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Re: Crooked and Straight Geometry

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Zacarias Marushko

Nov 18, 2023, 6:50:48 PM11/18/23
Volney wrote:

> On 11/18/2023 12:20 PM, Paul Alsing wrote:
>> On Friday, November 17, 2023 at 4:58:16 PM UTC-8, Laurence Clark
>> Crossen wrote:
>>> It sounds like he is a thousand times better than Einstein. The ad
>>> hominem issuing from the illogical heckler again. I find his
>>> criticisms of relativity very helpful and certainly far better than
>>> relativity. The only problem, Is he accepts any of it at all.
>> Yet another case of a crank supporting another crank, neither one of
>> them having any evidence whatsoever in support of their ill-conceived
>> claims...
> yeah cranks like to hang out with each other, pat each other on the back
> and form a little cult of stupidity.

neither you do. Nobody knows what gravity is, not even Einstine. All he
did was to model 𝘁𝗵𝗲_𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁_𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲. Essentially like Newtone, inventing
fictitious forces and accelerations.

what a morons, these guys don't undrestand anything in Physics. lol




Archimedes Plutonium

Nov 18, 2023, 8:12:43 PM11/18/23
Dr.Shirley Lin,Dr.Marianne E.Burnett

Kibo Parry Volney paid CIA stalker defiler
On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 4:51:39 PM UTC-6, Volney wrote:
>"self diagnosed as insane"

Can_Univ Colorado,Dr.Eric Cornell,Dr.Stanley Cohen,Dr.John Hall,Dr.David Wineland,NSF Dr.Panchanathan,Alejandro Adem,Purdue Univ_France Cordova step inside Uni Colorado chem or physics lab and do Water Electrolysis where you end up weighing the masses of hydrogen compared to oxygen?

Can_Air-Naval Acad,Dr.Mary Hertz,Dr.Barry Hicks,
Dr.Scott Iacono,Dr.Shirley Lin,Dr.Marianne E.Burnett,NSF Dr.Panchanathan,Alejandro Adem, Purdue Univ_France Cordova step inside Academy's chem or physics lab and do Water Electrolysis where you end up weighing the masses of hydrogen compared to oxygen?

Why Volney?? Because they are so sloppy and slipshod in Physics experiment of Water Electrolysis, stopping and ceasing the experiment before weighing the mass of the hydrogen compared to mass of oxygen. Is it that they are stupid silly thinking volume and mass are the same. For AP needs to prove decisively, if Water is really H4O or H2O. And of course, this experiment would destroy the Standard Model-- that post-diction theory of physics that never gave a single prediction in all of its tenure.

Or is it because they cannot admit the truth of math geometry that slant cut of cone is oval, not ellipse for you need the symmetry of slant cut of cylinder to yield a ellipse.

Univ Colorado,Boulder Physics department: Dr.Dana Z.Anderson,Dr.Paul Beale,Dr.Andreas Becker,Dr.Joseph Berry, Dr.Meredith Betterton, Dr.John Bohn, Dr.John Cary, Dr.Noel Clark, Dr. Eric Cornell, Dr.John Cumalat, Dr.Thomas DeGrand, Dr.Oliver DeWolfe, Dr.Matthew Glaser, Dr.Victor Gurarie, Dr.Anna Hasenfratz, Dr.Michael Hermele, Dr.Murray Holland, Dr.Ed Kinney, Dr.Minhyea Lee, Dr.Heather Lewandowski, Dr.Andrew Lucas, Dr.Alysia Marino, Dr.Angelo Mascarenhas, Dr.Tobin Munsat, Dr.Margaret Murnane, Dr.Carl Wieman, Dr.Herbert Kroemer, Dr. Eric Cornell, Dr.Stanley Cohen (physiol.), Dr.John Hall, Dr.David Wineland
Univ Colorado Chem department: Dr.Niels Damrauer, Dr.Joost de Gouw, Dr.Gordana Dukovic, Dr.Joel Eaves, Dr.Steven M. George, Dr.Douglas L. Gin, Dr.Seth Marder, Dr.Joseph Michl, Dr.Richard D. Noble, Dr.Margaret Tolbert, Dr.Veronica Vaida, Dr.Rainer Volkamer, Dr.David Walba, Dr.J.Mathias Weber,Dr.Wei Zhang, Dr. Paul Ziemann, Dr.Thomas Cech

USA Air Force Academy, Colorado, Physics and Chemistry departments:
Dr.Francis Chun, Dr.Kimberly de La Harpe,Dr.Alina Gearba-Sell,Dr.Randy Knize,Dr.Matthew McHarg
Dr.James Ayers,Dr.Gary Balaich,Dr.Todd Davis,Dr.Kim Gardner,Dr.Mary Hertz,Dr.Barry Hicks,
Dr.Scott Iacono director Chemistry Research Center

US Naval Academy, physics & chem dept. Michael Manicchia atom interferometry, Raj Basu liquid crystals, Rachel Carr experimental particle physics, Elena Cimpoiasu nanomaterials and composites, Allison Hall experimental particle physics, Joel Helton experimental condensed matter, Michelle Jamer condensed matter, magnetism, Seth Rittenhouse atomic molecular and optical physics, Jeffrey R. Vanhoy fast neutron-induced reactions, Richard Witt experimental nuclear physics, Professors Wayne Pearson,Joe Urban,Amy MacArthur, Shirley Lin crystal structures of N-4, Dr.Brian H. Morrow & Prof. Judith A.Harrison molecular dynamics vapor-liquid, Prof Shirley Lin & Dr.Marianne E.Burnett &Prof Melonie A.Teichert Titration Experiment, Dr.Christopher D.Stachurski,Prof Paul C.Trulove transport properties in aprotic ionic liquids.

Apparently Kibo realized he was a science failure when he could not even do a proper percentage. But then one has to wonder how much he paid to bribe Rensselaer to graduate from the school in engineering unable to do a percentage properly???? For I certainly would not hire a engineer who cannot even do proper percentage.

On Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 12:30:22 AM UTC-6, Michael Moroney wrote:
> Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
> Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
> Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 9:52:21 AM UTC-6, Michael Moroney wrote:
> Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572. A proton is about the mass
> of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.

Why Volney?? Because they stop short of completing the Water Electrolysis Experiment by only looking at volume, when they are meant to weigh the mass of hydrogen versus oxygen?? Such shoddy minds in experimental physics and chemistry.

On Friday, June 7, 2019 at 12:13:14 AM UTC-5, Michael Moroney wrote:
> Physics minnow

What warning is that Kibo Parry failure of science-- warning that insane persons like Kibo Parry Moroney Volney spends their entire life in a hate-mill, never doing anything in science itself.

Kibo Parry Moroney-Volney blowing his cover with the CIA in 1997
> Re: Archimedes Vanadium, America's most beloved poster
> On Sunday, June 8, 1997 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, Scott Dorsey wrote:
> > In article <5nefan$i06$> kibo greps <> writes:
> > >

---quoting Wikipedia ---
> Controversy
> Many government and university installations blocked, threatened to block, or attempted to shut-down The World's Internet connection until Software Tool & Die was eventually granted permission by the National Science Foundation to provide public Internet access on "an experimental basis."
--- end quote ---

> Dr. Panchanathan , present day
> NSF Dr. Panchanathan, F. Fleming Crim, Dorothy E Aronson, Brian Stone, James S Ulvestad (math), Rebecca Lynn Keiser, Vernon D. Ross, Lloyd Whitman, John J. Veysey (physics), Scott Stanley
> France Anne Cordova
> Subra Suresh (bioengineer)
> Arden Lee Bement Jr. (nuclear engineering)
> Rita R. Colwell (microbiology)
> Neal Francis Lane
> John Howard Gibbons 1993
> Barry Shein, kibo parry std world
> Jim Frost, Joe "Spike" Ilacqua
> Canada-- NSERC , Alejandro Adem (math) , Navdeep Bains, Francois-Philippe Champagne

News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.

> Aug 30, 2023, 10:19:20 PM (yesterday)
> to Plutonium Atom Universe
> News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.
> I received a letter today of Experiment results on Water Electrolysis of weighing the hydrogen test tube versus oxygen test tube and the result is 1/4 atomic mass units of Hydrogen compared to Oxygen.
> The researcher weighing 1600 micrograms of hydrogen, using a Eisco-Brownlee-Water-Electrolysis Apparatus.
> Using sulfuric acid as electrolyte on ultra pure water. Using low voltage DC of 1.5 volts, 1 amp.
> I am not surprised that news of the true formula of Water is H4O comes so quickly. For not much in science is more important than knowing the truth of Water. And this means the start of the complete downfall and throwing out the sick Standard Model of Physics, for it is such an insane theory that it cannot get passed the idea of its subatomic particles as stick and ball, with no job, no function, no task. The Standard Model of Physics, is crazy insane physics for it is all postdiction, never prediction. The idea that the hydrogen atom is H2 not H, is because of the prediction of Atom Totality Theory where a atom is a proton torus with muon inside doing the Faraday law and all atoms require at least 1 capacitor. That means the one proton in H2 serves as a neutron to the other proton, storaging the electricity produced by the other proton.
> The true Hydrogen Atom is H2 for all atoms need at least one capacitor, and one of the protons in H2 serves as a neutron.
> Sad that chemistry and physics throughout the 20th century were too stupid to actually weigh the mass of hydrogen and oxygen in electrolysis, no, the ignorant fools stopped at looking when they saw the volume of hydrogen was twice that of oxygen. A real scientist is not that shoddy and slipshod ignorant, the real scientist then proceeds with -- let us weigh the hydrogen test tube mass versus the oxygen test tube mass.
> Thanks for the news!!!!!
> AP
> News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.

> There is another experiment that achieves the same result that Water is truly H4O and not H2O, but I suspect this second method is hugely fraught with difficulty.
> The prediction of H4O comes from the Physics idea that a Atom is composed, all atoms mind you, is composed of a proton torus with muon/s inside going round and round thrusting through the torus in the Faraday law and producing electricity. So that when you have Hydrogen without a neutron, there is no way to collect the electricity produced by the Faraday law. Think of it as a automobile engine, you cannot have a engine if there is no crank shaft to collect the energy from the thrusting piston inside the crankcase.
> Same thing with an Atom, it needs 3 parts-- muon as bar magnet, proton as torus of coils, and a capacitor to storage the produced electricity. If one of those parts is missing, the entity is a Subatomic particle and not a atom.
> So, when we have Hydrogen as a proton with muon inside, it is not a Atom, until it has a neutron, or, has another proton of hydrogen H2, then it is a Atom.
> So that H2 is not a molecule but a Atom. H alone is a subatomic particle.
> Much harder than Water Electrolysis.
> We need to get two identical containers.
> We need to be able to make pure heavy-water with deuterium. Deuterium is proton + neutron as hydrogen. Proton + proton is H2 as hydrogen.
> So we have two identical containers and we fill one with pure heavy water, deuterium water.
> We have the second container and we fill it with pure (light) water.
> We now weigh both of them.
> If AP is correct, that water is really H4O and not H2O, then both containers should weigh almost the same. Only a tiny fraction difference because the neutron is known to be 940MeV versus proton in Old Physics as 938MeV a tiny difference of 2MeV, but we realize we have a huge number of water molecules in the two identical containers.
> If water is truly H4O, the weights should be almost the same. If water is H2O, then there is a **large difference** in weights.
> But the Water Electrolysis experiment is much easier to conduct and get results.

> And, there is the biological processes that apparently cannot distinguish between heavy water and that of regular normal water.
> Deuterium Water is the same in biology as is normal regular water. This means that water must be H4O, due to biology as proof.
> Deuterium Water in atomic mass units is 16 for the oxygen and 4 for the deuterium.
> Regular normal Water in atomic mass units is 16 for the oxygen and 4 for the 4 protons in H4O.
> Old Physics and Old Chemistry had regular water as H2O in atomic mass units of 16 oxygen and 2 hydrogen for 2 protons.
> If biology functions whether heavy water or normal water all the same, then water itself must be H4O.
> Now, there maybe some animal or plant that can separate out heavy water from H4O water???
> Searching the literature today for where biology needs as essential deuterium water. And not too surprised that it is a essential requirement in metabolism. In fact one web site listed the need for deuterium more than the need of many minerals and vitamins.
> Now tonight I came up with two new exciting experiments to verify that Water is truly H4O and not H2O.
> H4O is 4 protons with muons inside the 840MeV proton toruses.
> Deuterium water is DOD. And the difference between D2O and H4O is merely the difference of 4MeV for as last reported, neutron = 940MeV and proton (with muon inside) is 938MeV, a difference of 2MeV but for water is 2+2 = 4MeV.
> So these two new experiments take advantage of the fact that what we think is normal regular water is actually very close to heavy water of D2O, with only a 4MeV difference.
> EXPERIMENT #3 Water layers in still pond of D2O mixed with H4O (what we thought was H2O.
> So in this experiment we get a clear glass container and mix H4O with D2O. If Old Physics is correct, the heavy water should sink rapidly in the container while the light water floats to the top rapidly. And we have some sort of beam of photons that can distinguish D2O from H4O (thought of as H2O. We obtain pure D2O and pure H4O each filling 1/2 of the container. We stir and mix them. And then we observe with the EM beam for separation. If the light water is truly H4O, it takes a long time for the D2O to be on bottom and H4O on top. We measure the time of a settled container and determine this time from the theoretical 4MeV difference should take a long time, whereas if Old Physics is correct, the separation would be almost instantly and quick time.
> EXPERIMENT #4 also plays on this minor difference of 4MeV. We devise a sort of squirt gun for D2O and a identical squirt gun for H4O (what we call H2O). We put pure D2O in one squirt gun and the H40 or light water in the other squirt gun. Both guns forcing the water a certain distance.
> If AP is correct that light water is really H4O and not H2O as we squirt both guns, where the water lands should be almost the same distance considering H4O is only 4MeV apart from D2O.
> If Old Physics and Old Chemistry is correct, then D2O water is 940 + 940 = 1880MeV apart from light water of H2O, and H4O is only 4MeV apart.
> So where the squirt gun lands the D2O is a very much shorter distance than a H2O land, but a H4 land distance is nearly the same as the D2O land.
> These two experiments are very exciting and would be a very nice confirming evidence to Water Electrolysis actual weighing the mass in atomic mass units.
> On Friday, September 1, 2023 at 5:07:13 AM UTC-5, Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
> > Searching the literature today for where biology needs as essential deuterium water. And not too surprised that it is a essential requirement in metabolism. In fact one web site listed the need for deuterium more than the need of many minerals and vitamins.
> >
> > Now tonight I came up with two new exciting experiments to verify that Water is truly H4O and not H2O.
> >
> > H4O is 4 protons with muons inside the 840MeV proton toruses.
> >
> > Deuterium water is DOD. And the difference between D2O and H4O is merely the difference of 4MeV for as last reported, neutron = 940MeV and proton (with muon inside) is 938MeV, a difference of 2MeV but for water is 2+2 = 4MeV.
> >
> > So these two new experiments take advantage of the fact that what we think is normal regular water is actually very close to heavy water of D2O, with only a 4MeV difference.
> >
> > EXPERIMENT #3 Water layers in still pond of D2O mixed with H4O (what we thought was H2O.
> >
> > So in this experiment we get a clear glass container and mix H4O with D2O. If Old Physics is correct, the heavy water should sink rapidly in the container while the light water floats to the top rapidly. And we have some sort of beam of photons that can distinguish D2O from H4O (thought of as H2O. We obtain pure D2O and pure H4O each filling 1/2 of the container. We stir and mix them. And then we observe with the EM beam for separation. If the light water is truly H4O, it takes a long time for the D2O to be on bottom and H4O on top. We measure the time of a settled container and determine this time from the theoretical 4MeV difference should take a long time, whereas if Old Physics is correct, the separation would be almost instantly and quick time.
> >
> Apparently this Experiment is already done and called for-- There is Uniform Distribution of heavy water Deuterium Water in the Oceans, Lakes, Ponds, Streams and Rivers. Heavy Water is not layered in the oceans or lakes or ponds or streams or rivers. Uniformity means that the difference between D2O and H4O is so slight of a difference (only 4MeV, compared to 1880MeV for H2O, that Brownian motion keeps the D2O and H4O in a Uniform Distribution in all bodies of water. I was going through the research literature today and find that scientists discover Uniformity of Distribution of deuterium water. This thus closes the case on Water, for uniformity of distribution of D2O implies that Water is itself H4O and not H2O.

My 250th published book.
> TEACHING TRUE CHEMISTRY; H2 is the hydrogen Atom and water is H4O, not H2O// Chemistry
> by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)
> Prologue: This textbook is 1/2 research history and 1/2 factual textbook combined as one textbook. For many of the experiments described here-in have not yet been performed, such as water is really H4O not H2O. Written in a style of history research with date-time markers, and fact telling. And there are no problem sets. This book is intended for 1st year college. Until I include problem sets and exercises, I leave it to the professor and instructor to provide such. And also, chemistry is hugely a laboratory science, even more so than physics, so a first year college student in the lab to test whether Water is really H4O and not H2O is mighty educational.
> Preface: This is my 250th book of science, and the first of my textbooks on Teaching True Chemistry. I have completed the Teaching True Physics and the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series. But had not yet started on a Teaching True Chemistry textbook series. What got me started on this project is the fact that no chemistry textbook had the correct formula for water which is actually H4O and not H2O. Leaving the true formula for hydroxyl groups as H2O and not OH. But none of this is possible in Old Chemistry, Old Physics where they had do-nothing subatomic particles that sit around and do nothing or go whizzing around the outside of balls in a nucleus, in a mindless circling. Once every subatomic particle has a job, task, function, then water cannot be H2O but rather H4O. And a hydrogen atom cannot be H alone but is actually H2. H2 is not a molecule of hydrogen but a full fledged Atom, a single atom of hydrogen.
> Cover Picture: Sorry for the crude sketch work but chemistry and physics students are going to have to learn to make such sketches in a minute or less. Just as they make Lewis diagrams or ball & stick diagrams. My 4-5 minute sketch-work of the Water molecule H4O plus the subatomic particle H, and the hydrogen atom H2. Showing how one H is a proton torus with muon inside (blue color) doing the Faraday law. Protons are toruses with many windings. Protons are the coils in Faraday law while muons are the bar magnets. Neutrons are the capacitors as parallel plates, the outer skin cover of atoms.
> Product details
> • Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 21, 2023
> • Language ‏ : ‎ English
> • File size ‏ : ‎ 788 KB
> • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
> • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
> • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
> • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
> • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
> • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
> • Print length ‏ : ‎ 168 pages

Bret Kabulov

Nov 22, 2023, 6:22:53 PM11/22/23
Volney wrote:

>> He was also very racist and had at least a few sympathies for naziism.
> Which has no connection to Jack the Ripper, since Jack the Ripper didn't
> target Jews or racial minorities.

think again, my friend. Most likely he was a polaker 𝗸𝗵𝗮𝘇𝗮𝗿_𝗴𝗼𝘆, 𝗝𝗲𝘀𝘂𝘀 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱
𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗿𝘀, 𝘃𝗶𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝘆𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘄_23). They kill everybody. Here's some
𝗱𝗲𝗲𝗽_𝗰𝗼𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 in Physics, for those who can't wait. Please read. And
memorize. It is like tensors.



here's another 𝗸𝗵𝗮𝘇𝗮𝗿_𝗴𝗼𝘆 from polakia, with changed name and a big mouth.
They think they own the fucking planet.


Owen Valtchikovski

Nov 26, 2023, 7:26:23 AM11/26/23
Laurence Clark Crossen wrote:

> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 12:28:22 AM UTC-8, patdolan wrote:
>> > > You are barking a nonexistent tree. This is NOT the point of having
>> > > different geometries. -- Jan
>> > You are living proof that universities are prestige mills that confer
>> > prestige instead of knowledge.
>> The above is a wonderful sentence that I shall both cherish and use,
>> often.
> Well, Pat, universities will accept tuition for teaching anything people
> imagine to be prestigious.

so true indeed, I almost was to say.

Annalena Baerbock says there should be no “gray areas” in Europe

If EU needs Ukraine to strengthen the union it means 𝗘𝗨 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻.

Yeah ...last two years of war prove it ...

Baerbock should focus on the homeless, poor in Germany. She is not a
minister in Ukraine, she is a minister in Germany...

Actually she said it in public! 𝗦𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲, what her voters in Germany

HOW can a parasite strengthten anything?

The German people need 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲. But more
importantly they need to assess the checks and balances within their
institutions 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 after all
they have suffered in the name of Nazism.

Strengthen EU enslavement to US?

A 360 degree turn again. No more wacky backy for Annalena.

The ignorance and stupidity of this woman are quiet irritating.

Brittany Gudimov

Nov 26, 2023, 8:07:39 AM11/26/23
Laurence Clark Crossen wrote:

> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 12:30:00 AM UTC-8, patdolan wrote:
>> > >> You are barking a nonexistent tree. This is NOT the point of
>> > >> having different geometries. -- Jan
>> > > The only point of non-Euclidean geometry is to give a
>> > > diagrammatical illustration of deceitful math.
>> > Looks like poor Laurence is having a meltdown, spewing replies to
>> > Jan's post. Maybe Laurence thinks the tree really exists?
>> Foolish old Jan never got around to telling us what IS the point of
>> curved geometry. Because he doesn't even know hizself.
> It is only a reification fallacy.

There's ukraine and there's thugs. 𝘁𝗵𝗲_𝘁𝗵𝘂𝗴𝘀_𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱_𝗶𝗻_𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿_𝗶𝗻_𝗸𝗶𝗲𝘃, by a
𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗻_𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿. What the thugs need 𝗶𝘀_𝗻𝗼𝘁_𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁_𝗨𝗸𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲_𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝘀. Ukraine needs is
for those thugs 𝘁𝗼_𝗯𝗲_𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱_𝗮𝗻𝗱_𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗱. Before they devaste Ukraine
completely trying to realize their personal dreams.

Archimedes Plutonium

Nov 26, 2023, 4:02:29 PM11/26/23
NSFDr.Panchanathan , present day
> NSF Dr. Panchanathan, James S Ulvestad (math), John J. Veysey (physics) are you causing this slot spam and Russian propaganda???

Volney, who can weigh
Pauline Barmby, Shantanu Basu, Peter Brown, Alex Buchel, Jan Cami, Margret Campbell-Brown, Blaine Chronik, Robert Cockcroft, John R. de Bruyn, Colin Denniston, Giovanni Fanchini, Sarah Gallagher, Lyudmila Goncharova, Wayne Hocking, Martin Houde, Jeffrey L. Hutter, Carol Jones, Stan Metchev, Silvia Mittler, Els Peeters, Robert Sica, Aaron Sigut, Peter Simpson, Mahi Singh, Paul Wiegert, Eugene Wong, Martin Zinke-Allmang
the hydrogen and oxygen in Water Electrolysis, for it is unusual that Caltech physics is so shoddy in logical thought as to think of stopping Water Electrolysis by observation of Volume and not weighing the masses.

Tom Zakharov is Dr.Roland List,Dr.Philipp Kronberg,Dr.James King of Univ Toronto as dunce in science as you Tom forgetting to weigh the hydrogen versus oxygen in Water Electrolysis, such slipshod science???

Tom Zakharov profile photo
Tom Zakharov
1:55 PM, 27Oct2023 sci.math spam
Cost Management ....

Volney (CIA) selling Univ Western Ontario because they cannot do Water Electrolysis properly-- forgetting to actually weigh the mass of hydrogen compared to oxygen, and stop at observing volume. UWO science is so shoddy of logical reasoning.

Dan failures to weigh
Pauline Barmby, Shantanu Basu, Peter Brown, Alex Buchel, Jan Cami, Margret Campbell-Brown, Blaine Chronik, Robert Cockcroft, John R. de Bruyn, Colin Denniston, Giovanni Fanchini, Sarah Gallagher, Lyudmila Goncharova, Wayne Hocking, Martin Houde, Jeffrey L. Hutter, Carol Jones, Stan Metchev, Silvia Mittler, Els Peeters, Robert Sica, Aaron Sigut, Peter Simpson, Mahi Singh, Paul Wiegert, Eugene Wong, Martin Zinke-Allmang
Weigh the mass of hydrogen and oxygen in Water electrolysis. Too stupid to think clearly that volume is not the same as mass, and the importance of finishing the full experiment to prove water is really H4O, not H2O.

Volney, why cannot Univ Western Ontario finish their water electrolysis experiment to prove Water is really H4O not H2O??

Why Volney can they not finish the water electrolysis experiment to weigh the mass of hydrogen and oxygen?? Because they are so sloppy and slipshod in Physics experiment of Water Electrolysis, stopping and ceasing the experiment before weighing the mass of the hydrogen compared to mass of oxygen. Is it that they are stupid silly thinking volume and mass are the same. For AP needs to prove decisively, if Water is really H4O or H2O. And of course, this experiment would destroy the Standard Model-- that post-diction theory of physics that never gave a single prediction in all of its tenure.

Or is it because they cannot admit the truth of math geometry that slant cut of cone is oval, not ellipse for you need the symmetry of slant cut of cylinder to yield a ellipse.

This is Volney-Kibo Parry Moroney spam (CIA connected drag net spam b.s.), and no matter how much you report it to Google Abuse-- they cannot kick the miscreant out-- I suggest reporting this spam to your Congress-person. Not only do they stalk you for 30 years but destroy the newsgroup they pollute. Just look at sci.chem which is a destroyed newsgroup. The Google Abuse report only hides the miscreant, but the next day-- new fresh b.s.spam is there.

Kibo Parry Moron-Volney blowing his cover with the CIA in 1997
Re: Archimedes Vanadium, America's most beloved poster
On Sunday, June 8, 1997 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, Scott Dorsey wrote:
> In article <5nefan$i06$> kibo greps <> writes:
> >

Re: Dan is the Kibo Parry Moroney Volney CIA equivalent for Canada-- using Usenet but destroying newsgroups of science in the process

Univ Toronto, physics, Gordon F. West, Michael B. Walker, Henry M. Van Driel, David J. Rowe, John W. Moffat, John F. Martin, Robert K. Logan, Albert E. Litherland, Roland List, Philipp Kronberg, James King, Anthony W. Key, Bob Holdom, Ron M. Farquhar, R. Nigel Edwards, David J. Dunlop, James Drummond, Tom E. Drake, R.Fraser Code, Richard C. Bailey, Robin Armstrong

Chancellor Rose M. Patten
Pres. Meric Gertler

Univ Toronto math dept
Mustafa Akcoglu, Spyros Alexakis, Edward Barbeau, Thomas Bloom, Man-Duen Choi, Stephen Cook, Chandler Davis, Nicholas Derzko, Eric Ellers, Ilya Gekhtman, Ian Graham, Steve Halpern, Wahidul Haque, Abe Igelfeld, Velimir Jurdjevic, Ivan Kupka, Anthony Lam, Michael Lorimer, James McCool, Eric Mendelsohn, Kunio Murasugi, Jeremy Quastel, Peter Rosenthal, Paul Selick, Dipak Sen, Rick Sharpe, Stuart Smith, Frank Tall, Steve Tanny

Univ Western Ontario math dept
Janusz Adamus, Tatyana Barron, Dan Christensen, Graham Denham, Ajneet Dhillon, Matthias Franz, John Jardine, Massoud Khalkhali, Nicole Lemire, Jan Mináč, Victoria Olds, Martin Pinsonnault, Lex Renner, David Riley, Rasul Shafikov, Gordon Sinnamon

Chancellor Linda Hasenfratz
President Alan Shepard
Amit Chakma (chem engr)

Univ. Western Ontario physics dept
Pauline Barmby, Shantanu Basu, Peter Brown, Alex Buchel, Jan Cami, Margret Campbell-Brown, Blaine Chronik, Robert Cockcroft, John R. de Bruyn, Colin Denniston, Giovanni Fanchini, Sarah Gallagher, Lyudmila Goncharova, Wayne Hocking, Martin Houde, Jeffrey L. Hutter, Carol Jones, Stan Metchev, Silvia Mittler, Els Peeters, Robert Sica, Aaron Sigut, Peter Simpson, Mahi Singh, Paul Wiegert, Eugene Wong, Martin Zinke-Allmang
Univ Toronto & Western Ontario Uni do only slipshod physics-chemistry experiments of Water Electrolysis, too dumb to weigh the hydrogen & oxygen to see if H4O or H2O

Alcadio Mihailovich Baidukov

Nov 27, 2023, 1:03:55 PM11/27/23
Volney wrote:

>> Relativity is not supported by any experiments because
>> self-contradictory predictions do not predict anything.
> Unfortunately for you, relativity is supported by many experiments, so
> your claim is false.

except that 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗡𝗢𝗧 "𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝘆", but my
"𝗢𝗻_𝘁𝗵𝗲_𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘁_𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿_𝗼𝗳_𝘁𝗵𝗲_𝗠𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴_𝗞𝗼𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀_𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹". That's what those
experiments are proving to exists in Physics.
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