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Seven deadly sins of set theory

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Jan 4, 2024, 4:59:34 AMJan 4
1. Scrooge McDuck's bankrupt

Scrooge Mc Duck earns 1000 $ daily and spends only 1 $ per day. As a
cartoon-figure he will live forever and his wealth will increase without
bound. But according to set theory he will get bankrupt if he spends the
dollars in the same order as he receives them. Only if he always spends
them in another order, for instance every day the second dollar
received, he will get rich. These different results prove set theory to
be useless for all practical purposes.

The above story is only the story of Tristram Shandy in simplified
terms, which has been narrated by Fraenkel, one of the fathers of ZF set

"Well known is the story of Tristram Shandy who undertakes to write his
biography, in fact so pedantically, that the description of each day
takes him a full year. Of course he will never get ready if continuing
that way. But if he lived infinitely long (for instance a 'countable
infinity' of years [...]), then his biography would get 'ready',
because, expressed more precisely, every day of his life, how late ever,
finally would get its description because the year scheduled for this
work would some time appear in his life." [A. Fraenkel: "Einleitung in
die Mengenlehre", 3rd ed., Springer, Berlin (1928) p. 24] "If he is
mortal he can never terminate; but did he live forever then no part of
his biography would remain unwritten, for to each day of his life a year
devoted to that day's description would correspond." [A.A. Fraenkel, A.
Levy: "Abstract set theory", 4th ed., North Holland, Amsterdam (1976) p.

2. Failed enumeration of the fractions

All natural numbers are said to be enough to index all positive
fractions. This can be disproved when the natural numbers are taken from
the first column of the matrix of all positive fractions

1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ...
2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/4, ...
3/1, 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, ...
4/1, 4/2, 4/3, 4/4, ...
.. .

To cover the whole matrix by the integer fractions amounts to the idea
that the letters X in


can be redistributed to cover all positions by exchanging them with the
letters O. (X and O must be exchanged because where an index has left,
there is no index remaining.) But where should the O remain if not
within the matrix at positions not covered by X?

3. Violation of translation invariance

Translation invariance is fundamental to every scientific theory. With n
m ∈ ℕ and q ∈ {ℚ ∩ (0, 1]} there is precisely the same number of
rational points n + q in (n, n+1] as of rational points m + q in (m,
m+1] . However, half of all positive rational numbers of Cantor's
1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 1/3, 2/2, 3/1, 1/4, 2/3, 3/2, 4/1, 1/5, 2/4, 3/3, 4/2,
5/1, ...
are of the form 0 + q and lie in the first unit interval between 0 and
1. There are less rational points in (1, 2] but more than in (2, 3] and
so on.

4. Violation of inclusion monotony

Every endsegment E(n) = {n, n+1, n+2, ...} of natural numbers has an
infinite intersection with all other infinite endsegments.
∀k ∈ ℕ_def: ∩{E(1), E(2), ..., E(k)} = E(k) /\ |E(k)| = ℵ₀ .
Set theory however comes to the conclusion that there are only infinite
endsegments and that their intersection is empty. This violates the
inclusion monotony of the endegments according to which, as long as only
non-empty endsegments are concerned, their intersection is non-empty.

5. Actual infinity implies a smallest unit fraction

All unit fractions 1/n have finite distances from each other
∀n ∈ ℕ: 1/n - 1/(n+1) = d_n > 0.
Therefore the function Number of Unit Fractions between 0 and x, NUF(x),
cannot be infinite for all x > 0. The claim of set theory
∀x ∈ (0, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo
is wrong. If every positive point has ℵo unit fractions at its left-hand
side, then there is no positive point with less than ℵo unit fractions
at its left-hand side, then all positive points have ℵo unit fractions
at their left-hand side, then the interval (0, 1] has ℵo unit fractions
at its left-hand side, then ℵo unit fractions are negative.

6. There are more path than nodes in the infinite Binary Tree

Since each of n paths in the complete infinite Binary Tree contains at
least one node differing from all other paths, there are not less nodes
than paths possible. Everything else would amount to having more houses
than bricks.

7. The diagonal does not define a number

An endless digit sequence without finite definition of the digits cannot
define a real number. After every known digit almost all digits will

Regards, WM

Ross Finlayson

Jan 4, 2024, 1:38:34 PMJan 4
I replied to this in the other identical thread now you're spamming in this one.

Your problems include set theory has problems, but you're not helping.

Really if you want to address set theory's problems then you'll review my slates,
about uncountability and logical paradox, about continuous domains and foundations.

So, "Mister McDuck", or, "Mister Magoo", as it were, first you should read "Hodges'
Hopeless: an editor recalls some papers", about usual mistakes in studying set theory,
then strike all those examples from yours, then what you're left with is to read mine.

way it is


Jan 4, 2024, 4:53:35 PMJan 4
On 1/4/24 10:59, WM wrote:
> [snip]

what point are you trying to make? infinity is strange


Jan 5, 2024, 5:23:07 AMJan 5
immibis schrieb am Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2024 um 22:53:35 UTC+1:

> what point are you trying to make? infinity is strange

But it is based on logic. This logic is violated in the seven points I

Regards, WM

Richard Damon

Jan 5, 2024, 10:04:45 AMJan 5
Which are base on logic that doesn't handle infinity.

Yes, it is well know that infinite sets break some of the seemingly
obvious properties that hold for finite sets.

YOU just don't seem to understand and accept that fact, and keep on
making the ERROR of asuming it must.

Jim Burns

Jan 5, 2024, 1:32:19 PMJan 5
On 1/4/2024 4:59 AM, WM wrote:

> 7. The diagonal does not define a number
> An endless digit sequence without
> finite definition of the digits
> cannot define a real number.
> After every known digit
> almost all digits will follow.

After every known and unknown digit,
almost all digits follow.

For each digit in the sequence,
the cardinal of digits.before is ⁺¹.able,
the cardinal of digits.after is
larger than each ⁺¹.able cardinal,
and thus is not.⁺¹.able.

It is sufficient that
an endless digit sequence without
finite definition of the digits

There is at most one real number
which is permitted by each
finite initial sub.sequence of digits.
That one real number is the one which
the endless digit sequence represents.

| Assume otherwise.
| Assume two points at a distance d > 0
| are permitted by each
| finite initial sub.sequence of digits.
| However,
| there is an initial n.digit sub.sequence which
| permits only points apart by 10-n < d
| Those two points cannot both be permitted
| by that n.digit sub.sequence or
| by each finite initial sub.sequence.
| Contradiction.

there is at most one real number
which is permitted by each
finite initial sub.sequence of digits.

there is at least one real number
which is permitted by each
finite initial sub.sequence of digits.

That follows from the requirement that
functions which jump
are discontinuous at some point.

For each endless digit sequence,
each digit preceded by ⁺¹.ably.many digits,
there is no more and no less than
one point.

For each point,
there is no less than one and
no more than one
(no more than two for trailing 0's and 9's)
endless digit sequence,
each digit preceded by ⁺¹.ably.many digits,

The representation of real points by digits
is obviously cousin to
the representation of rational points by digits.

However, the cousins are not the same.
The points _exist_
The digit.sequences _exist_
We know that by augmenting descriptive claims
with only not.first.false claims.
That isn't a calculation in the sense that
a rational point is calculated.

Nevertheless, we know they exist, uncalculated,
because we know that
a finite sequence of _claims_
if it has no first.false _claim_
has no false _claim_

Ross Finlayson

Jan 5, 2024, 5:58:46 PMJan 5
If it's sufficient to establish a model of arithmetic then
by the GIT's you'll agree it's at best incomplete.

... That it's false to say it's, the "true", claim.
Only scientific and not falsified.

Platonism then sort of demands "there are true
numbers, so work it up".

"There is no 'but', only 'yet', ...."


Jim Burns

Jan 6, 2024, 2:29:28 PMJan 6
On 1/5/2024 5:58 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On Friday, January 5, 2024
> at 10:32:19 AM UTC-8, Jim Burns wrote:
>> On 1/4/2024 4:59 AM, WM wrote:

>>> An endless digit sequence without
>>> finite definition of the digits
>>> cannot define a real number.
>>> After every known digit
>>> almost all digits will follow.

>> The representation of real points by digits
>> is obviously cousin to
>> the representation of rational points by digits.
>> However, the cousins are not the same.
>> The points _exist_
>> The digit.sequences _exist_
>> We know that by augmenting descriptive claims
>> with only not.first.false claims.
>> That isn't a calculation in the sense that
>> a rational point is calculated.
>> Nevertheless, we know they exist, uncalculated,
>> because we know that
>> a finite sequence of _claims_
>> if it has no first.false _claim_
>> has no false _claim_
> If it's sufficient
> to establish a model of arithmetic
> then by the GIT's
> you'll agree it's at best incomplete.

I'm not sure we're on the same page
with regard to incompleteness.

Incomplete == some things we can't know.
Were you (RF) seriously contemplating
not (some things we can't know)?

Gödel didn't surprise with the result itself.
Yes, some things we can't know. Whatever.
Gödel surprised with _proving_ it.
| On Formally Undecidable Propositions of
| Principia Mathematica and Related Systems
_Formally_ undecidable.

If a theory has a model,
then it's consistent.

If a theory can express
recursive definitions
(re.stated without the defined term)
(which is something arithmetic can do),
the theory can _quote_
recursive definitions of
what it is to be a formula and
what it is to be a proof.

By "quote", I mean: represent
an object of language (formula, proof) by
an object of study (number, set)
(Gödel.numbers et al)

If a theory can quote
what it is to be a formula and
what it is to be a proof,
then the theory can express G(x) such that
G("H(x)") ⟹ proof of H("H(x)") not.exists.
¬G("H(x)") ⟹ proof of contradiction exists.

If a theory can express G("H(x)")
then the theory can express G("G(x)")
G("G(x)") ⟹ proof of G("G(x)") not.exists.
¬G("G(x)") ⟹ proof of contradiction exists.

If a theory has a certain
very.attainable level of expressiveness,
then choose one: incomplete or inconsistent.

But there is a model. It's consistent.
So, it's incomplete.

> ... That it's false to say
> it's, the "true", claim.
> Only scientific and not falsified.
> Platonism then sort of demands
> "there are true numbers, so work it up".
> "There is no 'but', only 'yet', ...."

We know that
each theory is true of
whatever that theory is true of.

Some theories are true of nothing.
Contradictions can be proved in those.

Some theories are true of something,
of what we intend or of something unintended.
Contradictions cannot be proved in those.

Some theories, numbers, for example,
if they can prove they're consistent,
would prove that they _aren't_ consistent.

There is no "yet" to not.proving consistency.
We know there is no such proof --
or, if (sadly) there is, it's meaningless,
about nothing.

there are better options than
a theory proving itself consistent.

Gödel's work does not deny that
some other theory can prove
our theory consistent.

For example,
ZFC is a theorem of

Some theories are so simple that,
even though we know there is no proof,
we don't take seriously the possibility
that they have no model.

For example,
the set.theory fragment,
-- {} exists
-- x∪{y} exists
-- same.element.sets x and y are equal
proves arithmetic and Gödel.incompleteness

Ross Finlayson

Jan 7, 2024, 12:02:23 PMJan 7
It's not so much "Goedel's Incompleteness Theorems knows unknowables",
as, "Goedel's Incompleteness Theorems show there are more truths than
what are already theorems". There's, "the extra-ordinary".

When you say model, that's a structure, it's structuralism, and for constructivists.

When you say "some theories are true of nothing, contradictions can be proved in them",
that's really a great statement for Ex Falso Nihilum contra Ex Falso Quodlibet,
and it's true and it's good.

So, consider the theories of "cardinals in ordinals", and, "ordinals in cardinals", as
two theories about one theory, with different primary objects, elementarily.
This is already framed as "ordering theory" vis-a-vis "set theory". (Then,
the goal is that it's one theory, or that the one theory has structure the
objects either way.)

So, Goedel's Incompleteness Theorems, have their sorts of beginnings and ends.

I.e., a plain sequence of Geodel functions still carries on out to infinity.

As a complement to Goedel's, don't forget to include Cohen's forcing,
he tops it off with an ordinal its own order type. ("Extra-ordinary.")

It's not so much so that there are large cardinals, which aren't cardinals nor sets,
in set theory. It's usually then about class/set distinction, but, it results that
it's better to have the extra-ordinary theory up front then find set theory in that.

Then, this is related to my slates of uncountability and logical paradox,
about DesCartes to Cohen, a sort of paleo-classical super-modern Platonism.

"In my 10,000's posts to sci.math, sci.logic, sci.physics, sci.physics.relativity, ...."

Good luck dear sir and thanks for your reply, what you can find is that "A Theory"
and the "Null Axiom Theory" really represent A Theory.



Jan 8, 2024, 5:40:33 AMJan 8
Le 05/01/2024 à 16:04, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 1/5/24 5:22 AM, WM wrote:
>> immibis schrieb am Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2024 um 22:53:35 UTC+1:
>>> what point are you trying to make? infinity is strange
>> But it is based on logic. This logic is violated in the seven points I
>> made.
> Which are base on logic that doesn't handle infinity.

This logic is indispensable.
> Yes, it is well know that infinite sets break some of the seemingly
> obvious properties that hold for finite sets.

But it has not yet been recognized that ZF breaks indispensable laws of
> YOU just don't seem to understand and accept that fact, and keep on
> making the ERROR of asuming it must.

That is not an error. It shows that ZF could never acquire any relevance
for reality where the basic laws of logic are referenced. It shows that ZF
is only a religion to be believed by its proponents and poor captured

Regards, WM


Jan 8, 2024, 7:19:02 AMJan 8
Le 05/01/2024 à 19:32, Jim Burns a écrit :
> On 1/4/2024 4:59 AM, WM wrote:
>> 7. The diagonal does not define a number
>> An endless digit sequence without
>> finite definition of the digits
>> cannot define a real number.
>> After every known digit
>> almost all digits will follow.

> It is sufficient that
> an endless digit sequence without
> finite definition of the digits
> exist.

No. Even and endless digit sequence does not describe an irrational
number. The irrational number is the limit only. Compare 0.999... which
does not contain 1 but only has the limit 1.
> There is at most one real number
> which is permitted by each
> finite initial sub.sequence of digits.

There are infinitely many. Therefore it is impossible to decide which real
number is described.
> Therefore,
> there is at most one real number
> which is permitted by each
> finite initial sub.sequence of digits.

By each defined digit sequence infinitely many numbers are permitted.
And the dark digits cannot describe any real number.

Regards, WM

Richard Damon

Jan 8, 2024, 7:21:27 AMJan 8
On 1/8/24 5:40 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 05/01/2024 à 16:04, Richard Damon a écrit :
>> On 1/5/24 5:22 AM, WM wrote:
>>> immibis schrieb am Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2024 um 22:53:35 UTC+1:
>>>> what point are you trying to make? infinity is strange
>>> But it is based on logic. This logic is violated in the seven points
>>> I made.
>> Which are base on logic that doesn't handle infinity.
> This logic is indispensable.

Maybe for your small mind.

>> Yes, it is well know that infinite sets break some of the seemingly
>> obvious properties that hold for finite sets.
> But it has not yet been recognized that ZF breaks indispensable laws of
> logic.

No, it shows that some supposed laws of logic can't handle unbounded sets.

>> YOU just don't seem to understand and accept that fact, and keep on
>> making the ERROR of asuming it must.
> That is not an error. It shows that ZF could never acquire any relevance
> for reality where the basic laws of logic are referenced. It shows that
> ZF is only a religion to be believed by its proponents and poor captured
> students.
> Regards, WM

In other words, you don't understand what it says so you ignore it.

Jim Burns

Jan 8, 2024, 1:46:27 PMJan 8
On 1/8/2024 7:18 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 05/01/2024 à 19:32, Jim Burns a écrit :

>>> An endless digit sequence without
>>> finite definition of the digits
>>> cannot define a real number.
>>> After every known digit
>>> almost all digits will follow.

>> There is at most one real number
>> which is permitted by each
>> finite initial sub.sequence of digits.
> There are infinitely many.

Assume there are two permitted points.
Each power 10⁻ⁿ is larger than their distance,
a positive distance d > 0 apart.

β ≥ d > 0 is the least upper bound of
distances which each 10⁻ⁿ is larger than.

10β > β is not
a distance which each 10⁻ⁿ is larger than.
Thus b exists: 10⁻ᵇ < 10β

β/10 < β is
a distance which each 10⁻ⁿ is larger than.
Thus, in particular,
β/10 < 10⁻ᵇ⁻²

(10⁻ᵇ)/100 < (10β)/100
10⁻ᵇ⁻² < β/10

there _aren't_ two points which
are permitted by each
finite initial sub.sequence of
the endless digit sequence.

> Therefore it is impossible to decide which
> real number is described.

Whether or not we describe these points,
these points _exist_
no more than one point to each
endless digit sequence.

Fritz Feldhase

Jan 8, 2024, 4:19:18 PMJan 8
On Monday, January 8, 2024 at 1:19:02 PM UTC+1, WM wrote:
> Le 05/01/2024 à 19:32, Jim Burns a écrit :
> >
> > It is sufficient that an endless digit sequence [...] exists.
> >
> No. Even and endless digit sequence does not describe an irrational number.

It does, you silly idiot.


Ross Finlayson

Jan 8, 2024, 6:17:27 PMJan 8
Where's Simon Stevin when you need him?


Jan 9, 2024, 12:41:06 PMJan 9
Dark numbers, dark points and dark parts of infinite sequences exist. But
we cannot distinguish and use them. And we can prove that there are not
more irrational numbers than rational numbers. Just today I showed some
proofs to my students. One is this: Between ***every*** pair of irrational
numbers there is a rational number. Another one, which was very well
received, is the game Conquer the Binay Tree:

You start with one cent, buy a path in the Binary Tree and get one cent
for every covered node. Then you buy another path and get one cent for
every node not yet covered by the first path. You will never earn less
than one cent, because every path is distinct by at least one node from
every other path. Therefore you will not get bankrupt. But if there were
more paths than nodes, you would get bankrupt. Hence Cantor is defeated.

Regards, WM

Ross Finlayson

Jan 9, 2024, 1:14:05 PMJan 9
That's better than usual, and terms that aren't so mangled,
where sometimes "mangle" means flatten like a steam press
and other times means "spindle" as the over and under in definition,
so there is that rationals are HUGE like Friedman's,
and, there is a constructible tree like Hausdorff,
then Cantor is not "defeated", rather, refined in apologetics.

There is Cantor space, and, there is square Cantor space.

It's all the 0's and 1's, ....


Jim Burns

Jan 9, 2024, 2:34:19 PMJan 9
On 1/9/2024 12:40 PM, WM wrote:
> Le 08/01/2024 à 19:46, Jim Burns a écrit :
>> On 1/8/2024 7:18 AM, WM wrote:

>>>>> An endless digit sequence without
>>>>> finite definition of the digits
>>>>> cannot define a real number.
>>>>> After every known digit
>>>>> almost all digits will follow.
>>>> There is at most one real number
>>>> which is permitted by each
>>>> finite initial sub.sequence of digits.
>>> There are infinitely many.

>>> Therefore it is impossible to decide
>>> which real number is described.
>> Whether or not we describe these points,
>> these points _exist_
>> no more than one point to each
>> endless digit sequence.
> Dark numbers, dark points
> and dark parts of infinite sequences
> exist.

Elsewhere, you have told us that
darkᵂᴹ numbers and their ilk
are never one step away from
visibleᵂᴹ numbers and their ilk.

I'll clarify.
There is at most one point
which is permitted by each
finite initial sub.sequence of
visibleᵂᴹ digits.

if there are two permitted points,
there is a positive least upper bound β of
distances < each visibleᵂᴹ 10⁻ⁿ
β/10 < β < 10β
and visibleᵂᴹ 10⁻ᵇ < 10β
and visibleᵂᴹ 10⁻ᵇ⁻² > β/10
but also
10⁻ᵇ/100 < 10β/100
10⁻ᵇ⁻² < β/10
not two.

> Just today I showed some proofs to my students.

If you are claiming your students for
some form of, then
you are accepting pre-calculus students as

I won't object if you choose to do that.
I just want to make sure you understand that
they are who you are accepting as peers.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 9, 2024, 6:29:38 PMJan 9
Everybody knows the entire point of pre-calculus
is to make it clear that the usual notion of an Aristotelean
continuum, which is about the most usual sort of intuition
about the continuum after constant motion, and the
course-of-passage as through points in a line, is gently
shushing that down for students who do have such
an intuitive notion of analytical character, and then
explaining for all that the usual laws of arithmetic and
delta-epsilonics, together, make for defining infinite limit.

That is all.

Today we call it line-reals and don't use quasi-modal logic
And it's standard, too

Jim Burns

Jan 10, 2024, 12:49:24 AMJan 10
On 1/9/2024 6:29 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 9, 2024
> at 11:34:19 AM UTC-8, Jim Burns wrote:
>> On 1/9/2024 12:40 PM, WM wrote:

>>> Just today I showed some proofs to my students.
>> If you are claiming your students for
>> some form of, then
>> you are accepting pre-calculus students as
>> _peers_

> Everybody knows
> the entire point of pre-calculus is
> to make it clear that the usual notion of
> an Aristotelean continuum, [...]

I could have said that better.

In that post,
the only thing I meant by "pre-calculus"
was "having not yet been a calculus student".
I wasn't thinking of "being a student in
the course just before calculus".

Calculus and WM's dark.number game
make a poor fit together.
I expect WM to agree with that much,
even if he and I assign blame for
the poor fit differently.

I haven't actually heard from anyone that
WM's students are not.yet.calculus.
It only seems to me as though they must be.

Sorry for any confusion.

One sentence:

> Everybody knows
> the entire point of pre-calculus is
> to make it clear that
> the usual notion of
> an Aristotelean continuum,
> which is about
> the most usual sort of intuition about
> the continuum after constant motion,
> and
> the course-of-passage as through
> points in a line,
> is
> gently shushing that down for
> students who do have
> such an intuitive notion of
> analytical character,
> and then
> explaining for all
> that the usual laws of
> arithmetic and delta-epsilonics,
> together,
> make for defining infinite limit.

Gently shushing down notions which are
not the preferred notions
is the purpose for which we hold classes.

If it can be done,
I think that
giving the reasons that
some other notion is preferred
can be an excellent strategy for
effective gentle.shushing.down.

in some instances,
we are, today, looking at preferences
resulting from resolution of a long controversy
between brilliant people
encyclopedically educated in their field.

Should we ask students,
upon their first contact with that field,
to reproduce
the best of that field?

If that is a reasonable ask,
that would be wonderful to see.

it might well a reasonable ask.

It might well be necessary for
students to _trust_ that
reasons exist for preferring
one set of notions over
to trust, at least,
until they acquire their own
brilliance and
encyclopedic knowledge.

My own preference is
to share the beauty in
these deep notions,
with all and sundry,
with those with only
a momentary interest.

I have to recognize that
I can't always get what I want.

Archimedes Plutonium

Jan 10, 2024, 4:05:53 AMJan 10

Mueckenheim weighs Dr.Laura Covi,Dr.Andreas Dillmann,Dr. Stefan Dreizler for no-one at Gottingen can do a proper Water Electrolysis and actually weigh the hydrogen and oxygen. No, these fools only look at volume.

Mathin3D, Volney weighs Gottingen for they are too stupid to look beyond volume in Water Electrolysis and weigh the actual mass of hydrogen and oxygen to prove AP correct-- water is really H4O, not H2O.

Dr.Richard Schrock,NSF Dr.Panchanathan

Gottingen Uni,Dr. Sarah Köster,Dr. Reiner Kree,Dr. Matthias Krüger

Volney Physics failures..Gottingen Uni,Dr. Sarah Köster,Dr. Reiner Kree,Dr. Matthias Krüger, NSF Dr.Panchanathan,Alejandro Adem, Purdue Univ_France Cordova,

Jan Burse and Volney, why this eternal september spam cluttering up the newsgroup.

LIGAPEDIA by Belinda

Why Volney?? Because they are so sloppy and slipshod in Physics experiment of Water Electrolysis, stopping and ceasing the experiment before weighing the mass of the hydrogen compared to mass of oxygen. Is it that they are stupid silly thinking volume and mass are the same. For AP needs to prove decisively, if Water is really H4O or H2O. And of course, this experiment would destroy the Standard Model-- that post-diction theory of physics that never gave a single prediction in all of its tenure.

And they even know that a weighing balance of Quartz Crystal MicroBalance has been around since the 1960s, what are they waiting for???

Or is it because they cannot admit the truth of math geometry that slant cut of cone is oval, not ellipse for you need the symmetry of slant cut of cylinder to yield a ellipse.

WM using AP's TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS to teach 13-14 year olds CALCULUS, those heading for Gottingen & Uni Berlin for AP reduced Calculus to its most simple form-- add or subtract 1 from exponent.
9:01 PM

Universitat Augsburg, Germany, rector Sabine Doering-Manteuffel
Math dept Ronald H.W.Hoppe, B. Schmidt, Sarah Friedrich, Stefan Grosskinsky, Friedrich Pukelsheim, Mirjam Dur, Ralf Werner.

Hochschule Augsburg, Wolfgang Mueckenheim
Wolfgang M. Weyand
Berliner Strasse
Bad Homburg

Goethe Universitat Physics dept

Brigitta Wolff president

Jurgen Habermass
Horst Stocker
Gerd Binnig
Horst Ludwig Stormer  
Peter Grunberg

Alex Kuronya
Martin Moller
Jakob Stix
Annette Werner
Andreas Bernig
Esther Cabezas-Rivas
Hans Crauel
Thomas Gerstner
Bastian von Harrach
Thomas Mettler
Tobias Weth
Amin Coja-Oghlan
Raman Sanyal
Thorsten Theobald
Yury Person            

Gottingen Univ math

Metin Tolan

Dorothea Bahns, Laurent Bartholdi, Valentin Blomer, Jorg Brüdern, Stefan Halverscheid, Harald Andres Helfgott, Madeleine Jotz Lean, Ralf Meyer, Preda Mihailescu, Walther Dietrich Paravicini, Viktor Pidstrygach, Thomas Schick, Evelina Viada, Ingo Frank Witt, Chenchang Zhu

Gottingen Univ physics
Prof. Dr. Karsten Bahr
Prof. Dr. Peter Bloechl
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bodenschatz
Prof. Laura Covi, PhD
Prof. Dr. Andreas Dillmann
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dreizler
Prof. Dr. Jörg Enderlein
Prof. Dr. Laurent Gizon
Prof. Dr. Ariane Frey
apl. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Glatzel
Prof. Dr. Fabian Heidrich-Meisner
Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Hofsäss
Prof. Dr. Andreas Janshoff
Prof. Dr. Christian Jooß
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kehrein
Prof. Dr. Stefan Klumpp
Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster
Prof. Dr. Reiner Kree
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krüger
Prof. Dr. Stanley Lai
Prof. Dr. Stefan Mathias
apl. Prof. Dr. Vasile Mosneaga
Prof. Dr. Marcus Müller
Prof. Dr. Jens Niemeyer
apl. Prof. Dr. Astrid Pundt
Prof. Dr. Arnulf Quadt
apl. Prof. Dr. Karl-Henning Rehren
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Reiners
Prof. Dr. Angela Rizzi
Prof. Dr. Claus Ropers
Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt
Prof. Dr. Konrad Samwer
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmidt
apl. Prof. Dr. Susanne Schneider
Prof. Dr. Steffen Schumann
Prof. Dr. Simone Techert
apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Seibt
Prof. Dr. Peter Sollich
Prof. Dr. Andreas Tilgner
Prof. Cynthia A. Volkert
Prof. Dr. Florentin Wörgötter
Prof. Dr. Annette Zippelius

educ dept of Germany
> > Bettina Stark-Watzinger, Jens Brandenburg, Thomas Sattelberger, Kornelia Haugg, Judith Pirscher

Apparently Kibo realized he was a science failure when he could not even do a proper percentage. But then one has to wonder how much he paid to bribe Rensselaer to graduate from the school in engineering unable to do a percentage properly???? For I certainly would not hire a engineer who cannot even do proper percentage.

On Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 12:30:22 AM UTC-6, Michael Moroney wrote:
> Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
> Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
> Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 9:52:21 AM UTC-6, Michael Moroney wrote:
> Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572. A proton is about the mass
> of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.

Why Volney?? Because they stop short of completing the Water Electrolysis Experiment by only looking at volume, when they are meant to weigh the mass of hydrogen versus oxygen?? Such shoddy minds in experimental physics and chemistry.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Physics dept Dr.Martin Schmidt (ee), Dr.Ivar Giaever
Vincent Meunier, Ethan Brown, Glenn Ciolek, Julian S. Georg, Joel T. Giedt, Yong Sung Kim, Gyorgy Korniss, Toh-Ming Lu, Charles Martin, Joseph Darryl Michael, Heidi Jo Newberg, Moussa N'Gom, Peter Persans, John Schroeder, Michael Shur, Shawn-Yu Lin, Humberto Terrones, Gwo Ching Wang, Morris A Washington, Esther A. Wertz, Christian M. Wetzel, Ingrid Wilke, Shengbai Zhang

Rensselaer math department
Donald Schwendeman, Jeffrey Banks, Kristin Bennett, Mohamed Boudjelkha, Joseph Ecker, William Henshaw, Isom Herron, Mark H Holmes, David Isaacson, Elizabeth Kam, Ashwani Kapila, Maya Kiehl, Gregor Kovacic, Peter Kramer, Gina Kucinski, Rongjie Lai, Fengyan Li, Chjan Lim, Yuri V Lvov, Harry McLaughlin, John E. Mitchell, Bruce Piper, David A Schmidt, Daniel Stevenson, Yangyang Xu, Bulent Yener, Donald Drew, William Siegmann

On Friday, June 7, 2019 at 12:13:14 AM UTC-5, Michael Moroney wrote:
> Physics minnow

What warning is that Kibo Parry failure of science-- warning that insane persons like Kibo Parry Moroney Volney spends their entire life in a hate-mill, never doing anything in science itself. And paid to stalk hate spew

Kibo Parry Moroney-Volney blowing his cover with the CIA in 1997
> Re: Archimedes Vanadium, America's most beloved poster
> On Sunday, June 8, 1997 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, Scott Dorsey wrote:
> > In article <5nefan$i06$> kibo greps <> writes:
> > >

---quoting Wikipedia ---
> Controversy
> Many government and university installations blocked, threatened to block, or attempted to shut-down The World's Internet connection until Software Tool & Die was eventually granted permission by the National Science Foundation to provide public Internet access on "an experimental basis."
--- end quote ---

> Dr. Panchanathan , present day
> NSF Dr. Panchanathan, F. Fleming Crim, Dorothy E Aronson, Brian Stone, James S Ulvestad (math), Rebecca Lynn Keiser, Vernon D. Ross, Lloyd Whitman, John J. Veysey (physics), Scott Stanley
> France Anne Cordova
> Subra Suresh (bioengineer)
> Arden Lee Bement Jr. (nuclear engineering)
> Rita R. Colwell (microbiology)
> Neal Francis Lane
> John Howard Gibbons 1993
> Barry Shein, kibo parry std world
> Jim Frost, Joe "Spike" Ilacqua
> Canada-- NSERC , Alejandro Adem (math) , Navdeep Bains, Francois-Philippe Champagne

News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.

> Aug 30, 2023, 10:19:20 PM
> to Plutonium Atom Universe
> News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.
> I received a letter today of Experiment results on Water Electrolysis of weighing the hydrogen test tube versus oxygen test tube and the result is 1/4 atomic mass units of Hydrogen compared to Oxygen.
> The researcher weighing 1600 micrograms of hydrogen, using a Eisco-Brownlee-Water-Electrolysis Apparatus.
> Using sulfuric acid as electrolyte on ultra pure water. Using low voltage DC of 1.5 volts, 1 amp.
> I am not surprised that news of the true formula of Water is H4O comes so quickly. For not much in science is more important than knowing the truth of Water. And this means the start of the complete downfall and throwing out the sick Standard Model of Physics, for it is such an insane theory that it cannot get passed the idea of its subatomic particles as stick and ball, with no job, no function, no task. The Standard Model of Physics, is crazy insane physics for it is all postdiction, never prediction. The idea that the hydrogen atom is H2 not H, is because of the prediction of Atom Totality Theory where a atom is a proton torus with muon inside doing the Faraday law and all atoms require at least 1 capacitor. That means the one proton in H2 serves as a neutron to the other proton, storaging the electricity produced by the other proton.
> The true Hydrogen Atom is H2 for all atoms need at least one capacitor, and one of the protons in H2 serves as a neutron.
> Sad that chemistry and physics throughout the 20th century were too stupid to actually weigh the mass of hydrogen and oxygen in electrolysis, no, the ignorant fools stopped at looking when they saw the volume of hydrogen was twice that of oxygen. A real scientist is not that shoddy and slipshod ignorant, the real scientist then proceeds with -- let us weigh the hydrogen test tube mass versus the oxygen test tube mass.
> Thanks for the news!!!!!
> AP
> News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.

> There is another experiment that achieves the same result that Water is truly H4O and not H2O, but I suspect this second method is hugely fraught with difficulty.
> The prediction of H4O comes from the Physics idea that a Atom is composed, all atoms mind you, is composed of a proton torus with muon/s inside going round and round thrusting through the torus in the Faraday law and producing electricity. So that when you have Hydrogen without a neutron, there is no way to collect the electricity produced by the Faraday law. Think of it as a automobile engine, you cannot have a engine if there is no crank shaft to collect the energy from the thrusting piston inside the crankcase.
> Same thing with an Atom, it needs 3 parts-- muon as bar magnet, proton as torus of coils, and a capacitor to storage the produced electricity. If one of those parts is missing, the entity is a Subatomic particle and not a atom.
> So, when we have Hydrogen as a proton with muon inside, it is not a Atom, until it has a neutron, or, has another proton of hydrogen H2, then it is a Atom.
> So that H2 is not a molecule but a Atom. H alone is a subatomic particle.
> Much harder than Water Electrolysis.
> We need to get two identical containers.
> We need to be able to make pure heavy-water with deuterium. Deuterium is proton + neutron as hydrogen. Proton + proton is H2 as hydrogen.
> So we have two identical containers and we fill one with pure heavy water, deuterium water.
> We have the second container and we fill it with pure (light) water.
> We now weigh both of them.
> If AP is correct, that water is really H4O and not H2O, then both containers should weigh almost the same. Only a tiny fraction difference because the neutron is known to be 940MeV versus proton in Old Physics as 938MeV a tiny difference of 2MeV, but we realize we have a huge number of water molecules in the two identical containers.
> If water is truly H4O, the weights should be almost the same. If water is H2O, then there is a **large difference** in weights.
> But the Water Electrolysis experiment is much easier to conduct and get results.

> And, there is the biological processes that apparently cannot distinguish between heavy water and that of regular normal water.
> Deuterium Water is the same in biology as is normal regular water. This means that water must be H4O, due to biology as proof.
> Deuterium Water in atomic mass units is 16 for the oxygen and 4 for the deuterium.
> Regular normal Water in atomic mass units is 16 for the oxygen and 4 for the 4 protons in H4O.
> Old Physics and Old Chemistry had regular water as H2O in atomic mass units of 16 oxygen and 2 hydrogen for 2 protons.
> If biology functions whether heavy water or normal water all the same, then water itself must be H4O.
> Now, there maybe some animal or plant that can separate out heavy water from H4O water???
> Searching the literature today for where biology needs as essential deuterium water. And not too surprised that it is a essential requirement in metabolism. In fact one web site listed the need for deuterium more than the need of many minerals and vitamins.
> Now tonight I came up with two new exciting experiments to verify that Water is truly H4O and not H2O.
> H4O is 4 protons with muons inside the 840MeV proton toruses.
> Deuterium water is DOD. And the difference between D2O and H4O is merely the difference of 4MeV for as last reported, neutron = 940MeV and proton (with muon inside) is 938MeV, a difference of 2MeV but for water is 2+2 = 4MeV.
> So these two new experiments take advantage of the fact that what we think is normal regular water is actually very close to heavy water of D2O, with only a 4MeV difference.
> EXPERIMENT #3 Water layers in still pond of D2O mixed with H4O (what we thought was H2O.
> So in this experiment we get a clear glass container and mix H4O with D2O. If Old Physics is correct, the heavy water should sink rapidly in the container while the light water floats to the top rapidly. And we have some sort of beam of photons that can distinguish D2O from H4O (thought of as H2O. We obtain pure D2O and pure H4O each filling 1/2 of the container. We stir and mix them. And then we observe with the EM beam for separation. If the light water is truly H4O, it takes a long time for the D2O to be on bottom and H4O on top. We measure the time of a settled container and determine this time from the theoretical 4MeV difference should take a long time, whereas if Old Physics is correct, the separation would be almost instantly and quick time.
> EXPERIMENT #4 also plays on this minor difference of 4MeV. We devise a sort of squirt gun for D2O and a identical squirt gun for H4O (what we call H2O). We put pure D2O in one squirt gun and the H40 or light water in the other squirt gun. Both guns forcing the water a certain distance.
> If AP is correct that light water is really H4O and not H2O as we squirt both guns, where the water lands should be almost the same distance considering H4O is only 4MeV apart from D2O.
> If Old Physics and Old Chemistry is correct, then D2O water is 940 + 940 = 1880MeV apart from light water of H2O, and H4O is only 4MeV apart.
> So where the squirt gun lands the D2O is a very much shorter distance than a H2O land, but a H4 land distance is nearly the same as the D2O land.
> These two experiments are very exciting and would be a very nice confirming evidence to Water Electrolysis actual weighing the mass in atomic mass units.
> On Friday, September 1, 2023 at 5:07:13 AM UTC-5, Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
> > Searching the literature today for where biology needs as essential deuterium water. And not too surprised that it is a essential requirement in metabolism. In fact one web site listed the need for deuterium more than the need of many minerals and vitamins.
> >
> > Now tonight I came up with two new exciting experiments to verify that Water is truly H4O and not H2O.
> >
> > H4O is 4 protons with muons inside the 840MeV proton toruses.
> >
> > Deuterium water is DOD. And the difference between D2O and H4O is merely the difference of 4MeV for as last reported, neutron = 940MeV and proton (with muon inside) is 938MeV, a difference of 2MeV but for water is 2+2 = 4MeV.
> >
> > So these two new experiments take advantage of the fact that what we think is normal regular water is actually very close to heavy water of D2O, with only a 4MeV difference.
> >
> > EXPERIMENT #3 Water layers in still pond of D2O mixed with H4O (what we thought was H2O.
> >
> > So in this experiment we get a clear glass container and mix H4O with D2O. If Old Physics is correct, the heavy water should sink rapidly in the container while the light water floats to the top rapidly. And we have some sort of beam of photons that can distinguish D2O from H4O (thought of as H2O. We obtain pure D2O and pure H4O each filling 1/2 of the container. We stir and mix them. And then we observe with the EM beam for separation. If the light water is truly H4O, it takes a long time for the D2O to be on bottom and H4O on top. We measure the time of a settled container and determine this time from the theoretical 4MeV difference should take a long time, whereas if Old Physics is correct, the separation would be almost instantly and quick time.
> >
> Apparently this Experiment is already done and called for-- There is Uniform Distribution of heavy water Deuterium Water in the Oceans, Lakes, Ponds, Streams and Rivers. Heavy Water is not layered in the oceans or lakes or ponds or streams or rivers. Uniformity means that the difference between D2O and H4O is so slight of a difference (only 4MeV, compared to 1880MeV for H2O, that Brownian motion keeps the D2O and H4O in a Uniform Distribution in all bodies of water. I was going through the research literature today and find that scientists discover Uniformity of Distribution of deuterium water. This thus closes the case on Water, for uniformity of distribution of D2O implies that Water is itself H4O and not H2O.

My 250th published book.
> TEACHING TRUE CHEMISTRY; H2 is the hydrogen Atom and water is H4O, not H2O// Chemistry
> by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)
> Prologue: This textbook is 1/2 research history and 1/2 factual textbook combined as one textbook. For many of the experiments described here-in have not yet been performed, such as water is really H4O not H2O. Written in a style of history research with date-time markers, and fact telling. And there are no problem sets. This book is intended for 1st year college. Until I include problem sets and exercises, I leave it to the professor and instructor to provide such. And also, chemistry is hugely a laboratory science, even more so than physics, so a first year college student in the lab to test whether Water is really H4O and not H2O is mighty educational.
> Preface: This is my 250th book of science, and the first of my textbooks on Teaching True Chemistry. I have completed the Teaching True Physics and the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series. But had not yet started on a Teaching True Chemistry textbook series. What got me started on this project is the fact that no chemistry textbook had the correct formula for water which is actually H4O and not H2O. Leaving the true formula for hydroxyl groups as H2O and not OH. But none of this is possible in Old Chemistry, Old Physics where they had do-nothing subatomic particles that sit around and do nothing or go whizzing around the outside of balls in a nucleus, in a mindless circling. Once every subatomic particle has a job, task, function, then water cannot be H2O but rather H4O. And a hydrogen atom cannot be H alone but is actually H2. H2 is not a molecule of hydrogen but a full fledged Atom, a single atom of hydrogen.
> Cover Picture: Sorry for the crude sketch work but chemistry and physics students are going to have to learn to make such sketches in a minute or less. Just as they make Lewis diagrams or ball & stick diagrams. My 4-5 minute sketch-work of the Water molecule H4O plus the subatomic particle H, and the hydrogen atom H2. Showing how one H is a proton torus with muon inside (blue color) doing the Faraday law. Protons are toruses with many windings. Protons are the coils in Faraday law while muons are the bar magnets. Neutrons are the capacitors as parallel plates, the outer skin cover of atoms.
> Product details
> • Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 21, 2023
> • Language ‏ : ‎ English
> • File size ‏ : ‎ 788 KB
> • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
> • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
> • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
> • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
> • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
> • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
> • Print length ‏ : ‎ 168 pages

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet. If you, the reader, is wondering why AP posts this to a thread which is off topic in sci.math or sci.physics, is because some stalkers track AP, such as kibo, dan, jan who have been paid to stalk for 3 decades and when they see AP trying to post to his own thread that is on-topic they throw a impossible reCAPTcha suppression and repression at me that only wastes my time. From what AP can make out-- Google is not the only one using reCAPTcha, apparently the US govt rents out reCAPTcha. So if you see a AP post in a thread off topic, is because kooks of reCAPTcha are making it impossible for AP to post to the on-topic thread.

Read all of AP's post in peace and quiet in his newsgroup-- what sci.physics and sci.math should look like when govt spammers are not allowed in a newsgroup to wreck the newsgroup. Govt spammers have their agenda of drag net spam, and then their agenda of spy message codes, such as the "i sick, i cry" baloney, which only ends up ruining the newsgroups and why Google decided to close shop having fought govt bureaucrat mind sets for 30 years, and time to close shop.

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe        
Archimedes Plutonium


Jan 10, 2024, 2:04:26 PMJan 10
Nonsense. There are 8th semester informatics and engineering studens. They
know mathematics very well (that which Cantor is not needed for, according
to Feferman) but they do not use matheology. Try to show how the player
gets bankrupt in the game "We conquer the Binary Tree".

Regards, WM


Jan 10, 2024, 2:14:37 PMJan 10
Le 10/01/2024 à 06:49, Jim Burns a écrit :

> Calculus and WM's dark.number game
> make a poor fit together.

Of course. Calculus uses potential infinity only. Dark numbers can exist
only in actual infinity, the complement of potential infinity.
Feferman's book In the light of logic answers the question: Is Cantor
necessary for the maths of the real world? with a resounding no.

Regards, WM

Richard Damon

Jan 10, 2024, 7:49:39 PMJan 10
But you claim them to be part of the sets that are only "Potential
Infinity", or are you retracting that claim. (All Natural Numbers are
only by your definition "Potentially Infinite")

All members of the Natural Numbers are Finite, so none of them are
"Actually Infinite".

The set of them has a SIZE that is infinite, but none of the members of
it ever are.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 10, 2024, 8:11:04 PMJan 10
The order type of ordinals is an ordinal.

Finite ordinals as the classes of each those not containing themselves,
according to simple quantification or "the set of all sets that don't
contain themselves", contains itself.

Such are simple reasons why the infinite integers have an infinite integer.

Yes I know that ZF two axioms of restriction of comprehension or "don't look"
include one that is "there's an infinity that isn't thusly various".

So, you might find it interesting that in more naive theories,
it's those one-line proofs as above that do give that there are
true infinites courtesy the unbounded its quantification.

Then about MW's "I invoke the Absolute!", it's he's drunk
then also that potential and actual infinities do have differences
in real mathematics, one recalls "A Sober Mind Speaks".

So, RD's "there is only one theory and it ignores all my problems"
and MWs "there are at least two theories and they don't agree",
seems for a sort of "yet somehow, there's a theory".

... With laws, plural, of large numbers.

If you want a gentle introduction to set theory,
try reading Quine's Set Theory then after it introduces
the class-set distinction and x not in x and x not equals x,
and why neither of those is first-order in ZF, quit.

... in a theory, ....

Richard Damon

Jan 10, 2024, 8:32:25 PMJan 10
I understand the multitude of different ways to define "Numbers", but
their are a core set of fundamental numbers with basically agreed on
definitions, and reasonable people don't try calling something that
doesn't match the accepted definition as being one of those sets.

"Natural Numbers" is such a set, and while there may be several ways of
expressing its "generation", they all are essentially, you start with a
base number, called Zero, and then you have an operation, called
something like Successor, and the set of the Natural Numbers is the set
of things you get by applying that operation an unlimited number of times.

Thus, I admit to other number theories, they just are not the "standard"
systems of Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers, or Real Numbers.
(The Reals have a couple of different generational methods, but they
result in the same set of numbers with the same basic properties).

If you want to talk about other systems, feel free, just don't be
"deceptive" (or lying) and try to use the name for one of the standard sets.

And most of the "alternative" systems alternative have accepted names
for them, so that should be used.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 11, 2024, 12:41:58 AMJan 11
Well, yes that's one of the maxims of language, that it's not abused.

That's one of the greatest claims against MW by old Virgil, again.
He doesn't know his words, which for example our professorial
James B. distinguishes notationally.

Then, in logic, and not just "an introduction to" but "the theory of"
and furthermore "foundations of", then there's addressed ambiguity,
inherent in definition, like quantifier disambiguation for Heap and Sorites,
like impredicativity for Heap and Sorites, like the sublime for Heap and Sorites,
the extra-ordinary for Heap and Sorites, and so on.

At the same time, or yet, ignorance either way is an abuse thereof, of language.
It's an insult to it.

Things like conflation for Heap and Sorites, invalid metaphor for Heap and Sorites,
false supposition for Heap and Sorites, these aren't proper conflation, metaphor,
and supposition, which are framed modally in contingents, simile, and fusion,
theories thereof, and therein.

So, I agree with what you wrote, but also sort of demand you acknowledge,
that the extra-ordinary, exists from lesser of its independent fundamental
principles, so rather precedes the otherwise usual formalism of "a regularity".

The regularity or well-foundedness understood as being made first order
in ZF set theory, and as noted above it puts membership the relation instead
of element-of the relation, out of first-order and so strictly intensional,
along though with equality or the fundamentally intensional.

Thus, class/set distinction, is a good example of when definitions go bad
from because axioms went, "wrong". The "principle axiom distinctions",
sort of mold theory following throughout.

That said, a dialectic in the Hegelian sense, thesis antithesis synthesis,
shows for "descriptive dynamics", that such as these vagaries or the vague,
are tussled out according to their definition and refinement and respect of language.

What's a thesis, ....

Jim Burns

Jan 11, 2024, 7:43:40 AMJan 11
On 1/10/2024 2:04 PM, WM wrote:
> Le 09/01/2024 à 20:34, Jim Burns a écrit :
>> On 1/9/2024 12:40 PM, WM wrote:

>>> Just today I showed some proofs
>>> to my students.
>> If you are claiming your students for
>> some form of, then
>> you are accepting pre-calculus students as
>> _peers_
> Nonsense.
> There are 8th semester informatics and
> engineering studens.

the informatics and engineering students of
Wolfgang Mückenheim of Hochschule Augsburg
remember their arithmetic.

kᵢⱼ = i+(i+j-1)(i+j-2)/2

For each pair ⟨i,j⟩ of visibleᵂᴹ numbers
there is a unique visibleᵂᴹ number kᵢⱼ

sₖᵢⱼ = max{h| (h-1)(h-2)/2 < kᵢⱼ}
iₖᵢⱼ+jₖᵢⱼ = sₖᵢⱼ
iₖᵢⱼ = kᵢⱼ-(sₖᵢⱼ-1)(sₖᵢⱼ-2)/2
jₖᵢⱼ = sₖᵢⱼ(sₖᵢⱼ-1)/2-kᵢⱼ+1

For each visibleᵂᴹ number kᵢⱼ
there is a unique pair ⟨iₖᵢⱼ,jₖᵢⱼ⟩ of
visibleᵂᴹ numbers
⟨iₖᵢⱼ,jₖᵢⱼ⟩ = ⟨i,j⟩

There are as many visibleᵂᴹ numbers
as pairs of visibleᵂᴹ numbers.
Darkᵂᴹ numbers haven't entered the discussion.

For each non-empty split F,H of ⟨0,1,…,n⟩
some i‖i⁺¹ exists last‖first in F‖H
F‖H = ⟨0,1,…,i⟩‖⟨i⁺¹,…,n⟩

0‖n exists first‖last in ⟨0,1,…,n⟩

⟨0,1,…,n⟩ can't fit in ⟨1,…,n⟩
⟨0,1,…,n⟩ holds only visibleᵂᴹ numbers.

ℕ contains each ⟨0,1,…,n⟩ and nothing else.
ℕ\{0} contains each ⟨1,…,n⟩ and nothing else.

⟨0,1,…,n⟩ CAN fit in ⟨1,…,n,n⁺¹⟩
ℕ CAN fit in ℕ\{0}

darkᵂᴹ numbers are the reason that
ℕ CAN fit in ℕ\{0}
they must be
darkᵂᴹ visibleᵂᴹ in ⟨0,1,…,n⟩ in ℕ

In WM's scheme,
_sets_ inform _numbers_ that
the numbers are darkᵂᴹ
but we're not permitted to refer to
these darkᵂᴹ visibleᵂᴹ numbers,
only to the sets they're in.

Talking about
numbers which are darkᵂᴹ
is really nothing more than talking about
sets holding numbers which are darkᵂᴹ

The only use talking about darkᵂᴹ numbers has
is as a bit of techno.babble
to fill gaps in the discussion where,
otherwise, explanation would be expected.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 11, 2024, 11:49:53 AMJan 11
Another word for explanations is "apologetics",
then here it's disambiguation, because in mathematics
there's an overall sort of teleological approach following
after any ontological approach, because matheamtics
is constant in relation. Then, "strong Platonism" has that
it's overall teleological, and as down from Kant's sublime and
why Man and Mind have an object-sense, number-sense, word-sense,
to complement the usual phenomenal senses, and as what's thought.

Your sort of exercise in delineating MW's definitions, is a great
sort of approach, because it keeps then those from occluding
the, "real", definitions.

I.e. it's a reasonable sort of didactic approach,
to remove confusion from conflation.

Then, the idea that there are "descriptive dynamics",
has that basically all theories formally abstractly symbolically
result sorts of descriptive theories in words, all one theory.

I enjoy your writings and hope for success in your endeavors.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 11, 2024, 11:58:02 AMJan 11
Being that you demonstrate correct reasoning like a solid academic,
then in "foundations", which is the study overall of theory, and that
there is one, I hope you'll find it of interest that in the wider dialectic,
in the alatheia and dialatheia, the discovery of theory, that there really
is a lot to be garnered from the canon, that for most all history in the
Western canon is as about "Platonism", that there exist the ideals,
and we only discover them, then about all the usual things about the
reasoning, for things like "theories of relations and those to the binary
being predicates", like "a theory with one relation named elt called set theory".

So, "strong mathematical platonism" starts pretty much with "nothing, yet reason".

Here are a bunch podcasts, starting with "Philosophical Foreground", then
have a sort of handful of developments about descriptive differential dynamics,
then some readings from the applied like relativity, quantum mechanics,
and modern approaches to the non-linear.

Then, I'm not quite sure yet how to just print all my posts to Usenet in order,
with or without the context, they form a sort of linear narrative,
described as "researches in foundations and requirements and desiderata thereof".

That there is one, ....

Yes, after Comte's Boole's Russell's logical positivism's Quine's, with respect
to Cantor's, or Zermelo and Fraenkel's, and Goedel's, a usual course for set theory,
here there's noted requirements of a sort of stronger theory, from less,
a principled while non-axiomatic approach, where stipulations result the contingent,
and logic is constant, complete, consistent, and concrete, that we attain to.

Warm regards, you describe some impeccable reasonings, but for example as
the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy says for Heap and Sorites, it's important
that natural language is fulfilled, its correctness.

The theory is extra-ordinary, and whether it's ordering first or counting first,
and the other usual sort of notions of _regularity_ and the _rulial_, that
it's only one theory where all gets along.

Warm regards


Jan 11, 2024, 4:38:25 PMJan 11
Le 11/01/2024 à 13:43, Jim Burns a écrit :
> On 1/10/2024 2:04 PM, WM wrote:
>> Le 09/01/2024 à 20:34, Jim Burns a écrit :
>>> On 1/9/2024 12:40 PM, WM wrote:
>>>> Just today I showed some proofs
>>>> to my students.
>>> If you are claiming your students for
>>> some form of, then
>>> you are accepting pre-calculus students as
>>> _peers_
>> Nonsense.
>> There are 8th semester informatics and
>> engineering studens.
> Perhaps
> the informatics and engineering students of
> Wolfgang Mückenheim of Hochschule Augsburg
> remember their arithmetic.

And now they know:
> kᵢⱼ = i+(i+j-1)(i+j-2)/2

Every number defined like k does not belong to the domain covered by the
ℵo unit fractions or by the largest ℵo natural numbers.

Regards, WM

Jim Burns

Jan 11, 2024, 4:48:23 PMJan 11
On 1/11/2024 11:49 AM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On Thursday, January 11, 2024
> at 4:43:40 AM UTC-8, Jim Burns wrote:

>> [...]
> Then, the idea that there are
> "descriptive dynamics",
> has that
> basically all theories
> formally abstractly symbolically
> result sorts of descriptive theories
> in words, all one theory.

There is a Swiss.Army.knife theory, which
provides insight in many, many instances.

I'm thinking of the theory of
finite sequences of claims,
claims which might be about any of
many, many different domains of discussion.

We have a lot of confidence that,
in a finite sequence of claims,
if there is a false claim,
then there is a first.false claim.

Join that to our ability to _see_
in some sequences,
that some claims are not.first.false,
such as Q in ⟨ Q∨¬P P Q ⟩
we know we have, in some instances,
finite sequences of not.first.false claims,
by our Swiss.Army.knife theory,
are finite sequences of not.false claims.

Even if
we can't see the objects of our claims,
we know they are true claims.
That seems magical to me --
"magical" perhaps not the best word for
mathematics, science, and engineering,
but there it is.

This Swiss.Army.knife theory of
finite sequences of claims
might be something like
what you (RF) mean by One Theory.
Or it might not be.

An essential step in using the Swiss.Army.knife
is description.
We decide to learn about widgets.
_We describe a widget_
We follow with not.first.false claims
about widgets, which,
because they are in that sequence,
we know are true about widgets.

That works because there are
pre.known claims about widgets mixed in.
That makes our post.known claims
specific to widgets _which we want_
since widgets are different from non.widgets.

But the pre.known claims are widget theory,
not the One Theory.
If we replace claims about widgets with
claims about anything,
following claims not.first.false about anything
shouldn't be telling us anything useful or
interesting, should it?
I don't see how it could.

Jim Burns

Jan 11, 2024, 6:34:23 PMJan 11
remember that,
in arithmetic,
the unit fractions and natural numbers
are closed under addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.

Since you (WM) have decided that
you are talking about _not.arithmetic_
this might be an especially apt time
for your students to remember that
a claim about _not.arithmetic_
even if it were _true_
doesn't contradict a claim about _arithmetic_


Jan 11, 2024, 7:15:01 PMJan 11
Jim Burns has brought this to us :

Jim Burns

Jan 11, 2024, 7:56:46 PMJan 11
I may have been a little loose in
how I said that.

The operations are closed in _arithmetic_
except for division by 0.

There is
no single ℵ₀.set of smallest unit fractions and
no single ℵ₀.set of largest natural numbers.

There is,
for each pair ⟨i,j⟩ of visibleᵂᴹ numbers
a unique visibleᵂᴹ number kᵢⱼ
for each visibleᵂᴹ number kᵢⱼ
a unique pair ⟨iₖᵢⱼ,jₖᵢⱼ⟩ of visibleᵂᴹ numbers
⟨iₖᵢⱼ,jₖᵢⱼ⟩ = ⟨i,j⟩

There are as many visibleᵂᴹ numbers
as pairs of visibleᵂᴹ numbers.
Darkᵂᴹ numbers haven't entered the discussion.

kᵢⱼ = i+(i+j-1)(i+j-2)/2

sₖᵢⱼ = max{h| (h-1)(h-2)/2 < kᵢⱼ}
iₖᵢⱼ+jₖᵢⱼ = sₖᵢⱼ
iₖᵢⱼ = kᵢⱼ-(sₖᵢⱼ-1)(sₖᵢⱼ-2)/2
jₖᵢⱼ = sₖᵢⱼ(sₖᵢⱼ-1)/2-kᵢⱼ+1

Because arithmetic.

Fritz Feldhase

Jan 11, 2024, 8:11:49 PMJan 11
Division? :-P

Fritz Feldhase

Jan 11, 2024, 8:28:29 PMJan 11
On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 1:56:46 AM UTC+1, Jim Burns wrote:

> for each pair ⟨i,j⟩ of [natural] numbers
> [there is] a unique [natural] number kᵢⱼ
> and,
> for each [natural] number kᵢⱼ [there is]
> a unique pair ⟨iₖᵢⱼ,jₖᵢⱼ⟩ of [natural] numbers
> ⟨iₖᵢⱼ,jₖᵢⱼ⟩ = ⟨i,j⟩


Now the following is slightly more problematic:

> There are as many [natural] numbers as pairs of [natural] numbers.

What we actually know is that there is bijection between the (set of) natural numbers and the (set of) pairs of natural numbers.

For deriving "there are as many X as Y" we need more than just that.

Note that WM claims:

1. There are no bijections between (different) infinite sets. (wrong in the context of set theory)

2. Even if there were a bijection between two infinites sets A and B, this does NOT mean, that A and B are equinumerous. (wrong in the context of set theory)


P. Suppes (temporarily) adopted an axiom for his system of set theory which stated: card(A) = card(B) iff A ~ B. This statement (either as an axiom or a theorem) is pretty much what we need to conclude card(A) = card(A) from A ~ B, allowing us to call A and B equinumerous.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 11, 2024, 8:54:30 PMJan 11
What you can do is define arithmetic just a little differently than usual, that instead
of Peano/Presburger, addition and multiplication, and their inverses, is that what
you do is start with increment and division.

Then there's as
increment addition
multiplication powers
exponent tetration
and these kinds paired powers under addition formulae that result, and
as it sort of works out, that instead of, "long division", there's, "long subtraction".

Then, for models of arithmetic that are standard, they're about the same, but
it's when the models are nonstandard as bounded fragments, that
"increment and division" keep it regular and rulial both ways,
that it's regular and rulial both ways, instead of ragged.

I.e., in the models of algebras of arithmetics and arithmetics of algebras, that
not only are algebra and arithmetic separated, it's shown how they come together.

Then, division by zero is a singularity, in singularity theory, in what's called multiplicity theory.
In such theories, division-by-zero may or may not be "indeterminate forms" vis-a-vis either
"Not a Number" or "undefined.

In my podcasts in "descriptive differential dynamics", I introduce concepts after some
of these concepts of arithmetic and algebra, after "roots of zero", into roots of unity,
then about the "identity dimension", about where x=y is a singularity in many common
systems of differential equations, and included or not just like zero is, and a bunch of
different interesting features of arithmetic and algebra and their common field.

It's numbers, and letters, ....

Richard Damon

Jan 11, 2024, 10:09:14 PMJan 11
Which of those largest natural numbers can k not get to?

What is the boundry that can not be passed?

Ross Finlayson

Jan 11, 2024, 10:19:28 PMJan 11
If you could pause on your brick-batting of MW a moment,
we're discussing foundations of arithmetic and algebra together.


Jim Burns

Jan 12, 2024, 12:09:35 AMJan 12
On 1/11/2024 8:54 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On Thursday, January 11, 2024
> at 4:56:46 PM UTC-8, Jim Burns wrote:

>> There are as many visibleᵂᴹ numbers
>> as pairs of visibleᵂᴹ numbers.
>> Darkᵂᴹ numbers haven't entered the discussion.
>> kᵢⱼ = i+(i+j-1)(i+j-2)/2
>> sₖᵢⱼ = max{h| (h-1)(h-2)/2 < kᵢⱼ}
>> iₖᵢⱼ+jₖᵢⱼ = sₖᵢⱼ
>> iₖᵢⱼ = kᵢⱼ-(sₖᵢⱼ-1)(sₖᵢⱼ-2)/2
>> jₖᵢⱼ = sₖᵢⱼ(sₖᵢⱼ-1)/2-kᵢⱼ+1
>> Because arithmetic.
> What you can do is
> define arithmetic just a little
> differently than usual, that instead
> of Peano/Presburger,
> addition and multiplication,
> and their inverses,
> is that what you do is
> start with increment and division.

Julia Robinson has a paper showing how
to define various arithmetical concepts
from each other.

Definability and decision problems in arithmetic

| In this paper, we are concerned with
| the arithmetical definability of certain notions
| of integers and rationals in terms of other notions.
| The results derived will be applied to obtain
| a negative solution of corresponding decision problems.
| In Section 1, we show that addition of
| positive integers can be defined arithmetically
| in terms of multiplication and the unary operation
| of successor S (where Sa = a + 1). Also, it is shown
| that both addition and multiplication can be defined
| arithmetically in terms of successor and
| the relation of divisibility |
| (where x|y means x divides y).
The Journal of Symbolic Logic,
Volume 14, Issue 2, 23 June 1949, pp. 98 - 114

That is also interesting because
some claims become easier or harder to prove,
starting from order and divisibility or
from addition and multiplication.

If I recall correctly,
unique prime factorization becomes easier
starting from order and divisibility.

> Then there's as
> increment addition
> multiplication powers
> exponent tetration

Once we have addition and multiplication,
however we get them,
the Chinese remainder theorem can be used
to encode an arbitrarily.long finite sequence,
and encoding finite sequences can be used
to re.phrase recursive definitions

That makes exponentials, factorials,
tetration, and much, much more
Free At No Extra Charge.

Just saying.


Jan 12, 2024, 9:01:14 AMJan 12
Le 12/01/2024 à 00:34, Jim Burns a écrit :

> Since you (WM) have decided that
> you are talking about _not.arithmetic_
> this might be an especially apt time
> for your students to remember that
> a claim about _not.arithmetic_
> even if it were _true_
> doesn't contradict a claim about _arithmetic_

That should not hinder an inquisitive student to learn that arithmetic
does not cover the domain of the smallest ℵo unit fractions and of the
largest ℵo natural numbers.

Regards, WM


Jan 12, 2024, 9:05:28 AMJan 12
Le 12/01/2024 à 04:09, Richard Damon a écrit :

> Which of those largest natural numbers can k not get to?

If I could name it I had made it v isible.
> What is the boundry that can not be passed?

That is the difficult point: There is no fixed threshold. Most can't
comprehend it. Potential infinity!

Regards, WM

Jim Burns

Jan 12, 2024, 1:30:32 PMJan 12
Do your students learn that it doesn't from
their instructor, from you?

If they don't,
that is what strikes me as
hindering the inquisitive student.

We can make a claim true of
each one of infinitely.many
which we know is true by knowing
_that is what we mean_ by
"natural number" or "unit fraction"
or something else.

we can make a claim not.first.false of
each one of the same infinitely.many
which we know is not.first.false by seeing
the sequence of claims we make.
For example, by seeing Q is after P and Q∨¬P

We can make a finite sequence of claims
in which each claim is not.first.false of
each one of the same infinitely.many.
This is more challenging, but the challenge
is the reason that mathematicians are
so famously well-paid.

A finite sequence in which
each claim is not.first.false about each
is finite sequence in which
each claim is not.false about each.

That is something we already know
_about finite sequences of claims_

By that knowledge,
we can increase our knowledge of other things:
natural numbers, unit fractions, and so on
_looking only at a sequence of claims_
and NOT looking at
natural numbers, unit fractions, and so on.

We can make a claim that
k can be counted to
and know that it is true of
each which can be counted to.

We can follow that with the claim that
k+1 can be counted to
and see that there is no way in which
k+1 can be counted to
can be first.false.

And, similarly, that
k isn't the largest which can be counted to.

That is how we know that
nothing exists which is the largest which
can be counted to,
even though we are finite beings,
even though we can't see the infinitely.many
which can be counted to.

We can see _the claims_
and recognize that they're not.first.false.

Chris M. Thomasson

Jan 12, 2024, 3:20:40 PMJan 12
You need to fired immediately.


Ross Finlayson

Jan 12, 2024, 3:44:03 PMJan 12

I've been following this guy for years.

His dialectic on the inductive impasse and deductive resolution is very good.

Richard Damon

Jan 12, 2024, 6:46:43 PMJan 12
So, you have two distinct sets with no boundry between them?

What makes them different?

If there isn't a line that keeps the describable numbers out of your
dark numbers, then aren't all your dark numbers describable?

If there is a line, then there must be a highest describable number, so
you can give it.

Richard Damon

Jan 12, 2024, 6:46:46 PMJan 12
But what arithmetic didn't cover them?

Chris M. Thomasson

Jan 12, 2024, 7:00:30 PMJan 12
Telling a student that there is a largest natural number, should create
a scenario in which something should be fired? Just wondering here...

Ross Finlayson

Jan 12, 2024, 10:18:19 PMJan 12
Sorites and the Heap.

There are no standard models of integers.

There are fragments, there are extensions, the ordinary inductive set's a non-logical constant.

There are multiple models of integers.


Jan 14, 2024, 11:43:59 AMJan 14
Le 12/01/2024 à 19:30, Jim Burns a écrit :
> On 1/12/2024 9:01 AM, WM wrote:
>> Le 12/01/2024 à 00:34, Jim Burns a écrit :
>>> Since you (WM) have decided that
>>> you are talking about _not.arithmetic_
>>> this might be an especially apt time
>>> for your students to remember that
>>> a claim about _not.arithmetic_
>>> even if it were _true_
>>> doesn't contradict a claim about _arithmetic_
>> That should not hinder an inquisitive student
>> to learn that
>> arithmetic does not cover the domain of
>> the smallest ℵo unit fractions and of
>> the largest ℵo natural numbers.
> Do your students learn that it doesn't from
> their instructor, from you?

They need not learn it, because it is clear to everybody, perhaps after a
short hint: You cannot use real numbers of the domain containing the ℵ
smallest unit fractions and of the domain containing the ℵ largest
natural numbers.

It is obviously impossible to come closer to zero. There are always ℵ
unit fractions between 0 and a number chosen by you. Same for ω, but,
contrary to zero, ω is a vague end of the scale.

Regards, WM


Jan 14, 2024, 11:48:26 AMJan 14
Le 13/01/2024 à 00:46, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 1/12/24 9:05 AM, WM wrote:
>> Le 12/01/2024 à 04:09, Richard Damon a écrit :
>>> Which of those largest natural numbers can k not get to?
>> If I could name it I had made it v isible.
>>> What is the boundry that can not be passed?
>> That is the difficult point: There is no fixed threshold. Most can't
>> comprehend it. Potential infinity!

> So, you have two distinct sets with no boundry between them?

The visible numbers are not a set but only a collection, because the
membership is not fixed.
> What makes them different?

This: You cannot use real numbers of the domain containing the ℵ
smallest unit fractions and of the domain containing the ℵ largest
natural numbers. It is obviously impossible to come closer to zero. There
are always ℵ unit fractions between 0 and a number chosen by you. Same
for ω, but, contrary to zero, ω is a vague end of the scale.

> If there isn't a line that keeps the describable numbers out of your
> dark numbers, then aren't all your dark numbers describable?

Assume it. Then you can come close to zero such that nothing is between it
and your chosen number. But that is a contradiction.
> If there is a line, then there must be a highest describable number, so
> you can give it.

That is the point hard to swallow. There is no line.

Regards, WM


Jan 14, 2024, 11:50:43 AMJan 14
Le 13/01/2024 à 00:46, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 1/12/24 9:01 AM, WM wrote:
>> arithmetic
>> does not cover the domain of the smallest ℵo unit fractions and of the
>> largest ℵo natural numbers.
> But what arithmetic didn't cover them?

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation,

Regards, WM

Ross Finlayson

Jan 14, 2024, 12:45:52 PMJan 14
Don't you mean:

increment -> ... roots|powers ... <- division

Jim Burns

Jan 14, 2024, 1:24:52 PMJan 14
On 1/12/2024 10:18 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On Friday, January 12, 2024
> at 3:46:43 PM UTC-8, Richard Damon wrote:

>> [...]
> Sorites and the Heap.

Make a claim which is true of each
and leap the Heap.

> There are no standard models of integers.

The minimal inductive set is
a standard standard model of integers.

Are you currently considering
non.standard standard models of integers?

> There are fragments,

A fragment isn't a model.

Granted, there are things other than
the minimal inductive set.
But, Shirley, that's not what you mean?

> there are extensions,

An extension isn't standard.

Granted, there are things other than
the minimal inductive set.
But, Shirley, that's not what you mean?

> the ordinary inductive set's
> a non-logical constant.

The only place I remember seeing "non-logical"
(which doesn't mean "illogical") used
is with axioms _in addition to_ the logical axioms.

We could call this sense of non-logical
metalogical, after.logical, which makes it less
likely to be mistaken for an admission of failure.

If you (RF) don't mean metalogical, then
I don't know what you mean by non-logical.

The unformalizable goal of stating
metalogical axioms is that everyone can say
"Yes, that is what everyone means by X".
That wouldn't be a _logical_ result, but
it would be a fact about what everyone means.

For the more obscure X,
there isn't really an "everyone".
There is the author, and
there is what they mean by X

However, natural numbers aren't obscure.

For _what we mean by_ the non.negative integers,
the minimal inductive set is a standard model.

> There are multiple models of integers.

Have we drifted away from (
> There are no standard models of integers.

What I think we mean, what I know I mean
by a model of the non.negative integers
is that it contain at least
each standard non.negative integer,

by a standard model of the non.negative integers
is that it contains no extensions.

If any model of the non.negative integers exists,
then a standard model exists, provably.

Richard Damon

Jan 14, 2024, 1:42:35 PMJan 14
On 1/14/24 11:48 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 13/01/2024 à 00:46, Richard Damon a écrit :
>> On 1/12/24 9:05 AM, WM wrote:
>>> Le 12/01/2024 à 04:09, Richard Damon a écrit :
>>>> Which of those largest natural numbers can k not get to?
>>> If I could name it I had made it v isible.
>>>> What is the boundry that can not be passed?
>>> That is the difficult point: There is no fixed threshold. Most can't
>>> comprehend it. Potential infinity!
>> So, you have two distinct sets with no boundry between them?
> The visible numbers are not a set but only a collection, because the
> membership is not fixed.
>> What makes them different?
> This: You cannot use real numbers of the domain containing the ℵ
> smallest unit fractions and of the domain containing the ℵ largest
> natural numbers. It is obviously impossible to come closer to zero.
> There are always ℵ unit fractions between 0 and a number chosen by you.
> Same for ω, but, contrary to zero, ω is a vague end of the scale.

Really? You can't figure out how to use number like 1/10 or 12?

After all, those are part of the ℵ unit fractions between some unit
fraction and 0 and above some Natural Number.

There are no unit fractions smaller that ALL unit fractions or Natural
Numbers greater than ALL Natural Numbers, so the domain of numbers that
you can not use because of that condition is empty.

>> If there isn't a line that keeps the describable numbers out of your
>> dark numbers, then aren't all your dark numbers describable?
> Assume it. Then you can come close to zero such that nothing is between
> it and your chosen number. But that is a contradiction.

You can come as close as you want.

That doesn't means that you can reach the point that nothing is between.

That would require the existance of a Highest Natural Number.

That assumption is where the contradiction is, not that all Natural
Numbers/Unit Fractions are visible.

>> If there is a line, then there must be a highest describable number,
>> so you can give it.
> That is the point hard to swallow. There is no line.

Then all your "dark" numbers are also visible, and thus not Dark.

Without a line, what keeps the visible numbers out of the set of "Dark"

You are just hitting the flaw of naive set theory.

> Regards, WM

Jim Burns

Jan 14, 2024, 7:24:04 PMJan 14
On 1/14/2024 11:43 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 12/01/2024 à 19:30, Jim Burns a écrit :
>> On 1/12/2024 9:01 AM, WM wrote:
>>> Le 12/01/2024 à 00:34, Jim Burns a écrit :

>>>> Since you (WM) have decided that
>>>> you are talking about _not.arithmetic_
>>>> this might be an especially apt time
>>>> for your students to remember that
>>>> a claim about _not.arithmetic_
>>>> even if it were _true_
>>>> doesn't contradict a claim about _arithmetic_
>>> That should not hinder an inquisitive student
>>> to learn that
>>> arithmetic does not cover the domain of
>>> the smallest ℵo unit fractions and of
>>> the largest ℵo natural numbers.
>> Do your students learn that it doesn't from
>> their instructor, from you?
> They need not learn it,

Which is to say:
Wolfgang Mückenheim of Hochschule Augsburg,
do not tell your students that,
when you talk about
the smallest ℵ₀ unit fractions and
the largest ℵ₀ natural numbers,
you aren't talking about

> because it is clear to everybody,
> perhaps after a short hint:
> You cannot use real numbers

Real numbers ℝ are the rationals ℚ and
enough points between non.empty splits of ℚ
that no function ℝ→ℝ which jumps is
continuous at each point in ℝ

Rationals ℚ are the integers ℤ and
enough points that each non.0 division in ℤ
has a solution in ℚ

Integers ℤ are the naturals ℕ and
enough points that each subtraction in ℕ
has a solution in ℤ

Naturals ℕ are each end of ordered ⟨0,…,k⟩
such that,
for each non.empty split F,H of ⟨0,…,k⟩
i‖i⁺¹ exists last‖first in F‖H,
and 0‖k exists first‖last in ⟨0,…,k⟩

i⁺¹ is non.0 non.doppelgänger

Also Known As arithmetic.

> You cannot use real numbers of
> the domain containing
> the ℵ smallest unit fractions and of
> the domain containing
> the ℵ largest natural numbers.

Each element of ℝ is
not the smallest unit fraction and
not the largest natural number.

> It is obviously impossible
> to come closer to zero.

it is obvious in arithmetic
that each x ≠ 0 can come closer.
To x/2 for example.

> There are always ℵ unit fractions between
> 0 and a number [x] chosen by you.

For each x > 0
for each not-fitting-1-removed cardinality n
the cardinality of unit fractions ⊆ (0,x]
is not that cardinality.
|…,⅟mₓ⁺²,⅟mₓ⁺¹| ≥ |⅟mₓ⁺²,⅟mₓ⁺¹| > |⅟mₓ⁺¹|
|…,⅟mₓ⁺²,⅟mₓ⁺¹| ≥ |⅟mₓ⁺³,…,⅟mₓ⁺¹| > |⅟mₓ⁺²,⅟mₓ⁺¹|
|…,⅟mₓ⁺²,⅟mₓ⁺¹| ≥ |⅟mₓ⁺⁴,…,⅟mₓ⁺¹| > |⅟mₓ⁺³,…,⅟mₓ⁺¹|
|…,⅟mₓ⁺²,⅟mₓ⁺¹| ≥ |⅟mₓ⁺⁵,…,⅟mₓ⁺¹| > |⅟mₓ⁺⁴,…,⅟mₓ⁺¹|
|…,⅟mₓ⁺²,⅟mₓ⁺¹| ≥ |⅟mₓ⁺⁶,…,⅟mxₓ⁺¹| > |⅟mₓ⁺⁵,…,⅟mₓ⁺¹|

The cardinality of unit fractions ⊆ (0,x]
_is not_ any not.fitting.1.removed cardinality n

The cardinality of unit fractions ⊆ (0,x]
_is_ fitting.1.removed
|…,⅟mₓ⁺⁴,⅟mₓ⁺³,⅟mₓ⁺²,⅟mₓ⁺¹| =
|…,⅟mₓ⁺⁴,⅟mₓ⁺³,⅟mₓ⁺²| =
|…,⅟mₓ⁺⁴,⅟mₓ⁺³| =
|…,⅟mₓ⁺⁴| =
... =

> Same for ω, but,
> contrary to zero, ω is a vague end of the scale.

The cardinality of natural numbers ⊆ [x,∞)
_is not_ any not.fitting.1.removed cardinality n
|mₓ⁺¹,mₓ⁺²,…| ≥ |mₓ⁺¹,mₓ⁺²| > |mₓ⁺¹|
|mₓ⁺¹,mₓ⁺²,…| ≥ |mₓ⁺¹,…,mₓ⁺³| > |mₓ⁺¹,mₓ⁺²|
|mₓ⁺¹,mₓ⁺²,…| ≥ |mₓ⁺¹,…,mₓ⁺⁴| > |mₓ⁺¹,…,mₓ⁺³|
|mₓ⁺¹,mₓ⁺²,…| ≥ |mₓ⁺¹,…,mₓ⁺⁵| > |mₓ⁺¹,…,mₓ⁺⁴|
|mₓ⁺¹,mₓ⁺²,…| ≥ |mₓ⁺¹,…,mₓ⁺⁶| > |mₓ⁺¹,…,mₓ⁺⁵|

The cardinality of natural numbers ⊆ [x,∞)
_is_ fitting.1.removed
|mₓ⁺¹,mₓ⁺²,mₓ⁺³,mₓ⁺⁴,…| =
|mₓ⁺²,mₓ⁺³,mₓ⁺⁴,…| =
|mₓ⁺³,mₓ⁺⁴,…| =
|mₓ⁺⁴,…| =
... =
ℵ₀ = |ω|

Ross Finlayson

Jan 15, 2024, 12:52:36 AMJan 15
Hallo, James. I'm glad you're considering those notions in a usual way.

Here are some things you should be familiar with, if you talking
about models, structures that embody all relations, of integers,
here the natural or non-negative integers, for that model-theory
and proof-theory are the same thing, in terms of mathematical proofs,
insofar as that a model of all relation and structurally, is a proof,
and that any proof has a corresponding model, and vice-versa.

This is for constructivism, where the usual notion of intuitionism,
is as above the fundamental and elementary of the model,
its emergent and sublime, as what result the "fundamental theorems",
of the objects in relation, in the fundamentally more elementary,
the objects of the working milieu the theory.

I.e., model theory is the theory, it's the meta-theory and the theory.

So, about models of integers, then you'll be familiar with Peano and
Presburger, after you're familiar with set theory, where, set theory is
the most explored and well-known and developed elementary theory,
being as its a theory of objects with only one relation, "elt" or "element-of",
vis-a-vis sets and classes, which are sets, and elt and "contains" or membership,
the relation.

Here a brief aside defining predicates and relations makes for the usual
notion that a relation is a primary association pair-wise of any two things,
between two domains or sets of things, or a copy as self-domain, there's
that relations relate any two things, and a predicate relates a thing,
to one of true or false, which are values essentially stipulating membership
in the model, a model of satisfied predicates, where predicates are only
satisfied as "true".

So it's kind of said that Peano and Presburger make for a definition of a
model of integers, the integer numbers, the whole numbers, though as
that not always includes zero, the counting numbers which are the relations
of elements to counts or cardinals, the ordinals which are the relations of
elements to position or index, Peano assigns a sort of structure of sets,
in their forms being discernible and recognizable, as a given first and
then following, that the integers are infinitely-many. Then, for the fundamental
theorem of arithmetic, unique prime factorization, and the fundamental theorem
of algebra, the polynomials satisfying having integer roots express arithmetic,
those together make for a sort of usual notion of integers that suffice for
arithmetic, the _modular_.

Eventually then the idea is that a model of these integers exists, and it's related
to exactly one of the non-logical constants of the theory, here named ZF set
theory after Zermelo Fraenkel, its seven axioms one a schema that affect the
reflection that their relations as sets are satisfied. (Why at least one is a schema
is that it results the quantifications over these things have to be stacked or
what's the order of the well-formed formulas, but, they're otherwise axioms.)
These axioms first affect "expansion of comprehension", because it's just derived
that together that make structures in relation that establish the satisfaction of
the formation of pair-wise relations, sets in sets. Then, not all the axioms are
"expansion of comprehension". Two of the axioms introduce "non-logical" constants,
so called because they're just introduced as existing instead of that commonly
under relation their unique forms would exist, because they don't. So, "Zero" and
an "Infinity" are axiomatized, they're stipulated, not just as "expansion of comprehension",
but instead as "non-logical constants", so-called because they have to be axiomatized
unique. Furthermore there's an axiom of "restriction of comprehension", called well-foundedness,
that otherwise a usual quantification over sets could include themselves in their definition,
according to expansion of comprehension. (Quantifier comprehension. The quantifiers
posit the various existence and universality of relation, and freely.) Then, the axiom
of an "Infinity", also includes an aside that it's also well-founded, that not only is
ZF's Infinity non-logical, also, it's a restriction of comprehension.

So, in a theory without restriction of comprehension, ZF's Infinity is a fragment.
Yet, here the point is to get to why it comes around again, that what is a "standard"
model, is where "standard" essentially means "Archimedean", infinitely-many but
no infinitely-valued, while, as a set the "inductive set" that Infinity introduces has
also a property of "no-infinitely-descending-epsilon-chain", or "-elt-chain", where
elt is written epsilon, ZF's Infinity Axiom is there exists an "ordinary", i.e. well-founded,
model of sets _and_ ordinals _and_ integers, according to that both being a non-logical
constant that it exists and restriction of comprehension that it doesn't include itself,
where that otherwise free comprehension arrives anyways that it exists and does.

Now, next you should know about Skolem and Levy, and Skolem and Louwenheim,
and Levy, and perhaps Mostowski. These set theorists basically introduce that for
a given _uncountable_ model, that it has a _countable_ model, which is very surprising
to most people after they've proven to themselves that these ordinary infinite sets
can no way model an ordinary powerset of themself nor vice-versa. These are called
extensions, the greater for the lesser, of that exist only for the lesser for the greater.

Then also there's Cohen's Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis to consider,
which is framed more as of about ordinals. Skolem and Cohen are important set theorists.
Also Solomon Feferman helps introduce the extra-ordinary as in about quantifiers,
where Cohen's result is where sets run out for ordinals, into theories like "ubiquitous
ordinals", in model theory and set theory.

So, why "Infinity" is a non-logical constant in ZF is as above, and, why there's not
a standard model of integers, instead only fragments or extensions, is a concept
I arrived at some years ago. So, here then I'll research my writings on sci.logic and
sci.math about models of integers, and where I wrote quick proofs and results
why what I say is so, to help effect a reflection on model theory overall, as what's
called descriptive set theory after axiomatic set theory, what's called foundations.

(Of mathematics, logic, ....)

This is where sci.logic is polluted with spam, but you can still search for authors,
and specifically the relevant terms concerned.

One of the greatest threads on sci.logic is Ross and James' "Correct Presentation
of the Diagonal Argument". Another great thread is "Banach-Tarski Paradox",
another on "Curry", Ross and Mitch on FOM, and for example even about 20 years
ago when I illustrated that usual formalisms of ZF, have weak well-foundedness
axioms that make free-comprehension tag any set as "regular".

So, I'll look about as my usual idea is to just download my posts and make a serial
concatenation and outline that right out and having written a foundations.


Jan 15, 2024, 3:15:21 AMJan 15
Le 14/01/2024 à 19:42, Richard Damon a écrit :

> There are no unit fractions smaller that ALL unit fractions

But there are ℵ unit fraction smaller than all you can name.

>> Assume it. Then you can come close to zero such that nothing is between
>> it and your chosen number. But that is a contradiction.
> You can come as close as you want.

By naming an x you can come close as you want in the measure of distance
but not in the measure number of unit fractions between 0 and x.

∀eps > 0 ∀x ∈ (eps, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo
> That doesn't means that you can reach the point that nothing is between.
> That would require the existance of a Highest Natural Number.

Nevertheless you can reach 0.
> That assumption is where the contradiction is, not that all Natural
> Numbers/Unit Fractions are visible.

That is the same. Fact is that you cannot name almost all numbers.

Regards, WM


Jan 15, 2024, 3:25:02 AMJan 15
Le 15/01/2024 à 01:23, Jim Burns a écrit :
> On 1/14/2024 11:43 AM, WM wrote:

>> You cannot use real numbers of
>> the domain containing
>> the ℵ smallest unit fractions and of
>> the domain containing
>> the ℵ largest natural numbers.
> Each element of ℝ is
> not the smallest unit fraction and
> not the largest natural number.

Each element of ℝ that can be named.
>> It is obviously impossible
>> to come closer to zero.
> No,
> it is obvious in arithmetic
> that each x ≠ 0 can come closer.
> To x/2 for example.

There is no boundary in the meaqsure of distance but there is a boundary
in the measure of remaining elements between 0 and the chosen eps > 0.

∀eps > 0, ∀x ∈ (eps, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo

Regards, WM

Mild Shock

Jan 15, 2024, 6:53:29 AMJan 15
You are a moron. Take this proof:

p(a) v p(b) |- p(a) v p(b)

Whats the "corresponding" model?

I wonder whether your ass already envies your mouth,
for the amount of shit that comes out of it.

Richard Damon

Jan 15, 2024, 7:48:28 AMJan 15
On 1/15/24 3:15 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 14/01/2024 à 19:42, Richard Damon a écrit :
>> There are no unit fractions smaller that ALL unit fractions
> But there are ℵ unit fraction smaller than all you can name.

No, there are not. As I have shown, I can name any of them.

>>> Assume it. Then you can come close to zero such that nothing is
>>> between it and your chosen number. But that is a contradiction.
>> You can come as close as you want.
> By naming an x you can come close as you want in the measure of distance
> but not in the measure number of unit fractions between 0 and x.

No, the number of unit fractions between 0 and x will always be Alpha_0,
the measure of Countable infinity, as there will ALWAYS be that many
unit fractions between 0 and x (unless x is 0, then the number is 0)

> ∀eps > 0 ∀x ∈ (eps, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo

Right. There are always ℵo unit fractions below a positive number, so no
number exists where NUF(x) == 1

That wasn't for all "visible" numbers, that was for all "Numbers" (from
one of the standard sets of numbers, like Rational or Reals)

>> That doesn't means that you can reach the point that nothing is between.
>> That would require the existance of a Highest Natural Number.
> Nevertheless you can reach 0.

Only by leaving the set of unit fractions.

>> That assumption is where the contradiction is, not that all Natural
>> Numbers/Unit Fractions are visible.
> That is the same. Fact is that you cannot name almost all numbers.

Except that you can.

Show a set that I can not name a member of it.

Your logic is just insufficient to handle unbounded sets.

> Regards, WM

Jim Burns

Jan 15, 2024, 2:58:01 PMJan 15
On 1/15/2024 3:24 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 15/01/2024 à 01:23, Jim Burns a écrit :
>> On 1/14/2024 11:43 AM, WM wrote:

>>> It is obviously impossible
>>> to come closer to zero.
>> No,
>> it is obvious in arithmetic
>> that each x ≠ 0 can come closer.
>> To x/2  for example.
> There is no boundary in
> the measure of distance
> but
> there is a boundary in
> the measure of remaining elements
> between 0 and the chosen eps > 0.
> ∀eps > 0, ∀x ∈ (eps, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo

In arithmetic,
∀eps > 0
∀k ∈ ℕ
∃mᵉᵖˢ ∈ ℕ:
eps > ⅟mᵉᵖˢ > ⅟(mᵉᵖˢ+k+1) > 0
k < NUF(eps)

In arithmetic,
∀eps > 0
∀k ∈ ℕ
k < NUF(eps)
NUF(eps) ≮ NUF(eps)
NUF(eps) ∉ ℕ

In arithmetic,
∀eps > 0
NUF(eps) ∉ ℕ

In arithmetic,
¬∃mᵂᴹ ∈ ℕ:
∀eps > 0
∀k ∈ ℕ
eps > ⅟mᵂᴹ > ⅟(mᵂᴹ+k+1) > 0

> there is a boundary in
> the measure of remaining elements
> between 0 and the chosen eps > 0.

In arithmetic,
there is a boundary in
the cardinality of remaining elements
between 0 and the chosen eps > 0.
it's not a positive boundary,
the boundary is 0

| Assume otherwise.
| Assume 0 < β/2 < β < 2β
| for remaining.element.card.boundary β
| β < 2β
| NUF(2β) ∉ ℕ
| ∀k ∈ ℕ
| ∃mₖ ∈ ℕ:
| 2β > ⅟mₖ > ⅟(mₖ+k+1) > 0
| [1]
| k < NUF(2β)
| β/2 < β
| NUF(β/2) ∈ ℕ
| ¬∀k ∈ ℕ
| ∃mₖ ∈ ℕ:
| β/2 > ⅟mₖ > ⅟(mₖ+k+1) > 0
| ∃k ∈ ℕ:
| ¬(k < NUF(β/2))
| ∃k ∈ ℕ:
| ∀m′ ∈ ℕ
| ¬(β/2 > ⅟m′ > ⅟(m′+k+1) > 0)
| β/2 ≤ ⅟m′ ∨ ¬(⅟m′ > ⅟(m′+k+1) > 0)
| ⅟m′ > ⅟(m′+k+1)) > 0
| β/2 ≤ ⅟m′
| ∀m′ ∈ ℕ
| β/2 ≤ ⅟m′
| [2]
| From [1]
| ∀k ∈ ℕ
| ∃mₖ ∈ ℕ:
| 2β > ⅟mₖ
| β/2 > ⅟(4mₖ)
| However, from [2]
| in the case of m′ = 4mₖ
| β/2 ≤ ⅟(4mₖ)
| Contradiction.

in arithmetic,
the remaining.element.measure.boundary β
isn't positive.

In arithmetic,
∀eps > 0:
NUF(eps) ∉ ℕ

Ross Finlayson

Jan 15, 2024, 7:50:32 PMJan 15
You mean "TND: the domain of the universe of binary propositions?"

It's pretty simple that anything in proof theory has a model in model theory.

It's pretty simple that constructions of inferential relations are first-class,
objects in a model theory of a theory, the theory of model theory, its model.

To relate "first-class" and "first-order", is about simple representations of
logical constructions as logical constructions.

Heh, you wonder.

Seven deadly sins: ....


Jan 16, 2024, 6:12:36 AMJan 16
Le 15/01/2024 à 13:48, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 1/15/24 3:15 AM, WM wrote:
>> Le 14/01/2024 à 19:42, Richard Damon a écrit :
>>> There are no unit fractions smaller that ALL unit fractions
>> But there are ℵ unit fraction smaller than all you can name.
> No, there are not. As I have shown, I can name any of them.

Then show it. Name a unit fraction that has not ℵ smaller ones.
> No, the number of unit fractions between 0 and x will always be Alpha_0,
> the measure of Countable infinity, as there will ALWAYS be that many
> unit fractions between 0 and x (unless x is 0, then the number is 0)

The term is aleph_0, not alpha_0.
The mathematics is this: if x is less than every positive number, then x
is less than (0, oo). That is impossible for positive x, let alone for
ℵo unit fractions.

>> ∀eps > 0 ∀x ∈ (eps, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo
> Right. There are always ℵo unit fractions below a positive number, so no
> number exists where NUF(x) == 1

The statement says not below "a positive number" but below "every positive
number", but that means below (0, oo) and is nonsense.
> Your logic is just insufficient to handle unbounded sets.

My logic is based on mathematics. Your claims are not logic but dogmas of
matheology in contradiction with mathematics.

Regards, WM


Jan 16, 2024, 6:16:43 AMJan 16
Le 15/01/2024 à 20:57, Jim Burns a écrit :

> In arithmetic,
> ∀eps > 0:
> NUF(eps) ∉ ℕ

In arithmetic

∀x ∈ (0, 1]: y < x ==> y =< 0, i.e., y is not positive.

Regards, WM

Richard Damon

Jan 16, 2024, 7:12:05 AMJan 16
Except that the statement does't hold if, say, y was x/2.

You also need to define the domain of x and y. If not specified it will
be presumed something like The Reals.

Your problem is you have the order of operations wrong in your logic,
the Qualifier is run first, so when we look at the inequality, we have
am x we can use.

Richard Damon

Jan 16, 2024, 7:12:24 AMJan 16
On 1/16/24 6:12 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 15/01/2024 à 13:48, Richard Damon a écrit :
>> On 1/15/24 3:15 AM, WM wrote:
>>> Le 14/01/2024 à 19:42, Richard Damon a écrit :
>>>> There are no unit fractions smaller that ALL unit fractions
>>> But there are ℵ unit fraction smaller than all you can name.
>> No, there are not. As I have shown, I can name any of them.
> Then show it. Name a unit fraction that has not ℵ smaller ones.

So, you don't unddrstand English and just working with Strawman.

I never claimed there was a unit fraction that doesn't have aleph_0
smaller ones.

>> No, the number of unit fractions between 0 and x will always be
>> Alpha_0, the measure of Countable infinity, as there will ALWAYS be
>> that many unit fractions between 0 and x (unless x is 0, then the
>> number is 0)
> The term is aleph_0, not alpha_0.
> The mathematics is this: if x is less than every positive number, then x
> is less than (0, oo). That is impossible for positive x, let alone for
> ℵo unit fractions.

So, you just proved that there is no

>>> ∀eps > 0 ∀x ∈ (eps, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo
>> Right. There are always ℵo unit fractions below a positive number, so
>> no number exists where NUF(x) == 1
> The statement says not below "a positive number" but below "every
> positive number", but that means below (0, oo) and is nonsense.

So, you agree that NUF(x) = ℵo for all positive x and is never a finite

Since for all eps > 0 NUF(x) == ℵo, there is no eps for which NUF(x) is
smaller than that, not even a "dark" one.

>> Your logic is just insufficient to handle unbounded sets.
> My logic is based on mathematics. Your claims are not logic but dogmas
> of matheology in contradiction with mathematics.

Nope. YOUR claims are based on the dogma of WMism, not actual logic or

You can't get to actual fundamental statements that show your claims, so
you are just shown to be a dogmatist.

> Regards, WM

Jim Burns

Jan 16, 2024, 12:11:44 PMJan 16
In arithmetic,
∀eps > 0: eps > 0
i.e., eps is positive.

There is an implicit ∀y

I don't know which you intend:

(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0

if y is a lower bound of (0,1]
then y ≤ glb(0,1] = 0

0 ∉ (0,1]

∀x ∈ (0,1]: (y < x ⇒ y ≤ 0)

∀y: ∀x ∈ (0,1]: (y < x ⇒ y ≤ 0)
if and only if
¬∃y: ∃x ∈ (0,1]: (y < x ∧ 0 < y)
if and only if
¬∃x ∈ (0,1]: ∃y ∈ (0,x)
∃x ∈ (0,1]: ∃y ∈ (0,x)

x ∈ ⋃{ (eps,1] | eps ∈ (0,1] }
if and only if
x ∈ (0,1]

∀eps > 0: NUF(eps) ∉ ℕ

> Regards, WM

Dieter Heidorn

Jan 16, 2024, 3:20:05 PMJan 16
Richard Damon schrieb:
> On 1/16/24 6:16 AM, WM wrote:
>> Le 15/01/2024 à 20:57, Jim Burns a écrit :
>>> In arithmetic,
>>> ∀eps > 0:
>>> NUF(eps) ∉ ℕ
>> In arithmetic
>> ∀x ∈ (0, 1]: y < x ==> y =< 0, i.e., y is not positive.
>> Regards, WM
> Except that the statement does't hold if, say, y was x/2.

That's right. But what WM means is the following:

for every y which is smaller than every x ∈ (0,1] : y <= 0.

One of his problems is that he doesn't understand quantifiers and their
proper application. Example: The correct statement about unit fractions
1/n (where n∈ℕ)

∀ x ∈ (0,1] ∃^ℵo 1/n : 1/n < x

he misunderstands in a way that is equivalent to the quantifier shift:

∃^ℵo 1/n ∀ x ∈ (0,1] : 1/n < x .

Then he concludes:

there are ℵo unit fractions left from zero.

Discussing with WM you should always keep in mind: WM doesn't write
about mathematics but his private system of ideas which are based on
his inability to understand infinite sets and set theory.

Dieter Heidorn

Fritz Feldhase

Jan 16, 2024, 3:44:19 PMJan 16
On Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 9:20:05 PM UTC+1, Dieter Heidorn wrote:

Slight corrections:

> ∀ x ∈ (0,1] ∃^ℵo 1/n : 1/n < x

∀ x ∈ (0,1]: ∃^ℵo n ∈ ℕ: 1/n < x ,

or even better:

∀ x ∈ (0,1]: ∃^ℵo u ∈ {1/n : n ∈ ℕ}: u < x

> he misunderstands in a way that is equivalent to the quantifier shift:
> ∃^ℵo 1/n ∀ x ∈ (0,1] : 1/n < x .

∃^ℵo n ∈ ℕ: ∀ x ∈ (0,1]: 1/n < x ,

or even better:

∃^ℵo u ∈ {1/n : n ∈ ℕ}: ∀ x ∈ (0,1]: u < x

Hint: Technically, in the context of a quantifier you can't use a "complex term" like "1/n" as if it were a /variable/. This is mandatory: ∀<variable> and ∃<variable>.

Fritz Feldhase

Jan 16, 2024, 4:01:11 PMJan 16
On Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 12:12:36 PM UTC+1, WM wrote:

> Name a unit fraction that has not ℵ[0] smaller ones.

Why should he "name" something that doesn't exist, you psychotic asshole full of shit?!


Btw. It's possible to introduce a "naming schema" such that each and every unit fraction has a name:

If u is a unit fraction, then the symbol "I/I...I" where "I...I" consists of 1/u "I"s is the name of u.

For example, if u = 1/3, then "I/III" is its name. The other way round: "|/|||" has 3 occurences of the symbol "I" after the symbol "/". Hence it's the name of the unit fraction 1/3.

Jim Burns

Jan 16, 2024, 4:31:50 PMJan 16
On 1/15/2024 12:52 AM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On Sunday, January 14, 2024
> at 10:24:52 AM UTC-8, Jim Burns wrote:

>> [...]
> Here are some things
> you should be familiar with,
> if you talking about models,
> structures that embody all relations,
> of integers,
> here the natural or non-negative integers,
> for that model-theory and proof-theory are
> the same thing,
> in terms of mathematical proofs,
> insofar as that
> a model of all relation and structurally,
> is a proof,
> and that
> any proof has a corresponding model,
> and vice-versa.

As I understand it,
the semantic (model.theory) and
the syntactic (proof.theory) points of view
are two sides of the same coin.

There are some very nice proofs showing
how the two are related, but
they aren't exactly the same thing.

For a certain theory (syntax),
there might or might not exist
a structure which it describes (semantics).
A structure which a theory describes
is a model of the theory.

if no contradiction follows from a theory,
then a model of it exists.

The proof constructs (shows exists) a model from
the objects of the language of the theory.
That's why I note that, even if a theory has a model,
it still might not have the model you're thinking of.

Every structure that satisfies a theory is
a model of the theory.

Perhaps significantly different structures
satisfy the same theory (are models).

if each model (semantics) which satisfies a theory
satisfies an additional formula,
then a proof (syntax) exists of that formula
starting from the theory (syntax).

Because there are formally undecidable formulas
in the natural numbers,
if any model exists,
then more than one model exists.

if any inductive set exists,
then a unique minimal inductive set exists,
subset to each inductive set, and
containing only each number.
By any other word, a standard model.

The natural numbers either
are complete nonsense, top to bottom, or
have a standard model and a non.standard model.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 16, 2024, 5:01:02 PMJan 16
New RECUSITY lines...



it's personal....

If you can read this,
look behind you.

I don't have eyes in the back of my head.

If wi-fi means wired fidelity,
I'm pretty sure it's cheating.

wear it out.

That model theory and proof theory are equi-interpretable,
and often thoroughly intermixed, pretty much separates
the men from the toys.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 16, 2024, 5:29:07 PMJan 16
Always a favorite:


writing on the wall

Now with more THE.

James, your cogent response deserves a more thorough
and appreciative reply, so I hope that you'll find some
further in this thread, and I'll make some too.

Thanks for saving us all.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 16, 2024, 11:39:18 PMJan 16
Calvin on Calvinism

Somebody had to keep it running

when nobody else knew how it did

Geil. Sehr geil.

In proof theory, it's provable, that in classical logic, one must
always assert Empty, Infinity, and well-foundedness for the
inference of the existence of any set, for otherwise inference
may arrive at Russell's set via quantification.

So, in classical logic, ZF's axioms aren't independent.
Of course, these days we know that that's "quasi-modal" logic.
Yet, it's not the point here that "classical" logic isn't monotonic.

Yet, the idea that "there's isn't a standard model of the integers",
and, also, "there are multiple non-standard models of integers",
in set theory, and as well in number theory, has a lot going on
with "there's an infinite integer in some infinitudes of integers".

Largely, an unbounded fragment, is the model of usual infinite induction.
That's not even necessarily an infinity, just an unbounded exercise
of induction.

Then, a true infinity, makes for integers, about the number-theoretic
properties of its elements, and what one has. This gets into things
like "primes at infinity", "double primes at infinity", "triple primes at
infinity", the last one of those being 2, 3, 5, and "quadruple primes at
infinity", the first one of those being at infinity, and on.

"Mathematics: truer than initially thought"

Now the above already has a lot why "there aren't standard models of
integers and there are bounded and unbounded fragments and there
are non-standard extensions", there's plenty more to it, not that that's
not plenty, to it.

"Hey, classical quasi-modal logic isn't all bad. You might get lucky."


Jan 17, 2024, 6:43:47 AMJan 17
Le 16/01/2024 à 13:11, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 1/16/24 6:16 AM, WM wrote:
>> Le 15/01/2024 à 20:57, Jim Burns a écrit :
>>> In arithmetic,
>>> ∀eps > 0:
>>> NUF(eps) ∉ ℕ
>> In arithmetic
>> ∀x ∈ (0, 1]: y < x ==> y =< 0, i.e., y is not positive.

> Except that the statement does't hold if, say, y was x/2.

The statement concerns all real numbers.
> You also need to define the domain of x and y. If not specified it will
> be presumed something like The Reals.
> Your problem is you have the order of operations wrong in your logic,
> the Qualifier is run first, so when we look at the inequality, we have
> am x we can use.

The "less than" relation is independent of quantifier-exchange. If for
every x ∈ (0, 1] there a smaller y, then there is an y smaller than
every x ∈ (0, 1] and hence smaller than (0, 1]. Of course for ℵ
elements y this is much clearer.

Regards, WM


Jan 17, 2024, 6:49:48 AMJan 17
Le 16/01/2024 à 21:19, Dieter Heidorn a écrit :
> The correct statement about unit fractions
> 1/n (where n∈ℕ)
> ∀ x ∈ (0,1] ∃^ℵo 1/n : 1/n < x
> he misunderstands in a way that is equivalent to the quantifier shift:
> ∃^ℵo 1/n ∀ x ∈ (0,1] : 1/n < x .
> Then he concludes:
> there are ℵo unit fractions left from zero.

Would be required to make your statement correct.

For the less-than relation there is no quantifier magic.
NUF(x) cannot grow anywhere from 0 to ℵo without passing finite values.

Regards, WM


Jan 17, 2024, 6:53:48 AMJan 17
Le 16/01/2024 à 18:11, Jim Burns a écrit :

> (i)
> (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
> true

Yes, that is correct.

Regards, WM

Richard Damon

Jan 17, 2024, 7:56:06 AMJan 17
Why not?

And what says those "values" that it happens at have to be in the set of
Unit Fractions/rational/real numbers?

If the "value" where NUF(x) == 1 isn't in the domain of Unit
factions/Rational Numbers/ Real Numbers, then there is no need for your
"dark" numbers, they are just visible numbers in some other system.

Richard Damon

Jan 17, 2024, 7:56:09 AMJan 17
Right, for every x ∈ (0, 1] there exist a y such that 0 < y < x.

That doesn't mean that y < (0, 1], because that is a category error. x
and y were elements of the set and don't have a numeric relations to the
set (sets aren't numbers, but sets of numbers)

This is just expressing the unbounded nature of this set of numbers,
there is NO "lowest bound" of the set in the set.

Richard Damon

Jan 17, 2024, 7:56:54 AMJan 17
Except we show it isn't for y = x/2


Jan 17, 2024, 9:10:00 AMJan 17
Le 17/01/2024 à 13:55, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 1/17/24 6:49 AM, WM wrote:

>> NUF(x) cannot grow anywhere from 0 to ℵo without passing finite values.
> Why not?

Because of mathemtics. ∀n ∈ ℕ: 1/n - 1/(n+1) = d_n > 0.

Regards, WM

Jim Burns

Jan 17, 2024, 11:29:31 AMJan 17
On 1/16/2024 11:39 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 16, 2024
> at 2:29:07 PM UTC-8, Ross Finlayson wrote:

>> [...]
> In proof theory, it's provable, that
> in classical logic,

proof.theory ≠ set.theory
proof ≠ set

logic < (non.logical) set.theory
set.theory = logic+set.description

set.description = infinity∨¬infinity
set.description = foundation∨¬foundation

different.description ⟺ different.models

> one must always assert
> Empty, Infinity, and well-foundedness
> for the inference of the existence of any set,
> for otherwise inference may arrive at
> Russell's set via quantification.

Russell's ∃{x|x∉x} ⟸ unrestricted.comprehension


¬∃{x|x∉x} ⟸ classical
On the other hand,

> So,
> in classical logic,
> ZF's axioms aren't independent.

Did you (RF) intend to make
that abrupt change of topic there?

That's not how I'd use "so"
Cha​cun à son goût.

Because models exist for
a (hypothetical) proof of
would be wrong.

Infinity, Foundation, Choice are

> Of course, these days we know that
> that's "quasi-modal" logic.

You mean?
Quasi-Modal Equivalence of Canonical Structures

> Yet, it's not the point here that
> "classical" logic isn't monotonic.

Good to hear that it's not the point..
Classical is monotonic.

> Yet, the idea that
> "there's isn't a standard model of the integers",
> and, also,
> "there are multiple non-standard models of integers",
> in set theory, and as well in number theory,
> has a lot going on with
> "there's an infinite integer in
> some infinitudes of integers".

"has a lot going on with" = ?

Consider a finite set,
each element in its place.

A place is removed,
and not all elements have places.
We say:
the set's cardinality is finite.

Consider only all finite cardinals,
the ones which
cannot fit in a place removed.

For each finite cardinal,
inserting another element makes
a set which won't fit in its places,
one with a different cardinality.
Because finite.

Insert more and it still won't fit.
Insert all the cardinals and it still won't fit.

For each finite cardinal,
the cardinality of only all finite cardinals
is not its cardinality.

the cardinality of only all finite cardinals
is not a finite cardinality.
It is an infinite cardinality.

It isn't any cardinality which
cannot fit in a place removed.
It should fit in a place removed.

0@[1] 1@[2] 2@[3] 3@[4] ...
And check.

Weird as it is to fit in a place removed,
it must be so, or else
all the finite cardinals aren't
all the finite cardinals.

Jim Burns

Jan 17, 2024, 1:36:01 PMJan 17
On 1/17/2024 6:49 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 16/01/2024 à 21:19, Dieter Heidorn a écrit :

>> [...]
> For the less-than relation
> there is no quantifier magic.

For anti.symmetric relations, such as less.than,
there is quantifier anti.magic.

| Assume P(x,y) ⇔ ¬P(y,x)
| Assume ∀x:∃y:P(x,y)
| ∀x:∃y:P(x,y)
| if and only if
| ¬∃x:∀y:¬P(x,y)
| if and only if
| ¬∃x:∀y:P(y,x)
| relabel 'x''z','y''x','z''y'
| ¬∃y:∀x:P(x,y)

P(x,y) ⇔ ¬P(y,x)

∀x:∃y≠x: x<y
¬∃y:∀y≠x: x<y

Fritz Feldhase

Jan 17, 2024, 2:15:47 PMJan 17
On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 12:49:48 PM UTC+1, WM wrote:

> For the less-than relation there is no quantifier magic.

Was immer Deine "quantifier magic" auch sein soll; aber die (richtige) Reihenfolge der Quantoren ist wesentlich:

An e IN: Em e IN: n < m (true)

Em e IN: An e IN: n < m (false)

Jim Burns

Jan 17, 2024, 2:35:51 PMJan 17
On 1/17/2024 7:55 AM, Richard Damon wrote:
> On 1/17/24 6:53 AM, WM wrote:
>> Le 16/01/2024 à 18:11, Jim Burns a écrit :

>>> (i)
>>> (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x)  ⇒  y ≤ 0
>>> true
>> Yes, that is correct.

> Except we show it isn't for y = x/2

Well, for y = x/2, the antecedent is false,
thus the implication is true.
But WM probably isn't thinking of that.

(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
if and only if
0 < y ⇒ (∃x ∈ (0,1]: x ≤ y)


Jan 17, 2024, 2:53:56 PMJan 17
Both are true, but the average person cannot look into the infinite.
Therefore I have invented the simpler example with unit fractions.
If for every x ∈ (0, 1] there are ℵ smaller unit fractions, then ℵ
unit fractions are smaller than every x ∈ (0, 1] and lie left-hand side
of the whole interval. Otherwise a first one would appear within the

Please note: Without ℵ unit fractions left-hand side of (0, 1], the
above true statement cannot be true.

Regards, WM

Fritz Feldhase

Jan 17, 2024, 3:27:13 PMJan 17
On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 8:53:56 PM UTC+1, WM wrote:
> Fritz Feldhase schrieb am Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024 um 20:15:47 UTC+1:

> > die (richtige) Reihenfolge der Quantoren ist wesentlich:
> >
> > An e IN: Em e IN: n < m (true)
> >
> > Em e IN: An e IN: n < m (false)
> >
> Both are true,

Nope. "Em e IN: An e IN: n < m" is FALSE, otherwise there would have to be a natural number which is bigger than itself.

> but the average person cannot look into the infinite.

Yeah whatever, Mückenheim.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 17, 2024, 4:07:02 PMJan 17
Again your reasoning shows you in a good light,
I'll look to it.

About the "so, ..., axioms of restriction aren't independent...",
it's the inference as of what is directly above, or, "no, not non sequitur".

It's pretty interesting and fun that model theory and proof theory
are equi-interpretable, intermixable, and not allowed to contradict each other.

Also free comprehension always exists.

Ross Finlayson

Jan 17, 2024, 4:10:10 PMJan 17
Yeah, that's wrong and Calvinistic, and rejected,
Duns Scotus and Spinoza give us a mathematical infinity,
that not only we can know, but according to Zeno, must.

That's not the same as "Absolute Infinity" and "the G-dhead",
which anyways are two things, that are named concepts with
universals in their definition.

Go away MW, Hodges won't be adding you to his hopeless.
An editor recalls some papers, ....

Chris M. Thomasson

Jan 17, 2024, 4:13:35 PMJan 17
On 1/17/2024 11:53 AM, WM wrote:
> Fritz Feldhase schrieb am Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024 um 20:15:47 UTC+1:
>> On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 12:49:48 PM UTC+1, WM wrote:
>> > For the less-than relation there is no quantifier magic.
>> Was immer Deine "quantifier magic" auch sein soll; aber die (richtige)
>> Reihenfolge der Quantoren ist wesentlich:
>> An e IN: Em e IN: n < m (true)
>> Em e IN: An e IN: n < m (false)
> Both are true, but the average person cannot look into the infinite.

You are the ultra finitist here... Pot Kettle?

Richard Damon

Jan 17, 2024, 8:36:21 PMJan 17
On 1/17/24 2:35 PM, Jim Burns wrote:
> On 1/17/2024 7:55 AM, Richard Damon wrote:
>> On 1/17/24 6:53 AM, WM wrote:
>>> Le 16/01/2024 à 18:11, Jim Burns a écrit :
>>>> (i)
>>>> (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x)  ⇒  y ≤ 0
>>>> true
>>> Yes, that is correct.
>> Except we show it isn't for y = x/2
> Well, for y = x/2, the antecedent is false,
> thus the implication is true.
> But WM probably isn't thinking of that.

What part of the antecedent (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) is false?

x is such that x ∈ (0,1], and y is such that y < x

Richard Damon

Jan 17, 2024, 8:36:23 PMJan 17
And how does that say that NUF(x) can't grow to ℵo without passing
finite values.

That equation in fact proves that there can not be a smallest 1/n as the
'level gap' below 1/n is only 1/(n+1) of the distance between 0 and 1/n,
so there is room for at least n+1 more unit fractions below it.

You need to find a point where the gap is as big as 1/n, and it never is.

Jim Burns

Jan 18, 2024, 12:15:27 AMJan 18
On 1/17/2024 8:36 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
> On 1/17/24 2:35 PM, Jim Burns wrote:
>> On 1/17/2024 7:55 AM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>> On 1/17/24 6:53 AM, WM wrote:
>>>> Le 16/01/2024 à 18:11, Jim Burns a écrit :

>>>>> (i)
>>>>> (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x)  ⇒  y ≤ 0
>>>>> true
>>>> Yes, that is correct.
>>> Except we show it isn't for y = x/2
>> Well, for y = x/2, the antecedent is false,
>> thus the implication is true.
>> But WM probably isn't thinking of that.
> What part of the antecedent
> (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) is false?

Excuse me, I was thinking of something else.

As I'm sure you know, if
x ∈ (0,1] ⇒ y < x
is false for any value of x,
then all of
(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x)
is false,
and all of
(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
is true.

For y > 0 and x = min{y/2,1}
x ∈ (0,1] ⇒ y < x
is false
(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x)
is false, and
(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
is true.

On the other hand,
for y ≤ 0
(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
is true,
whatever the case is for
∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x

In sum,
(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
is true, but
its truth doesn't tell us about y

I confess that I don't know
what significance that formula has to WM.

It's possible that, for WM,
talking about
(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
replaces talking about
∀eps > 0: NUF(eps) ∉ ℕ


Jan 18, 2024, 4:03:51 AMJan 18
Fritz Feldhase schrieb am Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024 um 21:27:13 UTC+1:
> On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 8:53:56 PM UTC+1, WM wrote:
> > Fritz Feldhase schrieb am Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024 um 20:15:47 UTC+1:
> > > die (richtige) Reihenfolge der Quantoren ist wesentlich:
> > >
> > > An e IN: Em e IN: n < m (true)
> > >
> > > Em e IN: An e IN: n < m (false)
> > >
> > Both are true,
> Nope.

Yes, a mistake. Both are wrong. But the first statement is true for
*definable* numbers.

Regards, WM


Jan 18, 2024, 4:09:28 AMJan 18
Le 18/01/2024 à 02:36, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 1/17/24 9:09 AM, WM wrote:
>> Le 17/01/2024 à 13:55, Richard Damon a écrit :
>>> On 1/17/24 6:49 AM, WM wrote:
>>>> NUF(x) cannot grow anywhere from 0 to ℵo without passing finite values.
>>> Why not?
>> Because of mathemtics. ∀n ∈ ℕ: 1/n - 1/(n+1) = d_n > 0.

> And how does that say that NUF(x) can't grow to ℵo without passing
> finite values.

Because after every unit fraction the function NUF(x) is constant over d_n
> 0.
> That equation in fact proves that there can not be a smallest 1/n as the
> 'level gap' below 1/n is only 1/(n+1) of the distance between 0 and 1/n,
> so there is room for at least n+1 more unit fractions below it.

Nevertheless ***all*** unit fractions have gaps between each other. There
is no exception.
> You need to find a point where the gap is as big as 1/n, and it never is.

We cannot investigate individuals within the dark domain.

Regards, WM


Jan 18, 2024, 4:13:05 AMJan 18
Le 18/01/2024 à 02:36, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 1/17/24 2:35 PM, Jim Burns wrote:
>> On 1/17/2024 7:55 AM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>> On 1/17/24 6:53 AM, WM wrote:
>>>> Le 16/01/2024 à 18:11, Jim Burns a écrit :
>>>>> (i)
>>>>> (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x)  ⇒  y ≤ 0
>>>>> true
>>>> Yes, that is correct.
>>> Except we show it isn't for y = x/2
>> Well, for y = x/2, the antecedent is false,
>> thus the implication is true.
>> But WM probably isn't thinking of that.
> What part of the antecedent (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) is false?
> x is such that x ∈ (0,1], and y is such that y < x

Only if y is less than all x ∈ (0,1], the implication holds. If the
antecedent is violated, the implication is true nevertheless. But that is
>> (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x)  ⇒  y ≤ 0

Regards, WM


Jan 18, 2024, 4:15:20 AMJan 18
Le 18/01/2024 à 06:15, Jim Burns a écrit :

> I confess that I don't know
> what significance that formula has to WM.

If ∀x ∈ (0, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo was true, it would prove negative unit
fractions y.

Regards, WM

Jim Burns

Jan 18, 2024, 7:24:57 AMJan 18
On 1/18/2024 4:15 AM, WM wrote:
> Le 18/01/2024 à 06:15, Jim Burns a écrit :

>> In sum,
>> (∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
>> is true, but
>> its truth doesn't tell us about y

>> I confess that I don't know
>> what significance that formula has to WM.
> If
> ∀x ∈ (0, 1]: NUF(x) = ℵo
> was true,
> it would prove negative unit fractions y.

How does
(∀x ∈ (0,1]: y < x) ⇒ y ≤ 0
∀x ∈ (0,1]: NUF(x) = ℵ₀
prove negative unit fractions y?

In arithmetic,
∀k <ℵ₀: ∀j <ℵ₀: j+k <ℵ₀

∀k <ℵ₀: ∀i <ℵ₀: i < |{j+k | j <ℵ₀}|

∀k <ℵ₀: ¬∃i <ℵ₀: i = |{j+k | j <ℵ₀}|

∀k <ℵ₀: ¬( |{j+k | j <ℵ₀}| <ℵ₀ )

In arithmetic,
∀k ∈ℕ₁: ∀j ∈ℕ: 0 < ⅟(j+k) ≤ 1

∀k ∈ℕ₁: {⅟(j+k) | j ∈ℕ} ⊆ (0,1] ∧
∀i ∈ℕ: i < |{⅟(j+k) | j ∈ℕ}|

∀k ∈ℕ₁: {⅟(j+k) | j ∈ℕ} ⊆ (0,1] ∧
¬∃i ∈ℕ: i = |{⅟(j+k) | j ∈ℕ}|

∀k ∈ℕ₁: {⅟(j+k) | j ∈ℕ} ⊆ (0,1] ∧
¬( |{⅟(j+k) | j ∈ℕ}| < |ℕ| )

At what formula, if any, have we stopped
using arithmetic?

Keep in mind that
_those formulas_ aren't dark.
You can see them on your screen.

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