Diving deep into the foundations of physical reality requires a deep dive into advanced mathematics. Usually this goes together with formulas or other descriptions that are incomprehensible to most people. The nice thing about this situation is that the deepest foundation of reality must be rather simple and as a consequence it can be described in a simple fashion and without any formulas. For example the most fundamental law of physical reality can be formulated in the form of a commandment:
"Thou shalt construct in a modular way"
This law is the direct consequence of the structure of the deepest foundation. That foundation restricts the types of relations that may play a role in physical reality. That structure does not yet contain numbers. Therefore it does not yet contain notions such as location and time.
Modular construction acts very economic with its resources and the law thus includes an important lesson. "Do not spoil resources!"
Understanding that the above statements indeed concern the deepest foundation of physics requires deep mathematical insight and it requests belief from those that cannot (yet) understand this methodology. On the other hand intuition quickly leads to trust and acceptance that the above major law must rule our existence!
Those that possess sufficient knowledge of mathematics might be interested in the paper "The Hilbert Book Test Model";