On 4/5/16 4/5/16 - 1:15 PM, Hans Van Leunen wrote:
> The deepest foundations of reality are not accessible to experimental
> verification. Requiring experimental verification has a consequence the
> denial that such foundation exists. I consider the scientific method a
> foolish attitude! It blindfolds everyone that supports this attitude.
I doubt very much this is so.
But assume it is, then such "foundation" is UNKNOWABLE TO HUMANS.
That's because the ONLY way we humans can learn anything about the world we
inhabit is via experiments. This is part and parcel of the human condition:
* our minds process only thoughts
* the best possible relationship between a thought and some aspect
of the world is as a MODEL of that aspect
* the only possible method we have of validating the models we make
is via experiment.
How do you find your bed at night? via the mental MODEL you have of your
dwelling -- you mentally navigate from where you are to where you remember your
bed is located, then follow with your body.
How did you obtain that model? via experimentation -- you wandered around your
dwelling until you found where your bed is located, and you remembered it. The
first time you entered your dwelling you may have had guidance from experience
with previous dwellings, but that is just a GUESS, you didn't KNOW where your
bed is located until you found it experimentally.
It should be clear that a physical law such as "F=ma" is a model of that aspect
of the world we inhabit, admittedly far more abstract than your model of your
dwelling; this one has been validated via billions of experiments and found to
be valid in a regime that includes our everyday lives, but not all regimes
reachable by modern instruments (e.g. particle accelerators).
Back to those "foundations" of yours -- I'll bet you are making GUESSES about
them, but don't have any actual knowledge about them, because you CAN'T.
As I said, I doubt very much that your "blindfold" actually applies. But if it
does, there's nothing you, or any human, can do about it.
Tom Roberts