Now my question to you is in what a structure? I say it can only be
into a no space- time structure. Something where is no structure at
all. Another question is where does the energy to expand comes from?
I think the statement "universe is expanding" roughly means following
If you measure "absolute distance" between two points P1 and P2 in
space at some instant of time t1, and then at some later instant of
time t2 (>t1), then you will find that absolute distance measured at
time t2 is more than that measured at time t1.
One's first guess would be that its consuming its own energy for
expansion (assuming there is nothing "outside" it).
No energy required.
The closed universe is in the round boundary(of the 4th diemension)
where the 4th dimension is nowhere.
Einstein said the universe closed by the 4th dimension.
Mitchell Raemsch
[Moderator's note: The issue is subtle and/or not well defined and
probably too detailed to discuss meaningfully in a newsgroup. Readers
might want to check out this article:
as well as some or all of the following (especially the first one)
I say that it could be anything, or nothing at all. The universe is
by definition a closed system and anything outside is completely
> Another question is where does the energy to expand comes from?
There is no reason to think that it requires any energy at all. I say
that no one has much of a clue as to what is going on.
I was too cheap to buy the SA article, but it asks the question:
> When light is redshifted by the expansion of the universe, where does its energy go?
Note that there are two sources of redshift. The first is that the
source of light is (usually) moving away from the Earth. This is
observed as red shift. But who says any energy is "lost?" It isn't.
The second source is that redshift occurs in transit directly due to
the expansion. The volume that the energy occupies increases, so the
density decreases while the total amount of energy remains the same.
This is observed as red shift.
Expansion effects light as it travels billions of light years accross
the universe from the furthest objects. These objects share a common
age from the Big Bang. They are not moving away. Instead space-time is
expanding everywhere inbetween. Space expansion redshifts light by
expanding it. This is equivalent to the motion redshift but is not
motion. It is distance creation as the universe expands.
Rich L.
Your question is: is the Universe closed ?
The following document explains that the Universe is cyclic
meaning closed (at short scale):
See Also:
The current understanding is however that the Universe is an
open expanding system with acceleration.
That means the Cosmological Constant is larger than zero.
The question is how do you prove either one.
The main reason why we assume that the Universe (space)
is expanding is because of redshift (Hubble's Law)
The problem is that only in an Universe where space expansion
is linear Hubble's Law is valid (near the present)
The more this is not true (i.e. acceleration) there is a discrepancy
between the linear relation expressed in Hubble's Law.
For a more detailed explanation of the problems involved See:'s equation.htm
Hope this helped.
Nicolaas Vroom
> For a more detailed explanation of the problems involved See:
>'s equation.htm
Please try this link:'s%20equation.htm
This is not so. It is well-known that the expansion is accelerating.
How can this be?
As far I know, no one knows why the universe expands at all. It
started in a super-dense state. Why wasn't it happy to remain that
way? It has nothing in common with explosions such as we know them on
Earth, since there was no space to expand into. Space itself grew.
Why? How? Beats me. Whatever Penrose may say, I don't see how
entropy has anything to do with it.