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string theory; you've been livin' hell to me: You've hosted me since nineteen eighty three I've seen 'em come and go and I've seen them die And long ago I stopped askin' why. MDT to the rescue!!

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Nov 10, 2006, 7:31:35 PM11/10/06
Johnny Cash Song About String Theory: The Man In Black Rides Again!!!


(Based on the song San Quentin by Johnny Cash)


String Theory, you've been livin' hell to me
You've hosted me since nineteen eighty three
I've seen 'em come and go and I've seen them die
And long ago I stopped askin' why

String Theory, I hate every inch of you.
You've cut me and have scarred me thru an' thru.
And I'll walk out a wiser weaker man;
Mister Congressman why can't you understand.

String Theory, what good do you think you do?
Do you think I'll be different when you're through?
You bent my heart and mind and you may my soul,
And your stone walls turn my blood a little cold.

String Theory, may you rot and burn in hell.
May your walls fall and may I live to tell.
May all the world forget you ever stood.
And may all the world regret you did no good.

String Theory, you've been livin' hell to me.

I was thinking about you guys yesterday. I've been here three times
before, and I think I understand how you feel about some of the things.
It's none of my business how you feel about some of the things, and I
don't give a damn about how you feel about some of the things. But
anyway, I tried to put myself in your place and I believe this is how I
would feel about String Theory -- Johnny Cash @San Quentin 1969

Original Lyrics

San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me

You've hosted me since nineteen sixty three

I've seen 'em come and go and I've seen them die

And long ago I stopped askin' why

San Quentin, I hate every inch of you.

You've cut me and have scarred me thru an' thru.

And I'll walk out a wiser weaker man;

Mister Congressman why can't you understand.

San Quentin, what good do you think you do?

Do you think I'll be different when you're through?

You bent my heart and mind and you may my soul,

And your stone walls turn my blood a little cold.

San Quentin, may you rot and burn in hell.

May your walls fall and may I live to tell.

May all the world forget you ever stood.

And may all the world regret you did no good.

San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me.

Ed Witten Seen Reading Lee Smolin's "The Trouble With Physics": NSF
Quadruples LQG's Funding, Slashes ST's Funding, and Every University
Gets Three LQG Theorists To Talk Amongst Themselves & Give One Another

Princeton, NJ

Ed Witten was seen reading Lee Smolin's THE TORUBLE WITH PHYSICS while
simultaneuosly walking down Nassau Street in an inertial frame,
followed by his 137 postdocs, who were chanting in unison.

Some towards the front of the line started crying first, as they
realized it was the end of a free ride for blind obedience, and that
for health benefits and summers off, they were going to have to hurt
themselves by thinking on their own.

The news spread far and wide. Up in Cambridge Lubos Motl changed his
snarky two star amazon review for THE TROUBLE WITH PHYSICS to a
laudatory five star review, so as to secure future NSF funding. And
Michio Kaku added Smolin as a friend at his myspace page, after a call
from his media team.

"I've seen darker days than this," Brian Greene smiled. "I already got
my two string theory coffee table books out and am set. I know that I
have secured the Nobel--in literature."

Witten said, "It is time to make peace. The most important thing that
we ST, LQGers, and Not Even Wrongers must do is continue to oppose
physical theories, which unify disparate physical phenomena in the same
physical framework. Otherwise mathematical masturbation will fall out
of favor, and we will have to join the proletariat in working for a
living and taking what they're giving."

I wish Woit would have talked more about his views on the future of

String Theory was the only game in town, and now there are two--ST &
deconstructing ST.

But there is another that actually unifies QM & SR & GR with a physical
model: MDT--it's physics!

Moving Dimensions Theory is in complete agreement with all experimental
tests and phenomena associated with special and general relativity. MDT
is in complete agreement with all physical phenomena as predicted by
quantum mechanics and demonstrated in extensive experiments. The genius
and novelty of MDT is that it presents a common physical model which
shows that phenomena from both relativity and quantum mechanics derive
from the same fundamental physical reality.

Nowhere does String Theory nor Loop Quantum Gravity account for quantum
entanglement nor relativistic time dilation. MDT shows these derive
from the same underlying physical reality. Nowhere does ST nor LQG
account for wave-particle duality nor relativistic length contraction.
MDT shows these derive from the same underlying physical reality.
Nowhere does ST nor LQG account for the constant speed of light, nor
the independence of the speed of light on the velocity of the source,
nor entropy, nor time's arrow. MDT shows these derive from the same
underlying physical reality. Nowhere does String Theory nor Loop
Quantum Gravity resolve the paradox of Godel's Block Universe which
troubled Eisntein. MDT resolves this paradox.

Simply put, MDT replaces the contemporary none-theories with a physical
theory, complete with a simple postulate that unifies formerly
disparate phenomena within a simple context.

The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.
-Albert Einstein

But after thirty years of the absurdity of String Theory, millions of
dollars from the NSF, and billions of complementary dollars from tax
and tuition and endowments spent on killing physics and indie
physicists, perhaps it's time for something that makes sense-for a
physical theory that actually accounts for a deeper reality from which
both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, from which time, entanglement,
gravity, entropy, interference, the constant speed of light,
relativistic time dilation, length contraction, and the equivalence of
mass and energy emerge. It's time for Moving Dimensions Theory-MDT.
-The Physicist with No Name

I know what you're thinking. Did he say there were thirty-six
dimensions or only thirty-five? Well to tell you the truth in all this
excitement I've kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .45
Revolver-the most powerful hand gun in the world and would blow your
head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question--Do I feel
lucky? Well, do ya punk!? -Clint Eastwood

I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a man is, the more
likely he is to have extreme prejudice. -Clint Eastwood

Go ahead. Make my day. -Clint Eastwood

Without further adieu, allow me to present the beauty and elegance of
MDT by showing both its simplicity and far-reaching ability to account
for and answer fundamental questions. All of the below will be
elaborated on throughout the book.

Questions Addressed by MDT:

Why does light have a maximum, constant speed independent of the
source? The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions. A photon is momenergy that exists orthogonal to the three
spatial dimensions. It is carried along by the expanding fourth
dimension. So no matter how fast the source is moving when the photon
is emitted, the photon travels at the rate with which the fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. Thus c
is always independent of the movement of the source.

Why are light and energy quantized? The fourth dimension is expanding
in a quantized manner relative to the three spatial dimensions. Light
and energy are matter rotated completely into the fourth expanding
dimension, and as it expands in a quantized manner, light and energy
are thus quantized.

Why is the velocity of light constant in all frames? Time is an
emergent phenomena that arises because the fourth dimension is
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. The flow of time is
inextricably wed to the emission and propagation of photons. In all
biological, mechanical, and electronic clocks, the emission and
propagation of photons is what determines time. The velocity of light
is always measured with respect to time, which is inextricably linked
to the velocity of light. This tautology ensures that the velocity of
light, measured relative to the velocity of light, will always be the

How can photons display both wave and particle properties? The
fundamental photon propagates as a spherical wave-front, surfing the
fourth expanding dimension. This is because the fourth expanding
dimension appears as a spherical wavefront as it expands through the
three spatial dimensions. The act of measurement localizes the photon's
momenergy, taking it out of the expanding fourth dimension and trapping
it in the three stationary spatial dimensions, and it appears as a
localized particle, trapped by electrons as it blackens a grain on a
photographic plate.

How can matter display both wave and particle properties? The
fundamental electron is abuzz with photons. Photons are continually
being emitted into the fourth expanding dimension and reabsorbed by the
electron. The continual dance with these photons gives the electron its
wave properties. Nothing moves without photons which up the net
probability that the combine momenergy will be in the expanding fourth
dimension. The more photons one adds to an object, the greater the
chance it has of existing in the expanding fourth dimension, and thus
it moves.

Why are there non-local effects in quantum mechanics? The fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. That
means that what begins as a point in the fourth dimension is a sphere
with a 186,000 mile radius one second later. So it is that the entire
spherical wavefront of the photon exists in the exact same place in
time. Hence the non-locality observed in double slit experiments, the
EPR effect, and quantum entanglement. Take two interacting spin ½
photons and let them propagate at the speed of c in opposite
directions. They are yet at the exact same place in time! And too, they
are yet in the exact same place of the fourth expanding dimension.

Why does time stop at the speed of light?
Time depends on the emission and propagation of photons. If no photons
are emitted, time does not occur. This holds true whether the clock is
an unwinding copper spring, a biological system such as a heart, or an
oscillating quartz crystal. No photom emission=no time! As an object
approaches the speed of light, its ability to emit photons without
reabsorbing them diminishes. An object traveling at the speed of light
cannot emit a photon.

How come a photon does not age?
A photon represents momenergy rotated entirely into the fourth
expanding dimension. A photon stays the exact same place in the fourth
dimension, no matter how far it travels. A photon stays the exact same
place in time, no matter how far it travels. Again, time is not the
fourth dimension, but in inherits properties of the fourth dimension.

Why are inertial mass and gravitational mass the same thing?

Why do moving bodies exhibit length contraction?
Movement is always accompanied by a shortening in length. This is
because the only way for a body to move is for it to undergo a rotation
into the forth dimension, which is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions. The more energy an electron has, the more photons
it possesses, and the higher probability it exists in the expanding
fourth dimension. Hence its length appears contracted as perceived from
the three spatial dimensions.

Why are mass and energy equivalent?
The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions. That means that a baseball sitting on a lab table
stationary in our three-dimensional inertial reference frame, is yet
moving at a fantastic velocity relative to the fourth dimension. Hence
every seemingly stationary mass has a vast energy, as given by E=mc2.
In a nuclear reaction matter is rotated into the expanding fourth
dimension, appearing as high-enegry photons (gamma rays) propagating at
the same velocity of the fourth expanding dimension-c.

Why does time's arrow point in the direction it points in? The fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. Hence
every photon naturally expands in a spherically symmetric manner. Hence
every electron, or piece of matter that interacts with photons, is
naturally carried outward from a central point in a spherically
symmetric manner. Hence the particles in a drop of dye in a swimming
pool dissipate in a spherically symmetric manner, and are never
reunited. Hence time's arrow and entropy.

Why do photons appear as spherically-symmetric wavefronts traveling at
a velocity c? The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions at the velocity c. Hence photons, which are tiny
packets of momenergy rotated entirely into the fourth dimension, appear
as spherically-symmetric wavefronts propagating at the velocity c.

Why is there a minus sign in the following metric?
The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions at the velocity c. Hence the only way to stay still in the
space-time continuum, and to achieve a 0 interval, is to move with the
velocity of light.

What deeper reality underlies Einstein's postulates of relativity?
The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions at the velocity c. This single postulate assures that the
speed of light is constant for all observers and that the laws of
physics are the same in all inertial frames.

What deeper reality underlies Newton's laws?
Newton's laws are an approximation of relativity and quantum mechanics,
and as MDT underlies QM & relativity, it underlies Newton's laws.

Why is an increase in velocity always accompanied by a decrease in
length as measured by an external observer? All increases in velocity
are accompanied by rotations into the fourth dimension. All particles
can be represented by momenergy 4-vectors. The greater the momenrgy
component in the expanding fourth dimension, the greater the velocity
and speed of the particle. Rest mass is the invariant here. It never
changes. It prefers the three spatial dimensions. In order for it to
move, one must gain energy in the form of photons. These photons prefer
the fourth expanding dimension. The more photons one adds, the greater
the component of the momenergy 4-vector that appears in the fourth
expanding dimension, the more energy the particle has, the shorter it
appears, and the faster it moves.

How MDT Is Aiding Fellow Physicists

"The conclusions from Bell's theorem are philosophically startling;
either one must totally abandon the realistic philosophy of most
working scientists or dramatically revise our concept of space-time."
-Abner Shimony and John Clauser

Moving Dimensions Theory provides this new concept of space-time. The
vast ambitions of most tenure-track physicists, including string
theorists and LQG hypers, causes them to focus on irrelevant, minute
questions, and thus, though funded by millions for over thirty years,
have not yet been able to string the bow. Deeper, true physicists, such
as Abner Shimony and John Clauser are alert to the fact that physics
need news ideas.
The expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet appear to be
at the exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the
new concept of space-time.

"For me, then, this is the real problem with quantum theory: the
apparently essential conflict between any sharp formulation and
fundamental relativity. It may be that a real synthesis of quantum and
relativity theories requires not just technical developments but
radical conceptual renewal." -John Bell

Moving Dimensions Theory provides this radical conceptual renewal. The
expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet appear to be
at the exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the
new concept of space-time.

"Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum
mechanics." -Erwin Schrodinger

The expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet be at the
exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the new
concept of space-time.

"For me, then, this is the real problem with quantum theory: the
apparently essential conflict between any sharp formulation and
fundamental relativity. It may be that a real synthesis of quantum and
relativity theories requires not just technical developments but
radical conceptual renewal." -John Bell

Moving Dimensions Theory provides this radical conceptual renewal. The
expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet appear to be
at the exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the
new concept of space-time.

"Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum
mechanics." -Erwin Schrodinger

The expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet be at the
exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the new
concept of space-time.

Bill Hobba

Nov 10, 2006, 11:57:12 PM11/10/06

<> wrote in message

> String Theory, you've been livin' hell to me

That's because you are a moron released too early from the asylum and need
much larger doses of your meds.


Jan Panteltje

Nov 11, 2006, 8:14:42 AM11/11/06
On a sunny day (Sat, 11 Nov 2006 04:57:12 GMT) it happened "Bill Hobba"
<> wrote in <IKc5h.62726$>:

Same asylum the string quartet plays?

Nov 13, 2006, 12:19:27 PM11/13/06
Princeton, NJ

Ed Witten was seen reading Woit's THE NOT EVEN WRONG while

simultaneuosly walking down Nassau Street in an inertial frame,

followed by his 137 postdocs, who were chanting in unison, as measured
by a stationy observer standing outside of PJ's Pancakes.

Some towards the front of the line started crying first (in the lab
frame), as they realized it was the end of a free ride for blind
obedience, and that for health benefits, trips to exotic conferences,
and summers off, they were going to have to start thinking on their

The news spread far and wide. Up in Cambridge Lubos Motl changed his

snarky one star amazon review for NEW to a laudatory five star review,
so as to secure future NSF funding. And Michio Kaku added Woit as a
friend on his myspace page, after a call from his media team.

"I've seen darker days than this," Brian Greene smiled, recalling the
bar scene with the hot chick in his PBS mini-series. "I already got my

two string theory coffee table books out and am set. I know that I have
secured the Nobel--in literature."

Witten said, "It is time to make peace. The most important thing that
we ST, LQGers, and Not Even Wrongers must do is continue to oppose
physical theories, which unify disparate physical phenomena in the same
physical framework. Otherwise mathematical masturbation will fall out
of favor, and we will have to join the proletariat in working for a
living and taking what they're giving."

I wish Woit would have talked more about his views on the future of

physics. For it is not enough to criticize, and I would hate to see the
future of physics dominated by those untying the knots of String

ST hath failed. Utterly and completely. It could not have failed more
with twice as much NSF fundining.

Questions Addressed by MDT:


Nov 13, 2006, 4:42:56 PM11/13/06
to wrote:
> Johnny Cash Song About String Theory: The Man In Black Rides Again!!!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (Based on the song San Quentin by Johnny Cash)
> String Theory, you've been livin' hell to me
> You've hosted me since nineteen eighty three
> I've seen 'em come and go and I've seen them die
> And long ago I stopped askin' why
> String Theory, I hate every inch of you.
> You've cut me and have scarred me thru an' thru.
> And I'll walk out a wiser weaker man;
> Mister Congressman why can't you understand.
> String Theory, what good do you think you do?
> Do you think I'll be different when you're through?
> You bent my heart and mind and you may my soul,
> And your stone walls turn my blood a little cold.
> String Theory, may you rot and burn in hell.
> May your walls fall and may I live to tell.
> May all the world forget you ever stood.
> And may all the world regret you did no good.
> String Theory, you've been livin' hell to me.

Is drelliot = Archimedes Plutonium?

--- Christopher Heckman

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