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3D variant of Morley's theorem?

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Jim Ferry

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
Dave Rusin wrote:
> Is there an analogue of Morley's theorem to dimension 3 (or higher)?

I don't know, but if there is, a way to find the Morley
tetrahedron might be as follows. According to

the second Morley center of a triangle has trilinear coordinates

sec(A/3) : sec(B/3) : sec(C/3).

Thus, take a point with analogous tetralinear coordinates
(sec(A/n):sec(B/n):sec(C/n):sec(D/n) for n = 3 (or 4?)) and consider
the lines determined by this point and each of the vertices of a
tetrahedron. There are four degrees of freedom to pick a tetrahedron
with vertices on each of these lines, but being regular entails five
constraints. Hence, if a regular tetrahedron exists, it's special in
some way.

Note: I'm assuming that sec(A/3) etc. make sense--that there's a way
that geometers assign angles in 3 or more dimensions such that the
formulae incenter = 1:1:1, centroid = csc(A):csc(B):csc(C),
circumcenter = cos(A):cos(B):cos(C), orthocenter = sec(A):sec(B):sec(C),
etc. generalize.

| Jim Ferry | Center for Simulation |
+------------------------------------+ of Advanced Rockets |
| +------------------------+
| jferry@[delete_this] | University of Illinois |

Dave Rusin

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
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