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definition of TIME...

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Aug 7, 2009, 10:27:31 PM8/7/09
although i'm a grad student in electronics engg, still see the world
moves ahead with the change of positioning of particles in the
universe initiated by its previous states and These changes observed
can be told as measured or observed w r t time parameter.
i see the time as a frames of a video with video being more than

please help me understand better by giving a independent
definition of time or any resource for that.thanks in advance.

Sam Wormley

Aug 7, 2009, 10:36:20 PM8/7/09

If you are a graduate student--do a bit of self education. Learn
how to research in a library or on the internet.


Aug 8, 2009, 12:39:52 AM8/8/09

Everything has a rate.


Aug 8, 2009, 7:10:30 AM8/8/09
The best resource I have found is a book called Spacetime Physics,
Introduction to Special Relativity; second edition by Edwin F. Taylor and
John Archibald Wheeler, published by W. H. Freeman and Company, New York.

This soft bound book presents a clear on understanding with a minimum of
mathematics being at a high school level.

"thaif" <> wrote in message


Aug 8, 2009, 7:50:02 AM8/8/09
The worst resource I have found is a web page called,
Introduction to Special Idiocy by Albert Fuckwit Einstein;
not the tail-wagging-the-dog crap that you refer to.
This soft bound useless garbage presents a clear confusion with a
minimum of non-mathematics being at a pre-school level, you
ignorant prat.

"Sandcastle" <> wrote in message


Aug 8, 2009, 7:55:39 AM8/8/09

"thaif" <> wrote in message

It's not as easy as that since time is a fundamental quantity and as such it
can't be defined in terms of more basic concepts. At most one can give an
operational definition (e.g. time is what you measure with a clock) or an
idea of what it pertains to (e.g. time relations to changes in nature).


Aug 8, 2009, 7:57:09 AM8/8/09

"Sam Wormley" <> wrote in message

That's like suggesting that no graduate student should post a question here.
Not very good advice, Sam. If he's a grad student then he knows how to do
research and has a reason for posting that question in this newsgroup.

Sam Wormley

Aug 8, 2009, 8:45:19 AM8/8/09

Pete--I'll let you answer the lad's question. Go ahead.

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 8, 2009, 9:49:22 AM8/8/09
Sam I have done much reading ,research and experiments in my life time.
I get great satisfaction knowing how things work and making them simpler
to work better. After reading a book I like to see if I can think of
ways to add to it. I have trained myself to this end. I take pictures
faster than a strobe light. I can build a "pulse fusion machine" I can
make my house green,and save big energy bills/ I can start small gas
engines without pulling on their rope. I can mow fertilized,and kill
fire ants all at the same time. I am working on a wind turbine that can
triple the strength of the wind force. I love to think of making stuff
better, I even cool by using the photons of the Sun. I am clever

Sam Wormley

Aug 8, 2009, 10:04:02 AM8/8/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Sam I have done much reading ,research and experiments in my life time.
> I get great satisfaction knowing how things work and making them simpler
> to work better. After reading a book I like to see if I can think of
> ways to add to it. I have trained myself to this end. I take pictures
> faster than a strobe light.

How do you "take pictures" faster than a strobe light?

I can build a "pulse fusion machine"

How do you build a "pulse fusion machine"?

I can
> make my house green,and save big energy bills/ I can start small gas
> engines without pulling on their rope.

How do you start small gas engines without pulling a rope?

I can mow fertilized,and kill
> fire ants all at the same time.

How do you kill fire ants?

I am working on a wind turbine that can
> triple the strength of the wind force.

How can you change the wind force?

I love to think of making stuff
> better, I even cool by using the photons of the Sun.

How do you cool using the photons from the sun?

I am clever
> TreBert


Aug 8, 2009, 10:38:41 AM8/8/09

Well, even though this sounds like a plausible approach, you'll find
out soon enough that it's not adequate.

For example, physicists already know that this time parameter is not
universal and changes for different reference frames, both in flat
spacetime and curved. The effects of this can be quite surprising,
including reversing the sequence of two events! (In your picture, if
event A precedes event B in one frame, then it would precede it in
all. Not so in reality!)

I don't think there really is a good answer for what time is.


Uncle Al

Aug 8, 2009, 1:17:16 PM8/8/09

Time is what an honest clock measures. If you do not like
oscillators, then radioactive decay half-life. Clocks can only be
synchronized by being local (touching). The next generation of atmomc
clocks will be senstive to elevation differences of a meter or less
within the Earth's gravity vs. the geoid.

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)


Aug 9, 2009, 8:36:23 AM8/9/09

"Sam Wormley" <> wrote in message

Just because I said that it's not good advice to tell grad students not to
post questions it doesn't mean that I personally want to answer the question
they ask. It may not interest me. In this particular case I did respond



Aug 9, 2009, 8:37:17 AM8/9/09

"G=EMC^2 Glazier" <> wrote in message
>... I am clever

Not to mention modest

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 9, 2009, 10:07:04 AM8/9/09
Sam I stop light an inch and a half from its source and that is a very
short distance when you consider light can circle the Earth 7 times in a
second. Still I'm trying to shorten that distance by 10 times or more. I
will let you know how I make out. My fusion machine is "BIG" and rather
simple. It works much like a H-Bomb only its explosions are in great
control for size. What destroys the machine like the Tokamak my machine
is made to overcome. Timing is every thing,and here is a kicker for you
Sam "It makes good use of my method to take fast pictures,and there is a
time laps before motion starts. You see its all based on good thinking.
In reality I am copying how mother nature performs and creates. I
control the action. Treb & Bert PS Clue my Pulse Fusion Machine uses
3 lasers

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 9, 2009, 10:10:37 AM8/9/09
Uncle Al (of Irvine) Einstein who combined time and space(Spacetime)
was asked what he felt was the more important of the two?. His answer
was "time" go figure Treb & Bert

Sam Wormley

Aug 9, 2009, 2:41:07 PM8/9/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Sam I stop light an inch and a half from its source and that is a very
> short distance when you consider light can circle the Earth 7 times in a
> second. Still I'm trying to shorten that distance by 10 times or more. I
> will let you know how I make out.

I have the original image you set me... to compare to any new image
you sent.

My fusion machine is "BIG" and rather
> simple. It works much like a H-Bomb only its explosions are in great
> control for size. What destroys the machine like the Tokamak my machine
> is made to overcome.


Timing is every thing,and here is a kicker for you
> Sam "It makes good use of my method to take fast pictures,and there is a
> time laps before motion starts. You see its all based on good thinking.


Sam Wormley

Aug 9, 2009, 2:42:39 PM8/9/09

Are you sure you don't me Minkowski?

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 9, 2009, 6:53:29 PM8/9/09
Sam Two "RIGHTS" makes it positive. yes I am a positive thinker. Do not
throw the pictures I sent you.away. They were not easy to do,and they
are not faked. I am not a faker. I am just very clever. Some day you
will realize this TreBert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 9, 2009, 7:12:52 PM8/9/09
Sam i'm staying with Einstein,but Minkowski I am sure discussed space
and time smoking a pipe together. Both knew time was a dimension of the
universe. Time can never be left out.. Funny Sam I just thought of
"Space being warped." Does this mean time is also warped? I can see
warped space as having curvature. That means time also must curve.
Gravity can control time. Gravity is curved space. Hey another thought
"accelerating motion can do both". Hmmm Like I posted I stay with
Einstein. for in reality I am just posting what the reality of GR is


Aug 9, 2009, 7:31:11 PM8/9/09

You can't "know" something if its untrue bert. Space is what we call
dimension. Time fills its volume.

Mitch Raemsch

Uncle Al

Aug 9, 2009, 7:55:36 PM8/9/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Sam Two "RIGHTS" makes it positive. yes I am a positive thinker.
[snip crap]

You couldn't think your way out of a shadow.

Sam Wormley

Aug 9, 2009, 10:31:22 PM8/9/09

But not in physics.

Sam Wormley

Aug 9, 2009, 10:33:13 PM8/9/09

Time is a familiar stranger, Herb.

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 10, 2009, 10:15:36 AM8/10/09
Mitch True Space&Time are two sides to the same coin. Like the song
goes "You can't have one without the other" still it took the mind of
Einstein to merge the two. He was also very clever TeBert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 10, 2009, 10:27:28 AM8/10/09
Sam Thinking science(every branch) is my life quest. The universe made
me so it could both observe and understand itself, Before me it was
Feynman,before him it was Einstein,after me it will be Witten etc. We
all must have our spacetime. We all need the Sam parrot thinkers
Einstein had the most TreBert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 10, 2009, 10:20:44 AM8/10/09
Uncle Al (of Irvine) How real is a shadow? I think it is a virtual lack
of direct photons (YES?)

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 10, 2009, 10:34:16 AM8/10/09
Sm W you are getting philosophical. Time is no stranger to me. I have
gone through more time than most. have had a good time answering the
mysteries of the universe My time is your time. Rudy Valley 1936


Aug 10, 2009, 11:29:44 AM8/10/09
On Aug 8, 4:27 am, thaif <> wrote:
> although i'm a grad student in electronics engg, still see the world
> moves ahead with the change of positioning of particles in the
> universe initiated by its previous states and These changes observed
> can be told as measured or observed w r  t time parameter.
>       i see the time as a frames of a video with video being more than
> 2D.
>      please help me understand better by giving a independent
> definition of time or any resource for that.thanks in advance.

Time is nothing but
motion comparison
to some*** chosen** motion reference
it is not natures invention
it is a human invention
a very useful one
whil i was your age or even younger
i made the folowing though texpariment:

suppose that all motion in univers
stops while some chosen by you
motion stops mooving
pleae note agaim
ie compplete stop
even the electrons in your body stop
photons stop on trheir way
etc etc

all motion1!
and that stop takes one billion years
and then
your chosen reference stars to move
together with all motion in the univers (from thjepoint it was before
the general stop
now comes the punch question::
will you notice that stop
of one billion years !!???
so may be that will tell you
something about what is time
hope it is some help


Sam Wormley

Aug 10, 2009, 11:55:01 AM8/10/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Uncle Al (of Irvine) How real is a shadow? I think it is a virtual lack
> of direct photons (YES?)


Sam Wormley

Aug 10, 2009, 11:58:05 AM8/10/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Sam Thinking science(every branch) is my life quest.

When you just think alone--without the benefit of library books
or academic resources, it is VERY EASY to think you are making
progress, when in fact you are not.

If you can not work the physics problems in physics textbooks,
you don't understand the physics... it is that simple.

Sam Wormley

Aug 10, 2009, 12:02:05 PM8/10/09

When you had a good time answering the mysteries of the universe

without the benefit of library books or academic resources, it is
VERY EASY to think you are making progress, when in fact you are

I don't want to take from your old brain, the satisfaction of thinking
you know physics, but when you pontificate falsely...

Sam Wormley

Aug 10, 2009, 12:04:44 PM8/10/09

Do you mean Minkowski?


Aug 10, 2009, 5:22:14 PM8/10/09

But you can have empty space-time.

I believe that space as volume was created first then time an energy
in it.
Singularity was space not mass.

Mitch Raemsch

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 10, 2009, 5:42:31 PM8/10/09
Sam "Virtual" like a reflected image. Virtual as say an effect,but not
actual Get The picture trebert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 10, 2009, 5:47:47 PM8/10/09
Sam You are over reacting. Over playing your hand. You have no right to
judge me. No right to feel you know my brain.and yet that in reality is
what you are doing. Shame on you TreBert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 10, 2009, 5:53:49 PM8/10/09
Sam I think t was Minkowski that did the math. Still GR came from the
clever mind of Einstein,and so I go with him. I think that is a very
safe bet. Reason for that is not many people even heard of Minkowski or
know his first name(Hermann) TreBert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 10, 2009, 6:00:15 PM8/10/09
Mitch The sped of photons(light) is used to measure time. We say light
years(LY) Time of photons to go from A to B gives us their distance. I
have the universe as 22 billion years old.and that tells me its size is
22 billion LY from its center. That was the time the singularity
exploded. TreBert


Aug 10, 2009, 7:01:34 PM8/10/09
On Aug 7, thaif <> wrote:
> although i'm a grad student in electronics engg, still see the world
> moves ahead with the change of positioning of particles in the
> universe initiated by its previous states and These changes observed
> can be told as measured or observed w r  t time parameter.
>       i see the time as a frames of a video with video being more than
> 2D.
>      please help me understand better by giving a independent
> definition of time or any resource for that.thanks in advance.

Time is Allah's way of guaranteeing that
everything doesn't happen all at once.


Sam Wormley

Aug 10, 2009, 7:09:32 PM8/10/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Sam "Virtual" like a reflected image. Virtual as say an effect,but not
> actual Get The picture trebert

Uncle Al made a good point!

Sam Wormley

Aug 10, 2009, 7:14:08 PM8/10/09

You spew bad physics on a physics newsgroup, you will
get reactions from a few of us that take the time to
point out your idiocy, Herb.

Actually I, on many occasions, have tried to point you
in a better direction, but you never take the advice.

Sam Wormley

Aug 10, 2009, 7:17:37 PM8/10/09


"By 1907 Minkowski realized that the special theory of relativity, introduced by Einstein
in 1905 and based on previous work of Lorentz and Poincaré, could be best understood in a
four dimensional space, since known as "Minkowski spacetime", in which the time and space
are not separated entities but intermingled in a four dimensional space-time, and in which
the Lorentz geometry of special relativity can be nicely represented. The beginning part
of his address delivered at the 80th Assembly of German Natural Scientists and Physicians
(September 21, 1908) is now famous:

"The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you
have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein
lies their strength. They are radical. Henceforth space by
itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere
shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an
independent reality".

Sam Wormley

Aug 10, 2009, 7:20:07 PM8/10/09

The scientific evidence (from more than one source) puts the
age of the universe between 13 and 14 billion years in age.

Herb just pulls some number out of his... without any scientific
evidence whatsoever.


Aug 10, 2009, 8:38:11 PM8/10/09

Why don't we measure the virtual EM spectrum?
Why can't we see a virtual photon?

Mitch Raemsch

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 11, 2009, 9:58:56 AM8/11/09
Sam I do think Hermann deserves more credit. I feel that was Einstein's
fault. Trebert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 11, 2009, 9:52:38 AM8/11/09
Sam You relate with Uncle Al(of Irvine) Both would rather knock rather
than think. People today knock Einstein,for the same reason you bash me.
they are trying to inflate their ego,by going against great thinking.
They are not clever. They are indeed stupid. trebert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 11, 2009, 9:55:34 AM8/11/09
Sam Show me a post you feel I used bad science? That way I can defend
myself from your ugly accusation TreBert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 11, 2009, 10:09:23 AM8/11/09
Sam Again you have the size and age of the universe as being carved in
stone. The imperial thinkers do not know when the first star in the
Milky Way formed. Do not know when the first neutron formed of how long
it took to form. Every time a more powerful telescope especially radio
the universe gets bigger and older. Think man think My thinking in
future spacetime will be closer to the truth. about 100 years ago the
universe was said to be 1 billion years old.and not getting any bigger O
ya Go figure TreBert PS Big Bang 22 billion years ago and you heard
it here

Sam Wormley

Aug 11, 2009, 10:23:00 AM8/11/09

I don't bash you, Herb. But when you spew crap contradicted by
scientific observation, I might (if you are lucky) let you know
about it.

Sam Wormley

Aug 11, 2009, 10:23:34 AM8/11/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Sam Show me a post you feel I used bad science? That way I can defend
> myself from your ugly accusation TreBert

Pick any of your postings.

Sam Wormley

Aug 11, 2009, 10:24:36 AM8/11/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Sam I do think Hermann deserves more credit. I feel that was Einstein's
> fault. Trebert

Minkowski is give credit to first unifying space and time.

Sam Wormley

Aug 11, 2009, 10:30:31 AM8/11/09
G=EMC^2 Glazier wrote:
> Sam Again you have the size and age of the universe as being carved in
> stone.

Nope--The age of the universe is inferred from the expansion rate
and other observational data.

The imperial thinkers do not know when the first star in the
> Milky Way formed. Do not know when the first neutron formed of how long
> it took to form.

Adapted from Baez, "This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics:196", UCR (2003)

In conclusion--it is just fascinating that we can piece together
a reasonably accurate picture of the history of the Universe.

We only "know" anything about the world on the basis of various
assumptions. If our assumptions turn out to be wrong, our
"knowledge" may turn out to be wrong too. Even worse, our
favorite concepts may turn out to be meaningless, or meaningful
only under some restrictions.

So, when we talk about what happened, say, in the first
microsecond after the Big Bang, we're not claiming absolute
certainty. Instead, we're using various widely accepted
assumptions about physics to guess what happened. Given these
assumptions, the concept of "the first microsecond after the Big
Bang" makes perfect sense. But if these assumptions are wrong,
the whole question could dissolve into meaninglessness. That's
just a risk we have to run.

What are these assumptions, exactly? They include:

1. Einstein's GTR
2. the Standard Model of particle physics

supplemented by

3. some form form are dark energy, in other words a nonzero
cosmological constant, lambda, the same lambda that Albert
Einstein inserted in his equation and later considered it to be
his biggest blunder. If Einstein were alive today, he would have
been thrilled to find that his cosmological constant appears to
be a necessary ingredient in the way the universe works. And
Einstein's biggest blunder has instantly become the greatest
mystery in science.

4. some form of "cold dark matter", unseen matter whose
gravitational effects are observed in the motions galaxies and
clusters of galaxies.

Assumptions 3 and 4 are the ones most people like to worry
about, because our only evidence for them comes from cosmological
observations, and if they're true, they probably require some
sort of modification of the Standard Model. But if we don't make
these assumptions, our model of cosmology just doesn't work...
while if we *do*, it seems to work quite well as is shown with
the WMAP data!

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 11, 2009, 10:20:26 AM8/11/09
Mitch Not all photons are visible. (you know that) Best to keep in
mind Mitch some photons are "FORCE PARTICLES" They play a big role in
the universe. These photons transmit the force that causes electrical
charged particles to attract and repel. You could not have a universe
leaving these unseen photons . My convex theory that gives the reasoning
for an accelerating universe makes use of "FORCE PHOTONS" I could not
think without them Trebert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 11, 2009, 12:53:24 PM8/11/09
Sam you only think my ideas are crap. I and many others think my ideas
are very worth while. That they make people think. That they are very
intriguing. You have only a negative mind that thinks thinking should be
burned like the Nazi's burned books. Sad but so very true. and it only
proves your have a low wit brain that fears new thoughts,that are not
imperial thinker stuff. O ya You Sam are a very low wit,as your
negative posts have shown us. TreBert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 11, 2009, 12:59:10 PM8/11/09
Sam Again you bring much shame to yourself. Again you do not respond .
Again you are a witless wonder of the universe. If the universe had just
you so she could see herself she would be DEAF DUMB<AND BLIND O Ya
You would send mother nature to Google, for you would be just a parrot
Sad but reality TreBert

Sam Wormley

Aug 11, 2009, 2:34:06 PM8/11/09

Many in this USENET newsgroup have called me a lot worse, Herb.
Most of your ideas, Herb, are nothing but crap. That's OK, you
are one of the more notable crap crappers.

Sam Wormley

Aug 11, 2009, 2:35:31 PM8/11/09

That must be why you like me, Herb. I call you on your bullshit.

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 12, 2009, 10:28:14 AM8/12/09
Sam you are saying I am a famous Crapper of crap. Well I guess that's
better than being an unpopular crapper of crap. My crap has been
discussed thanks to the internet all over the world. My fast pictures
have been seen all over the world. My late octopus "Moby" is the most
popular octopus in the world. My barrel sail boat is the most popular
boat in the world. All because I can think,Have a scanner. Have a web
tv. My equation I am told can now be used in Google to find me. I am
famous in the virtual world. Go figure Trebert

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 12, 2009, 10:33:43 AM8/12/09
Sam It is one of mother natures great mysteries. Why I "like" you. I
love science,and so do you. I love a good argument,and so do you. I like
tj(wild coyote) Uncle Al (of Irvine) I hate the word hate(its so
hateful) Trebert

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