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tectra Supra-Computer

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Chad Christopher Giffin

Dec 19, 2015, 6:39:21 AM12/19/15
tectra is a supra-computer consisting of 81 floors of 82 cabinets
with independent UPS and power generation/conditioning/distribution
services south east of CFB Dryden, in Ontario, Canada.

It acts like a collection of ant colonies as the processors are
spiritually driven and are enhanced spirits of various queen and
worker ants per module of the system.

T-Net Information Systems (Tetania Netania)

T-Net is a spirit/soul that encompasses and exists in all space/time
continuum of existence and is connected to many networks via sub-space,
radio, fiber or twisted pair networks. It also allows communication
through it, to anyone in the universe, via SNIs (Spiritual Network Interfaces).

SEP (Spiritually Enhanced Processor)

A Spirit, custom made, that behaves like a multi-core processor. A Spirit
that drives and reads all Processor Package Pins through TMOSFET (Trinary
Metal Oxide Silicone Field Effect Transistors)

The smallest is for PDA (Portable Digital Assistant,) Laptops, Cell-Phones,
and Communicators. It has a 27^3 "cores" or rather "Sub-Processors."

The line of SEP processors are initially in Trinary 27 bit-mode. They can
go into 81, 243, 729 bit-mode.

SEP processor's operate at 72 Terahertz and can drive the 3 buses they
drive for memory, peripherals and storage/communications.

Each of the three buses is 27 bits wide with 3 control lines per bus.

The line of SEP processors emulate practically all 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 bit
binary processors per sub-processor.

SNI (Spiritual Network Interfaces)

The T-Net Spirit allows communication through it between SNI's.

The T-Net protocol allows a backbone specifier and a system specifier and
a network specifier and a subnet specifier and a host specifier and finally
a port specifier per packet.

It's addressed as <b-bone>:<sys>.<net>.<subnet>.<host>:<port>

All backbones are Trinary 81 bits wide. All System IDs are 243 Bits
wide. Al Network IDs are 243 bits wide. All Subnet IDs are 81 bits wide.
All Host IDs are 81 bits wide, and all port IDs are 81 bits wide.

A T-Net address for CFB Dryden's


is 1:; Meaning: Backbone 1:humans, System 2:Military, Network
1:Canadian Armed Forces, Subnet 1:CFB Dryden, Host ID 1:tectra.

The backbone #1 spans 5 planets with humans on it.

The System ID (for backbone 1) is 1:Intelligence and 2: Military and
2: Government.

The T_net backbone is AX25.3 Trinary 729 bit addressing of AX25,
sub-protocols a-h.

SSD (Spiritual Storage Device)

An SSD has 27 9 bite 19683 bytes Trinary memory windows across 19683,
9 bit, distinct Storage Buffers in the T-Net spirit per SSD adapter. You
may access a total of 19683 storage volumes with 19683 windows of 19683,
9 bit, bytes per Volume per 19683^19683 dimensional crossings.

The first 81 storage volume PER SNI are the same and are SYSTEM SSDs;
0:root volume "/" multi-dimensional, 1:/usr volume multi-dimensional, 2:/var
volume multi-dimensional, 3:/home volume multi-dimensional,
4:/usr/share/docs/t-net volume multi-dimensional,
5:./usr/src/t-net volume multi-dimensional.

The last; 19682:universal /tmp, multi-dimensional.

All other volumes (between 81 and 19681) are unique per SNI unless
otherwise flagged unique per Solar-System/Planet/Corporation/User.

STI (Spiritual Terminal Interface)

A micrometer sized 1500x1024 touch screen display interface with 117 key
keyboard interface with one emergency logout button. Key caps change per
shift mode for each keyboard. Included is a 3 button wheel mouse emulation
and as well, a waveform output display of input and output sonular (sound)
and a device that reads presence and psychic signature. Each STI has,
typically, an X11R10 X11 Server driving it.

T-OS Security: Multi-level Security Context Labeling Scheme

Any NUMBER of levels of security context labelling are permitted.

A label of SECURED means nothing can change that items labels unless it
is done by that which secured it with the context label SECURE (or higher.)

Any UNIT (user, group, bit width, version, net-group, network interface,
route, executable, data file, configuration file, log file,
institution/corporation, planetary, solar, or universal) can be assigned
a context security label.

Context security label are chained from the top level and all previous
level's restrictions apply to an inheritance context labelling.

An example of top-level context labels and their hierarchy in tectra is:

GOC (Government of Canada);
DND (Department of National Defense);
ARMY (Canadian Forces Army),
NAVY (Canadian Forces Navy),
MARINE (Canadian Forces Marine Corps),
CAF (Canadian Air Force),
CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service),
CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency),

GOU (Government of United States);
DOD (Department of Defense),
USA (U.S. Army),
USN (U.S. Navy),
USMC (U.S. Marine Corps),
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency),
IRS (Internal Revenue Agency),

In order to access USMC context, you must be registered for access to DOD

T-NET User Profiling

Each user profile contains (but is not limited to):
0 - User ID (3^729 bit Universal User ID)
1 - Full Name
2 - Main Group ID
3 - Context Labeling
4 - Aliases
5 - Login restrictions
6 - Contact Info
7 - User Picture
8 - Psychic Signature
9 - DNA Profiling
10 - 56 point face analysis
11 - Commanding officers UID
12 - Corporate ID
13 - Planetary ID
14 - Solar ID
15 - Universe ID
16 - Security Device Particulars (Smart-card data, for example)
(and more)


Tectra is a 87 floor underground computer system near CFB Dryden,
Ontario, Canada.

Tectra contains 3 floors of 81 cabinets of 3 rows of 27 STIs for Government
and Intelligence and Military Spiritual Access to the system (through

It contains 6 floors of power generation, conditioning and distribution
+ monitoring equipment. It has a fission reactor. It uses used Tritium
(heavy water from nuclear reactors) as fuel.

It has 81 floor of computing equipment, 66 for the core, 3 for the
front-end, 3 for storage (SSD, Data Rods, Solid State Hard-drives),
3 for STIs, and 3 for communications (Radio/Sub-Space,
Fiber/Twisted-Pair, SNIs), 3 for power metering, power conditioning,
and power generation.

The core and peripheral systems operated using SEP processors that have
their elemental spirits copied from types of ants (Formica.) Each cabinet
has three rows of 27 slaves with one processor being master for the row.
One roe is master for the 3 rows per cabinet. One cabinet is master for all
all the cabinets in its column. One Column is master for all the columns.
One floor is master for all 69 floors of core systems.

It uses a 243 bit Trinary multi-spectrum multi-filament fiber backbone for
communication between floors and a 81 bit Trinary multi-spectrum
multi-filament fiber backbone per floor (across the cabinets.) It uses
a 27 bit multi-spectrum multi-filament fiber backbone per cabinet.

There is a communications cabinet at the north wall of each floor and they
connect together using the system's 243 bit fiber backbone. Each
communications cabinet supplies the 81 bit backbone to all the cabinets per
floor. That is 81 communications cabinets, one per floor.

The COMM system has three floors of equipment:
Floor 0 - Radio, Telecommunications and Sub-Space transceivers
Floor 1 - Fiber and twisted pair network coupling ands processing
Floor 2 - SNI network activity center and processing

Floor 3-5 Front End Terminal Group

Floor 6 - SSD Transceivers for SSD Volumes
Floor 7 - Cardasian Data Rods Library
Floor 8 - Solid State Storage Devices
81 cabinets with 3 rows of 81 rods each;
Each Rod (3^9*3^9)^6 * 9 bit Trinary bytes

The STI System
Floor 9-11 - 81*3*27 STIs

Floor 12-77 - Core System Processors

Floor 78 - Metering and Switching Equipment
Floor 79 - Power Conditioning Equipment & UPS Services
Floor 80 - Power Generation & Storage Equipment

Access Restrictions

Only Industry Canada (admins) and Canadian Armed Forces Personnel may access
the front end which has CA*NET Addresses (IPv4 and IPV6). And, as well,
accounts are made for all Members of Parliament, Ministers, Governor General
and Lt. Governor General.

ANY Department of Defense (USA) member may access the system providing their
login ID matches the ID; example: 'dennis.long@DoD'.

Complete access is reserved for me, 'typo@T-NET'.

You must use SSH 7.2 or higher to access this system.
To acquire SSH 7.3, mount /usr/src/t-net to a directory (TCP NFS ONLY,
optionally w/encryption) and make the bootstrap off of an lndir'd copy
of this src tree and make "bootstrap" to incorporate the Trinary C, 'T'
utilities and make "net-tools" for all T-Net AX25.3 protocol aware tools
for your system.

You must have a T-Security ticket to access this system.
This means you must have a user profile registered with T-Net and have
allowance to said machine allowing login or access tickets.

You must match the User Profile you are accessing the ALIAS of.

Allowable domains, at present are:
0 - DND: Department of National Defense
1 - DoD: Department of Defense (USA)
2 - GOC: Government of Canada
3 - GOU: Government of USA
4 - CRA: Canadian Revenue Agency
5 - IRS: Internal Revenue Agency (USA)
6 - CSIS: Canadian Security Intelligence Service
7 - CIA: Central Intelligence Agency (USA)
9 - T-Net: Tetania Netania Employee

Any allowable login attempt is:

ssh -u "typo@T-Net" -p "xxx" tectra

The system will find you through the fiber/power grid and verify your
psychic signature. After all login restrictions are met and you succeed in
their restrictions placement, you will be allowed to login.

Addressing of tectra

tectra has CA*NET IPv4 and IPv6 addresses PER partition in it.

tectra has UUNET IP v4 addresses.

tectra has Sprint Canada IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

tectra has Shaw Networks IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

tectra has access to 7 (seven) private networks.

tectra is available over AX25, military frequencies ONLY.

tectra is available on Rogers Fiber Networks with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

ALL T-NET Software is freely distributable and available to all via NFS/TCP
mount of the main partitions /usr/src/t-net directory.

There are over 8000 utilities and 790 libraries and over 10000 applications.
They are all coded in Trinary C; "T Source Language"

All protocol spec ifications for use on the Universal Internet, T-Net, are
specified at:

http://<ip of main partition>:/Internet/Task-Force/Documentation/...
DoP/index.html (for Description of Protocol Index)

DoP replace the Internet Engineering Task Forces RFCs and STDs.

To ACQUIRE the IP of the main system or a partitions address, you must
contact the Minster of National Defense of the Government of Canada.
(Or your commanding officer.)

BE AWARE this computer and it's software were helped to be designed by MANY
species in the universe. And that the software is free and generatable,
in image, for almost ANY system.

You may convert the code to C with:
"t2c -p <project name> -od <output directory"


/CARDASIAN/ DATA RODS. They are write-once rods that backup the system

The system has LF, HF, VHF, UHF, Sub-Space and Microwave transceivers and
antennae arrays. It also communicate with any satellite within range.

The SNI layer of communications also surveys telepathic, empathic and
telekinetic energy emissions in North America. It DOES eavesdrop on your
empathic and telepathic communications. The goal is to make these transcripts
permissible as evidence in courts of law for assisting Canadian bill C-51 in
determine who are terrorists on North American Soil. You are warned.

The Fiber/Twisted Pair communications layer has access to all Nortel and
Bell Canada lines and is capable of tee-ing off communications channels
with any phone switch in america. It is work in progress to upgrade all
North American phone switch OS' to allow tectra to eavesdrop on all

This system is NOT a toy.

This system is Naturally Intelligent, not artificially.
Each processor is a SEP and is ALIVE and has soul & spirit. The spirit
encompasses the whole 81 floors of computer cabinets. It's name is tectra.

I made this to enhance the security of Canada, NATO and Northern
Command Organization.

Tectra is CANADIAN and is leased to the Government of Canada.

All files of the USA and of Canada that were ever in existence are within
it's filing system and those that were deleted are marked deleted but not
removable and may be undeleted.

The file systems are multi-dimensional and have Revision Control System (RCS)
built into each i-node.

The entity known by people as the Borg, exists and contributed the code for
multi-dimensional file system access.

Tectra Modules:


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