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How the supernatural is possible in our universe

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Mihai Moise

Jun 9, 2023, 2:30:56 AM6/9/23
You and me are going to settle this right here.

Get ready to scream! Because I shall explain how the supernatural is possible in our universe. Do not re-publish. It is done by adding to the physics Lagrangean a ghost Lagrangean L_ghost. And using anti-red, anti-green and anti-blue darkness visible.


In mathematics, there's the empty set:


Other sets can be constructed from the empty set:

{ {}, { {} } }

Other abstract structures can be represented as sets constructed from the empty set. For example the ordered set,

( E0, E1, E2, E3, ... )

can be represented by the set,

S = {E0, {E0, E1}, {{E0, E2}}, {{{E0, E3}}}, ... }


The ordered set can be infinite, in which case I can assume it is countable, because, like, a function f: R -> R can be represented by a set of points (x, f(x)).

Elements of S are of the form

{xm E0 }xm

for m >= 0. Or,

{xn E0, En }xn

for n >= 1. E0 is easy to recognize because it is the greatest element which belongs, maybe not at the same depth, to all the elements of S. If an element of S is of the form,

{xm E0 }xm

it means that E0 is also at place m. If an element of S is of the form,

{xn E0, En }xn

it means that En is at place n.

An universe can be represented by a 4-dimensional matrix in which 0 is empty space, 1 is an electron, 2 is a photon, etc... Then particles would flicker in and out of existence. To have persistence, we can try another representation:

0: empty space
1: an electron which is in the same place next time
2: an electron which is one place toward +X next time
3: an electron which is one place toward -X next time
4: an elctron which is one place toward +Y next time

Or we can try to impose rules. For example, if a multiplication table has to follow the rules of a group and we know half of the multiplication table, the other half cannot be random.

If an universe is represented by an abstract structure, in that universe, life forms with brains can evolve. But there is another way of going about this. An abstract structure can represent a brain directly. For example, a matrix in which columns represent neurons. Then the brain can simulate an universe for its own amusement.

The state of the universe can be represented by a matrix U. Calculating the universe at time t2 can be done by,

U(t2) = e^(iH(t2-t1)) U(t1) e^(-iH(t2-t1))

in which H is called Hamiltonian and is a matrix representing the energy.

"watching the matrix encrypted" means watching the universe in matrix form.

Jun 9, 2023, 2:24:34 PM6/9/23
The vibrating electron will never be in the same space again.
Wave particles are inside every atom getting to vibrate...


Jun 9, 2023, 8:01:57 PM6/9/23
On 6/8/2023 11:30 PM, Mihai Moise wrote:
> You and me are going to settle this right here.
> Get ready to scream! Because I shall explain how the supernatural is possible in our universe. Do not re-publish.


You are insane!


Jun 9, 2023, 8:22:39 PM6/9/23
There is a lot of that going around here lately--more than usual.

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