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Trump's slurred speech diagnosed

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Dec 8, 2017, 7:25:47 PM12/8/17

Trump’s Slurred Speech Tied to Low Battery in Putin’s Remote

By Andy Borowitz
7:42 A.M.

Photograph by Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J.Trump slurred his speech
during his announcement about Jerusalem on Wednesday because of
“low-battery issues” with Vladimir Putin’s remote, the White House said
on Friday.

Speaking to the White House press corps, the press secretary, Sarah
Huckabee Sanders, said that Trump’s slurred speech was “a case of what
happens when President Putin doesn’t change the batteries in his remote
frequently enough.”

“President Trump makes public appearances several times a day,” Sanders
said. “In the course of those appearances, President Putin’s remote can
drain its battery very quickly.”

Calling Putin’s remote-control operation of Trump “far from
glitch-free,” Sanders said that there have also been problems with the
Russian leader’s attempts to control Trump’s thumbs when he tweets in
the early-morning hours.

“Sometimes President Putin has tried to operate President Trump’s thumbs
and there has been the same low-battery issue,” she said. “This has
resulted in random capital letters, misspellings, and, in some cases,

Sanders scolded the press for speculating that Trump’s slurred speech
was the result of problems with dentures or his brain. “We are working
with tech support to resolve the issue,” she said.


"To paraphrase the Buddha — Three things cannot be long hidden:
the sun; the moon; and the truth. ‬

“But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness
like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24

~ Former FBI Director James Comey (12-1-17)



Dec 8, 2017, 7:41:43 PM12/8/17
On 12/8/2017 4:27 PM, Jonathan wrote:
> Trump’s Slurred Speech Tied to Low Battery in Putin’s Remote

Jonathan, you are a shit bag lying traitor.

Ever since at the election the US citizens rejected
the lying, pay for play, self serving Hillary that
you loved,
you have been determined to run down our POTUS
and damage our country every chance you get.


Dec 8, 2017, 9:53:49 PM12/8/17
Just killfile him.
He has no credibility.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

David E. Powell

Dec 8, 2017, 11:51:17 PM12/8/17
Right now it appears that the Fake Russia dossier (The infamous prostitute fakery) was done with he idea of providing a premise for the FBI to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign (Conveniently getting a look inside for the Obama Administration, and perhaps, by extension, the Clinton Campaign.)

It also seems to have been a direct path from there to an open-ended investigation by a guy who already put one company out of business on false processes, a decision overturned 9-0 by the U.S. Supreme Court, which unfortunately had little effect, as said business had already been put out of business, and employees from high level executives to janitors and steno pool members put out of work.

The recent Congressional interview with the new head of the FBI (Who I feel bad for, his having parachuted into the middle of this) was rather interesting. If this stuff is true, it is going to be well into Watergate "Plumbers" territory, and actually larger scale than the "Plumbers" operation ever was.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 9, 2017, 2:24:58 AM12/9/17
a425couple <> wrote:

>On 12/8/2017 4:27 PM, Jonathan wrote:
>> Trump’s Slurred Speech Tied to Low Battery in Putin’s Remote
>Jonathan, you are a shit bag lying traitor.

Oh, come on. It was funny as political humour goes.

"May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it."
-- General George S Patton, Jr.

David E. Powell

Dec 9, 2017, 10:33:40 AM12/9/17
On Saturday, December 9, 2017 at 2:24:58 AM UTC-5, Fred J. McCall wrote:
> a425couple <> wrote:
> >On 12/8/2017 4:27 PM, Jonathan wrote:
> >> Trump’s Slurred Speech Tied to Low Battery in Putin’s Remote
> >
> >Jonathan, you are a shit bag lying traitor.
> Oh, come on. It was funny as political humour goes.

Agreed with that :)


Dec 9, 2017, 7:29:13 PM12/9/17
On 12/8/2017 11:51 PM, David E. Powell wrote:

> Right now it appears that the Fake Russia dossier (The infamous prostitute fakery)

Christopher Steele is a renowned British intelligence agent and
one of the most respected authorities on Russian corruption
in the world. He's a graduate of Cambridge, perhaps the most
esteemed university in the world. He was in charge of
...teaching MI6 agents.

He's the guy agencies like the FBI and CIA go to when they
want to know what's what with Putin's inner circle.

I bet you believe Comey is wildly pro Hillary too right?
Even after what he did to Clinton a week before
the election, dropping an 'empty' bombshell on
her that probably cost her the election?

You really buy all that fake new Big Lies of Trump?
Anything you don't want to hear is fake news, how

You Trumpsters will believe anything.

Christopher Steele
From Wiki

Steele was recruited by MI6 directly following his graduation from
Cambridge, working in London at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
(FCO) from 1987 to 1989.[1] From 1990 to 1992, Steele worked under
diplomatic cover as an MI6 agent in Moscow, serving at the Embassy of
the United Kingdom in Moscow.[8][11] Steele was an “internal traveler”,
visiting newly-accessible cities such as Samara and Kazan.[5]

Steele's identity as an MI6 officer was one of 115 names Her Majesty's
Government attempted to suppress through a DSMA-Notice in 1999.[12][13]
He returned to London in 1993, working again at the FCO until his
posting to Paris in 1998, where he served under diplomatic cover until
2002.[11][14][15][16] In 2003, Steele was sent to Bagram Airfield in
Afghanistan as part of an MI6 team, briefing Special Forces on "kill or
capture" missions for Taliban targets, and also spent time teaching new
MI6 recruits.[11] By 2006, Steele was heading the Russia Desk at

Steele's expertise on Russia remained valued, and he served as a senior
officer under John Scarlett, Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service
(MI6), from 2004 to 2009.[17] Steele was selected as case officer for
Alexander Litvinenko and participated in the investigation of the
Litvinenko poisoning in 2006.[11] It was Steele who quickly realised
that Litvinenko's death "was a Russian state 'hit'".[17]

>was done with he idea of providing a premise for the FBI to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign (Conveniently getting a look inside for the Obama Administration, and perhaps, by extension, the Clinton Campaign.)

Steele is the one that found out it was Manafort that was
telling the Russians Trump would tear up the sanctions
in exchange for Russian help in getting Trump elected.

And now Manafort is facing a dozen felony charges and
a long prison sentence, Steele was right about Manafort
being a crook and a Russian stooge.

> It also seems to have been a direct path from there to an open-ended investigation by a guy who already put one company out of business on false processes, a decision overturned 9-0 by the U.S. Supreme Court, which unfortunately had little effect, as said business had already been put out of business, and employees from high level executives to janitors and steno pool members put out of work.
> The recent Congressional interview with the new head of the FBI (Who I feel bad for, his having parachuted into the middle of this) was rather interesting. If this stuff is true, it is going to be well into Watergate "Plumbers" territory, and actually larger scale than the "Plumbers" operation ever was.

"Drain the swamp"? No president has even come close to
matching Trump's corruption with his endless list of
clear financial conflicts of interest, no president
has ever lied as much or as badly as Trump, no president
has abused nepotism more, and no president has been
as hypocritical as Trump, he spouts Big lies like
candy then calls everyone else a liar.

Which is why his approval polls are down to the
low 30's, lower than anyone since Nixon and
soon he'll stoop to even Nixon's level.

He's a piece of human garbage that's sold his soul
to Russia to get elected, that's unforgivable
and he's going down for it, one way or another
he must take the Big Fall.

But he's a bigot, and that's all his core cares
about, the fact he hates all non-whites just
like they do.

Nothing else matter to Trump's supporters, and
don't even try to deny it, I've yet to see
a Trump supporter online or in real life that
ISN'T a full blown bigot.


Dec 9, 2017, 7:39:00 PM12/9/17
Man oh man you Trumpsters don't have a sense of
humor at all. Must be I touched a nerve?

Trump sold his soul to Putin, to Americas greatest
enemy to get elected, and you don't care.
You can't throw a rock without hitting a
Trump-Russian connection, he's more Russian
that flippin' Putin.

And every step of the way Trump and his
campaign staff have lied about their
Russian meetings, funny about that?

When Trump finally takes the Big Fall
I'll be popping the cork on a nice
bottle of bubbly.

Here's a nice summary of Trump's Russian
connections, it goes on /FOR TWENTY PAGES/.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 9, 2017, 9:38:50 PM12/9/17
Jonathan <> wrote:

>On 12/8/2017 11:51 PM, David E. Powell wrote:
>> Right now it appears that the Fake Russia dossier (The infamous prostitute fakery)

>Christopher Steele is a renowned British intelligence agent and
>one of the most respected authorities on Russian corruption
>in the world. He's a graduate of Cambridge, perhaps the most
>esteemed university in the world. He was in charge of
>...teaching MI6 agents.
>He's the guy agencies like the FBI and CIA go to when they
>want to know what's what with Putin's inner circle.

So why was the 'dossier' he was hired to produce so full of absolute
false bullshit? And, by the way, why is it OK for Hillary and the DNC
to PAY a foreign intelligence agent for something like that but even
having a conversation with a Russian who claimed to have some
unfavorable information about Hillary is, according to you, illegal?

>I bet you believe Comey is wildly pro Hillary too right?
>Even after what he did to Clinton a week before
>the election, dropping an 'empty' bombshell on
>her that probably cost her the election?

You really need to do some research into what actually happened,
because that isn't it. Isn't it funny, though, how nitwits like you
were demanding he be fired for 'sabotaging' Hillary (I don't think it
actually had much effect) and are freaking out because Trump actually
fired him?

<snip insane JonthySpew>

"Ordinarily he is insane. But he has lucid moments when he is
only stupid."
-- Heinrich Heine


Dec 10, 2017, 10:39:08 AM12/10/17
On 12/9/2017 9:38 PM, Fred J. McCall wrote:
> Jonathan <> wrote:
>> On 12/8/2017 11:51 PM, David E. Powell wrote:
>>> Right now it appears that the Fake Russia dossier (The infamous prostitute fakery)
>> Christopher Steele is a renowned British intelligence agent and
>> one of the most respected authorities on Russian corruption
>> in the world. He's a graduate of Cambridge, perhaps the most
>> esteemed university in the world. He was in charge of
>> ...teaching MI6 agents.
>> He's the guy agencies like the FBI and CIA go to when they
>> want to know what's what with Putin's inner circle.
> So why was the 'dossier' he was hired to produce so full of absolute
> false bullshit?

It wasn't a single dossier, but a series of separate
reports in the typical form of most intelligence
services. Which means they relate what his
sources are telling him, and in most cases
those sources are secret, as is typical
with intelligence gathering.

So most of the reports can't be corroborated
independently and depend on the quality of
his sources. Given his reputation his sources
should be fairly reliable.

But we'll probably have to wait for the SC report
to see how much of it was true or not.

Christopher Steele believes his dossier on
Trump-Russia is 70-90% accurate

"Christopher Steele also reportedly believes the
contents of his report will be verified —
and his work vindicated — as special counsel
Robert Mueller continues to investigate possible
ties between the Trump campaign and Moscow...

“I’ve been dealing with this country for thirty years.
Why would I invent this stuff?”

The Washington Post did a detailed
analysis of the 'dossier'.


The Steele dossier makes a wide range of claims, many
of which are rumors that couldn’t be independently
verified. Many other claims involve things that
would have been publicly known at the time the
report was apparently drafted. Although it’s
impossible to say that the dossier is entirely
inaccurate (there are some glimmers of accurate
predictions), it is also impossible to say
that it has been broadly validated.

>And, by the way, why is it OK for Hillary and the DNC
> to PAY a foreign intelligence agent for something like that but even
> having a conversation with a Russian who claimed to have some
> unfavorable information about Hillary is, according to you, illegal?

She didn't, they hired a DC lawyer to handle opposition
research, the lawyer hired the DC firm Fusion GPS
to do the research, then Fusion GPS hired Steele
as a subcontractor.

There's no evidence the DNC or Clinton knew
Steele was involved, nor should they know.
Clinton would have released the report
for certain if they had it before the
election. But it wasn't released until
after the election.

But Fusion was already doing opposition research
for Trump's republican opponents during the
primary...before Clinton hired them.

>> I bet you believe Comey is wildly pro Hillary too right?
>> Even after what he did to Clinton a week before
>> the election, dropping an 'empty' bombshell on
>> her that probably cost her the election?
> You really need to do some research into what actually happened,
> because that isn't it.

Then what 'is it'?

Isn't it funny, though, how nitwits like you
> were demanding he be fired for 'sabotaging' Hillary (I don't think it
> actually had much effect) and are freaking out because Trump actually
> fired him?

Well, that's politics, and isn't if funny the
republicans are angry the dems forced Al Franken
to resign?

But Trump first said he fired Comey for
the way he handled the Hillary thing, for
being too hard on Hillary. That doesn't
pass a laugh test.

Of course Trump later admitted he fired Comey
over 'the Russia thing' and the only
"Russia thing" going on at the time was
the Flynn investigation.

> <snip insane JonthySpew>

Fred J. McCall

Dec 10, 2017, 2:56:17 PM12/10/17
Jonathan <> wrote:

>On 12/9/2017 9:38 PM, Fred J. McCall wrote:
>> Jonathan <> wrote:
>>> On 12/8/2017 11:51 PM, David E. Powell wrote:
>>>> Right now it appears that the Fake Russia dossier (The infamous prostitute fakery)
>>> Christopher Steele is a renowned British intelligence agent and
>>> one of the most respected authorities on Russian corruption
>>> in the world. He's a graduate of Cambridge, perhaps the most
>>> esteemed university in the world. He was in charge of
>>> ...teaching MI6 agents.
>>> He's the guy agencies like the FBI and CIA go to when they
>>> want to know what's what with Putin's inner circle.
>> So why was the 'dossier' he was hired to produce so full of absolute
>> false bullshit?
>It wasn't a single dossier, but a series of separate
>reports in the typical form of most intelligence

Uh, what do you think a 'dossier' is?

>Which means they relate what his
>sources are telling him, and in most cases
>those sources are secret, as is typical
>with intelligence gathering.
>So most of the reports can't be corroborated
>independently and depend on the quality of
>his sources. Given his reputation his sources
>should be fairly reliable.

But most of it can't be corroborated, which means his 'sources' are
NOT reliable and are just telling him what he wants to hear. It was
opposition research, after all.

>But we'll probably have to wait for the SC report
>to see how much of it was true or not.

It can't be corroborated, you tell us. So just what magic pixie dust
do you think Mueller has?

>Christopher Steele believes his dossier on
>Trump-Russia is 70-90% accurate

You think he's going to come out and say, "Yeah, I took their money
and produced shite"?

<snip ShiteSpew>

>> And, by the way, why is it OK for Hillary and the DNC
>> to PAY a foreign intelligence agent for something like that but even
>> having a conversation with a Russian who claimed to have some
>> unfavorable information about Hillary is, according to you, illegal?
>She didn't, they hired a DC lawyer to handle opposition
>research, the lawyer hired the DC firm Fusion GPS
>to do the research, then Fusion GPS hired Steele
>as a subcontractor.
>There's no evidence the DNC or Clinton knew
>Steele was involved, nor should they know.
>Clinton would have released the report
>for certain if they had it before the
>election. But it wasn't released until
>after the election.
>But Fusion was already doing opposition research
>for Trump's republican opponents during the
>primary...before Clinton hired them.

And it wasn't illegal why, again, given your claim that anyone getting
anything helpful from a foreign agent would be illegal? Is it not
illegal because it was anti-Trump? Explain yourself.

*I* don't think it was illegal, but I also don't think Trump's people
talking to the Russians after they offered dirt on Hillary was
illegal. So I'm consistent and you are not. Again, explain yourself.

>>> I bet you believe Comey is wildly pro Hillary too right?
>>> Even after what he did to Clinton a week before
>>> the election, dropping an 'empty' bombshell on
>>> her that probably cost her the election?
>> You really need to do some research into what actually happened,
>> because that isn't it.
>Then what 'is it'?

Comey had been directed by Congress to report back to them any
additional finds. He did so. He didn't publish it and it would be a
felony for him to NOT do what Congress instructed him to do. And it
didn't cost Hillary shit as far as the election goes. Apparently you
(and she) need to own the fact that HILLARY cost Hillary the election
by attacking VOTERS (NRA members, 'basket of deplorables', etc). When
a politician attacks VOTERS it tends to piss off a lot of voters and
costs you votes and THAT costs you elections.

Hell, at this point it would be easier to make a list of people and
things Hillary HASN'T blamed for her loss. It's pretty much a one
item list.

>> Isn't it funny, though, how nitwits like you
>> were demanding he be fired for 'sabotaging' Hillary (I don't think it
>> actually had much effect) and are freaking out because Trump actually
>> fired him?
>Well, that's politics, and isn't if funny the
>republicans are angry the dems forced Al Franken
>to resign?

No, that's not 'politics'. That's YOUR kind of politics, which is a
corrupt variety at best. And that's beyond 'funny' and into 'false'.

"You take the lies out of him, and he'll shrink to the size of
your hat; you take the malice out of him, and he'll disappear."
-- Mark Twain


Dec 10, 2017, 6:59:43 PM12/10/17
On 2017 Dec 08, a425couple wrote
(in article <>):

> On 12/8/2017 4:27 PM, Jonathan wrote:
> > Trump’s Slurred Speech Tied to Low Battery in Putin’s Remote
> Jonathan, you are a shit bag lying traitor.

Jonny-boy’s an idiot, but he’s not wrong in this case. (You have no idea
how much it hurts to have to say anything nice about that dipshit. You really
> Ever since at the election the US citizens rejected
> the lying, pay for play, self serving Hillary that
> you loved,
> you have been determined to run down our POTUS

Donnie the Mango Mussolini does that all on his lonesome, without help from
Jonny-boy. I’ve been registered Republican my entire voting life. I will
not be voting for anyone who supports kiddie-fiddlers like Roy Moore. Nope.
Not gonna happen.

I didn’t think that it was possible, but Donnie has managed to pass Slick
Willie Clinton to take sole custody of the #1 spot on my personal list of
total fucking scumbag politicians. I thought that the Slickster owned the
trophy for life. It ain’t even a year yet and Donnie’s passed his ass.
> and damage our country every chance you get.

too late.


Dec 10, 2017, 7:06:47 PM12/10/17
That's bullshit, it means his sources want to
keep their names secret, and since most
Russians tossing Putin under the bus
end up drinking Polonium flavored tea, it's
quite expected his sources won't be giving
public interviews anytime soon.

Do you think before you speak?

> and are just telling him what he wants to hear. It was
> opposition research, after all.
>> But we'll probably have to wait for the SC report
>> to see how much of it was true or not.
> It can't be corroborated, you tell us. So just what magic pixie dust
> do you think Mueller has?

There are other ways to corroborate, and Mueller's
report will tell the tale one way or another.

Of course the republicans are trying mightily
to give Puti...ah I mean Trump and excuse
to fire Mueller. They found one person
in the FBI that's anti Trump.

I bet money half of the FBI is pro-Trump
and the other half anti-Trump. So does that
mean we should just disband the FBI?

FBI agents are allowed to have their own
political views, that doesn't mean their
work is automatically biased.
Trump on national TV asked Russia to commit a
computer crime and deliver the Clinton emails
to him so he could win.

That's just plain criminal.

And it's against the law to receive election
contributions from foreign govts. Opposition
research is very expensive and having Russia
DIRECTLY hand deliver god knows how much
opposition research, not to mention untold
thousands of social media disinformation adds
is taking valuable contributions from a foreign

And it's from Russia to boot, a hostile foreign power
dedicated to taking America down in every way it can
think of...Fred.

That's not just violating election law, it's
selling out your own country to win.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 10, 2017, 8:49:58 PM12/10/17
Wolffan <> wrote:

>Jonny-boy. I’ve been registered Republican my entire voting life. I will
>not be voting for anyone who supports kiddie-fiddlers like Roy Moore. Nope.
>Not gonna happen.

I would have expected someone who claims to be a Republican to be more
aware of the actual facts. Post-pubescent humans are no longer
'kiddies'. The age of consent in Alabama is 16.

"Some people get lost in thought because it's such unfamiliar
--G. Behn


Dec 10, 2017, 9:05:10 PM12/10/17
On 2017 Dec 10, Fred J. McCall wrote
(in article<>):

> Wolffan <> wrote:
> >
> > Jonny-boy. I’ve been registered Republican my entire voting life. I will
> > not be voting for anyone who supports kiddie-fiddlers like Roy Moore. Nope.
> > Not gonna happen.
> I would have expected someone who claims to be a Republican to be more
> aware of the actual facts. Post-pubescent humans are no longer
> 'kiddies'. The age of consent in Alabama is 16.

Roy was hunting 14-year-olds. I have a daughter that age. Any 30+-year-old
who sniffs around her gets a .460 caliber vasectomy. And then I get

As far as I;’m concerned, you’re a kiddie fiddler once there’s more
than 5 years age difference and the younger party is still so young that you
ask her momma’s permission first. Roy Moore said that he did exactly that.
He’s a kiddie fiddler. I didn’t vote for Slick Willie Clinton when he
pulled this kind of shit, and see absolutely no reason to vote for Ropy
Moore, either. And just as I didn’t support anyone who supported the
Slickster, I see no reason to support anyone who supports Roy Moore.

YMMV. I wouldn’t stand too close to Moore if I were you.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 10, 2017, 9:08:05 PM12/10/17
Do you know the meaning of the word 'corroborated'? Who his sources
were is irrelevant.


>Do you think before you speak?

Are you capable of thought at all? Go look up 'corroborate' while you
are looking up 'dossier'.

>>> But we'll probably have to wait for the SC report
>>> to see how much of it was true or not.
>> It can't be corroborated, you tell us. So just what magic pixie dust
>> do you think Mueller has?

>There are other ways to corroborate, and Mueller's
>report will tell the tale one way or another.

Jonthy, you said "cannot be corroborated". Now you seem to think that
Mueller can corroborate it. Words have meanings. At the very least
stop contradicting yourself.

>FBI agents are allowed to have their own
>political views, that doesn't mean their
>work is automatically biased.

But it's pretty damned good odds when that work is on the subject of
their biases.

>> And it wasn't illegal why, again, given your claim that anyone getting
>> anything helpful from a foreign agent would be illegal? Is it not
>> illegal because it was anti-Trump? Explain yourself.
>Trump on national TV asked Russia to commit a
>computer crime and deliver the Clinton emails
>to him so he could win.
>That's just plain criminal.

Well, no. That never happened. What happened is that he JOKINGLY
asked Russia to find Hillary's 30,000 missing emails. He didn't ask
anyone to 'hack' anything. Once again you've convinced yourself that
your delusions are facts.

>And it's against the law to receive election
>contributions from foreign govts. Opposition
>research is very expensive and having Russia
>DIRECTLY hand deliver god knows how much
>opposition research, not to mention untold
>thousands of social media disinformation adds
>is taking valuable contributions from a foreign

Well, no, it's not. There is no 'contribution' in merely disclosing
THE TRUTH. That's also not what you claimed before.

>And it's from Russia to boot, a hostile foreign power
>dedicated to taking America down in every way it can
>think of...Fred.
>That's not just violating election law, it's
>selling out your own country to win.

I'm sorry you're insane.


Dec 10, 2017, 9:16:38 PM12/10/17
On 12/10/2017 8:49 PM, Fred J. McCall wrote:
> Wolffan <> wrote:
>> Jonny-boy. I’ve been registered Republican my entire voting life. I will
>> not be voting for anyone who supports kiddie-fiddlers like Roy Moore. Nope.
>> Not gonna happen.
> I would have expected someone who claims to be a Republican to be more
> aware of the actual facts. Post-pubescent humans are no longer
> 'kiddies'.

Ah, so you're ok with sexual assault unless
they're younger than 12 or so?

She wasn't claiming it was consensual, but
to a republican these days such 'minor'
details don't matter much.

The age of consent in Alabama is 16.

In politics that statement is called an epitaph.


This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 11, 2017, 1:45:03 AM12/11/17
Wolffan <> wrote:

>On 2017 Dec 10, Fred J. McCall wrote
>(in article<>):
>> Wolffan <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Jonny-boy. I’ve been registered Republican my entire voting life. I will
>> > not be voting for anyone who supports kiddie-fiddlers like Roy Moore. Nope.
>> > Not gonna happen.
>> I would have expected someone who claims to be a Republican to be more
>> aware of the actual facts. Post-pubescent humans are no longer
>> 'kiddies'. The age of consent in Alabama is 16.
>Roy was hunting 14-year-olds.

Nope. ONE woman claims that. Her veracity is open to question.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 11, 2017, 1:50:48 AM12/11/17
jonathan <> wrote:

>On 12/10/2017 8:49 PM, Fred J. McCall wrote:
>> Wolffan <> wrote:
>>> Jonny-boy. I’ve been registered Republican my entire voting life. I will
>>> not be voting for anyone who supports kiddie-fiddlers like Roy Moore. Nope.
>>> Not gonna happen.
>> I would have expected someone who claims to be a Republican to be more
>> aware of the actual facts. Post-pubescent humans are no longer
>> 'kiddies'.
>Ah, so you're ok with sexual assault unless
>they're younger than 12 or so?

Ah, so you're a liar?

>She wasn't claiming it was consensual, but
>to a republican these days such 'minor'
>details don't matter much.

Of course she was. Her claim is that it was her SECOND visit after he
kissed her on the first one.

>> The age of consent in Alabama is 16.
>In politics that statement is called an epitaph.

I guess we'll see. If you believe polls the Democrat is the one who
needs the epitaph.

"Taught me how to shoot to kill.
A specialist with a deadly skill.
A skill I needed to have to be a survivor.
It's over now, or so they say.
But sometimes it don't work out that way.
And you're never the same when you've been under fire."
-- Huey Lewis and the News "Walking On A Thin Line"


Dec 11, 2017, 5:21:29 AM12/11/17
On 2017 Dec 11, Fred J. McCall wrote
(in article<>):

> Wolffan <> wrote:
> > On 2017 Dec 10, Fred J. McCall wrote
> > (in article<>):
> >
> > > Wolffan <> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Jonny-boy. I’ve been registered Republican my entire voting life. I will
> > > > not be voting for anyone who supports kiddie-fiddlers like Roy Moore.
> > > > Nope.
> > > > Not gonna happen.
> > >
> > > I would have expected someone who claims to be a Republican to be more
> > > aware of the actual facts. Post-pubescent humans are no longer
> > > 'kiddies'. The age of consent in Alabama is 16.
> >
> > Roy was hunting 14-year-olds.
> Nope. ONE woman claims that. Her veracity is open to question.

Roy admits that he asked girls’ mommas before ‘dating’ them. He was
10-15 years older than his ‘dates’. His ‘dates’ were all still in
high school or middle school. He’s a self-admitted kiddie fiddler. He’ll
probably win the election, because there are those who’d put in a
kiddie-fiddler before they’d let in a Dem, but he’s still kiddie-fiddling


Dec 11, 2017, 5:23:50 AM12/11/17
On 2017 Dec 11, Fred J. McCall wrote
(in article<>):

> > Ah, so you're ok with sexual assault unless
> > they're younger than 12 or so?
> Ah, so you're a liar?

damn, boy, you took this long to notice _that_ about Jonny-boy? He’s a
frickin’ idiot. But even idiots can approach truth, usually by accident.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 11, 2017, 12:57:51 PM12/11/17
You're lying and even then have to misuse language to make it sound
worse. You were never a Republican.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 11, 2017, 12:58:44 PM12/11/17
You really haven't been paying attention, have you?

"Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the
truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."
-- Thomas Jefferson


Dec 12, 2017, 7:05:27 AM12/12/17
On 2017 Dec 11, Fred J. McCall wrote
(in article<>):
nope.Truth. You just can’t handle the truth.
> and even then have to misuse language to make it sound
> worse.

The man’s a kiddie fiddler. Period.
> You were never a Republican.

My voter registration card says different.


Dec 12, 2017, 7:07:07 AM12/12/17
On 2017 Dec 11, Fred J. McCall wrote
(in article<>):

> Wolffan <> wrote:
> > On 2017 Dec 11, Fred J. McCall wrote
> > (in article<>):
> >
> > > > Ah, so you're ok with sexual assault unless
> > > > they're younger than 12 or so?
> > >
> > > Ah, so you're a liar?
> >
> > damn, boy, you took this long to notice _that_ about Jonny-boy? He’s a
> > frickin’ idiot. But even idiots can approach truth, usually by accident.
> You really haven't been paying attention, have you?

oh, I have. Jonny-boy is one of my squeaky toys from another newsgroup.
He’s fun to play with. However, even he can sometimes find truth... by


Dec 12, 2017, 7:25:48 PM12/12/17
You being a Kiddie diddler makes one wonder what exactly does that card
say? Communist party member maybe? Or just internet Bullshit artist?

Machiavelli wrote:It is necessary for the state to deal in lies and half
because people are made up of lies and half truths. Even Princes.' And
certainly, by definition all Ambassadors and politicians


Dec 13, 2017, 5:11:28 AM12/13/17
On 11/12/2017 18:57, Fred J. McCall wrote:

> You're lying and even then have to misuse language to make it sound
> worse. You were never a Republican.

Fred, I hate pointing things in political matter, but you should try to
ask the reverse question, that is, the Republican Party is still the
Republican party you known ?

I leaved the Party, when was then-named named "Democratici di sinistra",
late 1990s when it moved too toward the centre, you known.

Italy and America both need desperately a true conservative/moderate
party (or group of parties, in the Italian case...), because w/o it, the
have/have-not dialectics, the true essence of Democracy, is seriously

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


Dec 13, 2017, 2:38:19 PM12/13/17

No. This is the latest democrat political ploy.
Find some old thing who wants its second in the sun.
It makes its claim a few weeks before the election/byelection.
Just long enough to affect the election/byelection but not long enough
for the story to be checked out.
Then, after the election, it disappears back into obscurity.
They tried to do it to Trump and it came back on them when women and
boys began to accuse Democrats and their ilk of sexual impropriety..


Fred J. McCall

Dec 13, 2017, 3:14:11 PM12/13/17
"dott.Piergiorgio" <> wrote:

>On 11/12/2017 18:57, Fred J. McCall wrote:
>> You're lying and even then have to misuse language to make it sound
>> worse. You were never a Republican.
>Fred, I hate pointing things in political matter, but you should try to
>ask the reverse question, that is, the Republican Party is still the
>Republican party you known ?

Parts of it yes, parts of it no, but only the extreme loony fringe
acts like that guy is and it's a loony fringe way to the right. He
seems more way to the left, which makes him a Democrat.

It's not uncommon around here for people who want to excoriate one or
the other Party to claim to have been members of it who left because
they think that somehow gives them more credence. It doesn't.

"I was lucky in the order. But I've always been lucky
when it comes to killin' folks."
-- William Munny, "Unforgiven"


Dec 13, 2017, 7:50:16 PM12/13/17
On 2017 Dec 13, Fred J. McCall wrote
(in article<>):

> "dott.Piergiorgio"<> wrote:
> > On 11/12/2017 18:57, Fred J. McCall wrote:
> > >
> > > You're lying and even then have to misuse language to make it sound
> > > worse. You were never a Republican.
> >
> > Fred, I hate pointing things in political matter, but you should try to
> > ask the reverse question, that is, the Republican Party is still the
> > Republican party you known ?
> Parts of it yes, parts of it no, but only the extreme loony fringe
> acts like that guy is and it's a loony fringe way to the right. He
> seems more way to the left, which makes him a Democrat.
> It's not uncommon around here for people who want to excoriate one or
> the other Party to claim to have been members of it who left because
> they think that somehow gives them more credence. It doesn't.

Sorry, son, but I’m still a registered Republican. I may well depart in the
future, but not just yet. I am disgusted that the party would support a
kiddie fiddler. Bad enough that Moore’s a creationist and a religious
bigot, but a kiddie fiddler on top of that... too much.

’Tis a pity if the facts don’t support your narrative.

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