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Solar spots, gaseous star model and absurdities of modern science

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Jul 22, 2011, 2:56:11 PM7/22/11

Solar spots, gaseous star model and absurdities of modern

Present text is a continuation of some researches made twenty years
ago related to a new theory of gravitation based on fluid mechanics.
In present text some paradoxes of actual sciences are analysed and a
new explanation is proposed.
Strange enough for actual science, the presence of an increased number
of solar spots, with a lower temperature than photosphere temperature
leads to an increased luminosity of the Sun. No credible explanation
is offered by actual orthodox science.
The generation of huge local magnetic fields on the Sun, prior to the
effective solar spot apparition, is a well known fact, again without a
credible explanation coming from orthodox science.
The drift of solar spots from high latitudes toward lower latitude and
the inversion of magnetic solar spots polarity are analysed and a new
explanation is proposed.
Even solar spots have nothing to do with electricity and magnetism,
the new formulated explanation is based on a new principle of
magneticity: A neutral electric liquid in a rotational motion, in
certain conditions, creates a macroscopic magnetic field. A neutral
electric solid in rotational motion in rotation creates, in certain
conditions, a smaller macroscopic magnetic field then a liquid. An
ionised or non ionised gas, in rotational motion does not create a
macroscopic magnetic field.
As consequence, the actual model of a gaseous star is ruled out, and a
liquid model is proposed instead. The new explanation rule out the
inversion of total Sun magnetic field every 11 years, as actual
orthodox science accept. If locally there is an inversion of polarity
magnetic field attached to solar spots, this does not mean the whole
magnetic field of Sun changes orientation. Of course, with so many
satellites in orbits some simple experiments can be performed to check
this fact. I doubt that orthodox scientists will take into
consideration such idea. They are busy to argue about the priority of
who discovered first solar spot or to discover the first inversion of
magnetic polarity for solar spots. And they call these advanced
The link:

Some links on the site are unavailable due to an informatic attack.
Though, the link toward temporal aberration and toward magnetic field
of celestial body are reactivated.

In fact, I have to draw the attention that a lot of paradoxes of
actual sciences were resolved long time ago. As example, the huge
contrast between temperature of solar corona (1,5 milions Kelvin) and
temperature of photosphere ( 6000 Kelvin) has a very simple and
intuitive explanations. The formation of comets tails or the
acceleration of particles in cometary=92s tails can be explained based
on fluid mechanics too and so on ......
Best regards,
Sorin Cosofret

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