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Volumes exist and 1m Is Not Neutral.

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Socratis T.n.p.

Feb 18, 2024, 5:52:48 AM2/18/24
Volumes exist and 1m Is Not Neutral.

0.1 *1 *10 = 1000i^3 = 1m^3.
0.5 *1 *10 = 5000i^3 = 5m^3.
1 *1 *10 = 10,000i^3 = 10m^3.

It means that 1*1 =1m^ 1*1*1 =1m^3.

Greetings T.n.p. 1 *2 *20 = 40m^3 -:)))

Feb 18, 2024, 1:21:07 PM2/18/24
There are no negatives as quantity or volume.
If volume goes away what is left is a zero math.

Lucrezio S

Feb 18, 2024, 8:20:55 PM2/18/24
On Sunday 18 February 2024 at 11:23:05 UTC+1 Lucrezio S wrote:
> Volumes exist and 1m Is Not Neutral.
No..Dear if 1 were neutral you would have:

0.1 *1 *10 = 1m^3
0.3 *1 *10 = 3m^3
0.5 *1 *10 = 5m^3..if 1 were neutral, I would have 0.5*10 = 5m^2.
0.6 *1 *10 = 6m^2..if 1 were neutral, I would have 0.6*10 = 6m^2.
0.8 *1 *10 = 8m^3
1 * 1 *10 = 10m^3

Greetings T.n.p. 0.5 *2 *20 = 20m^3 -:)))

Socratis T.n.p.

Feb 19, 2024, 3:05:45 AM2/19/24
On Monday 19 February 2024 at 01:45:57 UTC+1 Lucrezio S wrote:
> On Sunday 18 February 2024 at 11:23:05 UTC+1 Lucrezio S wrote:
> > Volumes exist and 1m Is Not Neutral.

If 1..appears neutral, it's only because..You..Doing it wrong..Everything:
not considering that 0.1*1= 0.1m^2..and doing so you would have:
0.1 *100i^2 = 10i^2..which..You don't deign to do-:)))

like 0.1*0.1 *1 = 0.01.. m^3 = 10i^3
Like 0.1*0.1 *2 = 0.02...m^3 = 20i^3
They are valid if multiplied *1000i^3. Which you don't do-:)))

Which the T.n.p. produces directly using the real integers:
==> 1i *1i *10i = 10i^3 = 10kg.
==> 1i *1i *20i = 20i^3 = 20kg.

If 0.5 *0.5 *1=0.25 *1000i^3=250i^3 = 250kg.
Alias T.n.p.===> 5i *5i *10i = 250i^3 = 250kg.
Like =====> 5i *5i *20i = 500i^3 = 500kg.
So => 5i *10i *20i = 1000i^3 = 1000kg.

The T.n.p. Use 1i *10i. for 1m =10i..2m=20i..10m=100i..100m=1000i etc.
0.001*1m*1000m =1000i^3 =1m^3 Alias •1*1000•*1'000'000• =1m^3
0.01 *1m *100m ==1000i^3 = 1m^3..Aka 1c*100c*10'000c ==1m^3
1i *10i *100i ==== 1000i^3 ==1m^3..Aka 0.1m *1m *10m == 1m^3

Greetings T.n.p. ==> 1m *1m *10m = 10m^3.-:)))
Alias 10i *10i *100i =10'000i^3 = 10m^3.-:)))

Socratis T.n.p.

Feb 19, 2024, 11:51:21 PM2/19/24
On Monday 19 February 2024 at 20:47:29 UTC+1 jack nick wrote:
> ok, confirmed, you're that idiot Marco C.

Many Monkeys... think... that:
0.5 *2 = 1banana equivalent to:
0.5 *1 *2 = 1.banana.

What do you want to do... They are Monkeys... trained to... think... that 0.5 eats 2.
And that 1 = Neutral... In reality 5i *20i = 100i^2..where there is no banana.
While 5i *10i *20i = 1000i^3 =10.quintals of bananas =1.Ton of bananas.

Regards T.n.p.=> 5^2 +7^2 =10 *7 +2^2 =74m^2-:)))
=> 5^3 +7^3 =12 *35+2^2 =12*39m^2 = 468m*3-:)))

Socratis T.n.p.

Feb 22, 2024, 5:47:22 AM2/22/24
Did I make the Revolution?

If 1m =10i =100c =1000• ..were neutral, and you have 1y *1x. which of the two would it be?
Not Neutral? Since if 1 of the two were.. handicapped you would have 0 *1 = 0.. If
both were neutral you would have: 0*0 =0 So why do you write them as 1y *1x=1x?

Actually ..1y *10x = 10m^2 = 1000i^ 0.1 *1 *10 = 1000i^3..but if
1 were neutral you could say 0.1 *10m = 1m^2 Alias 1i *100i = 100i^2 = 1m^2..
Explain why 0.1*1 *10 should give 1. Neutral.. not definable.. like 1m^3?

2) All small 1s should be 1i *1i *1i =1i ?
0.1m *1m *1m = 0.1m^3 = 100i^3...Aka 1i *10i *10i = 100i^3.
so 1m*1m*1m = 1m^3 => 10i *10i *10i =1000i^3 =1m^3.

If 1m =100c Then c100^3 === 1'000'000g == 1000i^3.
If 1m=1000• Then •1000^3 =1'000'000'000mg =1m^3.
Can 1m be neutral...once yes and 10 times no? -:)))

Greetings T.n.p. 1m*1m*10m =10m^3 => 10i *10i *100i =10'000i^3 -:)))
I remind you that the mat. without m^2 and m^3 it measures Nothing.-:)))
So use the dm's your false integers are made of. -:))))
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