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When all else fails, WAG THE DOG! - False news on Syria

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Feb 11, 2012, 1:05:34 AM2/11/12
False news on Syria use the same actor over and over again
Check out the guy in these two pics:

Notice his beard and his gray pullover with white stripes.

He's suppposed to be just "a man from Homs" in these two pieces of
Spanish news:

Now who is really that guy? Look at the video here:

He's Khaled Abu Salah,a man that has appeared a number of times on al
Jazeera reports and is scheduled by NATO to replace Assad.

Fake peasants, fake wounded... FAKE NEWS!

Here he even plays CORPSE!

He's not even Syrian, he's pisraeli.

...more and more of this is coming to light... just Like Libya ! fuck
you NWO go to hell ! bastards. The bullshit of making up news for
their propaganda machine is starting to backfire as the people wake up
and look closer at what they are doing.

I wish I lived in a time where there was no fake bullshit.

Cmon Humans!

When all else fails, WAG THE DOG!

This same shit happened in the first gulf war, in the 90s CNN was
staging shit in their studios....

Everything is propaganda.... The older I get, the more I realize it's
all a Game.
An UGLY Game ~ but a Game, nonetheless.

Eugene Griessel

Feb 11, 2012, 1:38:16 AM2/11/12
On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 22:05:34 -0800 (PST), Warhol <>

>False news on Syria use the same actor over and over again
>Check out the guy in these two pics:

I'm told that the Global Conspiracy Assassins are closing in fast on
Whoreson now - only a matter of time and he'll be elimnated.

Eugene L Griessel

Unless the need is mutual to all parties involved, your solutions to
problems are pragmatic not ethical.


Feb 11, 2012, 3:23:56 AM2/11/12
A map of Wonderland for the Red Pill Newbies....

You are probably searching down every blind alley and leaving no stone
unturned, and all your getting is a headache and a sense of even
greater isolation .Your lack of progress is not down to you.
There are many fake sign posts around and snake oil salesmen all
designed to keep you from seeing the truth. Some of them are good
souls meaning well but blinded by darkness and calling you into the
pit they fell in. Others are more malevolent, they know who you are
and will either try to use you to empower their own ego, or they will
be stalling you from finding out the truth. Their biggest weapon
against you is your own self doubt. Another weapon is confusion. Learn
to trust yourself, if it’s foggy its fiction. Everything you need you
already have. You now need to become who you are supposed to be. Stop
looking for the answers outside and look inward. Start hearing the
inner guide to help steer your path. Learn to differentiate between
facts and the truth.


Occasionally you will bump into a brother or sister and without a word
you will know them instantly. You will love them. It will feel good.
Know that the meetings were never meant to be prolonged and will be
fleeting. You will exchange blessings when you meet and these
attributes will remain with you once parted. If you are unaware of
your gifts or cannot access them yet do not be troubled... you cannot
avoid becoming who you are destined to be. Until they manifest and you
begin your work live a simple and happy carefree time, enjoy the
countryside or party with friends, either way makes no difference. Be
secure in the knowledge that those further along the path than you
will see you and guide and love you when they can. They we will not
make wild claims about themselves. They will not hang around in clicky
groups... avoid anyone who does. They are unseen and a secret to most.
They have the ability to hide in plain sight. Do not let social
structure or positions influence you in any way, it’s another illusion
designed to contain you.
Listen to your heart. If something you hear or read, or a person,
fills your heart with warmth and joy... listen closely and stay a
while. If something causes you pain in your heart or you feel no love
for someone, avoid them they are no good to you. Your heart is the
most valuable organ you have. It’s ironic that power so Divine is
entangled with something so full of flesh. Guard your heart well , do
not let it be stolen from you. Do not be too quick to look for love,
get wise before you get anything else. If you believe only your eyes
and synthetic wisdom you are already dead.


You are not lost... you are a stranger in the matrix and the Architect
is calling. Rise up, do not ignore yourself. Listen to that still
small voice inside that nags you with the truth. They do not have the
power to suppress you, they use your own mind to contain you... all
your fear doubt and confusion. Free your mind. You are more powerful
than you could possibly imagine. You are not alone, but you will have
to walk your own path... the eye is not a hand but it is still part of
the same body. Just know you are heard and loved. The world is
changing and you are needed.

Written by me...especially for you.


Feb 11, 2012, 4:25:28 AM2/11/12
Anyone who can look out their window,....and yet still believe what they see
in the media, simply beyond the help of ANY pills.
....And will likely even enjoy their FREE government paid holiday, in the
FEMA camps.


Feb 11, 2012, 7:22:28 AM2/11/12
On 2/11/2012 4:25 AM, Bast wrote:
> Anyone who can look out their window,....and yet still believe what they see
> in the media, simply beyond the help of ANY pills.
> ....And will likely even enjoy their FREE government paid holiday, in the
> FEMA camps.

Camp! Oh boy!
"OK you cunts, let's see what you can do now" -Hit Girl

Dean Markley

Feb 11, 2012, 8:50:31 AM2/11/12
On Feb 11, 1:05 am, Warhol <> wrote:
> False news on Syria use the same actor over and over again
> Check out the guy in these two pics:
> Notice his beard and his gray pullover with white stripes.
> He's suppposed to be just "a man from Homs" in these two pieces of
> Spanish news:
> Now who is really that guy? Look at the video here:

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 9:50:29 AM2/11/12
On Feb 10, 10:05 pm, Warhol <> wrote:
> False news on Syria use the same actor over and over again
> Check out the guy in these two pics:
> Notice his beard and his gray pullover with white stripes.
> He's suppposed to be just "a man from Homs" in these two pieces of
> Spanish news:
> Now who is really that guy? Look at the video here:
> He's Khaled Abu Salah,a man that has appeared a number of times on al
> Jazeera reports and is scheduled by NATO to replace Assad.
> Fake peasants, fake wounded... FAKE NEWS!
> Here he even plays CORPSE!
> He's not even Syrian, he's pisraeli.
> ...more and more of this is coming to light... just Like Libya ! fuck
> you NWO go to hell ! bastards. The bullshit of making up news for
> their propaganda machine is starting to backfire as the people wake up
> and look closer at what they are doing.
> I wish I lived in a time where there was no fake bullshit.
> Cmon Humans!
> When all else fails, WAG THE DOG!
> This same shit happened in the first gulf war, in the 90s CNN was
> staging shit in their studios....
> Everything is propaganda.... The older I get, the more I realize it's
> all a Game.
> An UGLY Game ~ but a Game, nonetheless.

Yes in deed, since when has the mostly Semitic controlled news media
been trustworthy?
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


Feb 11, 2012, 11:46:52 AM2/11/12
It's the Joooos, it's the Joooos, run away run away, it's the Joooos

"Hopefully the fair wind will resume, or this may well take all day."

Admiral Collingwood on being becalmed under the guns of six French ships-
of-the-line at Trafalgar


Feb 11, 2012, 12:09:31 PM2/11/12
Well, if the idiots in Israel are actually stupid enough to attack Iran and
start WW3,.....then yup, it's the Joooos.


Feb 11, 2012, 12:26:11 PM2/11/12
Right Brad...

But I want to bring to your attention that the news ain't controlled
by Semite people, but is controlled by Mongols pretending been the
people of the book... they are fake... they lie all the time... and
they are very bloody!!! Yids Are Not Semites and never will be Semite

Rather, they are descendants of Khazarian & Turic converts that have
no Semitic blood. Also, will these posers now stop with the "Anti-
Semite" crap, please!?!?

So, to sum up:

we have Mongols (what a bunch of ruthless thugs, liars, rapists and
thieves) shoving and murdering their way through tens of thousands of

and all along they hid behind 'judiasm'

and they've been trying to HIDE THEIR OWN DUBIOUS ORIGINS ever since

Funny how those of Khazarian descent are NOW attempting to decry DNA

... when for YEARS, they've been trying to UTILIZE 'DNA proof' to
'prove' they're 'semitic'

Laugh. And when the 'DNA proof' let them down --- failed them ---
disproved their false claims ---- they began pouring scorn on the same
'DNA proof' they'd desperately hoped would serve them !

Just think of the implications of this. A group of people have laid
claim to a land that they have absolutely no connection to whatsoever.
And the majority of the world was complicit in displacing the rightful
settlers of this land with no connection to the true Kingdom of
Prophets and Saints...

Well folks, here it is...

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 9:53:18 AM2/11/12
You seem a little more coherent. Perhaps you need to be in charge of
a news media.


Feb 11, 2012, 12:57:49 PM2/11/12
On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 09:26:11 -0800, Warhol wrote:

> Yids Are Not Semites and never will be Semite people!!!
> Rather, they are descendants of Khazarian & Turic converts that have no
> Semitic blood. Also, will these posers now stop with the "Anti- Semite"
> crap, please!?!?
> So, to sum up:
> we have Mongols (what a bunch of ruthless thugs, liars, rapists and
> thieves) shoving and murdering their way through tens of thousands of
> and all along they hid behind 'judiasm'
> and they've been trying to HIDE THEIR OWN DUBIOUS ORIGINS ever since

So let's see if I've got this right.

Modern Jews (we're discounting all those Indians and Ethiopians and
various others and only talking about European Jews who don't claim
descent back to Spanish refugees about 500 years ago) are all actually
horse nomads.

You know 'And my enemies shall be dust beneath the hooves of my ponies'
sort of people...

(By the way, the Mongols were not Turkic)

And they've undoubtedly got nuclear weapons (I know, you don't think
these exist)

So, who's going to beat them?

The Arabs? <giggle>

The Russians are still twitching from the last lot of horse nomads who
turned them over...

Who's left?



Feb 11, 2012, 1:03:54 PM2/11/12
On 2/11/2012 12:09 PM, Bast wrote:
> Well, if the idiots in Israel are actually stupid enough to attack Iran and
> start WW3,.....then yup, it's the Joooos.

What if an attack upon Iran *prevents* WW3 ?

Would that make you happy, Bradster?


Feb 11, 2012, 12:50:28 PM2/11/12
The Media declared war on us...

CNN recruitment for anonymous to help kill the Internet!

Just saw a female reporter on CNN promote the "software" that
anonymous is using to Ddos web sites.

She goes on to say that the average person with no computer knowledge
can use this software to help bring down a web site.

She then says, you can be watching football while you're computer
floods web sites with random data to bring it down.

She mentioned the exact name of the software twice (won't,mention it
here) almost like an advertisement.

Web as we know it will be history soon.

ANONYMOUS 'demanding' Dutch TV-show to be edited, or else..

Anyone ever heard or used the TOR network?

THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! Anonymous hackers expose Syrian strongman's weak
email password!!

Anonymous - A Call To Action ?? ( Maybe a early start of SOPA and

Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D.

Feb 11, 2012, 1:14:33 PM2/11/12
HVAC wrote:

> On 2/11/2012 12:09 PM, Bast wrote:
>> Well, if the idiots in Israel are actually stupid enough to attack
>> Iran and
>> start WW3,.....then yup, it's the Joooos.
> What if an attack upon Iran *prevents* WW3 ?

Perpetual war for peace. (and yes, for Jewish Israel...and oil)

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 1:40:27 PM2/11/12
Warhol is just a harmless messenger. However, I'm certain the upper
caste Semites with authority over whomever we elect or appoint would
very much love to kill him, as well as terminate anyone else that's
attempting to revise history so as to better reflect the truth(s).

What sort of lies are you willing to protect at all cost?


Feb 11, 2012, 1:46:49 PM2/11/12
> Warhol is just a harmless messenger. However, I'm certain the upper
> caste Semites

The only Jews I know of with caste are the 'Bene Isreal' and I very much
doubt you know enough about either them or caste to express an opinion.

The Revd

Feb 11, 2012, 1:46:51 PM2/11/12
On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 18:46:49 +0000 (UTC), bill <>
Bene 'Israel'?? They're not real jews, they're fucking Pakis.

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 1:34:11 PM2/11/12
On Feb 11, 10:14 am, "Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D." <>
It's easy to justify war(s), just like it's easy to false-flag and/or
to provoke others into attacking. It's actually much harder to remain
competitive and play fair, much less share in whatever good fortune
without being an ass or bully about it.

In most situations of pending or ongoing conflict, religion is often
used as a cloak, and some of these religions have maintained their
authority over whomever we elect or appoint.


Feb 11, 2012, 1:56:46 PM2/11/12
On 2/11/2012 1:14 PM, Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D. wrote:
>> What if an attack upon Iran *prevents* WW3 ?
> Perpetual war for peace

......Is better than the alternative.


Feb 11, 2012, 1:57:38 PM2/11/12
On 2/11/2012 1:34 PM, Brad Guth wrote:
> It's easy to justify war(s), just like it's easy to false-flag and/or
> to provoke others into attacking. It's actually much harder to remain
> competitive and play fair, much less share in whatever good fortune
> without being an ass or bully about it.

Did your mirror break?

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 2:02:42 PM2/11/12
Devout Zionist bloodline Jews are quite different than common Jews of
all colors.


Feb 11, 2012, 2:03:30 PM2/11/12
Yes Me... The Last of The Sallee WARRIORS with the Saint Andreas/Sidi
Edriss Cross; Sheriff of The Atlas...

Hasan al Mesbah... the little sun... who shall kick your Mongol assaul
for ever and ever...

You see...

when we the saint Warriors of Sally show our Colors...
that means your end is CometH NEAR.

Rovers Flag... War Standard... -=*Moorish Elite Squad*=-

The Baby Lion of the Atlas, Warhol Von SallyVeas.. Arrrrrrw... Har Har

BTW The Most prestigious Horse in the History of the world aint
Mongol... Meet the Sallee Barb... been esteemed for their quality and
appearance since long before Roman times...

The Barb horse contributed its blood mightily to the Champions
Thoroughbred, because one Barb stallion became one of the three
foundation sires, a founder of one of the three male lines all
Thoroughbreds go back to.

Let me remember you that Genghis Khan was a leader of Horse thieves
and he and his hordes should be Hanged for that crime alone...


Feb 11, 2012, 2:06:27 PM2/11/12
Why more people are believing the lie that either our military or
government must remain the protector of transnationalist oil, because
Syria is one of Iran's gateways to the Mediterranean (other than
Turkey)? Doesn't it mean simply that all Americans have decided to
become pawns of the New World Order, in a game of world chessmasters?
In chess, most pawns are the first ones to get taken out of the game –
even in 3D chess – it’s still the same game!

Only a limited number of conditionals are allowed in a 3D game of
chess - the adversary and his opponent - that is what geopolitics is
like, IMO. Too many conditionals multiplies the complexity of the
match by having tournaments, and the odds against strategies for any
single player, multiplied by the number of the single player's
opponents, reduces the chances of having an expected outcome, based
upon all players in the tournament. It's like trying to reign in
control of the oil markets.

Logically, anything based upon the most reasonable expectation for
winning the game, is totally, a mathematically based phenomenon. The
problem with 3D chess is that the board itself has boundaries. Either
we expand our boundaries further out into orbit and beyond, or face
the inimitable consequence of arriving at a forever, prolonged
conflict, that is based both upon our self-imposed boundaries, and our
refusal to adapt to revolutionary energy technology.

Only a limited number of 'conditionals are allowed in a 3D game of
chess - that is what geopolitics is like, IMO. Too many conditionals,
and the odds against strategies for any single player reduce the
chances of having an expected outcome, like control of the oil

The Peeler

Feb 11, 2012, 2:14:20 PM2/11/12
On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 13:46:51 -0500, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,

>>The only Jews I know of with caste are the 'Bene Isreal' and I very much
>>doubt you know enough about either them or caste to express an opinion.
> Bene 'Israel'?? They're not real jews, they're fucking Pakis.

Better a fucking Paki that a non-fucking psychopath like you! <G>

The Rectum lamenting his fate:
"Your hands are no use to you without a dick"
MID: <>

Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D.

Feb 11, 2012, 2:32:11 PM2/11/12
HVAC wrote:
> On 2/11/2012 1:14 PM, Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D. wrote:
>>> What if an attack upon Iran *prevents* WW3 ?
>> Perpetual war for peace
> ......Is better than the alternative.

There is more than one alternative (to your goofy notion that
not attacking Iran will start WW3).


Feb 11, 2012, 2:32:38 PM2/11/12
Could you define 'Devout Zionist bloodline Jew' for me please?

I thought they weren't of pure blood anyway...

Aren't they all Turkic mongrels?

And Zionism is a political movement, how on earth do you inherit
someone's politics?


Feb 11, 2012, 3:36:20 PM2/11/12
Beni Israel are 10 tribes... The true Israelites... and they are
Nations as The Scandinavians, Dutch, British, Irish, Flemish, Polish,
German, Hungary etc... Ten Lost Tribes...

But the 10 Tribes are not the Tribe of JUDAH or EPHRAIM... The 10
tribes of the book will eventually be reunited with the Tribe of
Judah, when cometh the Promised King of the Holy Kingdom. A Kingdom
that still must be restored to a people living now in bondage of the
400 years generational curse, until the King Returns to claim up his
people(the tribe of Judah)... or else the curse for all true
Israelites, the ten tribes...

The Ten son of Jacob have forgotten maybe they sold their own brother
into slavery simply because he had a dream. A dream he told it to his

Joseph, the son of Jacob, had a dream. He called his brothers together
and described the dream: "We were all gathering sheaves of grain (they
were shepherds, not farmers - so why grain?), and your sheaves bowed
down to mine."

The brothers' reaction was, "Will you rule over us and be our
king?" (Genesis 37:8) They had thus interpreted the dream.

Joseph had a second dream. "The sun, moon and 11 stars were bowing
down to me." This time the brothers got smart and kept quiet about any
interpretation. But Joseph wanted the fitting interpretation, so he
went to his father and told over the dream. Jacob exclaimed, "Will I
and your mother and brothers bow down to you?" Thus he interpreted the
dream as well.

"His brothers were jealous, but his father waited for the events to
materialize" (Genesis 37:11).

And the brothers threw him in a pit and later sold him into

As the scorpions lunged at his feet, Joseph again appealed to his
brothers. "Have compassion! This pit is full of snakes and scorpions!"

Joseph the King of the 11th tribe aka Lion of Judah... The Bani Hassan
are alienated even from their own land... yet they will rise to become
the most powerful in the world and heaven.

The Land of Goshen( Hassan), the destination point of the great

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 2:39:41 PM2/11/12
Exactly, and they obviously know how to play us as expendables.

> Only a limited number of conditionals are allowed in a 3D game of
> chess - the adversary and his opponent - that is what geopolitics is
> like, IMO. Too many conditionals multiplies the complexity of the
> match by having tournaments, and the odds against strategies for any
> single player, multiplied by the number of the single player's
> opponents, reduces the chances of having an expected outcome, based
> upon all players in the tournament. It's like trying to reign in
> control of the oil markets.
> Logically, anything based upon the most reasonable expectation for
> winning the game, is totally, a mathematically based phenomenon. The
> problem with 3D chess is that the board itself has boundaries. Either
> we expand our boundaries further out into orbit and beyond, or face
> the inimitable consequence of arriving at a forever, prolonged
> conflict, that is based both upon our self-imposed boundaries, and our
> refusal to adapt to revolutionary energy technology.
> Only a limited number of 'conditionals are allowed in a 3D game of
> chess - that is what geopolitics is like, IMO. Too many conditionals,
> and the odds against strategies for any single player reduce the
> chances of having an expected outcome, like control of the oil
> markets.

Global market control via insider trading is every bit as important as
are their false infomercials that can manage to reenforce the notions
or perceptions of artificial or perceived shortages.

With the right kinds and enough TBMs, gold and clear diamonds would
become as commonplace as iron, nickel and coal, especially by way of
going off-world and putting those TBMs to work within our moon.
Mineral/element scarcities that are contrived and/or manipulated to
suit, is what drives and sustains most of the global disparity.
However, as is, wherever hoarding and greed fails, war takes over.

Wagging the dog as been status quo from biblical times.


Feb 11, 2012, 4:21:23 PM2/11/12
On 2/11/2012 2:06 PM, American wrote:
>>>> What if an attack upon Iran *prevents* WW3 ?
>>> Perpetual war for peace. (and yes, for Jewish Israel...and oil)
> Why more people are believing the lie that either our military or
> government must remain the protector of transnationalist oil, because
> Syria is one of Iran's gateways to the Mediterranean (other than
> Turkey)? Doesn't it mean simply that all Americans have decided to
> become pawns of the New World Order, in a game of world chessmasters?

First of all, it's not a game.
Secondly, the USA and it's 2-3 real allies must not allow
some piss-ass country to threaten to close off a major shipping
lane for traffic to most of the countries of Europe and Japan.

If that means a full-scale attack to keep Iran from getting
a nuke, so be it.

Queen takes King's Bishop...Checkmate.

> In chess, most pawns are the first ones to get taken out of the game –
> even in 3D chess – it’s still the same game!
> Only a limited number of conditionals are allowed in a 3D game of
> chess - the adversary and his opponent - that is what geopolitics is
> like, IMO. Too many conditionals multiplies the complexity of the
> match by having tournaments, and the odds against strategies for any
> single player, multiplied by the number of the single player's
> opponents, reduces the chances of having an expected outcome, based
> upon all players in the tournament. It's like trying to reign in
> control of the oil markets.
> Logically, anything based upon the most reasonable expectation for
> winning the game, is totally, a mathematically based phenomenon. The
> problem with 3D chess is that the board itself has boundaries. Either
> we expand our boundaries further out into orbit and beyond, or face
> the inimitable consequence of arriving at a forever, prolonged
> conflict, that is based both upon our self-imposed boundaries, and our
> refusal to adapt to revolutionary energy technology.
> Only a limited number of 'conditionals are allowed in a 3D game of
> chess - that is what geopolitics is like, IMO. Too many conditionals,
> and the odds against strategies for any single player reduce the
> chances of having an expected outcome, like control of the oil
> markets.

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 4:20:13 PM2/11/12
You keep trying to make excuses for these bad-guys. Why is that?

Are you also pro-mafia?

Do you know of a major public accessible world bank that isn't mostly
Jewish run?

Haven't you ever seen a white Jewish person before? (most of us have)

Haven't you ever done business with a white Jew? (most of us have)

Apparently you don't get out very much. Try going to some public
markets, and just watch those that come and go. Perhaps as many as
2/3 of those working the WTC complex of structures were Jewish or at
least devoutly acting pro-Jewish, although many on 9/11 seemed absent
or having been delayed in getting to work.


Feb 11, 2012, 4:33:24 PM2/11/12
On 2/11/2012 2:32 PM, Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D. wrote:
>>>> What if an attack upon Iran *prevents* WW3 ?
>>> Perpetual war for peace
>> ......Is better than the alternative.
> There is more than one alternative (to your goofy notion that
> not attacking Iran will start WW3).

I don't know...To me, it's a very logical scenario for WW3.
We sit idly by (as you recommend) while Iran develops a nuke.
They pass one to some insurgent group, and that's when the fun

Question: What do you think Israel's response to Tel-
Aviv getting nuked would be?

Can't you EASILY see that escalating?

Another question: What do you think the US would do if DC
was nuked?

Can't you EASILY see that escalating?

You know, as crazy as this may sound to you, I feel that Vietnam
helped prevent a MUCH larger, and possibly nuclear, war.

There: That should make me some friends!


Feb 11, 2012, 4:40:36 PM2/11/12
Embrace your inner dragon... Time To Wake up!!!

Silence your mind
Open your heart
Listen to these words coming to you softly speaking from within
Listen for your spirit calling
A longing so deep within
Longing trough your heart
Wake up
Wake up
Hear me calling
Feel the dragon from within
You were blinded
You were killed
Everyway they had their way
Loneliness and longing
Heart of dispear
Broken dreams of love
Joy dying silently like a dream fading away
You were made wrong
Casted into darkness
You went to the lonely mountains of your mind
To lie gazing, silently crying within, at the stars
Comforting you with their soft music and their light of forgetfullness
Somebody called you
The oldest friend you got
The only friend
You choose to come back
Now you are here having no clue
This reality makes no sense
Listen to your heart
You are a dragon
In beauty and power
Feel it growing from deep inside
You did not came here to play by their rules
Nor to be one of their slaves
You came here for freedom
For spirit and soul
You came here for truth
Creating the world
Your fire is power
We are many now
We stand up for truth

We are calling our true Father, our true Source
This year, the year of the dragon
He will return

We call him from our circle of truth for to return from oblivion

Thankyou for reading so far
Please resonate within
Feel the intention of truth within these words
Let your inner dragon wake up
From within your true essence

You are needed
Time to take creation back


Feb 11, 2012, 4:47:18 PM2/11/12
"We have been here all along. We have stayed underfoot. Our voice, our
part has been subliminal. Our power has expressed itself in all the
subtle, hidden gestures and meanings, which outer mind passes by,
which we all know are the substance of this life.
What we have been doing as we wait for the old tired world to die away
is to form an alliance with the earth and all the beings of earth,
gathering strength, keeping out of surface affairs, just expectantly
knowing our time is soon to come. And so we have indeed stayed well
under and been perfectly equipped to carry on in this way forever.
We bear the authority of everything you have cast out in order to
civilize the surface and push the depths under. We speak the silent
languages of those who do not need to say much, a glance is
We are aware that the old timers are crumbling and we are emerging. It
may take us an adjustment to be willing to share, to disclose, to
offer freely what we have been storing up in so many cellars since the
dawn of time. We are not the least accustomed to the light of day. We
have to do without, and if we are to be headed now, come to us on our
own terms.
Listen closely. Pay careful heed. We share from a depth of experience
that is startling. And if you are able to tune to our frequency of
denial, suppressed worlds, you will be exposed to something you
perhaps assumed had long ago passed from this world.
We are mighty. We are relentless. We can take on any form and no form.
The outward matters little. What we seek now is for the whole circle
to be restored. Shallow worlds, take notice! We have found our path
now, we have remembered our lineage, and we will not be turned back."

this is not only the year of the dragon for the chinese, but also the
year of the second coming of quetzacuatl, the feathered serpent (6
june the transit of venus). all signs mark the return to Truth and


Feb 11, 2012, 6:46:29 PM2/11/12

Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D. wrote:
Oh wait,...I forgot about all those thought crimes we can stop years before
they happen.
Look at the great job we did in Iraq by nipping their WMD's in the
bud,...before they ever had a chance to get them.

No it's not a time warp,..this really is, ....1984

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 7:11:00 PM2/11/12
Try to not give us such deadlines, because thus far most if any
haven't even come close.

Instead, dig up some really good dirt on these oligarchs and ZNRs that
keep themselves hidden and always above the highest elected authority.


Feb 11, 2012, 7:33:56 PM2/11/12
On Feb 11, 8:23 am, Warhol <> wrote:
> Written by me...especially for you.
Aawww! That's *Soooo* Sweet!!!! An early Valentine!!!!

Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 8:00:55 PM2/11/12
On Feb 10, 10:05 pm, Warhol <> wrote:
> False news on Syria use the same actor over and over again
> Check out the guy in these two pics:
> Notice his beard and his gray pullover with white stripes.
> He's suppposed to be just "a man from Homs" in these two pieces of
> Spanish news:
> Now who is really that guy? Look at the video here:
> He's Khaled Abu Salah,a man that has appeared a number of times on al
> Jazeera reports and is scheduled by NATO to replace Assad.
> Fake peasants, fake wounded... FAKE NEWS!
> Here he even plays CORPSE!
> He's not even Syrian, he's pisraeli.
> ...more and more of this is coming to light... just Like Libya ! fuck
> you NWO go to hell ! bastards. The bullshit of making up news for
> their propaganda machine is starting to backfire as the people wake up
> and look closer at what they are doing.
> I wish I lived in a time where there was no fake bullshit.
> Cmon Humans!
> When all else fails, WAG THE DOG!
> This same shit happened in the first gulf war, in the 90s CNN was
> staging shit in their studios....
> Everything is propaganda.... The older I get, the more I realize it's
> all a Game.
> An UGLY Game ~ but a Game, nonetheless.

Notice how all the usual brown-nosed clowns and FUD-masters came out
to play on this topic of yours. Apparently the use of actors for
creating fake news is mainstream status quo.


Feb 11, 2012, 8:51:53 PM2/11/12
If I do that, they will try to kill me immediately.

Now I make them to laugh and weep, One Thousand and One Nights... with
the secrets of the Flying Magic Carpet...

It begins in classic once-upon-a-time style. 'A long, long time ago
lived two kings who were brothers,' goes the opening line of One
Thousand and One Nights. 'The elder, King Shah'ra'y'ar(king God of the
Earth), ruled India and Indochina. The younger, Shah'zaman(King of
Time), ruled Samarkand.'

The story of the king of the Earth and the King of Time... who were

and than only... The Final truth of the Slave of The Lamp.


Feb 11, 2012, 9:25:53 PM2/11/12
A buildup of military force in and around the Gulf of Hormuz is almost
enough of a false flag event to render your 'piss-ant' country quite a
formidable enemy, should China and/or Russia enter the fray. After
all, it's their oil too, that we're messing around with...

Do you want to wager what a surgical strike by the U.S. might consist
of, given what Iran's Imperial guard is capable of doing world-wide
with terrorist acts? Who do you expect will absorb the fallout of all
this collateral, the U.S. pawns, who are already taxed to death?


Feb 11, 2012, 9:37:05 PM2/11/12
Currently there are 36,614,237,300,000,000,000,000 gallons of water in
the ocean. That amounts to 1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers or
332,519,000 cubic miles. Simply put, there is no shortage of water -
at least for a few thousand more years. If oil companies refuse to
drill for abiotic oil simply because they want to continue the "fossil
fuel shortage" or "peak oil" argument, they they automatically lose
the contest in being the most resourceful. They are simply too caught
up with the bureaucracies of the world, and are being tied down by a
conspiracy of competition, if you ask me.

Cracking towers normally used for the refining of crude into gasoline
are easily adapted for retooling to kerosene:
The same amount of gasoline that currently exists in the market
becomes switched to kerosene, and no loss in the sale occurs for the
9,287,000 barrels of RP-1 kerosene, amounting to 46, Saturn 5
launches, or about 1 per state in the country, at 18,250 launches per
year. If thge launches are not made, no progress becomes achieved for
setting up the trans-orbital infrastructure, and no jobs are being
created in the process.

The cost per year to build, operate, and maintain the components of a
remote mining system depends upon having a power satelite construction
center being developed, which depends again upon a cheap and reliable
method of earth-to-orbit as well as orbit-to-orbit propulsion system,
which would facilitate a cargo vessel launch and GAMS (geosynchronous
asteroid mapping satelite) tracking system:


COMPONENT / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017

Cargo Vessel Propulsion System, Navigation System, and Structural
Shell / $235 / $242 / $257 / $272 / $299 / $335 / $375

Mechanical Head Boring Tool, Hydraulics, Power Supply,
Instrumentation / $25 / $28 / $35 / $42 / $52 / $65 / $88 / $115

Tray Dump Handling System (Retractable Rail, Hydraulics, Cars, Canopy,
Equipment, Power Supplies, Instrumentation $30 / $35 / $42 / $52 /
$65 / $78 / $92

Regolith Processing (Centrifuge, Piping, Storage tanks, Pumps, ROV’s,
Instrumentation, Electrical) $12 / $14 / $19 / $25 / $33 / $45 / $58

Geosynchronous Asteroid Mapping Satelite, incl. SAR Instrumentation,
Booster, ROV mechanical, R & D $21 / $22 / $24 / $27 / $32 / $40 / $52

TOTAL COSTS $323 / $341 / $377 / $425 / $494 / $586 / $692

R. O. I. 1500% / 1478% / 1432% / 1370% / 1313% / 1242% / 1178%

The proposed return on investment (ROI) for a precious metals mining
mission far outpaces the mission costs. The Shuttle, Ares II projects
were totally incapable of meeting the ROI for delivering these
components in a timely manner, without offsetting nearly 20%, in
addition to maintaining a Power Satelite Construction Center that
would be the staging point for establishing a remote satelite scanning
flyby of suspected (infared) metallic asteroids.

Most of what gets proposed by NASA or any private industry, for that
matter, becomes nebulous in cost – not only because of the high cost
of establishing a heavily compartmentalized, RP-1 fueled lift program,
but also because of the net profits that a precious metals mining
mission to the asteroids would bring into the economy. The skills
required to tap into the vast precious metal deposits on the asteroids
become marketable themselves. Even the skills required for achieving
the task of landing a probe on Mars (in order to photograph and take
soil samples) does not justify itself against the culled experience
for any later expedition to a metal-rich asteroid. The payoff for
extraterrestrial resource development can never be attached to a
national debt restructuring program if the marketplace requires
continual purging of its iniquities (e.g. TARP, pork, healthcare,
international military protection of oil interests)


Feb 11, 2012, 9:59:36 PM2/11/12
They may eventually do it anyway...



Feb 11, 2012, 10:00:51 PM2/11/12
On 2/11/2012 7:51 PM, Warhol wrote:
\\You are aiding them by remaining silent, making yourself complicate
in their crimes.


Brad Guth

Feb 11, 2012, 11:09:57 PM2/11/12
HVAC only lives for WW3. It's a redneck ZNR thing, of provoking
others until they strike back, and then we get to let them have it.


Feb 12, 2012, 4:32:10 AM2/12/12
Nope, they're certainly not that.

<Scary religious twaddle posted in the hope of scaring people away


Feb 12, 2012, 6:45:32 AM2/12/12
On 2/11/2012 9:25 PM, American wrote:
>> First of all, it's not a game.
>> Secondly, the USA and it's 2-3 real allies must not allow
>> some piss-ass country to threaten to close off a major shipping
>> lane for traffic to most of the countries of Europe and Japan.
>> If that means a full-scale attack to keep Iran from getting
>> a nuke, so be it.
>> Queen takes King's Bishop...Checkmate.

> A buildup of military force in and around the Gulf of Hormuz is almost
> enough of a false flag event to render your 'piss-ant' country quite a
> formidable enemy

Any attack upon Iran for the purposes of keeping the
straits of Hormuz open would require a massive initial
strike. Their Exocet-type, anti-ship missile tech is
fairly robust, although it lacks in the area of command
and control.

Their Navy just plain sucks. In a shooting war, it wouldn't
last more than a few hours.

If they have a nuke, all bets are off the table.

> Do you want to wager what a surgical strike by the U.S. might consist
> of, given what Iran's Imperial guard is capable of doing world-wide
> with terrorist acts?

The US will not be deterred from stability in that region due
to terrorist threats.


Feb 12, 2012, 6:52:43 AM2/12/12
On 2/11/2012 9:37 PM, American wrote:
>>>>>>> What if an attack upon Iran *prevents* WW3 ?
> Currently there are 36,614,237,300,000,000,000,000 gallons of water in
> the ocean. That amounts to 1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers or
> 332,519,000 cubic miles. Simply put, there is no shortage of water -
> at least for a few thousand more years.

What in the fuck does that have to do with our conversation?
Do you suffer from A.D.D. ?

> If oil companies refuse to drill for abiotic oil

'Abiotic' oil is a lie, mostly fostered by 9/11 kooks.

The Revd

Feb 12, 2012, 6:58:08 AM2/12/12
The US priority in the region is sucking 'Israeli' rectums.

The Peeler

Feb 12, 2012, 7:10:14 AM2/12/12
On Sun, 12 Feb 2012 06:58:08 -0500, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,

>>The US will not be deterred from stability in that region due
>>to terrorist threats.
> The US priority in the region is sucking 'Israeli' rectums.

Sooo proud of being a universally recognized idiot, The Rectum? <BG>

Quotes about The Rectum:
Jimbo: "You're an abortion that should have happened."
Attila: "Are you a corpse that has not died yet?"
Virgil: "The world would be a better place if we could go
back in time and abort some idiots like formby before they were hatched."
Ejercito:"If he believed in racial hygiene, he would gas himself."
Ray Fischer: "We're not interested in your sexual fantasies, pervert."
Doug: "Pitiful diarrhea is the Revd's real name."
The Chief Instigator: "You've all the strength of wet toilet paper."
W.T.S.: "You are a liar. You are an obvious liar. You are a liar who has no
talent for making a lie believable."
Doug: "Your posts are nothing but written diarrhea."


Feb 12, 2012, 8:34:53 AM2/12/12
On 2/12/2012 6:58 AM, The Revd wrote:
>> The US will not be deterred from stability in that region due
>> to terrorist threats.
> The US priority in the region is sucking 'Israeli' rectums.

Why do YOU hate jews?


Feb 12, 2012, 9:08:17 AM2/12/12
On Feb 12, 6:52 am, HVAC <> wrote:
> On 2/11/2012 9:37 PM, American wrote:
> > Currently there are 36,614,237,300,000,000,000,000 gallons of water in
> > the ocean. That amounts to 1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers or
> > 332,519,000 cubic miles. Simply put, there is no shortage of water -
> > at least for a few thousand more years.
> What in the fuck does that have to do with our conversation?
> Do you suffer from A.D.D. ?
No, vigilant yankee ingenuity suffers from lack of attention through
sequestration and/or elimination of patented technology. Now it's up
to the government to protect the interests of the consumer, and not
the military/industrial complex, which has grown far too monstrous and
expensive to be properly focused on what America's vision should be
for the future. A federal program that would assist the oil companies
in retraining and retooling for a gasoline-to-kerosene -> heavy
orbital lift makeover, while the automobile manufacturers retrain and
retool for replacing the internal combustion engine with a nuclear
powered type: stations that currently sell gasoline could make just
as much profit selling purified H-H-O that gets "cracked" into H2 gas,
and exhausts the "O", or oxygen into the atmosphere (O recombines with
steam from the reaction to produce water vapor). H2 is such a clean
burning gas, that it requires no EPA standard, and so would
practically eliminate all of the current requirements of the Cafe
standards, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),
EPA, fuel detergents, grade/formulation production methods, biodiesel
requirements, octane enhancers, ethanol dependencies, etc.
> > If oil companies refuse to drill for abiotic oil
> 'Abiotic' oil is a lie, mostly fostered by 9/11 kooks.
Since your authority and/or expert knowledge requires no justification
or credibility, would that be just fine for all of us to just "go
along to get along" with oily warlords, and their controlled outputs,
in order to be safe from WWIII? Not feeling the least bit victimized
by disinformation campaigns run amok? Then I contend you've become
blind, deaf, and dumb to the detriment of many on the side of small
government. Oily warlords should pay for their own protection, not
mine. America never became so totally dependent on oil for energy that
it had to sacrifice a nation for convenience. Nothing new here - just
more killing toys for more killing boys that will finally meet their
match in the Valley of Megiddo. Ever heard of EMP? Tainted vaccines?
Dark Ages? Debt Slavery? Stealth bailouts? Internment Facilities?
Surveillance Drones? GMO crops? THAT is what we face as a nation,
unless you and the rest of the schlubs in Congress think they can get
away with jinxing the voter that America can avert WWIII. Seems to me,
the agenda was/is already being planned and in place for those things
to happen. Are you really that pro-Spartan, or has information on
these things become so compartmentalized that few, if ever, are
actually waking up to the systemic deconstruction of our Constitution?
> --
> "OK you cunts, let's see what you can do now" -Hit Girl

Our military can find other useful projects to become involved with,
other than war for war's sake. Why isn't anyone talking about
protecting implementing revolutionary transportation and power
technology at home, while scaling back on our dependency on foreign
oil? If a military can become geared up for war in a matter of weeks,
why can't the mass production of free energy generation do the same?
Is the "enemy" supposed to be an enemy of market success or prosperity
for all those who can plug a power cord into a free energy socket,
instead of filling up at the pump?

Common sense prevails over monopolization of what is supposed to be
"common", NOT monopolization over what makes "sense". Anything else
puts way too much politicizing into re-engineering our current
infrastructure, and instead seeks to over-police, apprehend, and
imprison the original inventor, like what Judas Iscariot did. (Too bad
he hung himself).

Brad Guth

Feb 12, 2012, 10:26:29 AM2/12/12
The truly rich and powerful, as always having authority over whomever
we elect or appoint, really don't have to care about anyone other than


Feb 12, 2012, 11:05:01 AM2/12/12
The obvious is too blatant to ignore:
How does a nation involve itself in deconstructing itself from one
geographical area, while reconstructing itself for the benefit of its
own borders? Seems that a nation like ours can no longer currently be
defined so loosely geographical, esp. when oily dictatorships like
China and Russia are nipping at our Middle Eastern heels, so to speak.
But maybe that's because we regard Israel so much as a state (here
comes Zionism), that the whole idea of a state's importance lies more
with "What does the state produce, in terms of there being a "real
commodity", that the rest can use, to benefit the nation as a whole?"
- has become lost to, "Who offers the best that money can buy from the
slave labor markets, while being distant enough to ignore intervention
from the U.N.?"


Feb 12, 2012, 4:47:34 PM2/12/12
I am sure they are plotting evil deeds against me and many others...

But my destiny knowns only my Gran'Da'Dy... and I have no fears.


Feb 12, 2012, 5:08:38 PM2/12/12
If I told you here, you wont believe the truth anyway... such is the
truth. But the reason you don't believe the truth is because you're on
an ideological rampage based on some utopian fantasy that never
existed and never will..

deception, deliverance, demons, devils, Jesus, judgment, oppression,
possession, prophets, punishment, rebellion, shaking of faith, sin,
true love, word of God, wrath

2 Chronicles 7:20-22 As for this house, which was exalted, everyone
who passes by it will be astonished and say, ‘Why has the LORD done
thus to this land and to this house?’ 22“And they will say, ‘Because
they forsook the LORD, the God of their fathers who brought them from
the land of Egypt, and they adopted other gods and worshiped them and
served them; therefore He has brought all this adversity on them.

Mankind is a very poor learner from history...

Judges 2:20-24 So the anger of the LORD burned against the Ten Tribes,
and He said, “Because this nation has transgressed My covenant which I
commanded their fathers and has not listened to My voice, 21I also
will no longer drive out before them any of the nations which Joshua
left when he died, 22in order to test the nations by them, whether
they will keep the way of the LORD to walk in it as their fathers did,
or not.” 23So the LORD allowed those nations to remain, not driving
them out quickly; and He did not give them into the hand of Joshua

In the very next Chapter in Judges, God raises up the first

If you diligently search and set aside the traditions you may have
been taught in “school”; God promises He will reward your search.

Brad Guth

Feb 12, 2012, 6:19:43 PM2/12/12
Religion and their faith-based policies have been making this ten fold
worse than it needs to be. The Zionist mafia gets to use their
religion as a cloak, and as a leverage method of insider trading and
global money changing that's about as fair and balanced as what
Hitler's gang of Third Reich had going for themselves. Why are most
other religions allowing this to happen?

We're not talking of restricting religious freedoms here, because it's
more like the mafia freedom to do as they damn well please that needs
to get terminated.


Feb 12, 2012, 11:12:59 PM2/12/12
In article <a4d59921-e4e4-4cd9-ae8c-26b2b7a82781>, says...
> > >>   Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / ?Guth Usenet?
> >
> > > If I do that, they will try to kill me immediately.
> >
> >     They may eventually do it anyway...
> >
> > --
> I am sure they are plotting evil deeds against me and many others...
> But my destiny knowns only my Gran'Da'Dy... and I have no fears.

In other words, you're still batshit fucking crazy, dreaming that your
long dead "Gran'Da'Dy" is going to do something. The only thing likely
to happen to you is you'll eventually be found dead of natural causes,
after a life of drug and other substance abuse.

BDK- Head FUD-Master Blaster.


Feb 12, 2012, 11:17:29 PM2/12/12
In article <jh6ukm$hr6$>, fake...@nomail.invalid says...
You're too bastshit crazy to really know what year it is anyway, so 1984
is as good as any other one, I suppose.


Feb 12, 2012, 11:31:31 PM2/12/12
And You A Big Dumb Kunt...

"I give thanks to You, 0 Lord, for You set me by a fountain which
flows in a dry land, a spring of water in a desolate land, a well-
watered garden [...] You planted a stand of juniper and pine together
with cypress for Your glory; trees of life at the secret spring,
hidden among all the trees by the water so that a shoot might grow up
into an eternal planting. Taking root before they shoot up, they
stretch out their roots to the watercourse, that its trunk might be
open to the living water and become an eternal fountain. On its leafy
branches every wild animal of the forest shall graze, and its trunk
shall become a gathering place to all who pass and its branches roosts
for all the birds." (Thanksgiving Psalm)

I give thanks to you, Lord, because you have placed me in the circle
of life and guided me against the evils of the world. Violent men
have threatened my life because of my faith in you Lord. For they are
an assembly of trickery and a crowd of evil, the do not know that
through you I live and in your compassion you will spare me in my
soul. Because of you they raid my life to spite you by the judgment of
the wicked. But you give me strength in the faces of the unworthy. And
I said, mighty men have pitched their camps and swarmed against me
with all the temptations of unjustly things. They have begun things
which have no cure, no stopping. Their weapons of evil engulf the land
like a tidal wave upon the shore. Like a wave of destruction devouring
a multitude of men. Temptation rose inside me but my soul clung to the
faith of you Lord. They have fallen to the destruction of each other
which they brought on themselves, but I will not fall to the rein of
their destruction, for I keep upon level ground and apart from them I
will bless you Lord, My Gran'Da'Dy.

I give thanks to you, Lord, for you have [fastened] your eye upon me.
You have saved me from the passion of lying deception, and from the
congregation of those who seek wealth. You have blessed the soul of
the poor one who planned to destroy me by spilling my blood while I
was at service to you. But they did not know that my soul belonged to
you, so they made a mockery of me in the mouths of all that seek for
lies. [...] But you, my Lord, have restored the faith of the poor and
the needy against one stronger than me; you have saved my soul from
the hand of the mighty. You have not permitted their insults to pursue
me into craving their service.

As it says in the Bible "Saul killed his thousands, but David killed
his tens of thousands".

Brad Guth

Feb 12, 2012, 11:44:15 PM2/12/12
Big Energy has most of us directly or indirectly on our knees, and
those of us older and/or dependent on pharmaceuticals has whatever’s
left of us. These folks and their religions get to function above the
highest elected or appointed authority on Earth, and that’s just not

Religion and their faith-based policies have been making this global
disparity ten fold worse than it needs to be. The Zionist Mafia gets
to use their Semitic religion as a social/political cloak, and as an
ideal leverage method of offshore banking and investment insider
trading for accommodating their global money changing that's about as
fair and balanced as what Hitler's gang of Third Reich had going for
themselves. My question is; why are most other religions allowing
this to happen?

I’m not talking of our republic restricting religious freedoms here,
because it's more like restricting the mafia freedom to do as they
damn well please that needs to get terminated.

No doubt the mainstream status quo has to keep the lower 99.999% of us
as snookered and dumbfounded as possible past the point of no return,
as otherwise some of us less mainstream indoctrinated might start to
refigure parts of this mess out for ourselves.

What we need is a good listing of these 7000 top-gun individuals
(that's one out of every million) that get to pull all of our strings
regardless of whomever we elect or appoint, and then we decide on a
case by case basis as to which ones need to get whacked or otherwise

Since most of these upper .0001% have never actually worked for a
living, nor having contributed anything to the greater good of
humanity or the environment, so even if we indiscriminately killed
them all plus terminated whatever next generation of their kind,
whereas the loss of 14,000 (near 1% of what the world losses via
common traffic accidents per year, or far less than 1% of pregnancy
losses/year in the USA alone), how could we possibly go wrong?

In other words, since they can't ever get officially voted out of
office, or ever held accountable, who the hell honestly needs them and
their Semitic oligarch/Rothschild policies of social/political
domination and money changers, plus who needs their subversive form of
intellectual and technology suppression?


Feb 13, 2012, 12:03:26 AM2/13/12

Voted - Most Paranoid Rant of 2012

I know it's only early in the year, but that will take a *lot* of

FUD-master/ZNR #2

Brad Guth

Feb 13, 2012, 1:10:28 AM2/13/12
So you actually suggest that our republic government is not only in
charge of everything, but never obfuscates, tells any fibs or lies to

Since when have mainstream religions not had extra special privileges
and benefits?

Since when are cabals and mafia not smart enough to use a mainstream
religion to their benefit?

Government Shill #2

Feb 13, 2012, 1:44:17 AM2/13/12
No! I'm not suggesting that at all.

Our government?

I am suggesting you are a paranoid loon. The evidence backs me up. Your posts
being the evidence.

>Since when have mainstream religions not had extra special privileges
>and benefits?

Never. Fuck religion. Fuck *all* religions. Biggest conspiracy ever carried out.

>Since when are cabals and mafia not smart enough to use a mainstream
>religion to their benefit?

Uh... I don't know. You tell me. It's your paranoid delusion. I barely follow
the question. Written in English would have made it simpler.

Shill #2
Pfft...English! Who needs that? I'm never going to England.
Homer J. Simpson


Feb 13, 2012, 6:24:11 AM2/13/12
Why am I not surprised that since George Orwell, isn't a Saturday morning
cartoon character, never heard of him.


Feb 13, 2012, 1:01:38 PM2/13/12
"¶ Upon the foure and twentieth day of the eleuenth moneth, which is
the moneth Sebat (February 17th), in the second yere of Darius, came
the word of the Lord vnto Zechariah, the sonne of Barachiah, the sonne
of Iddo the Prophet, saying: I saw by night, and behold a man riding
vpon a red horse, and he stood among the mirtle trees that were in the
bottome, and behinde him were there red horses, speckled and white.
Then said I, O my Lord, what are these? And the Angel that talked with
me, said vnto me, I wil shew thee what these be.

And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered, and said,
These are they, whom the Lord hath sent to walke to and fro through
the earth. And they answered the Angel of the Lord that stood among
the mirtle trees, and said, Wee haue walked to and fro through the
earth: and behold, all the earth sitteth still, and is at rest. ¶ Then
the Angel of the Lord answered, and said, O Lord of hosts, how long
wilt thou not haue mercie on Ierusalem, and on the cities of Iudah,
against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten

And the Lord answered the Angel that talked with me, with good words,
and comfortable words. So the Angel that communed with me, said vnto
me; Cry thou, saying; Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I am iealous for
Ierusalem, and for Zion, with a great iealousie. And I am very sore
displeased with the heathen that are at ease: for I was but a little
displeased, and they helped forward the affliction. Therefore thus
saith the Lord, I am returned to Ierusalem with mercies: my house
shall bee built in it, saith the Lord of hostes, and a line shalbe
stretched forth vpon Ierusalem.

Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hostes, My cities through
prosperitie shall yet be spread abroad, and the Lord shall yet comfort
Zion, and shall yet choose Ierusalem. ¶ Then lift I vp mine eyes, and
saw, and behold foure hornes. And I said vnto the Angel that talked
with me; What be these? and he answered mee, These are the hornes
which haue scattered Iudah, Israel, and Ierusalem. And the Lord shewed
mee foure carpenters. Then said I, What come these to doe? And hee
spake, saying, These are the hornes which haue scattered Iudah, so
that no man did lift vp his head: but these are come to fray them, to
cast out the hornes of the Gentiles, which lift vp their horne ouer
the land of Iudah to scatter it."

- Zechariah 1: 7 - 21, 1611 KJV

"Threescore and ten" equals 20 + 20 + 20 + 10 = 70 years. Menachem
Begin was released in Siberia under the terms of the Stalin-Sikorski
agreement, and arrived with the Polish troops to the Middle East in
1943. 1,943 + 70 = 2013. We are living next to the seventieth year
that Israel saw its future national leadership rise to power. Menachem
Begin organizes and implements an underground Jewish force to kick the
British out of Palestine, in order to reclaim a homeland for the Jews
who are experiencing persecution in Europe.

Special corporate interests set up the global government in 1945,
forming the globalist's U.N. to replace the League of Nations, a
hijacked kleptocracy of the New World Order.

As Gentiles continue to scatter "Iudah, Israel, and Ierusalem", the
'foure carpenters" are there to scatter the influence of the Gentiles.
Who are the "four carpenters"? They are YHWH's answer to the Gentile's
attempt to understand how YHWH's time becomes important to Iudah,
Israel, and Ierusalem first, and then to the rest of the world,
consisting of Gentiles:

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they
are Iewes, and are not, but doe lie: behold, I will make them to come
and worship before thy feete, and to know that I haue loued thee."

- Revelation 3:9, 1611 KJV

Iewes represent Judahites, the historical/contemporary military
leaders of Israel, whose capital is Ierusalem. YHWH owns and inhabits
the land, and so Judah will be the first to act in protecting the land
- NOT the U.S. - that would represent a timeline apart from YHWH's
"four carpenters", who act according according to YHWH's plan. That
plan would be put into practice by the four apostles - Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and John - who are the "four carpenters" mentioned by the
prophet Zechariah. The "plan" is thus the word of YHWH describing the
life of a man who came and left the earth in the name of The Creator -
YHWH Himself - and who returns to earth as prophesied:

"And I sawe heauen opened, and behold a white horse, and hee that sate
vpon him was called faithful and true, and in righteousnes hee doth
iudge and make warre. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his
head were many crownes, and hee had a name written, that no man knew
but he himselfe. And hee was clothed with a vesture dipt in blood, and
his name is called, The word of God. And the armies which were in
heauen followed him vpon white horses, clothed in fine linnen, white
and cleane. And out of his mouth goeth a sharpe sword, that with it
hee should smite the nations: and he shal rule them with a rod of
yron: and he treadeth the winepresse of the fiercenesse and wrath of
Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture, and on his thigh a name
written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords."

- Revelation 19:11-16, 1611 KJV

However, the white horse in the above scripture is not the same as the
rider of the white horse described in Revelation 6:1-2:

"And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and hee that sate on him had a
bowe, and a crowne was giuen vnto him, and hee went foorth conquering,
and to conquere. And when hee had opened the second seale, I heard the
second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that
was red: and power was giuen to him that sate thereon to take peace
from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was
giuen vnto him a great sword."

- Revelation 6:2-4, 1611 KJV

It would be a white horse, if the "house" in which the horses of
different colors (Republicans, Democrats) were all unanimously
following a dictator - thus the "white horse". Notice that the red
horse immediately follows the white horse. Could this be the red horse
mentioned in Zechariah, as one of the three: " horses, speckled,
and white..."?

And if it is, aren't we a little close to February 17th, which is the
"foure and twentieth day of the eleuenth moneth"?

Brad Guth

Feb 13, 2012, 1:24:52 PM2/13/12
That's all very confusing. In other words, your religion or faith-
based policy isn't ever going to do anything on behalf of specifically
policing any other religion(s), no matters what the mostly negative
consequence for doing nothing.

Are you suggesting that all other religions or faith-based groups can
do no real harm, and that's it's perfectly acceptable for cabals and
mafias to utilize the social/political benefits and global aspects of
untraceable banking and investing perks that a religion has to offer?

Antares 531

Feb 13, 2012, 1:47:42 PM2/13/12
On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 10:24:52 -0800 (PST), Brad Guth
<> wrote:

>On Feb 13, 10:01 am, American <> wrote:
>> On Feb 12, 11:44 pm, Brad Guth <> wrote:
A point worth considering when going over these arguments is that we
humans aren't here in this current phase of our existence for the
purpose of restoring this planet to the original "Paradise" from which
it was ejected in the Adam and Eve story. The bottom line is that
humans, starting with the Adam and Eve class of Early Modern Humans
(EMH) wanted to learn about sin and rebellion. That is, they wanted to
explore the options that were not in total, complete congruence with
the will of God. No one had explored these "other ways" of doing
things and there was no way for any of us to come to a full level of
understanding except to try it and see what comes of it.

Shutting those Adam & Eve class people down or constraining them into
compliance would not have netted the end result that God wants from
us. He wants us to mature into fully sovereign, immortal beings who
are totally reliable. Not constrained by intimidation or
pre-programmed as puppets, but fully sovereign and fully compliant
with God's way of doing things.

Once we graduate from this on-going school of hard knocks we will do
God's will because it will be exactly and precisely our own will. It's
this hands-on learning process that will get us there. There was no
other way for God to mature us to the level He wants to achieve.


Brad Guth

Feb 13, 2012, 2:53:18 PM2/13/12
There's so much right but also dead wrong with that reply. I had no
idea your God was so sadistic and immoral. No wonder religion has to
be officially terminated as part of that trial and error upon error
upon error learning curve you think is so necessary and wonderful.


Feb 13, 2012, 2:07:49 PM2/13/12
I am not the one who is under the wing of socialized religion, which
is why all of the daughter religions of the Laodecean Church have
become "lukewarm" themselves - but it is Judah (Judahites) first, then
the world, who become the inheritors of the promise. I believe that
condemnation will come by itself, to the rest of the world, mainly
because of unification (humanity in a petri-dish, for how the
globalists are able to influence and control populations of the world
thru monetary fiat, instead of practicing diversity of free markets).

New fiat money systems are replacing older fiat money systems, only to
produce more fiat - that is why we need to "cash in" on Ron Paul's
plan to eliminate the Fed's influence over our lives, before the rest
of the globalists push harder at forcing things like Agenda 21, death
worship, population reduction (of useless eaters and feeders), forced
inoculation, God-hating (demonization and terrorization of everything
that's not Federal Government approved), eugenicists, internet
censors, exterminators, jury-rigged FUD media falsifiers, and all the
armies of the useful idiots...

It's still 1776 vs. 1984:


Feb 13, 2012, 3:47:51 PM2/13/12
In article <jh6fom$r3p$>, says...
> On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 11:02:42 -0800, Brad Guth wrote:
> >> "Hopefully the fair wind will resume, or this may well take all day."
> >>
> >> Admiral Collingwood on being becalmed under the guns of six French
> >> ships- of-the-line at Trafalgar
> >
> > Devout Zionist bloodline Jews are quite different than common Jews of
> > all colors.
> Could you define 'Devout Zionist bloodline Jew' for me please?

This should be fun.

> I thought they weren't of pure blood anyway...
> Aren't they all Turkic mongrels?
> And Zionism is a political movement, how on earth do you inherit
> someone's politics?

Brad has all kinds of magical thoughts about the evul joos.


Feb 13, 2012, 3:53:12 PM2/13/12
In article <e7bbd08a-df37-4322-921f->, says...
Such an original insult. At least it's not really "gay", as most kOOk
insults are.
Thanks for proving my point, you batshit crazy fuck.


Feb 13, 2012, 4:01:22 PM2/13/12
In article <jharss$cc9$>, fake...@nomail.invalid says...
I read 1984 in like the 7th grade. You have as little of a sense of
humor as you do sanity, or bullshit filtering.


Feb 13, 2012, 4:35:49 PM2/13/12
On Feb 12, 2:00 am, Brad Guth <> wrote:
> On Feb 10, 10:05 pm, Warhol <> wrote:
> > False news on Syria use the same actor over and over again
> > Check out the guy in these two pics:
> >
> >
> > Notice his beard and his gray pullover with white stripes.
> > He's suppposed to be just "a man from Homs" in these two pieces of
> > Spanish news:
> >
> >
> > Now who is really that guy? Look at the video here:
> >
> > He's Khaled Abu Salah,a man that has appeared a number of times on al
> > Jazeera reports and is scheduled by NATO to replace Assad.
> > Fake peasants, fake wounded... FAKE NEWS!
> > Here he even plays CORPSE!
> >
> > He's not even Syrian, he's pisraeli.
> > ...more and more of this is coming to light... just Like Libya ! fuck
> > you NWO go to hell ! bastards. The bullshit of making up news for
> > their propaganda machine is starting to backfire as the people wake up
> > and look closer at what they are doing.
> > I wish I lived in a time where there was no fake bullshit.
> > Cmon Humans!
> >
> > When all else fails, WAG THE DOG!
> > This same shit happened in the first gulf war, in the 90s CNN was
> > staging shit in their studios....
> > Everything is propaganda.... The older I get, the more I realize it's
> > all a Game.
> > An UGLY Game ~ but a Game, nonetheless.
> Notice how all the usual brown-nosed clowns and FUD-masters came out
> to play on this topic of yours.  Apparently the use of actors for
> creating fake news is mainstream status quo.

yeah... Now it's comfirmed by real journalist!

Hey, MSM is lying to us 99% of the time !

British journalist Lizzie Phelan describes experiences on the ground
in Syria, among other things. British journalist Exposed the Lies of
MSM on Syria : Western Media Fabricated Mass Killings of Syrian

I don't know if "the usual brown-nosed clowns and FUD-masters" have
seen that vid?

Finding excuses for war, they are!


Feb 13, 2012, 5:42:24 PM2/13/12
On 2/13/2012 4:01 PM, BDK wrote:
>> Why am I not surprised that since George Orwell, isn't a Saturday morning
>> cartoon character, never heard of him.
> I read 1984 in like the 7th grade. You have as little of a sense of
> humor as you do sanity, or bullshit filtering.

Toga party?

Brad Guth

Feb 13, 2012, 5:40:45 PM2/13/12
”Whoever controls the past, controls the future” / George Orwell

And you are letting those Semitic oligarchs as pretend-Atheists and
otherwise ZNR Rothschilds control the future, because the past (aka
history) can't be honestly told or much less our being allowed to
honestly learn anything truthful from that history. Therefore the
same old greed, mistakes and/or controlled events will keep happening.

As long as the upper most 0.0001% (7000) get to do exactly as they
please, we're screwed.

You and your faith-based friends say one thing and then you fully
approve of whatever Zionist faith-based groups have done (no matters
how dastardly), and whatever they intend to do is perfectly good
because it's a necessary "learning curve"?

Not that crazy Zionist Semites are the one and only bad guys, but
their percentage of influence over whatever we can or can not do is
rather considerable, and their authority can not be voted out of
office. So, what part of that faith-based mafia do you think is a
good deal for us?

Why do we need to needlessly suffer and die so that you don't have to
risk being called an anti-Semite?

Btw; you do realize that Semites are not strictly limited as to being
Jewish. A Zionist Nazi Republican or Redneck can be most any faith
that acts/reacts as Jewish and the Third Reich would act. At times I
can't seem to tell the difference between the Third Reich and a
Zionist Jew, because they're both extremely bad for the rest of us.

Brad Guth

Feb 13, 2012, 5:53:58 PM2/13/12
I certainly hope China and Russia can bring this madness to a halt,
before it's too late.

Actually, a modern-day thermonuclear war is going to be much cleaner
and less widespread than a few decades ago, as well as not nearly as
much fallout should happen because nuclear+fusion weapons are simply
more efficient than they were to start with.

It's the more conventional weapons that are going to be the great
unknown, as well as the additional time for secondary and third wave
tactics that'll be hard to predict their outcome.

Iran could hire China and Russia as their police force and national
security. With Russian and Chinese military basses in Iran would make
it a bit sticky for us to interfere with their nuclear programs.


Feb 13, 2012, 6:01:36 PM2/13/12
On 2/13/2012 3:53 PM, BDK wrote:
>> I give thanks to you, Lord, for you have [fastened] your eye upon me.
>> You have saved me from the passion of lying deception, and from the
>> congregation of those who seek wealth. You have blessed the soul of
>> the poor one who planned to destroy me by spilling my blood while I
>> was at service to you. But they did not know that my soul belonged to
>> you, so they made a mockery of me in the mouths of all that seek for
>> lies. [...] But you, my Lord, have restored the faith of the poor and
>> the needy against one stronger than me; you have saved my soul from
>> the hand of the mighty. You have not permitted their insults to pursue
>> me into craving their service.
>> As it says in the Bible "Saul killed his thousands, but David killed
>> his tens of thousands".
> Thanks for proving my point, you batshit crazy fuck.



Feb 13, 2012, 7:45:31 PM2/13/12
In article <jhc3kc$lqf$>, says...
> On 2/13/2012 4:01 PM, BDK wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Why am I not surprised that since George Orwell, isn't a Saturday morning
> >> cartoon character, never heard of him.
> >
> > I read 1984 in like the 7th grade. You have as little of a sense of
> > humor as you do sanity, or bullshit filtering.
> Toga party?

Yes, Dean Wormer is the guest. He's as dead as Bast's brain is, but what
the hell...he won't eat much.


Feb 13, 2012, 7:46:22 PM2/13/12
In article <jhc4ob$pv0$>, says...
> On 2/13/2012 3:53 PM, BDK wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> I give thanks to you, Lord, for you have [fastened] your eye upon me.
> >> You have saved me from the passion of lying deception, and from the
> >> congregation of those who seek wealth. You have blessed the soul of
> >> the poor one who planned to destroy me by spilling my blood while I
> >> was at service to you. But they did not know that my soul belonged to
> >> you, so they made a mockery of me in the mouths of all that seek for
> >> lies. [...] But you, my Lord, have restored the faith of the poor and
> >> the needy against one stronger than me; you have saved my soul from
> >> the hand of the mighty. You have not permitted their insults to pursue
> >> me into craving their service.
> >>
> >> As it says in the Bible "Saul killed his thousands, but David killed
> >> his tens of thousands".
> >
> > Thanks for proving my point, you batshit crazy fuck.
> LOL!

Someone had to say it.


Feb 13, 2012, 8:08:48 PM2/13/12
WW III shall be averted by the Warrior of The Light, but the Harlot
state is doomed... thats certain... no more a false Semite state...

BTW Thermonuclear war is SF... No such weapons... but they have other
terrible W.M.D. that kill without distinction.


Feb 13, 2012, 9:40:48 PM2/13/12
In article <>, - Eugene
Griessel spouted !
> On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 22:05:34 -0800 (PST), Warhol <>
> wrote:
> >False news on Syria use the same actor over and over again
> >Check out the guy in these two pics:
> I'm told that the Global Conspiracy Assassins are closing in fast on
> Whoreson now - only a matter of time and he'll be elimnated.

Elimination is how he got here.
What is needed now is a good flush


Feb 13, 2012, 11:17:52 PM2/13/12
In article <jh88o9$4ak$>, - HVAC
spouted !

> Their Exocet-type, anti-ship missile tech is fairly robust

Are you sure ?
Those missles are Chinese copies of a 40 year old French design.

Brad Guth

Feb 13, 2012, 11:42:18 PM2/13/12
Sadly, we have fission+fusion composite weapons.

The good news is that they'll hit their designated target(s) within
+/- one meter, and there will be less fallout because of their
selective yield and greater fission efficiency. However, China and
Russia have these, as well as do a few others. Nuking millions of
innocent Muslim civilians to death will not be an acceptable
alternative, unless they manage to nuke us first.


Feb 13, 2012, 11:42:21 PM2/13/12
Eugenecists have been building us a false environment ever since
someone determined that humans have no free will. Education and
training ultimately kills our free will under the Higher Power - but
imitators from which we have inbred royalty, are opening the gates of
hell itself, and pushing a completely dumbed-down, scientific
dictatorship - school choice agendas have become the trojan horse
through which submissive trainees are being told what they must learn
to have a boot stuck on their head.
> And you are letting those Semitic oligarchs as pretend-Atheists and
> otherwise ZNR Rothschilds control the future, because the past (aka
> history) can't be honestly told or much less our being allowed to
> honestly learn anything truthful from that history.  Therefore the
> same old greed, mistakes and/or controlled events will keep happening.
Charter schools were designed by public/private partnerships, started
by R. Reagan, Ed Meese, and Weinberger, in order to implement the
Soviet system of Agenda 21's regionalism - which is control thru
outcome-based, corporate/fascist community education, regionalism,
sustainable development, community policing, faith-based initiaves,
and school-based clinics, etc., that come under community education
(which is actually NWO re-education).
> As long as the upper most 0.0001% (7000) get to do exactly as they
> please, we're screwed.
There are Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto that list abolition of
property in land and the application of all rents of land to public
purposes, a heavy progressive or graduated income tax (which is the
Corporate Tax Act of 1909), abolition of all rights of inheritance,
confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels,
centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a
national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly, and
centralization of the means of communications and transportation in
the hands of the State. (Federal Radio Commission, 1927; Federal
Communications Commission, 1934; Air Commerce Act of 1926; Civil
Aeronautics Act of 1938; Federal Aviation Agency, 1958; and becoming
part of the Department of Transportation in 1966).

In the Federal Highway Act of 1916, federal funds were made available
to States for highway construction. The Interstate Highway System was
created in 1944, and funding for that began in 1956. The Interstate
Commerce Commission was given authority by Congress to regulate
trucking and carriers on inland waterways from 1935-1940, and the
Department of Transportation was created in 1966.

The whole point of stating all of these projects, was that they were
GOVERNMENT projects, and can therefore be followed up with very
specific kinds of enforcement, since it is scientific dictatorships
that now carry license and a badge, in order to enforce the NWO's
agenda against "enemies of the State".
> You and your faith-based friends say one thing and then you fully
> approve of whatever Zionist faith-based groups have done (no matters
> how dastardly), and whatever they intend to do is perfectly good
> because it's a necessary "learning curve"?
Sec. 5(b) of the Trading With the Enemy Act (1933) assumed its
authority under Proclamation 2039, which closed all banks for five
days "During time of war or any other period of national emergency
declared by the President").

Under this law the President may, through any agency that he may
designate, or otherwise, investigate, regulate, or prohibit, under
such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of licenses
or otherwise, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of
credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by the
President, and export, hoarding, melting, or earmarkings of gold or
silver coin or bullion or currency by any person within the United
States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof; and the
President may require any person engaged in any transaction referred
to in this subdivision to furnish under oath, complete information
relative thereto, including the production of any books of account,
contracts, letters or other papers in connection therewith in the
custody or control of such person, either before or after such
transaction is completed."

So you see, it is not me, or any Zionist, faith-based group that I am
aware of, that is pilfering us of our liberties - it is the
progressive, scientific dictatorship-run cabal of transnationalist
kleptographic criminal sectarian plutocrats, who wish to put your head
under the toe of the boot, and press down for all that it is worth -
to make examples of any of those who resist, to the rest of the FUD-
prone slaves...
> Not that crazy Zionist Semites are the one and only bad guys, but
> their percentage of influence over whatever we can or can not do is
> rather considerable, and their authority can not be voted out of
> office.  So, what part of that faith-based mafia do you think is a
> good deal for us?
There are Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto that list the
following: Abolition of property in land and the application of all
rents of land to public purposes, a heavy progressive or graduated
income tax (which is the Corporate Tax Act of 1909), abolition of all
rights of inheritance, confiscation of the property of all emigrants
and rebels, centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by
means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly,
and centralization of the means of communications and transportation
in the hands of the State. (Federal Radio Commission, 1927; Federal
Communications Commission, 1934; Air Commerce Act of 1926; Civil
Aeronautics Act of 1938; Federal Aviation Agency, 1958; becoming part
of the Department of Transportation in 1966.

All of these Acts are part and parcel of the takeover of our free
will, as servants of the Most High God, of whom I consider as being
pretty much off-the-grid, for destiny's sake. If you can be ruled,
regulated, licensed, restricted, registered, directed, inspected,
measured, numbered, counted, raided, stamped, censored, authorized,
admonished, refused, prevented, drilled, indoctrinated, monopolized,
extorted, robbed, hoaxed, fined, harassed, disarmed, dishonored,
fleeced, exploited, assessed, and/or taxed, then under Proclamation
2040, you are the enemy! Believe me, as this Agenda 21 gets rolled out
by the NWO, they will also be able to track you anywhere, if you are
not IN CHRIST. The Federal Highway Act of 1916 made federal funds made
available to States for highway construction, the Interstate Highway
System was created in1944 (funding began 1956) is also now part of GPS
(Government Police State). The Interstate Commerce Commission gave
authority by Congress to regulate trucking and carriers on inland
waterways in 1935-40, which means that everything can be monitored
and checked by the Department of Transportation, which was founded in

The plans were started long ago, and the useful idiot chickens are now
coming home to roost!!!

Brad Guth

Feb 13, 2012, 11:55:57 PM2/13/12
In other words, you still can't name a soul or specify their faith-
based cabal that's ever directly or indirectly responsible for

How hard is naming the top 7000 individuals in authority over anyone
we elect or appoint?


Feb 14, 2012, 2:50:56 AM2/14/12
Dear little Lizzie, better known as 'Gadaffy's girlfriend'.


Feb 14, 2012, 2:57:54 AM2/14/12
On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 15:47:51 -0500, BDK wrote:

> In article <jh6fom$r3p$>, says...
>> > Devout Zionist bloodline Jews are quite different than common Jews of
>> > all colors.
>> Could you define 'Devout Zionist bloodline Jew' for me please?
> This should be fun.

Not so far.

He runs when cornered...


Feb 14, 2012, 3:32:20 AM2/14/12


Feb 14, 2012, 3:39:59 AM2/14/12
Your vile racism is overt.


Feb 14, 2012, 4:27:49 AM2/14/12
“But the nose is not the only way to recognize a Jew...”

Curly hair, short stature, large ears, short temper, rude behavior and
some sort of deformity comes with the territory. Many of them have
sunken chest and other genetic problems. Jews practice incest, Its not
uncommon among jews to marry 1st cousins or even blood relatives.

“One can also recognize a Jew by his lips. His lips are usually puffy.
The lower lip often protrudes. The eyes are different too. The eyelids
are mostly thicker and more fleshy than ours. The Jewish look is wary
and piercing. One can tell from his eyes that he is a deceitful

“Jews are usually small to mid-sized. They have short legs. Their arms
are often very short too. Many Jews are bow-legged and flat-footed.
They often have a low, slanting forehead, a receding forehead. Many
criminals have such a receding forehead. The Jews are criminals too.
Their hair is usually dark and often curly like a Negro’s. Their ears
are very large, and they look like the handles of a coffee cup.”

Every Jew does not have these characteristics. Some do not have a
proper Jewish nose, but real Jewish ears. Some do not have flat feet,
but real Jewish eyes. Some Jews cannot be recognized at first glance.
There are even some Jews with blond hair. If we want to be sure to
recognize Jews, we must look carefully. But when one looks carefully,
one can always tell it is a Jew.

“From a Jew’s face
The wicked Devil speaks to us,
The Devil who, in every country,
Is known as an evil plague.

Would we from the Jew be free,
Again be cheeful and happy,
Then must youth fight with us
To get rid of the Jewish Devil.”


Feb 14, 2012, 5:37:10 AM2/14/12
On 2/13/2012 7:46 PM, BDK wrote:
>>>> As it says in the Bible "Saul killed his thousands, but David killed
>>>> his tens of thousands".
>>> Thanks for proving my point, you batshit crazy fuck.
>> LOL!
> Someone had to say it.

It's just that every now and then I read a post that makes
me crack up laughing...


Feb 14, 2012, 6:24:29 AM2/14/12
Never question me.

I said, "Exocet *type*" missiles. These include Chinese Silkworm
as well as home grown Ghanad, Khalij Fars, and Tondar, anti-ship

Although their tech sucks compared to ours, in an asymmetric war
they could attempt to overwhelm our naval defenses with numbers.


Feb 14, 2012, 6:26:03 AM2/14/12
I would cast Bast in the role of Flounder.


Feb 14, 2012, 6:31:18 AM2/14/12
On 2/14/2012 3:32 AM, Warhol wrote:
> Haha ha... you yids are so transparent....

I couldn't tell a jew from an a-rab....Can you?


Feb 14, 2012, 6:35:17 AM2/14/12
On 2/14/2012 4:27 AM, Warhol wrote:
> “From a Jew’s face
> The wicked Devil speaks to us,
> The Devil who, in every country,
> Is known as an evil plague.
> Would we from the Jew be free,
> Again be cheeful and happy,
> Then must youth fight with us
> To get rid of the Jewish Devil.”

Hickory, dickory, dock
Wahole was sucking some jew's cock
The clock struck two
The jew blew his goo
And dropped Warole off at the next block

At least mine rhymes.

Andrew Chaplin

Feb 14, 2012, 7:45:07 AM2/14/12
bill <> wrote in news:jhd462$u0a$

> On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 15:47:51 -0500, BDK wrote:
>> In article <jh6fom$r3p$>, says...
>>> > Devout Zionist bloodline Jews are quite different than common Jews of
>>> > all colors.
>>> Could you define 'Devout Zionist bloodline Jew' for me please?
>> This should be fun.
> Not so far.
> He runs when cornered...

Then you're not cornering him properly.
Andrew Chaplin
(If you're going to e-mail me, you'll have to get "yourfinger." out.)

Antares 531

Feb 14, 2012, 8:28:54 AM2/14/12
On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 11:53:18 -0800 (PST), Brad Guth
<> wrote:

>On Feb 13, 10:47 am, Antares 531 <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 10:24:52 -0800 (PST), Brad Guth
>> >That's all very confusing.  In other words, your religion or faith-
>> >based policy isn't ever going to do anything on behalf of specifically
>> >policing any other religion(s), no matters what the mostly negative
>> >consequence for doing nothing.
>> >Are you suggesting that all other religions or faith-based groups can
>> >do no real harm, and that's it's perfectly acceptable for cabals and
>> >mafias to utilize the social/political benefits and global aspects of
>> >untraceable banking and investing perks that a religion has to offer?
>> A point worth considering when going over these arguments is that we
>> humans aren't here in this current phase of our existence for the
>> purpose of restoring this planet to the original "Paradise" from which
>> it was ejected in the Adam and Eve story. The bottom line is that
>> humans, starting with the Adam and Eve class of Early Modern Humans
>> (EMH) wanted to learn about sin and rebellion. That is, they wanted to
>> explore the options that were not in total, complete congruence with
>> the will of God. No one had explored these "other ways" of doing
>> things and there was no way for any of us to come to a full level of
>> understanding except to try it and see what comes of it.
>> Shutting those Adam & Eve class people down or constraining them into
>> compliance would not have netted the end result that God wants from
>> us. He wants us to mature into fully sovereign, immortal beings who
>> are totally reliable. Not constrained by intimidation or
>> pre-programmed as puppets, but fully sovereign and fully compliant
>> with God's way of doing things.
>> Once we graduate from this on-going school of hard knocks we will do
>> God's will because it will be exactly and precisely our own will. It's
>> this hands-on learning process that will get us there. There was no
>> other way for God to mature us to the level He wants to achieve.
>> Gordon
>There's so much right but also dead wrong with that reply. I had no
>idea your God was so sadistic and immoral. No wonder religion has to
>be officially terminated as part of that trial and error upon error
>upon error learning curve you think is so necessary and wonderful.
> Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad, I know this is a bit off topic, but would you mind telling me
what your position is, regarding any form of religion? Are you
Atheist, agnostic, non-Christian, or what ever? Also, I've changed the
Subject line so this will start a new thread, if you'd care to


Brad Guth

Feb 14, 2012, 12:08:26 PM2/14/12
Inactive Mennonite.

I believe in being as self-sufficient as you can manage, and sharing
as much as possible, and being honest seems kind of a given.

Why is it okay for mainstream religions to approve of what Zionist
Semites or other bad faith-based groups do?

Why can't religions at least police their own kind?

Antares 531

Feb 14, 2012, 12:25:54 PM2/14/12
Brad, we're on parallel tracks, here. I'm an inactive 7th Day
Adventist. I hold firmly with most of their teachings but I can't
reconcile their claim that everything was created just 7,000 years

My thinking on this is that God created everything just as His natural
laws show us in things like astronomical information, geological
records and polar ice core bore samples. I also believe that God used
his natural laws to bring about the life developments that we study in
our scientific efforts. God used His process of evolution to bring
this all about.

As to the Jewish people, I have no quarrel with them. If they are
wrong, that is between them and God, not my business. If any of them
open up for discussion with me I will gladly share my understandings
with them, but I am by no means "qualified" to order or otherwise
instruct them as to what they should and/or should not do.

You are absolutely right concerning the subject of honesty. If all of
us could bring ourselves to being absolutely honest and straight
forward, but not intrusive into the personal affairs of others, the
world would be a MUCH better place for all of us.



Feb 14, 2012, 1:31:50 PM2/14/12
In article <jhdgc6$ro5$>, says...
> On 2/13/2012 7:45 PM, BDK wrote:
> > In article<jhc3kc$lqf$>, says...
> >>
> >> On 2/13/2012 4:01 PM, BDK wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Why am I not surprised that since George Orwell, isn't a Saturday morning
> >>>> cartoon character, never heard of him.
> >>>
> >>> I read 1984 in like the 7th grade. You have as little of a sense of
> >>> humor as you do sanity, or bullshit filtering.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Toga party?
> >
> > Yes, Dean Wormer is the guest. He's as dead as Bast's brain is, but what
> > the hell...he won't eat much.
> >
> I would cast Bast in the role of Flounder.

No no, Brad would be one of the dicks in the movie. Flounder was too
nice for Brad to play.
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