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timely wordplay

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David Dalton

Dec 22, 2021, 2:20:19 AM12/22/21
Joke(?): Some say “Oh my God” but maybe those
who worship Chronos say “Oh my Chronos’’
[omicron(US)]. Oh well, time is passing.
But is that Brigid’s Well or the Well of Mimir?

Winter Solstice Blessings to all, with hopes for
a good New Year ahead.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘And the cart is on a wheel/And the wheel is on a hill/And
the hill is shifting sand/And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)

David Dalton

Dec 24, 2021, 3:08:28 AM12/24/21
On Dec 21, 2021, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> Joke(?): Some say “Oh my God” but maybe those
> who worship Chronos say “Oh my Chronos’’
> [omicron(US)]. Oh well, time is passing.
> But is that Brigid’s Well or the Well of Mimir?
> Ha.
> Winter Solstice Blessings to all, with hopes for
> a good New Year ahead.

Well, the number of hospitalizations with omicron seems
to be low so far, so perhaps omicron will prove to be
more infectious but less deadly and will confer immunity
to the more deadly strains, perhaps ending the pandemic.

Happy Festivus and Tibb’s Eve!
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