> Boylan does not scare me. He amuses me because I know what
> is true in my case and I see how he insists on twisting the
> truth that I know to his fantasy.
Ed Komarek wrote:
> > I think Jack is real close to this threshold and is acting like a
> > scared rabbit. "grin"
> Look, Bugs Bunny was fearless and so am I.
I have just been reading Major Donald Keyhoe for the first
time whose story, like NASA's Paul Hill's "Unconventional
Flying Objects" supports that of Colonel Phillip Corso in a
qualitative way if not in every detail. Also look at
http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/bbaviary.htm Now I do
not endorse this last URL as 100% truth by any means. In
fact, I should be put in the Aviary as "Eagle" :-) However,
let's suppose that all this UFO stuff is bullshit like Leon
Jaroff wants us to believe. Then why have all of these
high-level military-intelligence people been spreading these
"lies" for 50 years now? Can anyone explain that? Also how
do you explain my story in
http://www.hia.com/pcr/parsifal.html ? I will sign a
deposition under penalty of perjury about that story just
like Colonel Phillip Corso did. I am not lying. Was I
brain-washed filled with false memories etc? No, I was not.
My mother also would have had to be brainwashed. That is
absurd. So, no matter how you view it there is something
objectively strange weird and uncanny going on here. On the
other hand, if it's not bullshit, if we are being visited by
advanced extra-terrestrials in their incredible flying
machines then it shoots our physics all to hell! That is why
I am interested in addition to my personal experiences
starting at least in 1952 if not before.
See also http://www.stardrive.org