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Age (Dordr). 2011 Nov 27. [Epub ahead of print]
A complex dietary supplement augments spatial learning, brain mass,
and mitochondrial electron transport chain activity in aging mice.
Aksenov V, Long J, Liu J, Szechtman H, Khanna P, Matravadia S, Rollo
Department of Biology, McMaster University, 1280 Main St W., Hamilton,
ON, Canada, L8S 4K1.
We developed a complex dietary supplement designed to offset five key
mechanisms of aging and tested its effectiveness in ameliorating age-
related cognitive decline using a visually cued Morris water maze
test. All younger mice (<1 year old) learned the task well. However,
older untreated mice (>1 year) were unable to learn the maze even
after 5 days, indicative of strong cognitive decline at older ages. In
contrast, no cognitive decline was evident in older supplemented mice,
even when ∼2 years old. Supplemented older mice were nearly 50% better
at locating the platform than age-matched controls. Brain weights of
supplemented mice were significantly greater than controls, even at
younger ages. Reversal of cognitive decline in activity of complexes
III and IV by supplementation was significantly associated with
cognitive improvement, implicating energy supply as one possible
mechanism. These results represent proof of principle that complex
dietary supplements can provide powerful benefits for cognitive
function and brain aging.
PMID: 22120182 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]