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AP on the physics of bobbing apples in water. Why should the more weighty side be face up, one would think the less weight side should be face up.

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Archimedes Plutonium

Nov 28, 2023, 8:43:11 PM11/28/23
Alright I am ready to blend two more apples once washed to make another applesauce smoothie.

I love fresh applesauce smoothies, yesterday was granny green smith apples with a banana added. I run out of bananas, so today will drop in a tablespoon or so of a cherry preserve or blueberry preserve.

So I start the process by washing the apples and I noticed that the heavy side is facing up in the water, the side with the stem on it. These are those green Granny Smith apples.

And I am wondering also, if apples are in some sense more of a ovoid than a sphere like entity. Of course if I punch out the core, I have a somewhat torus-- some of my recent work is on torus geometry.

So now, what is the answer to the heavy side on top in water?? Which has caught me by surprise. The inverse square law of EM attraction or of the lesser gravity attraction, both inverse square. Why should the heavy side be on top????

AP, King of Science

AP on the physics of bobbing apples in water. Why should the more weighty side be face up, one would think the less weight side should be face up.

Archimedes Plutonium

Nov 29, 2023, 1:30:50 AM11/29/23
I am pretty sure the answer lies in the hydrostatic pressure is greatest on the face with the most area.

So if the apple is shaped like this.


It would float like that on the water surface, and not like this


provided there is relative even weight.

But what would happen if most of the weight is in the ___ portion and not evenly distributed in the /\ portion?

If we placed it into water would the heavy weight sink and the object float as


If not mistaken that is the description of a metal ship.

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