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My Obsession with Jews

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Nomen Nescio

no leída,
6 oct 2006, 21:10:206/10/06
oye-weh-Zion Glaser aka "G=EMC^2 Glazier" <> wrote:
> Hi Joe and Ed The internet discussions are not new in the history of
> the earth.The Jews of old discussed and argued about all that there is
> for over five thousand years.You can't find two Jews that agree on
> anything.Being Jewish I know this is so very true.

... ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha... ...Herbert Glazier
is a fucking kike. He is just like all of those other kikes who
live in the US, but who do live & operate by the belief of
----- "Israel First, then maybe, just maybe, the USA 2nd" ------

Now then Bert, since you "know" and you yearn to be "loved",
I think you perhaps will be so, AFTER you "pass on" the
------ answer to why ------

"...the USA, which is paying to Israel 3-7 Billion $$$US tax
money each year for the last 60 years & an equal $ amount
to the muslim ass-venters to placate and pacify them so that
they don't continue to kick Jew ass, does beg the question:

==== What are all these BILLIONS of US tax-payer dollars
buying the American public, besides continuous terrorism,
mayhem and war where Jews are being connected to or
involved in ? --- What good or benefit has come in return to
the American taxpayers from Israel for all that tax money that
came off the tables from poor American families?"

------- answer that, oye-weh-Bert -------



no leída,
6 oct 2006, 21:20:186/10/06


no leída,
8 oct 2006, 11:35:538/10/06
... AHAHAHA... ahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha....
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Keep your obsession going, "Nescio"!
Thanks for the hand and for the laughs, dreidels!.... ahahaha...
"Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message AND
"Anonyma" <> wrote in message
[Nomen & Anonyma are citing]

> oye-weh-Zion Glaser aka "G=EMC^2 Glazier" <>
> who wrote: [ on his "Jewish and/or kosher" computer (his words)]: &

>> Hi Joe and Ed The internet discussions are not new in the history of
>> the earth.The Jews of old discussed and argued about all that there is
>> for over five thousand years.You can't find two Jews that agree on
>> anything. Being Jewish I know this is so very true.
[Nomen & Anonyma are citing]
> [hanson]

> ... ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha... ...Herbert Glazier
> is a fucking kike. He is just like all of those other kikes who
> live in the US, but who do live & operate by the belief of
> ----- "Israel First, then maybe, just maybe, the USA 2nd" ------
> oye-weh-Zion Glaser's own whinings stated in HIS own words that:
> ::B:: "I stuck up for Israel"
> ::B:: "We do need the help of Israel to help us"
> ::B:: "I do know how every thing works,
> ::B:: and I pass this information on"
> ::B:: "Why.. am I not loved by all?" Bert

> Now then Bert, since you "know" and you yearn to be "loved",
> I think you perhaps will be so, AFTER you "pass on" the
> ------ answer to why ------
> == "...the USA, which is paying to Israel 3-7 Billion $$$US tax

> money each year for the last 60 years & an equal $ amount
> to the muslim ass-venters to placate and pacify them so that
> they don't continue to kick Jew ass, does beg the question:
> == What are all these BILLIONS of US tax-payer dollars
> buying the American public, besides continuous terrorism,
> mayhem and war where Jews are being connected to or
> involved in ?
> == What good or benefit has come in return to the

> American taxpayers from Israel for all that tax money that
> came off the tables from poor American families?"
> ------- answer that, oye-weh-Bert -------
> hanson
WOW! ...2 plagiarized, anonymous posts?... AHAHahahaha...
....So, THAT is the good or benefit that has come in return

to the American taxpayers from Israel for all that tax money
that came off the tables from poor American families?...
But thanks for the laughs, dreidels... Try to do better!... ahahaha...
----- and answer the fucking question! It's your $$$ too -----
Answer it, even in your obsessive personal Angsts because of
Jews, & do better then Israel's ex-PM Binyamin Netanyahu did who
when asked in a TV interview with "60 Minutes" stuttered ~ 5 times:
"the benefits from Israel to the USA are very difficult to measure"
But, thanks for your unintended help for keeping the question alive.
ahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahaha... ahahanson
BTW, listen you 2 fanatically obsessed mooches:
I was about to drop the Jew issue for becoming too "old"
and go to crank the Green turds instead. But then, you
came along with your cry for help.... anonymously to boot...
So, apparently since you are obsessed by the "Jewish Problem"
I will do you the favor and continue to keep an eye on them
for you & post whenever they say something Jew-obsessed
or Jew-aggrandizing, so that the rest of the audience can
have a laugh and you can satisfy your own obsession.

After all, Jews are great and original story tellers and fine
entertainers. Not like you two anonymous turds who at best
can regurgitate and parrot** what others have created.
AHAHAHA.... ahahahaha... AHAHAHA... Fair enough?
** credit to Yehiel from Israel: Thanks for the term. Happy?


no leída,
8 oct 2006, 11:35:548/10/06
... AHAHAHA... ahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha....
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Keep your obsession going, "Anonyma"!

Thanks for the hand and for the laughs, dreidels!.... ahahaha...
"Anonyma" <> wrote in message AND

"Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message
[Nomen & Anonyma are citing]
> oye-weh-Zion Glaser aka "G=EMC^2 Glazier" <>
> who wrote: [ on his "Jewish and/or kosher" computer (his words)]: &
>> Hi Joe and Ed The internet discussions are not new in the history of
>> the earth.The Jews of old discussed and argued about all that there is
>> for over five thousand years.You can't find two Jews that agree on
>> anything. Being Jewish I know this is so very true.
[Nomen & Anonyma are citing]
> [hanson]
> ... ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha... ...Herbert Glazier
> is a fucking kike. He is just like all of those other kikes who
> live in the US, but who do live & operate by the belief of
> ----- "Israel First, then maybe, just maybe, the USA 2nd" ------
> oye-weh-Zion Glaser's own whinings stated in HIS own words that:
> ::B:: "I stuck up for Israel"
> ::B:: "We do need the help of Israel to help us"
> ::B:: "I do know how every thing works,
> ::B:: and I pass this information on"
> ::B:: "Why.. am I not loved by all?" Bert
> Now then Bert, since you "know" and you yearn to be "loved",
> I think you perhaps will be so, AFTER you "pass on" the
> ------ answer to why ------
> == "...the USA, which is paying to Israel 3-7 Billion $$$US tax

> money each year for the last 60 years & an equal $ amount
> to the muslim ass-venters to placate and pacify them so that
> they don't continue to kick Jew ass, does beg the question:
> == What are all these BILLIONS of US tax-payer dollars
> buying the American public, besides continuous terrorism,
> mayhem and war where Jews are being connected to or
> involved in ?
> == What good or benefit has come in return to the

> American taxpayers from Israel for all that tax money that
> came off the tables from poor American families?"
> ------- answer that, oye-weh-Bert -------
> hanson
WOW! ...2 plagiarized, anonymous posts?... AHAHahahaha...
....So, THAT is the good or benefit that has come in return

to the American taxpayers from Israel for all that tax money


no leída,
9 oct 2006, 13:16:399/10/06
ahahahahaha... Helmut Wabnig's deepest obsession:
== To increase Anti-Semitism by calling anybody who
laughs about Wabnig's posted shit an Anti-Semite ==
Here is how and why Wabnig does proudly generate,
promulgate and achieve his final solution:
Wabnig deeply adores a man you who calls himself a
Judeo-Nazi, a murderer, not normal, a disgrace to humanity
who wants to nuke the world and does all he can to
increase Anti-Semitism. That man is Wabnig's idol:
[Wabnig posted]
::Ariel Sharon, PM, in the Israeli daily "Davar" on 17-Dec-1982:
::"You can call me a murderer. Just note that I don't hate Arabs.
::It's the Yids that are all twisted. In order to straighten them out you
::have to first bend them sharply the other way. I personally don't
::want to be any better than Khomeini or Brezhnev or Ghadafi.
::Let them understand that we are not normal, that we might go
::wild and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East! Let them be
::aware in Washington, Moscow, Damascus and China that if one
::of our ambassadors is shot, or even a consul or the most junior
::embassy official, we might start World War Three just like that!
::We might use nuclear arms. We are Judeo-Nazis, and why not?
::I don't mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg
::Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal.
::What you lot don't understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not
::finished yet, far from it. I am disgrace to humanity. I don't mind, on
::the contrary, ** I will do all I can to increase anti-semitism **, and be
::prepared to absorb the Yids I will force to flee to this country and
::teach them to be a light unto the gentiles. How about it?
::That, in brief, is my whole ideology". --A.S.
::posted by Helmut Wabnig on 5-Feb-06 in:
::So much for the sanctimonious ways of Helmut Wabnig... ahahaha...
::AHAHAHA... ahahahanson
:: -------- German translation -------------
::Here is the German translation for his German & Austrian
::friend to see how deviously Helmut Wabnig operates:
:: ahahahaha.... Helmut Wabnigs tiefste Obsession:
:: ==, den Antisemitismus zu erhöhen, indem er jeden der
:: über Wabnigs Scheiß-posten lacht, als ein Anti-Semite
::anzuprangern == Hier ist wie und warum Wabnig dies
::tut um seine Endlösung stolz zu fördern, zu verkünden &
::zu erreichen:
::Wabnig verehrt einen Mann sehr tief, ein Mann der sich
::beschreibt als Judeo-Nazi, ein Mörder, als nicht normal,
::als eine Schande der Menschheit, der die Welt in einen
::Atomkrieg bringen will und der alles in seiner Kraft tuen will
::um den Antisemitismus zu erhöhen.
::Dieser Mann ist Helmut Wabnigs Idol und Ideal :
::[Wabnig hat geposted]
::Ariel Sharon, PM, in the Israeli daily "Davar" on 17-Dec-1982:
::"Sie können mich als Mörder bezeichnen. Glaube mir aber, daß
::ich die Araber nicht hasse. Es sind die Yids, die alle so verdreht
::sind. Um diese Yids geradezurichten müssen sie alle zuerst
::wieder scharf recht gebogen werden. Ich persönlich möchte
::nicht besser sein als Khomeini oder Brezhnev oder Ghadafi.
::Lassen Sie sie verstehen, daß wir nicht normal sind, dass wir
::wild werden können & alle Ölfelder im Mittleren Osten abbrennen
::werden. Lassen Sie die in Washington, Moskau, Damaskus und
::China bewußt sein, daß wenn einer unserer Botschafter oder auch
::nur ein Konsul oder der jüngste Botschaftbeamte erschossen
::würde wir den Weltkrieg Drei gerade anfangen werden. Wir werden
::Atombomben benutzen. Wir sind Judeo-Nazis & warum auch nicht?
::Es ist mir egal wenn, nachdem die Arbeit erledigt ist, Sie mich vor
::ein Nürnberg Gericht brächten und mich lebenslänglich verkerkern.
::Hängen Sie mich als Kriegverbrecher, wenn Sie es so wünschen.
::Was Sie nicht verstehen ist daß die schmutzige Arbeit des Zionismus
::noch lange, lange nicht beendigt ist. Ich bin eine Schande der Menschheit
::aber dies kümmert mich nicht. Im Gegenteil, ** Ich tue alles was ich
::kann um den Antisemitismus ** zu erhöhen, und ich bin bereit alle
::diese Yidds aufzunehmen die ich erzwungen habe in dieses Land
::hier zu fliehen um sie zu unterrichten ein Licht über die Nicht-Juden
::zu werden. Verstehen sie dies nun?
::Die ist, in Kürze, meine vollständige Ideologie ". -- Ariel Sharon.
::geposted by Helmut Wabnig on 5-Feb-06 in:
:: Soviel für die scheinheilige Weise/Art von Helmut Wabnig


no leída,
9 oct 2006, 13:16:409/10/06
ahahahahaha... Helmut Wabnig's deepest obsession:
== To increase Anti-Semitism by calling anybody who
laughs about Wabnig's posted shit an Anti-Semite ==
Here is how and why Wabnig does proudly generate,
promulgate and achieve his final solution:
Wabnig deeply adores a man you who calls himself a
Judeo-Nazi, a murderer, not normal, a disgrace to humanity
who wants to nuke the world and does all he can to
increase Anti-Semitism. That man is Wabnig's idol:
[Wabnig posted]
::Ariel Sharon, PM, in the Israeli daily "Davar" on 17-Dec-1982:
::"You can call me a murderer. Just note that I don't hate Arabs.
::It's the Yids that are all twisted. In order to straighten them out you
::have to first bend them sharply the other way. I personally don't
::want to be any better than Khomeini or Brezhnev or Ghadafi.
::Let them understand that we are not normal, that we might go
::wild and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East! Let them be
::aware in Washington, Moscow, Damascus and China that if one
::of our ambassadors is shot, or even a consul or the most junior
::embassy official, we might start World War Three just like that!
::We might use nuclear arms. We are Judeo-Nazis, and why not?
::I don't mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg
::Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal.
::What you lot don't understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not
::finished yet, far from it. I am disgrace to humanity, I don't mind, on
::the contrary. ** I will do all I can to increase anti-semitism **, and be
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