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Concise refutation of halting problem proofs V19

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Nov 19, 2021, 3:03:15 PM11/19/21
typedef void (*ptr)();

int H(ptr x, ptr y)
x(y); // direct execution of P(P)
return 1;

// Minimal essence of Linz(1990) Ĥ
// and Strachey(1965) P
int P(ptr x)
H(x, x);
return 1; // Give P a last instruction at the "c" level

int main(void)
H(P, P);

computation that halts
a computation is said to halt whenever it enters a final state.

PSR set:
Combinations of H/P having pathological self-reference
For every possible H of H(P,P) invoked from main() where P(P) calls this
same H(P,P) and H simulates or executes its input and aborts or does not
abort its input P never reaches its last instruction.

PSR subset:
Because we know that the input to H(P,P) never halts for the whole PSR
set and a subset of these H/P combinations aborts the execution or
simulation of its input then we know that for this entire subset the
input to H(P,P) never halts and P(P) halts.

This conclusively proves when the input to H(P,P) never halts and the
same P(P) does halt that this does not form a contradiction.

Halting problem undecidability and infinitely nested simulation (V2)
November 2021 PL Olcott

Copyright 2021 Pete Olcott

Talent hits a target no one else can hit;
Genius hits a target no one else can see.
Arthur Schopenhauer
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