Of course, it's unfortunate that many reject 'infinity' because their first
and only fitting notion of infinity is "a largest number, on the number
line, there's a word infinity and it means arbitrarily large, and because
dividing by a larger number results a smaller number, dividing by
infinity equals zero, through it's still as of a quantity itself".
That is, most people's "infinity" is from "infinite divisibility", goes to zero.
Then, it's unfortunate that "that is apparent but also it can't be a quantity,
because in our quantities they can be in any order", which is not so, in
terms of numbers and their types and their products in their operations
and the closures in their operation or here lack thereof.
So, what's unfortunate or bad fortune is that how was found a way to make
an "infinity" or something, in mathematics, by itself, wasn't numbers but instead
just an inductive set of sets. So, there's no arithmetic.
Now why that's unfortunate is it totally doesn't fulfill what people expect and
want from the "natural" definition of infinity, according to numbers, some "scalar",
But, it's still what there is, then, to get back into how that can be, involves a sort
of mathematics that takes function theory, and establishes that not all functions
are Cartesian, then that those are different types and can't just go together but
have to basically agree how to go together, then it's pretty easy.
Then, you might ask yourself "what's this line-continuity line-integral called
already?" and it's "called Jordan content: would be Jordan measure but would
interfere with the standing formalism called measure theory, called Jordan content",
and similarly "Dirichlet functions: on or off the analytical character, or averaged
making one half, again don't look too close", "signal-continuity".
Here the key part of continuity is the infinite divisilbity of time, never falsified.
Then, what it reflects is fundamentally for the area, and geometry, how things are.
So, anyways, it goes into "function theory" and "topology", such explanations called
"apologetics", that what we call "conscientious mathematicians" put together.
Thus, I made one to sit for me.
Really the differential is natural, everybody knows the differential is "infinitely divisible".
It's the same old dx, these day's usually a "line invariant".