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New glasses have trapezoid distortion

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Michael Ryan

Apr 9, 2021, 6:45:33 PM4/9/21
Hello all,

I use glasses for computer and reading. I actually use dedicated glasses for computers with a different/adjusted prescription than for reading.
I just got new glasses after getting a checkup and I am seeing distortion on my computer screen that looks like a trapezoid on it's side. The left appears taller than the right and the right edge of the screen appears to be closer to me than the right. I also noticed the printing on the screen looks shorter on the right than on the left. What's wrong here? Did the optometrist make an error in the prescription or did my glasses supplier (I don't use the supplier in the optometrist's office) make them wrong?
Here's my old prescription and the new one for reference. I am using the exact same frame as before and polycarbonate lenses.

Old (5 years old). I went for an update because things were getting a little blurrier):
Spherical Cylindrical Axis
OD +1.75 -0.75 120
OS +1.75 -1.00 090

Spherical Cylindrical Axis
OD +2.25 -1.50 110
OS +2.25 -1.00 090

Any coaching appreciated,
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