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Alternative science: GRAVITATION 101

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Nov 6, 2006, 12:35:25 PM11/6/06
The Hypergeometrical Universe Theory might seem like a non-serious
theory since it proposes a non-orthodox solution to the paradoxes of
Cosmology (non-constantness of the Hubble constant, the homogeneity of
the Cosmic Microwave Background etc)... but Nature is oftentimes

My theory proposes the the Universe rides and is the 4-Dimensional
Hyperspherical Shock-Wave resulting from the decay of the initial
Super-Symmetrical 4-Dimensional Spatial Deformation Event.
Super-Symmetrical is mean here in the sense that the physical
dimensions of this deformational state were above the supersymmetry
conditions. The supersymmetry conditions in my theory refers to the
maximum dimension where spin-zero and non-zero spin particles behave
equally to the intervening spacetime waves.

Matter is modeled as coherences between states in a 4-Dimensional
Rotating Doulble Potential Well. The coherence time is matched to the
lifetime of a particle while the spin is matches to the actual tumbling
of that particle as it travels outwards in the proposed
four-dimensional hyperspherical shock-wave expansion.

There is no need for Dark Energy to explain the expansion state of the
Universe. It is just a imediate result of the geometry.

With the addition of the Radial fourth-dimension, it is easy to realize
that motion is always at the speed of light and that the motion we are
so concerned (along the 3-D manifold) is just a change of direction of
the primary trajectory. This explain clearly why the speed of light is
the fastest speed in the 3-D Universe. It would corresponding to the
particle to ride a perpendicular wave resulting in an interference
pattern traveling at 45 degrees.

>From the spacetime waves generated from the coherences (particles or
dilators), I was able to replicate Gravitation and Electromagnetism
through the creation of a new Physics, that is, a physics that is based
on a new Lagrangian Principle. This principle states that the dilators
travel always in phase with the surrounding spacetime waveforms. This
simple principle is easy to use. Just calculate the total waveform in
the particle position and find its nearest next positive interference.

Gravitation and Electromagnetism differs not by the Nature of the force
but by the Nature of the Force Response. Gravitation affects zero spin
particles (e.g. Hydrogen atom) while electromagnetism affects non-zero
spin particles (e.g. Proton and Electron).

The difference is that zero spin particle do not spin (tumble) as they
travel outwards in the hyperspherical expansion. This means that they
couple to hypersuperficial waves (3-D hypersurface) and that their
k-vector only changes direction at the level as the k-vector of the
Hypersurfa changes from position to position. Remember that this is a
15 Billion Light Years "Hypersphere", so a change in position will
ellicit only a very small change in the direction of propagation, thus
the resulting acceleration would be very small, thus the small strength
of Gravitation.

Non-Zero Spin particle spin (tumble) and that couples allows them to
couple to hypervolumetric wave modes. This also means that from
expansion step to expansion step, they change their k-vector freely and
thus the change is much larger than the change in the previously
described situation. That is why for the same field, there are
different results.

This is a real unification.

The part associated with Gravitation is described at Gravitation 101 in
my blog. Full details on the derivation are presented in the papers on
the site.

Have fun and feel free to ask questions...:)

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