Francois LE COAT writes:
> It's possible to reconstruct visible relief, and trajectory from the
> Ingenuity drone, using a simple video sequence. The monocular disparity
> is obtained by matching images with a reference, measuring optical-
> flow. The trajectory is obtained using parameters of the perspective
> transformation describing successive images...
> <>
> Since April 19, 2021, the Ingenuity helicopter sent to Mars hasn't
> stopped flying over the planet. It was expected taking off only
> 5 times, to demonstrate that it was possible. In fact, we are in
> February 2022, and a final realization of 19th flight over Mars, was
> attempted. The measurements we take correspond to the 18th flight
> over planet Mars, dated 15 December 2021.
> The localization of the piloting assistance camera which is obtained,
> is not perfect. The lens of this camera has a radial distortion, what
> is not taken into account by the perspective kinematics model.
Mars. There's no GPS satellite system on the planet, and a very little
by Simeon Schmauß. That's because video are too sparse when it is