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Disc magnet parallel action experiment

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PengKuan Em

Jun 17, 2015, 1:50:02 PM6/17/15

The magnetic field of the earth can rotate a flat coil in its plane. This is explained in Earth's magnetic field and parallel action. Will a disc magnet rotate a flat coil the same way? The magnetic field of a disc magnet is central symmetric and the field lines are contained in median planes (See Figure 1). If a flat coil is coplanar with a median plane, the Lorentz forces on the currents will be perpendicular to the plane of the coil. So, Lorentz force could not rotate the flat coil in its plane. But in my experiment the coil rotates.

Please read the article at
Disc magnet parallel action experiment
or Disc magnet parallel action experiment (video included)

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