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How REAL MEN deal with COVID-19

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Apr 12, 2020, 12:37:44 AM4/12/20


Apr 12, 2020, 9:39:28 AM4/12/20
You make the "fight" sound voluntary...

Edward Montague

Apr 17, 2020, 2:48:00 PM4/17/20
The particular medicine that you're considering can
be lethal or debilitating in certain instances.

Prevention is always good.

Limit your travel, stay home, shop online for home
deliveries; set aside a safe location where you want
your items to be left. Get a home security system, also useful for watching for deliveries.
Use your computer to track when your items are going
to be delivered.

Get a decent face mask and rubber gloves, maybe a
polyester coverall, rubber boots and masking tape.
I'm certain you know how to use these.

On a more advanced thread, what about something like
Tesla's biological filter, that it demonstrated some
years ago, adapted for use within the home.

Decades prior to this I stopped traveling outside
of my district. As I support the Green initiative I've
never owned a motor vehicle and seldom travel by taxi.

I wear a silicone rubber face mask, with filters, when I fill the lawn mower with petrol, or when I obtain petrol. Which isn't very often; I'm considering alternatives, like a lamb,goat or guinea pigs.
An electric lawnmower appears to be a possibility,
however I'm wondering about a possible electrical
radiation risk; 300watts, or more of power with unknown shielding .

Edward Montague

Apr 19, 2020, 5:00:15 PM4/19/20
On Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 4:37:44 PM UTC+12, Taka wrote:
There may not be programs to synthesize new infectious agents, however there is always ongoing research into existing infectious agents.The covid
19 virus is cultivated in laboratories at this time in the process of developing a vaccine.

There are what are known as BSL 4 facilities around the world;
including one at Wuhan.

In the scientific literature there has been the successful creation of
artificial genomes from a sequence database; I think Craig Venteer's company was involved in this.

Dr David.Baltimore worked for NATO whilst he was researching retroviruses
and discovered their detrimental effect upon the immune system.
At the Nobel prize event his co recipients, in particular Dr.Howard.Temin, expressed the hope that retroviruses weren't used to harm persons.
History has yet to tell us whether his hopes have been fulfilled.

Name Removed

Apr 28, 2020, 5:10:50 PM4/28/20

Just take your Vitamin D with some K2, Mg glycinate, quercetin and maybe some zinc.
I've been heavily exposed and I am still healthy.
This corona virus thing is more about robbing everyone of what few rights they still have.


Apr 28, 2020, 5:18:18 PM4/28/20
Yes, if you are young and healthy, odds are COVID will leave you so.

Zero Drop Shoe

May 18, 2020, 2:33:00 PM5/18/20
Who says I am young. If you are an old fat normie stay home.

Zero Drop Shoe

May 18, 2020, 2:41:17 PM5/18/20
Gohde would tell you to take his favorite secosteroid. And I will too or if the season is right take in a good dose of the noon day sun minus a shirt and long pants.
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