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Einstein Gyroscope

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The Starmaker

Nov 25, 2023, 4:16:22 AM11/25/23
The Patent Office
At the Swiss Patent Office, Einstein’s job was to consult with
inventors. Only
one of his written opinions on patent applications is left , the
documents having been routinely destroyed. This opinion is on an
machine with short- circuit brushes and opposing auxiliary spools for
spark prevention. Einstein off ers not a single good word for the patent
it is “incorrect, inaccurate, and unclear.” He also gave the
requirements for a
correct application: it should note only characteristics of the subject
of the
patent that are in the claim, and each par tic u lar embodiment should
to the main claim of the main patent and the claims of the actual
? His advice did not help the inventor. A revised application was
two months later, but Einstein was still not satisfi ed with it.
We have indirect evidence of a further case. A certain Ignacy Moscicki,
of a way to produce nitrogen acid from the atmosphere, of a new method
of concentrating nitrogen acid and sulfuric acid, and of high power
submitted an application to the Swiss Patent Offi ce in 1906. It dealt
with an arc furnace for the production of nitric acid, in which the arc
rotated by an electromagnet.? As the designated expert, Einstein was
Expert Opinions
38 The Practical Einstein
cially interested in why the electric arc changed its orientation in a
fi eld. He gave a positive opinion of the application. The story, fi rst
aired in
1934,? was rediscovered by Zofi a Golab-Meyer.?
That Moscicki and Einstein did meet in Bern is confi rmed by an exchange
of letters in 1932. Einstein asked Moscicki for help in getting a
position for an
acquaintance of his. In the introductory sentences, he remarked that “I
that you were originally a physical chemist, and I hear that even now
you work
as an or ga niz er for scientifi c and technological research.” ? The
letter was addressed
“To Mr. President of Poland Professor Dr. Moscicki.” Moscicki, the
successful inventor and scientist, returned to Poland in 1912, where he
named professor of chemical physics and technical electrochemistry at
Technical University of Lwów (present- day Lviv, Ukraine), and in 1926
elected president of Poland.
In reply, Moscicki emphasized the meager prospects in Poland for
protégé, but he also mentioned that Einstein’s letter gave him par tic u
lar pleasure,
because it reminded him of their meeting in Bern and later in Fribourg.?
From Einstein’s next letter we learn that he remembered their meeting
with great satisfaction, especially the one in Fribourg with Kowalski.?
encounter in Bern may have been in the patent offi ce, but the
University of
Bern cannot be excluded either, for Einstein succeeded in getting the
legendi (permission to teach) there around February 28, 1908, and he was
there from April 21, 1908, to August 4, 1909. In May and June 1908, he
also worked at the University of Fribourg in Professor Albert Gockel’s
on his fi rst invention, an electrometer for small quantities of
(see chapter 4), and on May 24, 1909, he attended a physics colloquium
In addition, Professor Joseph Kowalski (Józef Wierusz- Kowalski),
of physics at the university, was interested in this electrometer,?? so
there was
ample opportunity to meet Moscicki, for he served as Assistent to
from 1896 to 1912.
Three more patents are supposed to have gone through Einstein’s hands:??
an electrical typewriter with shuttle- type carrier,?? a gravel
sorter,?? and a meteorological
station controlled by ambient humidity.??
Hermann Anschütz- Kaempfe, the inventor of the gyrocompass and own er of
gyrocompass factory in Kiel, Germany, sued the American Sperry
Expert Opinions 39
Company.?? The competition between them had turned fi erce when, in
Sperry sold a compass to the German navy. Selling gyrocompasses was a
business at the time. They could be used on ships, submarines, and
because metal structure does not distort their indication as it does
with magnetic compasses. In addition, in the de cade before the First
War, Germany intended to build a navy comparable to or outrivaling
One of the Anschütz patents allegedly infringed was DE182855,?? which
protected the original design. Sperry claimed that the patent was void,
for it
was not new when compared to a previous patent of Marinus G. van den
The other patent that Anschütz claimed to be infringed, DE236200,??
a means of damping unwanted oscillations.
The fi rst hearing of November 10, 1914, was adjourned, but the court
advised the parties to choose an impartial expert living not far from
in order to keep expenses low. The court submitted a list of potential
including Arnold Sommerfeld, professor in Munich, and Felix Klein,
in Göttingen, who were coauthors of a book on gyroscopes.?? The fi rst
on the list was, however, Einstein’s, perhaps because he was a Berliner,
and the
court selected him. A court expert’s duty was to answer questions
to attend the proceedings, and to provide oral testimony.??
The next hearing took place on January 5, 1915. Einstein failed to
the court; he was not well prepared. To make his task easier, the court
four questions to be answered in a written report and presented at the
next hearing:
1. What are the physical principles of gyrocompasses?
2. What are the diff erences between Anschütz’s compass and other
gyrocompasses, in par tic u lar the compass patented by Van den Bos as
3. What is the gist of the invention patented in DE236200; and did this
invention make it possible to produce the fi rst, perfectly working
4. What are the similarities and diff erences between the Anschütz and
Sperry compasses, and had Sperry made use of Anschütz’s two
inventions to such an extent that his compass was technically similar
to Anschütz’s compass?
Einstein answered the questions on February 6, 1915.?? He gave a clear
of the principles of gyroscopes and gyrocompasses (question 1) and
40 The Practical Einstein
declared that Anschütz was the fi rst to produce the fi rst usable
with damped oscillations (question 3), which he achieved in his second
with a method better than Van den Bos’s. Einstein denied the novelty of
Anschütz’s fi rst patent, giving priority to Van den Bos (question 2).
Finally, he
declared that Sperry did make use of Anschütz’s fi rst patent but
doubted that
the second was infringed (question 4), that is, he accepted Sperry’s
as an original idea.
Apparently neither the court nor Anschütz was happy with Einstein’s
for Sperry. In the second hearing on March 26, Einstein did not convince
the court with his opinion, so he was given two further questions.
The fi rst question practically repeated the previous question 2, asking
to explain the relationship between Anschütz’s and Van den Bos’s
The second question reformulated the earlier question 4: How far had
made use of the ideas in Anschütz’s two patents in his own compass
to the German navy?
Einstein prepared a supplementary opinion on August 7.??
Aft er a meticulous study of the patent specifi cations, he concluded
Anschütz’s fi rst patent did indeed diff er from Van den Bos’s
To answer the second question, Einstein tested a Sperry compass. He
confi rmed that Sperry made use of Anschütz’s fi rst patent, but, in
to his fi rst opinion, he declared that the same is true for the second
This time he received no further questions, and the court decided in
of Anschütz.
Why did Einstein change his mind? Apparently he had not immersed himself
in the case deeply enough. When in 1918 Anschütz asked him to serve as
his private expert in another proceeding, Einstein expressed the self-
hope that in the future “the insuffi cient understanding of impartial
would not cause damage to Anschütz and make him angry.??
In this case, Anschütz- Kaempfe considered that a patent application of
Gesellschaft für nautische Instrumente (GNI)?? infringed upon his patent
DE241637.?? The GNI invention was an arrangement to avoid erroneous
of gyrocompasses when the ship is rolling. He asked Einstein to serve
as a private expert on his behalf?? and solicited an opinion from him on
the method proposed by the GNI fell within the scope of protection of
his patent
or not.?? Einstein’s opinion submitted on July 7, 1918, is not
available. Apparently
Anschütz was not satisfi ed with it, and he requested another one.??
Expert Opinions 41
Einstein began his second opinion with an analysis of how the motion of
ship infl uences the gyroscope (fi g. 3.1).??
Let the rotating gyroscope be suspended from P by a solid rod a. If it
between A" and A' in a plane to which its axis of rotation stays
it will not change its direction. But if it swings perpendicular to the
plane (between B" and B'), its axis of rotation will oscillate
perpendicular to
the plane of its swing, but the time average is zero. Consequently, the
change will not present an insurmountable diffi culty in indicating the
correct cruising direction.
If, however, the gyro swings in a direction that is a combination of
two directions, a torque may appear that makes the gyroscope’s axis of
rotate with respect to the vertical. Both the Anschütz and the GNI
aim to eliminate this eff ect.
Anschütz’s patent gives two ways to avoid or minimize this eff ect: to
prevent swings from A" to A' (which is eff ectively the same as allowing
swings from B" and B'), or to use two or more gyroscopes with their axes
parallel to each other. If two gyros are mounted in a frame this way,
any rotation
Figure 3.1. Gyroscope motion.
42 The Practical Einstein
of the axes is prevented by inertial forces if the angle between the
axes is kept
fi xed by a nonrigid connection. The patent does not stipulate that the
be horizontally arranged; the only requirements are that the resulting
moment of all the gyros has a horizontal component on which gravitation
and that the gyro axes be nonrigidly connected and not positioned
parallel to
each other. Einstein declared that the claims are expounded so clearly
that, by
following them, any engineer with a knowledge of the subject can build a
Then he turned to the GNI patent application. It also uses two
with nonparallel axes and connected with a nonrigid connection, so it is
that it falls within the main claim of the Anschütz patent. The only
left is whether its construction represents a technical improvement.
Einstein said no.
He concluded that the subject of the GNI application fell within the
of protection of the Anschütz patent, and its specifi c features are
neither novel
inventions nor practical developments.
Maybe the applicant succeeded in presenting arguments to prove that
these specifi c features did represent novel invention; maybe the
lawsuit took a
diff erent course for other reasons. We do not know, because the
documents of
the court and patent administration are no longer available. We only
know that
Anschütz lost the case and that a patent,?? along with two additional
was granted to GNI in 1918.
The encounter was, however, not settled at this point. In the spring of
the manager of GNI, Professor Oscar Martienssen, approached Einstein and
requested that he withdraw his opinion of 1918 because Anschütz intended
use it against GNI.?? He argued that Einstein’s opinion was based on
and he wanted to avoid protracted and time- consuming discussions in
courts that would take Einstein’s “invaluable talent” away from “more
things.” If Einstein agreed, there would be no need of attacking him in
court. From the formulation, one may infer that Anschütz had lodged
suit against GNI.
Martienssen called Einstein’s attention to a mistake that he himself had
made in an earlier publication,?? but later corrected.?? He also added
that Richard
Grammel followed the same erroneous considerations in his book on
?? but later he also realized it was a mistake. Apparently Martienssen
supposed that Einstein had relied on these publications when he prepared
Expert Opinions 43
Martienssen’s second objection was that Einstein had given no reason why
the patent application was dependent on Anschütz’s patent. The Anschütz
patent states explicitly that the invention refers to a supplementary
gyro in the
moving system and not to a system with a gyro for stabilizing the
suspension. The GNI application, however, uses a stabilizing gyro.
Anschütz’s patent can be constructed using two auxiliary gyros but not
with only one, with its axis perpendicular to the northward directing
The spring that joins the two gyros is of fundamental importance for the
Anschütz patent, whereas for the GNI application the vertical gyro is fi
mounted on the ground plate.
“You may rest assured,” Martienssen added, “that I feel terrible about
these lines to you whom I sincerely hold in high esteem for your eminent
Einstein did not understand the letter, simply because he did not
the proceedings that had taken place four years earlier.?? He asked
for clarifi cation, forwarded Martienssen’s letter to Anschütz the same
and doubted that Martienssen was right, “despite his arrogant tone.” The
following day, Martienssen replied to him and attached copies of the
patents,?? as well as a copy of Einstein’s 1918 opinion. He also added a
objection: in his opinion, Einstein had explicitly stated that
direction- indicating system was equipped with two or more gyroscopes
that in the patent of GNI the same system has only one gyro. Why was it
that in his further considerations Einstein mentioned two gyros in the
patent application? In it, the stabilizing gyro has nothing to do with
the direction
The hearing began on April 11, 1922, in Kiel.?? On April 12 Einstein
a supplementary opinion, but it is not available. Anschütz won the
GNI submitted an appeal to the Higher Regional Court on June 9.
Einstein prepared a second supplementary opinion.?? In the particulars
the appeal, he wrote, a patent was mentioned to demonstrate that there
patents on gyrocompasses with constructions similar to Anschütz’s
but had not been considered to infringe upon it.?? This patent did not
means to eliminate or minimize the rolling error. The opposite
statements in
the particulars are untrue.
Then he refl ected on the opinions of two experts. The fi rst maintained
the GNI application had a specifi c feature that Anschütz’s patent does
Einstein replied that the same feature was explicitly described in it
and that,
44 The Practical Einstein
at present, it is not the complete in de pen dence of the patents at
stake but the
question of whether the GNI patent is dependent on Anschütz’s patent or
He summarized his reply to the opinion of the second expert in three
1. Anschütz’s patent is the fi rst to realize that the rolling error
on the swing period of the directional system around the gyro axis,
and it is the fi rst to off er a means to avoid or signifi cantly reduce
2. The inspected instruments (apparently each fi rm presented one of its
own) use gyroscopes to reduce swinging.
3. In these instruments, the gyros that slow down the swing are not
mounted directly on the base of the directional gyro but on a component
part, which is connected to the others with rigid connection.
Anschütz’s patent would be already infringed if only the fi rst point
were a
feature of the GNI patent, but because all three points are shared by
it, the
GNI patent is technically the same as the Anschütz patent.
There was a second session on July 10, 1922. Einstein’s main role was as
“bogeyman.” ?? Anschütz won again. The last information on this suit is
“the scoundrel did not get away with his tricks” ??— an impolite and
remark from Einstein’s pen for, as we saw, Martienssen was polite and
clear technical objections to Einstein’s opinion. While Einstein’s fi
rst reaction
to Martienssen’s approach was to call his tone “arrogant,” we have ample
for Schell’s remark, that “the impartial expert had long since become a
good and thoroughly partial friend of Anschütz- Kaempfe and his fi rm.”
In Einstein’s next case, the defendant was Franz Drexler, and again the
plaintiff Anschütz- Kaempfe.?? Drexler, a trained pi lot, had been
working on
a gyrocompass with Anschütz and, aft er having left the company, tried
sell it through his newly founded company, the Kreiselbau Co. The
was a gyrocompass for indication of vertical and horizontal turns of
In his opinion of July 23, 1919, Einstein set out by explaining the
of a gyroscope that has two degrees of freedom (fi g. 3.2).??
Let a gyroscope be mounted in an inner gimbal R, which can turn around
axis B–B in an outer gimbal G. Springs F restore the position of R
whenever it
is forced to leave the plane of G. Let the gyroscope be mounted on an
with the plane of G parallel to the wings. When the airplane gains or
Expert Opinions 45
height, R will not leave the plane of G, because its axis of rotation
A–A is
shift ed parallel. When, however, the airplane turns to the right or
left , R will
step out of this plane by turning around B–B and will keep the new
until the turn is fi nished. Einstein calls this arrangement the “turn
How can up and down turns be indicated? Maybe with a simple plumb line.
Let us suspend such a line L in a plane P and keep P horizontal (fi g.
3.3). Until
they move uniformly, L and P will make a rectangle. If P is accelerated,
L will
lag behind, and so they will not stay perpendicular to each other. The
happens should P turn up or down.
This simple pendulum cannot provide a precise indication of up and down
turns, for it is possible that if the airplane is accelerated and turned
at the same time, L and P could remain perpendicular. Let us call this
as Einstein did, the “plumb indicator.”
Now return to the gyrocompass and fi x R on G in a line lying higher
the center of mass of R and K. In addition, remove the springs F. By
doing so,
we combine a gyroscope and a plumb indicator, which, however, cannot
directly whether the airplane is turning or not. Einstein calls this a
Aft er these preparatory considerations, Einstein answered fi ve
put by the court. Because we do not have the original court document,
Einstein’s answers do not follow the numbering of the questions, I can
summarize them.
Figure 3.2. Gyrocompass.
Albert Einstein, “Court Expert
Opinion in the Matter of
Anschütz & Co. vs. Kreiselbau
Co.,” July 23, 1919. Courtesy
Albert Einstein Archives, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
46 The Practical Einstein
Anschütz’s patent consists of a gyro pendulum and a plumb indicator.??
indications of the two instruments must be compared to follow the fl
ight on a
general curve. Even though this is not the fi rst patent that indicates
the change
of orientation,?? it is the fi rst to indicate vertical turns.
Anschütz can claim priority not in the application of a gyro pendulum
in the combination of this pendulum with the plumb indicator, and,
it is only this combination that can help fl ight in a curve, the patent
technical progress of inventive importance.
Drexler’s patent follows the same principle as Anschütz’s, Einstein
it makes use of two gyroscopes with horizontal axes (even though
as a turn indicator) and of a plumb indicator. Whether the plumb
is a separate device, as with Anschütz’s, or it is the turn indicator
that is turned into a plumb indicator as with Drexler’s, makes no diff
of principle. There is, however, a technical diff erence between them:
device indicates right and left turns directly, not as a diff erence
between the
indications of two instruments.
Einstein felt that this opinion sounded obscure for the lawyers, so he
appended an explanation, as he put it, in a “freer form,” an application
set theory.
Figure 3.3. Turn indicator.
Albert Einstein, “Court Expert Opinion in the Matter of Anschütz & Co.
Kreiselbau Co.,” July 23, 1919. Courtesy Albert Einstein Archives, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Expert Opinions 47
Consider a plane P whose points represent all the possible technical
of all the patent inventions. The embodiments of a par tic u lar
make a region G of this plane. Had the inventor a complete knowledge of
all the embodiments of his invention, that is, of G, he should be
considered as
the only own er of them. He has, however, only a limited knowledge of G;
can be various technical embodiments of his idea of which he does not
and which may have novel technical features. Such cases can be called
inventions.” Whether such an invention may have some legal rights
is a problem for lawyers.
Drexler’s patent is a “dependent invention” in this sense: dependent on
Anschütz’s patent, for it serves the same goal and uses the same
but it is a genuine invention, too, for it uses only one indicator in
place of two,
and so it produces its result more safely and with greater precision.
patent covers Anschütz’s patent, but it does not copy or circumvent it.
Neither parties were satisfi ed with Einstein’s opinion. According to
Anschütz’s patent lawyer, Hugo Licht, it was “not negligibly weak”;??
Einstein was requested to fi nd new arguments in Anschütz’s favor.
Einstein called the director of regional court and explained that when
he had formulated his opinion, he was staying in Switzerland and, upon
returning to Berlin, he found documents that he had not been able to
He would like to complete his opinion by taking them into
He submitted a supplementary opinion on October 9, 1919, of which only
paragraph is extant, quoted in Licht’s letter to Anschütz.?? In it, he
that it was Anschütz’s patent that fi rst proposed a gyroscope with two
of freedom and with a horizontal axis of rotation to keep track of the
direction change of the aircraft , and Drexler’s turn indicator is also
on this idea.
On the hearing of November 4, under the pressing questions of Drexler,
Einstein admitted that if a pi lot had known of a paper published in
1910 on
a turn indicator,?? it would not have been necessary to wait for an
With this, he weakened the technical importance and priority of
1917 patent. Licht explained Einstein’s point by saying that an eminent
uses stronger criteria than a judge for what can be considered an
Anschütz won the case, but Drexler appealed. Einstein was again proposed
as an expert, but because the court expected a second expert who was
48 The Practical Einstein
informed in both the theory of gyroscopes and the behavior of airplane
during curved fl ight,”?? Anschütz proposed two further candidates,
Grammel, professor at the Technical University of Stuttgart, and Ludwig
Prandtl, professor of aerodynamics at the University of Göttingen, an
authority and pioneer in the theory of fl ight. Prandtl confessed that
he could not qualify as a practical expert because he had never actually
fl own,
but he could not resist to add, “When Professor Einstein, who certainly
has a
weaker knowledge of fl ight than I do, appears as an expert, that will
be very
interesting indeed.”?? In the end, the court picked a third person, Hans
Wolff ,
an engineer at the German Test Institution for Aviation (Deutsche
für Luft fahrt) in Berlin- Adlershof, as a fl ight expert partner of
In its session of January 7, 1922, the court solicited a comment on
Wolff ’s
opinion from Einstein, which he presented on January 18.?? Wolff ’s
opinion is
not available.
Einstein essentially maintained his earlier opinion that Drexler’s
falls within the area of protection of Anschütz’s patent, even though a
patent from 1916,?? not known to him when preparing his fi rst opinion,
restrict this area. He proposed a formulation of the specifi c novelty
Anschütz’s patent that would stand even in this case as “a clearly
combination of a gyro pendulum and an apparatus for indication of the
of the apparent gravity.”
The case ended with a settlement out of court, and Kreiselbau retracted

Carter Moloshnikov

Nov 25, 2023, 10:24:17 AM11/25/23
J. J. Lodder wrote:

> More Einstein fun by the same author in József Illy, Albert Meets
> America: How Journalists Treated Genius during Einstein's 1921 Travels
> <
> For our American friends, where is the cover photograph taken?
> A parade in New York?

𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹𝗶 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗹 𝗔𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 ‘𝗙𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝗴’ 𝗪𝗮𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗧𝗼 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗲𝘁 𝗼𝗿 𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹

𝗕𝗼𝗺𝗯𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁: 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮 𝗥𝗮𝗻 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝗼 𝗦𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗩𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀

𝗚𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗕𝗼𝗮𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗕𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗗𝗶𝗲 𝗜𝗻 2024 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰

The Starmaker

Nov 25, 2023, 3:07:31 PM11/25/23
patdolan wrote:

> I find I don't have the attention span to read this entire post, Starmaker. Boil it down for us. Did Einstein use his privileged position in the patent office to steal and plagiarize other applicant's ideas then file on them hizself? RH has claimed with great credulity that Einstein was on the make to get his fortune by any means necessary

too much turkey?

You don't have to read anymore..
you just copy and paste
and let ChatGPT read it for you...
then prompt: gimme it in a nutshell

Albert Einstein worked at the Swiss Patent Office, where he provided
expert opinions on patent applications.
In one case, he criticized an alternating current machine, deeming its
patent claim incorrect.
Another case involved Ignacy Moscicki's application for an arc furnace,
which Einstein approved.
The story indicates that Einstein interacted with inventors, offering
opinions and sometimes changing his stance.
Additionally, Einstein was involved in a legal dispute between
gyrocompass inventors Anschütz and Drexler, where he initially
favored Anschütz but later faced challenges to his opinion. The case
eventually settled out of court.

Translation: They bribed Einstein and gave him patent credit.

The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.

The Starmaker

Nov 26, 2023, 4:28:21 PM11/26/23
J. J. Lodder wrote:
> The Starmaker <> wrote:
> > J. J. Lodder wrote:
> > >
> > > The Starmaker <> wrote:
> > >
> > > [snip large and poor quality extract from]
> > >
> > > József Illy, The Practical Einstein: Experiments, Patents, Inventions
> > > <
> /1421411717>
> > >
> > > More Einstein fun by the same author in
> > > József Illy, Albert Meets America: How Journalists Treated Genius
> > > during Einstein's 1921 Travels
> > > <
> 4578>
> > >
> > > For our American friends, where is the cover photograph taken?
> > > A parade in New York?
> > >
> > > Jan
> >
> > Einstein and his wife New York City 1921
> No ticker tape, obviously. I have seen the book in the meantime.
> There were many parades, wherever Einstein and Weizmann went.
> Motorised police escorts, hundreds of cars, brass bands,
> cheering crowds. Mass meetings and theatre performances.
> They did what they could to promote Zionism in general,
> and fundraising for the setting up of Hebrew University in Jerusalem
> in particular,
> Jan

Most people are not aware that the word Zionism actually stands

and the goal of Hebrew University in Jerusalem is too controll ALL
information, documents, letters on Albert Einstein, from the rest of the

Outsiders are not allowed to read it. including yous goys scientists.

If you want to read any letter or document by Albert
first have to kill them all.


Nov 26, 2023, 4:54:32 PM11/26/23
Tell that woman, "Jan" (why are so many Jans in that dumb newsgroup to
begin with?), that what they did in that period had nothing to do with
"Zionism", but an indirect support for communism. Jews wanted to take
communism everywhere that people of European descent lived, to punish
them with it. Rightfully so, too.

Archimedes Plutonium

Nov 26, 2023, 5:18:14 PM11/26/23

50 F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine wins and ends the war.




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Any ascii Jets?
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Greg Goebel's profile photo
Greg Goebel
Mar 13, 1995, 10:34:47 AM

Pete Wilson ( wrote:
: Could someone please post some ascii Jet fighters for me? I would really
: like to have and F-16 pic! Thanks
This is from a list I got off the Net some time ago and edited to my taste:

from Joseph Hillenburg \ / +----o0o----+

Comet by Dave Goodman __|__ ------oo(_)oo------

F-4 Phantom by .
Curtis Olson ( \__[0]__/

twin engine fighter | |
by Jim Knutson --=oOo=-- Check Six! +

Jeff R. Sents \ / _____-/\-_____ \\//

Rob Logan -----|----- *>=====[_]L)

Helicopter from -----|-----
E Curtis *>=====[_]D -'-`-

by Kay R. Fisher | ---------------O---------------

JAS-39 Gripen |
Isaac Kuo __ n __ X------[O]------X

SR-71 Blackbird front / ^ \
David Williams ---(.)==<-.->==(.)---

P-38 _|______|_
Kim R. Volz ----(*)=()=(*)----

YF-2[23] \ /
Jason Nyberg ____\___/O\___/____ \_\\_//_/

F-18 Hornet \ /
Kenneth E. Bailey x________\(O)/________x o o O(.)O o o

Fouga Magister by Geoff Miller \ /
geo...@purplehaze.Corp.Sun.COM \ _ /

Formation (Avro Canucks?) __|__ *---o0o---*
by Matt Kenner __|__ *---o0o---* *---o0o---*

F4U4 Phantom from /O\
Chad B. Wemyss \_______[|(.)|]_______/ o ++ O ++ o

\ _ /
F-18 Hornet *__________\_(0)_/__________*
Greg Knoch @ @ (](_o_)[) @ @
New Mexico State o o

IGJAS 39 Grypen ____O____
Urban Fredriksson x-----=[[.]]=-----x * X 0' X *

___ n ___
Urban Fredriksson x---=O(.)O=---x

F16 by: |
(Grand Moff Tarkin) (O) X--------<_._>--------X

\ _ /
YF-22 by: \ /_\ /
Paul Adams Jr. ____________\___/_._\___/____________ \ \ / /

YF-23 by: \ __ /
Paul Adams Jr. \ ____/__\____ / ___________\/___/____\___\/___________
\ \____/ /
\__/ \__/

YF-22 prototypes \ /
Jeff R. Sents _____-/\-_____
home: \_\/_/ \ /
work: _____-/\-_____

Saab 105 Sk 60 |
Urban Fredriksson __________|__________ [/___\]

| |
F-15 Eagle from | _ |
Chad B. Wemyss ______________|_( )_|______________ o +|+ [ ( o ) ] +|+ o

F-101 One-O-Wonder (Voodoo) |

F-104 Star Fighter |
* *

B2 Bomber from: \ \
Isaac Kuo \ \ / \
< )>
\ /
/ /
/ /

/ \
F-117A Nighthawk //V\\
Rafael Yedwab / \|/ \
Clark University /// v \\\
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ /| |\ \
/ / \ / \ \
\ / X X \ /
\/ / \ / \ \/
/ V \
| |

50 F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine wins the war.

Upload 50 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine and get this war over with for victory to Ukraine. F-16 is the gamechanger-- it blows up trenches and destroys Russian airspace. Russia is defeated against the F-16.

I do not know if China is defeated against F-16s, and maybe someone in the military can voice opinion on this.

███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
Radio Wave & Laser Rifle to shoot down GLONASS and BeiDou satellites

Xi masses troops on Russian border to take back Outer Manchuria of the Qing dynasty. If you do not know the history, Russia stole Outer Manchuria and Vladivostok from China.

While Putin is too busy with his personal war, Xi thinks time is ripe to get back what belongs to China in the first place. OUTER MANCHURIA and especially Vladivostok.

Xi gives the Chinese people a Christmas gift--- Outer Manchuria-- the beloved Old China

I am not positive we can take out GLONASS and BeiDou from ground based radio and microwaves and laser waves, even jamming.

But I am certain that we can put a satellite in orbit that is a wrecking ramming satellite that does take out GLONASS and BeiDou. I am certain of this because several countries have robotic satellites that maintenance their fleet of satellites. And to this end, we need such a wrecking ball satellite immediately up there.

[Note, graphics found in sci.physics when Nomen Nescio used to spam sci.physics with a fake FAQ.]

███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
Satellite RIFLE to shoot down GLONASS, Iran,and BeiDou satellites.

Hooray!! End the Ukraine war

Easiest way to end the Ukraine invasion by Russia, start felling GLONASS satellites, fell them directly with radar laser pulses or jam them to fall.

Now I thought GLONASS Russian satellites numbered in the thousands, for the Internet is lousy on this question of how many satellites, for recently BBC was vague with a estimate of 600 satellites, yet another web site said 42,000. But apparently only 24 are operational for GLONASS. And my take on this is that satellites are precarious vessels and easily for something to go wrong and be inoperative. All the better to look for flaws in engineering to down all 24 GLONASS Russian satellites.

So, easy easy Achilles tendon in all of the Russian ICBM military strategy, for knock out the 24 and you in a sense, knock out the entire Russian ICBM arsenal, for they no longer have any navigation.

And if the West is on its top shape and form in technology, we want the West Scientists to figure out how to intercept the Russian ICBM and cause it to fall upon Russia and explode upon Russia.

Get the best electronics and electrical engineers of the West to figure out how to cause all Russian launched and Chinese launched ICBMs to explode on home territory.

Caveat: if the West can do it, mind you, the Chinese and Russians will want to steal those secrets from the West and that should never be allowed--Ultimate Top Secret classification that not even a punk weirdo president like Trump cannot see, nor mention to him for he would likely sell it for a golf course in some foreign enemy country.

Google search reveals
GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema, or Global Navigation Satellite System) is a global GNSS owned and operated by the Russian Federation. The fully operational system consists of 24+ satellites.Oct 19, 2021

Other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) - GPS.gov › systems › gnss
About featured snippets

People also ask
How many satellites are in the GLONASS?
As of 15 October 2022, 143 GLONASS navigation satellites have been launched, of which 131 reached the correct orbit and 24 are currently operational.

List of GLONASS satellites - Wikipedia › wiki › List_of_GLONASS_sa...
Search for: How many satellites are in the GLONASS?
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
Nov 5, 2022, 11:02:21 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
Radio Wave--Laser Rifle felling BeiDou satellites

From what I gather on internet, Russia has 24 satellites in operation while BeiDou China has 35.
> ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂
> I███████████████████].
> ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤...
Radio Wave-- LASER RIFLE to shoot down the premier BeiDou satellite.
Ending the dumb and stupid petty dictators launching rockets from North Korea.

It is respectfully request help from engineers in Japan to help fell the BeiDou satellites that navigate the illegal North Korea launches.

--- quoting Wikipedia ---
The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS; Chinese: 北斗卫星导航系统; pinyin: Běidǒu Wèixīng Dǎoháng Xìtǒng) is a Chinese satellite navigation system. It consists of two separate satellite constellations. The first BeiDou system, officially called the BeiDou Satellite Navigation Experimental System and also known as BeiDou-1, consisted of three satellites which, beginning in 2000, offered limited coverage and navigation services, mainly for users in China and neighboring regions. BeiDou-1 was decommissioned at the end of 2012. The second generation of the system, officially called the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) and also known as COMPASS or BeiDou-2, became operational in China in December 2011 with a partial constellation of 10 satellites in orbit. Since December 2012, it has been offering services to customers in the Asia-Pacific region.

In 2015, China launched the third generation BeiDou system (BeiDou-3) for global coverage. The first BDS-3 satellite was launched on 30 March 2015. On 27 December 2018, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System started providing global services. The 35th and the final satellite of BDS-3 was launched into orbit on 23 June 2020. It was said in 2016 that BeiDou-3 will reach millimeter-level accuracy (with post-processing). On 23 June 2020, the final BeiDou satellite was successfully launched, the launch of the 55th satellite in the Beidou family. The third iteration of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System provides full global coverage for timing and navigation, offering an alternative to Russia's GLONASS, the European Galileo positioning system, and the US's GPS.

According to China Daily, in 2015, fifteen years after the satellite system was launched, it was generating a turnover of $31.5 billion per annum for major companies such as China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, AutoNavi Holdings Ltd., and China North Industries Group Corp. The industry has grown an average of over 20% in value annually to reach $64 billion in 2020 according to Xinhua citing data.

Domestic industry reports forecast the satellite navigation service market output value, directly generated and driven by the Beidou system, will be worth 1 trillion yuan ($156.22 billion) by 2025, and $467 billion by 2035.

Archimedes Plutonium
Nov 5, 2022, 11:20:20 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
Radio Wave--Laser Rifle felling Iran satellites
> From what I gather on internet, Russia has 24 satellites in operation while BeiDou China has 35, that would indicate Iran has but a few satellites.
> > ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂
> > I███████████████████].
> > ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤...
> Radio Wave-- LASER RIFLE to shoot down the premier BeiDou satellite.
> Ending the dumb and stupid petty dictator sending drones to Russia to down Ukraine power utility electric lines.

How many of the Iran satellites are used in drones destroying Ukraine electric grid. We should immediately fell those satellites.

--- quoting Wikipedia on Iran satellites ---
On 22 April 2020, Iran successfully launched "Noor" (Farsi for "Light"), a military satellite, into a 426 x 444 km / 59.8° orbit.

On 8 March 2022, Iran reportedly sent its second “Nour-2” military satellite into 500 km orbit.[55][56]
The Khayyam, a high resolution imaging satellite, was successfully launched into orbit by a Russian Soyuz rocket on 9 August 2022
Unlaunched satellites
Nahid (1), satellite with folding solar panels.
Toloo, is the first of a new generation of reconnaissance satellites being built by Iran Electronics Industries with SIGINT capabilities. It will be launched by a Simorgh.
Nasir 1, Iran's indigenously designed satellite navigation system (SAT NAV) has been manufactured to find the precise locations of satellites moving in orbit.

Zohreh, is a geosynchronous communication satellite which was originally proposed before the Revolution in the 1970s as part of a joint Indian-Iranian project of four Iranian satellites to be launched by the then upcoming NASA Space Shuttles. Iran had also negotiated with France to build and launch the satellites but the project never materialized. In 2005, Iran negotiated with Russia to build and launch the first Zohreh satellite under an agreement worth $132 million with the satellite launch date stipulated as 2007–2008. The new agreement had followed the earlier failed negotiations with Russia in 2003 when Russia cancelled the project under US pressures.
Ekvator, a geosynchronous communications satellite built by ISS Reshetnev for Iran in a continuation of previous Russia-Iran space cooperation efforts. As of October 2022, Ekvator is expected to be launched on a Proton-M rocket in early 2024.

Archimedes Plutonium
Nov 5, 2022, 11:38:31 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
Radio Wave--Laser Rifle felling North Korean satellites
> From what I gather on internet, Russia has 24 satellites in operation while BeiDou China has 35, that would indicate Iran has but a few satellites. And North Korea fewer yet.

> > ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂
> > I███████████████████].
> > ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤...

Radio Wave-- LASER RIFLE to shoot down the 3 North Korean satellites.

Ending the dumb and stupid petty dictator with his endless illegal missile launches. Launches that do nothing of good for anyone. Not even the idiot petty dictator.

Internet search reveals 3 satellites for North Korea. I suspect though, that North Korea launches Chinese missiles and uses BeiDou satellites.

Kwangmyongsong -4

Kwangmyongsong -3

Kwangmyongsong -2

Knock all 3 satellites out with the radio-Laser Wave gun. And that will put an end to the petty dictators toys.

Asking for help from Japan in assistance.

The Starmaker

Nov 27, 2023, 3:06:59 PM11/27/23
> You are back-projecting.
> Remember that Einstein and Weizmann founded Hebrew University back in
> 1918. Yes, that is 1918, less thatn a year after Jerusalem had been
> taken by the British.
> The idea that a state would be possible just didn't exist at the time.
> The desire for a Jewish university is quite understandable,
> given the strong anti-semitism and discrimination
> practiced in academia all over the western world.
> (until well after WWII)
> Jews were discriminated against for faculty appointments,
> and a 'numerus fixus' for Jewish students was nearly universal.
> Eistein and Weizmann had a strong desire to establish
> at least one university where Jews would not be discriminated against.
> Remember that even Richard Feynman was refused entrance at
> Columbia University because their quota of Jews was full.
> Jan

The quota of Jewish people on EARTH is full, ask God. God invented
anti-semitism, not people.
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