the next years.

Since 1972, the biennial European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems
Research (EMCSR) have served as a forum for discussion of converging
ideas and new aspects of different scientific disciplines. As on
previous occasions, a number of sessions providing wide coverage of the
rapid developments will be arranged, complemented with daily plenary
meetings, where eminent speakers will present latest research results.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Acceptance of contributions will be determined
on the basis of Draft Final Papers. These Papers must not exceed 10
single-spaced A4 pages (maximum 43 lines, max. line length 160 mm, 12
point), in English. They have to contain the final text to be
submitted, including graphs and pictures. However, these need not be of
reproducible quality. The Draft Final Paper must carry the title,
author(s) name(s), and affiliation (incl. e-mail address, if possible)
in this order. Please specify the symposium in which you would like to
present your paper. Each scientist shall submit only one paper. Please
send four hard copies of the Draft Final Paper to the Conference
Secretariat (NOT to symposia chairpersons!) Electronic or fax
submissions cannot be accepted.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: October 12, 1995. Submissions received after
the deadline cannot be considered.

about acceptance or rejection no later than December 11, 1995.
Successful authors will be provided by the conference secretariat
at the same time with the instructions for the preparation of the
final paper, which will also be available via ftp and World-Wide

FINAL PAPERS: The final paper will be limited to a maximum of 6 pages
(10-point, double column). Camera-ready copies of the final paper will
be due at the conference secretariat by January 29, 1996. Acceptance of
the final paper will be based on compliance with the reviewers'

PRESENTATION: It is understood that each accepted paper is presented
personally at the Meeting by one of its authors.


CHAIRMAN of the Meeting: Robert Trappl, President
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies

SECRETARIAT: I. Ghobrial-Willmann and G. Helscher
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies

A-1010 Vienna 1, Schottengasse 3 (Austria)
Phone: +43-1-53532810
Fax: +43-1-5320652


From: tarr-m...@CS.YALE.EDU (Michael Tarr)
Subject: (2) Conference: Object Perception & Memory, Nov 1995, Los Angeles



November, 1995
Los Angelos, CA, USA

A growing interest in the topic of visual object perception and object
memory has led several researchers in the field to organize a one day
workshop in conjunction with the Psychonomic Society Meeting. Last
year, several students and faculty gave brief informal presentations of
their recent work. The 1995 meeting of OPAM will take place on the day
before the Psychonomic Society Meeting in Los Angeles. This notice is
to encourage you to attend, and to consider presenting your recent work
on object perception, recognition, and memory. In keeping with OPAM's
informal character, we especially encourage students to participate,
and we encourage all participants to submit their most speculative
and/or current work-in-progress. To ensure that we hear as many ideas
as possible, priority will be given to those who have not presented in
recent years. Depending on how many people express an interest in
presenting, it may also become necessary to review submitted
presentations. If so, then submissions will be rated in terms of both
interest and quality.

Please send submissions to John Hummel (at one of the addresses below)
by June 16. In order to pay for the room where we will meet, it will
be necessary to collect a $10 registration from anyone who wishes to
attend. If possible, please send a check made out to John Hummel
(address below) prior to the meeting. If you wish to present, you can
send the registration fee with your submission.

We will arrange to have an overhead projector and a slide projector
availably for the presentations, but to keep costs down, we will not
reserve a VCR or monitor. Please plan your presentation with this
constraint in mind.

Thank you for your support,
John Hummel and Michael Tarr

OPAM-95, C/O John E. Hummel,
UCLA Dept. of Psychology,
405 Hilgard Ave.,
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1563
or FAX at (310) 206-5895


From: Martin Davies <>
Subject: (3) Conference: European Soc for Phil & Psych, Aug/Sept 95, Oxford


St. Catherine's College
Oxford OX1 3UJ
30 August - 1 September 1995

This conference is supported by the McDonnell-Pew Centre for Cognitive
Neuroscience and by the Mind Association.

The Fourth Annual Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and
Psychology will be held at St. Catherine's College Oxford, from
Wednesday 30 August to Friday 1 September 1995.

The programme includes:
*Invited Lectures* by Michael Posner, Wolfgang Kunne, Jacques Mehler
and Alan Cowey;
*Invited Symposia* on Attention and Space, Emotion and Irrationality,
Foundations of Artificial Life, and Brain Imaging;
plus Submitted Papers and Posters.

The conference desk will open at 9.00 am on Wednesday 30 August.
Coffee will be available from 11.00 am and the first session will
commence at 11.30 am. The final session of the conference will end at
about 4.30 pm on Friday 1 September. There will be a Conference Dinner
on the Friday evening at a cost of approximately 20 pounds per head.

The Euro-SPP and St. Catherine's College would welcome an early
indication of your intention to attend this conference. Please
register now. We will invoice you later. If you pay your Euro-SPP
Membership Fees and return your completed Conference Registration Form
by *Friday 16 June* then a special Conference Registration Fee of 30
pounds will apply.

After that date, the Conference Registration Fee will be 35 pounds for
Euro-SPP members. The Conference Registration Fee for non-members of
the Euro-SPP is 55 pounds.

The complete text of this announcement is available on the
World Wide Web at:

For information about the conference, please contact:
Euro-SPP '95,
Department of Experimental Psychology,
South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UD, England.
Fax: +44 1865


From: 6155GU...@VMS.CSD.MU.EDU
Subject: (4) Conference: Society for Chaos Theory, Aldephi U, NY

Annual International Conference, 1995
Aldephi University, Garden City, NY

The following is the list of presentations scheduled for the conference
as of 16 May, 1995. For registration and workshop information, please
see accompanying files on the FTP site, <>.

Ary Goldberger, MD Harvard Medical School
Chaos versus Fractal Scaling
H. Bruce Stewart, Ph.D. Brookhaven National Laboratories
Phase Space and Classifying Chaotic Attractors

F. Abraham, Waterbury VT
From Gestalt to Gibson: Aspects of dynamical theory
in holistic traditions in early-mid 20th Century Psychology
S. Andermann, Southern Connecticut State University
Self-Organized Criticality and Competitive Behavior
between US States
S. Andermann, Southern Connecticut State University
Punctuated Equilibrium and Incrementalism: Together
again for the first time
S. Ashley & S. Robinson: Chaos theory and Business performance measurement
L. Chamberlain et al:
Panel Discussion: Nonlinear Dynamics and Psychotherapy:
A Meeting of Different Schools
Family Therapy: L. Chamberlain, Colorado Family Center
Strategic/Systemic: R. Hawkins, Austin Regional Clinic
Psychoanalytic: A. Stein, Psychoanalyst and Independent Scholar
Jungian: J. Hollwitz, Creighton University
S. Clair, University of Houston
Stages of change as a dynamical system
K. Dooley, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Cellular automata modeling of TQM implementation
K. Clayton & B. Frey, Vanderbilt University
Studies of mental "noise"
J-P. Dauwalder, P. Lemay, P. Vuadens, V. Pomini,
University of Lausanne, Switzerland,
Psychosocial dynamics of tolerance behavior
M. Dore, Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario
Walrasian general equilibrium and nonlinear dynamics
L. Gaber & R. Guttman, University of Haifa, Israel
Dynamic Patters of mood disorders: Chaos and
Randomness in mood and motor activity
E. Garcia, Stern School of Business, New York University
Complexity and chaos: Applicability to organization
S. Guastello, Marquette University
Hysteresis, bifurcation structure, and search for the
natural rate of unemployment
S. Hagberg, University of Buffalo
Models of power: Chaos theory in social science research
P. Hamilton, Texas Women's University, Symposium Chair
Beyond the metaphorical: Resources for teaching nonlinear
analysis. With:
J. Pollack, TWU
D. Mitchell, TWU
T. Pensabene, TWU
J. Hays & S. Wolff, Boston University, School of Management
Self-organizing systems in the classroom
S. Hwang, Virginia Tech and Sweet Briar College,
Towards a theoretical foundation for sustainability
J. McKenzie, Henley Management College, United Kingdom
Chaos, paradox and learning: Towards a more holistic
strategic paradigm for business
H. McWhinnie, University of Maryland
Chaos theory: An education-based case study
F. Mosca, Thornwood, NY
The celebration of uncertainty: A study of the dynamics
of equanamity
C. Scheier, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Modelling the dynamics of psychological phenomena: An
autonomous agents approach
A. Stein, Psychoanalyst, New York City
Requiem for the ego: Dislodging a metaphysical operator
W. Sulis, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
Toward a formal theory of collective intelligence
L. Sundararajan, Rochester, NY
Myth as strange attractor: Levi-Strauss and chaos theory
W. Tschacher, University of Berne, & C. Scheier, University of
Zurich, Order and complexity in psychotherapy: An
Empirical Approach
D. Vickers, M. Lee, M. Brown, University of Adelaide,
South Australia: Trail-blazing in the labyrinth of intelligence:
The structure, construction, and interpretation of
path-following tests
L. Ward & R. West, University of British Columbia
Can nonlinear forecasting cope with noisy data?
R. Weinberg, National-Louis University, Symposium Chair
Dynamical aspects of applications of chaos theory with
individuals, families and organizations. With:
B. Hudgens, NLU
R. Clark, NLU
T. Zausner, New School for Social Research,
Iconography of Chaos in a Renaissance Painting


From: Paul Mc Kevitt <>
Subject: (5) Conference: Legacy of George Boole, June 28-30, Cork, Ireland

28th-30th June 1995

University College, Cork (UCC)
(150 years old anniversary)

This Conference will open at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 28th June and
close at lunchtime on Friday, 30th June. We are at present finalising
the programme for the conference, and awaiting titles of

Boolean Logic is a logic originated by George Boole (1815-1864) at
University College Cork (UCC) (then Queen's University) in Ireland in
1854. His motivation was to develop a logic of human intelligence.

G.K. Batchelor (Cambridge University)
Robert L. Devaney (Boston University)
Keith Devlin (St. Mary's College of California)
Ivor Grattan-Guinness (Middlesex University)
Theodore Hailperin (Lehigh University)
Desmond MacHale (UCC)
John McCarthy (Stanford University)
Roger Penrose (Oxford University)

There will be an afternoon tour to places of Boolean interest, and
there will be a Conference Dinner on the Thursday night in the Aula
Maxima. (IR 25 per person).

The Conference fee will be $30 (IR 20 pounds) for early registration
before the end of May, or $50 (IR 30 pounds) for registration in June.
This fee includes opening reception, lectures and coffee breaks.
Accompanying persons' fee will be $15 (IR 10 pounds).

Professor Jim Bowen, Dr. Donal Hurley, Professor Desmond MacHale,
Lucette Murray - Committee.

the UCC150 Office (e-mail
or Donal Hurley (e-mail


From: Conferences Institutes <>
Subject: (6) Conference: Legal & Ethical Issues, July 20-21, U of Vermont

The University of Vermont is pleased to announce an upcoming conference
which should be of wide interest to you and your colleagues:

Legal and Ethical Issues:
The Liability Dilemma for
Psychologists and Mental Health Professionals

July 20, 21, and 22, 1995
The Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center
Burlington, Vermont, USA

Presented by The University of Vermont
Sponsored in Part by
Children's Hospital and Judge Baker Children's Center,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

This conference focuses on the legal, liability and ethical issues
confronting psychologists and other mental health professionals
practicing in a changing society. As new practice models develop,
driven by the industrialization of the health care system,
psychologists and other mental health care providers face increasingly
complex issues.

Recent court cases about the confidentiality and responsibility of
managing and safe-guarding patient records, the complex legal issues
surrounding privileged communications and criminal activities, and the
role of the mental health practitioner in the courtroom have all
raised concerns about how practice is conducted. This conference
provides a forum for psychologists and other mental health
professionals to discuss the responsibilities, and special liabilities
in professional practice and explore ways to minimize and manage those

A pre-conference workshop, "Delayed Recall of Traumatic Events," will
be held on July 20, 1995, and features Dr. Daniel Schachter, Harvard
University, and Dr. Karen Olio, New England Mental Health Services.

The subsequent two-day conference (July 21 & 22) will offer 12 sessions
and features recognized speakers including:

*Dr. Gerald P. Koocher, Pediatric Psychologist and Diplomate
in Forensic Psychology; Department of Psychiatry, Children's
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

*Dr. Charles L. Robinson, Forensic Psychologist, author of
<<Psychological Trauma: Implications for Litigation>> and
<<Interventions in Community Tragedy>>

*Bruce Goldstein, JD, Associate Professor, State University of New
York at Buffalo, author of <<Legal Rights of Persons with
Disabilities & Analysis of Federal Law>>

*Dr. Phil Pierce, former Chair of the American Psychology Assoc-
iation Ethics Committee and co-author of <<APA Ethics Code>>;
current chair, Maine Psychological Association Committee on Ethics

*Dr. Bruce E. Bennett, Executive Director of the American Psychol-
ogical Association Insurance Trust, Washington, DC and author of
<<Professional Liability and Risk Management>>

APA Continuing Education Credits (CEC's) are available for
participation in this conference.

For a brochure with a complete program schedule and registration
information, please contact us through any of the following means:

via e-mail
via telephone 800-639-3188 (toll-free within the USA)

via post UVM Conferences
Attn: Legal & Ethical Issues
30 South Park Drive
Colchester, VT 05446

We sincerely appreciate your interest in this conference and invite all
your questions/comments. Please excuse any cross-postings on the
internet. We encourage you to distribute information about this timely
conference to all colleagues who might be interested.

End of PSYCOLOQUY Digest

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