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Jun 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/16/00

Posted to sci.geo.geology and it.scienza.geologia
_ _ _From someone who is certainly well acquainted indeed with the
Australian Geology !!!. _ _ _

Dear Sirs,
Well it seems I am causing a stir ! You are all clinging to that Glaciations
Theories which does not account in the last for what can be observed i.e the
starting point of the theories the Glacial Moraines.
- That's fine to me and I fully understand since the whole geological
theories are like a castle of cards and if one is pulled off, the whole
structure comes down.
Tectonic plates, Continental drift, Orogenesis, Earth Genesis on that very
same orbit through randon collision of meteorites, self-generated
magnetism, oil genesis, water genesis ... etc.
- That's fine to me since because of those blinkers you are wearing, you
were completely unable to perceive the interest of my theory of " Cyclonic
granulometric pattern of Pleistocene sedimentation " which I confirm
through world wide observation. ( BTW I am entering all data in a GIS and
what appears is truly amazing since as it demonstrates the whole so-called
Glaciations process to have been a dynamic process of immense magnitude;
for which the poor Glaciers cannot be blamed at all )
- That's fine to me since as geologists you were unable to anticipate those
huge " submarine gold placer deposits of the South Atlantic " I have
discovered and whose reserves I estimate between 30 to 40 millions of tons.
Incidently there are some more in the North Pacific. I even anticipate that
a well-equiped ship willl be able to pull out between 10 to 100 tons of gold
a day and, this will be a chance for the border countries like Brasil and
Argentina as well as for some very geologically dynamic country like Italy
by example. Diamonds can be also be picked up from under the sea in great
quantity, since the sea through his currents and especilly through that
event which created what I call " Cyclonic granulometric pattern of
Pleistocene sedimentation " has also concentrated those material in relation
to their respective indice of buoyancy. I have as well found a way to pin
point the placer exactly !!!!! I tell you something gentlemen : within 10
years 10 millions tons of gold will have been pulled from under the South
Atlantic Ocean.
- That's fine to me since I am not going to waste time in sterile religious
geological arguties...

Personally I have always been a finder not a researcher. For example in
terms of finding water since I fully understand the genesis of water - born
in continuous from the rock under the crust - raising under fantastic
pressure and emerging in any part of the world ; I can assure you no
desalinisation plant is useful anywhere in the world and especially in any
island. The waste of money you induce people into, you people, is truly
fantastic ! The day of danger will be when sea water permeate under
continent, this will indicate the primal water pressure is insufficient and
that world is doomed to pass. It will show we have drifted out of the range
in relation to the our mother star - the Sun - where life is possible on
this earth and this will be end. I know, I know !!! You are on that 2000
years old logic of the Roman Vitellius's concept concerning the apparent
cycle of water ! The eternal story of the hen and the egg ! Yes, this is
excellent and just for you ! This is fine for your level of primary
understanding, just keep it !

Finally and this is terrible responsability you are having in relation to
eartquakes predictions ! A responsibility which armed with you desuete
theories and completede misundertanding, you are truly completely unable to
assume !!! AGREED !
For example you are completely unable to anticipate the terrible Sydney
earthquake coming at the time of the SOG. I see it as a very SOGGY SOG
indeed with a repliqua to which I estimate being a major earthquake - 8 on
Richter scale - generating a tidal wave of some 40m high coming in at
between 200 & 300Km/hour and going probably 50 Km inland. I am the only one
presently to warn people in time and this will probably save 1 000 000
lives. You don't probably know it, but Sydney is a major earthquake
line and we are coming to a solar max right at the time of the SOG + many
other things I know about.
I will tell you something, some years back there was an earthquake in
Northern Spain - in the Asturies exactly - There was a coal mine and knowing
that I advised some people that the miners should be pulled from the mine
for at least a fortnight - until the so-called coal gas had time to emerge -
Nothing was done and the result was 40 miners dead. Oh, yes I got to teach
you something ! The origin of coal is Oil and when due to earth movement
those oil domes are fractured 3 things happen.
1) The oil raises in the folded material and this is the type of mines we
can observe in most of the world.
2) It raises to the surface and either
a) it is under the water and it produces the massive deposits we know of.
b) it is on surface and it burns and generates the immense areas of burned
stones we can observed in Saudia Arabia or elsewhere.
Yes, Yes !!! I know all about your tale concerning the fern ! Enough with
those Fernies Tales !!!

As a reminder the 1st of November 1755 Lisbon was completely destroyed by a
scenario of the order I anticipate for the SOG !
On the 27th of July the town of Tangshan near Pekin was entirely destroyed
by 7.6 Richter scale earthquake and the result was 900 000 deads. This quake
was produced by Nevada underground atomic explosion as one of Canada
Greatest Scientist Prof G. Whitford has since demonstrated conclusively.
This quakes took the Chinese by surprise and it had been induced by man-made
folly and misunderstanding of the Geology of our Earth..
However the Chinese had anticipated on the 4th of February 1975 7.3 Richter
scale earthquake of Haicheng and saved a population of 3 millions of people.
The Chinese method of anticipation is extremely valid and the Tangshan
earthquake did not prove it at fault - as I know now -

What are you going to do to prove or to disprove the major SOG earthquake I
anticipate !!!
Will you prevent all these millions of people to congregate at the SOG to
meet certain death ????

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Hydro and Mining Prospector
Pioneer of Australian Mining
The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths

Brian Sandle

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00

SPEEWAH TEAM LEADER <Newmont/Newcrest/> wrote:

: Posted to sci.geo.geology and it.scienza.geologia

And to MOST of the other newsgroups, except it seems sci.geo.earthquakes.
I first read it on Maybe there is some sort of
message for the body's preparedness for or detection of approach of

I wonder if the new spelling `SYNEY' is to get around a kill file.

: *************************************

: _ _ _From someone who is certainly well acquainted indeed with the
: Australian Geology !!!. _ _ _

: NOW !

: As a reminder the 1st of November 1755 Lisbon was completely destroyed by a
: scenario of the order I anticipate for the SOG !
: On the 27th of July the town of Tangshan near Pekin was entirely destroyed
: by 7.6 Richter scale earthquake and the result was 900 000 deads. This quake
: was produced by Nevada underground atomic explosion as one of Canada
: Greatest Scientist Prof G. Whitford has since demonstrated conclusively.


Article: 784 of
From: (dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe)
Subject: Nuclear Bomb Tests and their relationship to Earthquakes
Summary: Is Nuclear Testing Triggering Earthquakes and Volcanic
Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1992 16:36:38 GMT
Lines: 237
Only five days earlier the French had tested a bomb in the Mururoa
atoll in the Pacific. Four days later the United States tested a bomb
in Nevada. Twenty-four hours later the earthquake hit China.

: This quakes took the Chinese by surprise

Qinlong was prepared.

The following URL no longer exists, maybe the whole article is elsewhere:

An example of Best Practices in Public Administration Events Analysis






[many lines detailing build up of preparedness cut]

"On 28 July 1976 at 3:42 a.m. an EQ of a magnitude of 7.8 occurred in
Tangshan in the northeastern part of China. The hypocenter was
directly under the city of Tangshan at a depth of 11 km. The seismic
intensity at the epicenter measured XI. People were fast asleep when
the EQ struck. Lightning flashed across the sky and the earth rumbled
ominously seconds before the earth began to shake. In a matter of
seconds an industrial city of a million people was reduced to rubble.
About 240.000 people perished, and some 7000 families were completely
obliterated. This catastrophe not only shook China but stunned the

Knowledge and preparation reduce loss of life; officials can empower
the public to save their own lives.

July 28 3:42 am

Qinglong County

County residents are aware and prepared by the time GTE strikes.

(Note: Qinglong County is located 115 km from Tangshan.)

1. 1 DEATH ONLY (due to heart condition).
2. Animals are safe.
3. County sustains maximum damage of intensity VIII (8). Residents
at Wen Quan Village hear and experience the destructive power of
the EQ as large sections of the historic 1000-year-old Great Wall
split and crash down from nearby hilltops.
4. 7,000 buildings collapse totally.
5. 180,000 buildings are damaged.
6. At county middle school, roof shifts and walls collapse, but no
loss of life.
7. Some residents want to return to homes to escape heavy rains, but
civil defense insist on staying in tents during aftershock

Relevant knowledge supports mitigation of disasters.

July 28 3:42 am

Agricultural meeting in Qinglong City

More than 800 meeting attendees able to exit urban building complex,
avoiding serious injury

One attendee misses the lecture on EQ safety held at county
headquarters on the evening of July 27 and hence does not leave the
building in the safest manner; he is cut by breaking glass.

Survivors of disasters can play a significant role as rescuers.

July 28 3:42 am

Dr. Dong Wu

Wakes relatives at first rumbling and runs outside; lifts two
relatives out of their home through an open window before building

1. Saves himself and his relative's entire family.
2. Drives 180 km to find functioning hospital for one injured
relative; stays to help injured at hospital for four days.
3. Qinglong County officials, who had sent Dr. Dong to Tangshan on
medical business, dispatch a search car which finds him on the
7th day; they bring him back to his much-relieved family in

Well-prepared local survivors can be the first to assist during a

July 28

Qinglong County

Immediately organizes a rescue effort: within 5 hours after EQ, sends
first medical team to the disaster zone.

1. Sends the first rescue team that reaches Tangshan after the M=7.8
(mainshock) EQ.
2. In total, three rescue teams are sent.
3. Receives injured at county hospitals.
4. Supplies, water and food are sent to Tangshan; production is

EQs continue to create havoc after mainshock; close cooperation
between public administrators, scientists and lay public is essential
to minimize damage and loss of life.

Limiting damage requires collaborative action.

July 28 onwards, for 6 months


1. Large aftershocks, M=6.2 and M=7.1, occur on July 28; many
significant EQs occur for months after the M=7.8 mainshock.
2. Aftershocks define EQ rupture zone; region of damage is centered
on Tangshan and stretches radially for 200 km.
3. Heavy rains follow mainshock.

1. M=7.1 aftershock destroys almost all of the remaining buildings
left standing after the mainshock. Survivors re-build four times,
with efforts often destroyed by aftershocks.
2. Aftershock activity causes many more deaths and injuries.
3. Heavy rains impede rescue efforts, adding to the death toll.
4. As many as 400,000 live outdoors.
5. Careful questioning of lay public by teams of scientists after
M=7.8 mainshock provides invaluable data on EQ precursors,
enabling rescuers to organize their efforts around the
aftershocks. (In the village of Yangguanlin, the observations of
children lead scientists to predict the Ninghe M=6.9 aftershock.)

From EQ ashes, a new city arises; public administrators, scientists
and lay public continue to learn from GTE. Crisis provides
opportunity for learning.

From 1976 to 1986


1. Rebuilding begins in damaged region almost immediately.
2. New building codes protect to EQ intensity level VIII (8).
3. Historic sites designated to educate officials, scientists and
lay public on EQs.
4. Monument and museum built by Tangshan City in memory of GTE

1. Some schools open in the streets after one month; some factories
begin production within two weeks.
2. One million sheds house survivors for six months after the EQ.
3. After 7 years, people return to normal housing.
4. After 10 years, all buildings are reconstructed except for 7
historical sites, which are preserved as examples of the
destructive power of EQs.

&copy1996 United Nations Global Programme for the Integration of
Public Administration and the Science of Disasters (UN Department for
Development Support and Management Services).

Information used in the chronology on Qinglong County is drawn from
interviews with the county during field visits in September 1995 and
July 1996. Many of the statistics and some of the quotations come
from the following books and newspaper articles:

Chen, Y., T. Kam-ling, F. Chen, Z. Gao, Q. Zou and Z. Chen. 1988. THE
Press; 153 pp. (in English).

Qian, G. 1986. THE GREAT TANGSHAN EARTHQUAKE. Liberation Army
Literature and Art Publishing House (in Chinese).

Qian, G. 1989. THE GREAT CHINA EARTHQUAKE. Beijing: Foreign Languages
Press; 354 pp. (in English).

Wang, C. 1991. "Recollections of the Great Tangshan Earthquake".
Section on Disasters and Society, CHINA EARTHQUAKE NEWS. July 25: p.
3 (in Chinese).

Wang, J. 1991. "Our Qinglong County did prepare for the Great
Tangshan Earthquake". Section on Disasters and Society, CHINA
EARTHQUAKE NEWS. July 25: p. 3 (in Chinese).

Documentation research by the United Nations involved over 200
written documents, signed and notarized by the residents and
officials of Qinglong County who survived and still remember the
Great Tangshan Earthquake (GTE) of 1976. The majority of these
documents were written in 1991, in preparation for the 15th
anniversary of the GTE.

buttonReturn to The Qinglong County Story

and it had been induced by man-made
: folly and misunderstanding of the Geology of our Earth..
: However the Chinese had anticipated on the 4th of February 1975 7.3 Richter
: scale earthquake of Haicheng and saved a population of 3 millions of people.
: The Chinese method of anticipation is extremely valid and the Tangshan
: earthquake did not prove it at fault - as I know now -

: What are you going to do to prove or to disprove the major SOG earthquake I
: anticipate !!!
: Will you prevent all these millions of people to congregate at the SOG to
: meet certain death ????

: Jean-Paul Turcaud
: Hydro and Mining Prospector
: Pioneer of Australian Mining
: The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
: Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths


Stanley Sramek

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
Brian Sandle:


>I wonder if the new spelling `SYNEY' is to get around a kill file.


Well, it certainly got around mine. -:-{

Stanley Sramek
Houston, Texas

Brian Farrelly

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
Stanley Sramek wrote:

> Brian Sandle:
> <snip>

> >I wonder if the new spelling `SYNEY' is to get around a kill file.

> <snip>

There is a useful book on the Australian language entitled 'Let Stalk

-- Norsk Hydro Research Centre
phone +47 55 99 68 74 ((( Postboks 7190
fax +47 55 99 69 70 2oooS N-5020 Bergen
home +47 55 13 78 49 HYDRO Norway

Brian Sandle

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Brian Farrelly <> wrote:
: Stanley Sramek wrote:

:> Brian Sandle:
:> <snip>
:> >I wonder if the new spelling `SYNEY' is to get around a kill file.
:> <snip>

: There is a useful book on the Australian language entitled 'Let Stalk
: Strine'

(Now you've got me on to funzy logic wondering about Newz Ild.)

gives the big Qinlong preparedness build up, and searching for sandle & qinlong brings up some comments on this
weighty subject from Roger Musson, Bill Smith, Denis Gentry and Gerard Fryer.

Johnti Rhodes

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00

>>I wonder if the new spelling `SYNEY' is to get around a kill file.
>Well, it certainly got around mine. -:-{

if the norm of this group is to attack aussies then fuck the lot of ya's!
I'll just use university contacts and web sites to glean up-to-date research
and debates on geology.

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Hey, for what it's worth, I like Vegemite. I have a jar of it in my

In article <ERd45.82$>,
"Johnti Rhodes" <> wrote:
> ><snip>

> >>I wonder if the new spelling `SYNEY' is to get around a kill file.

> ><snip>
> >
> >Well, it certainly got around mine. -:-{
> >
> >
> if the norm of this group is to attack aussies then fuck the lot of
> I'll just use university contacts and web sites to glean up-to-date
> and debates on geology.
> >--
> >Stanley Sramek
> >Houston, Texas

Sent via
Before you buy.


Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Well, you have drifted quite a long way off course.
No concern obviously about some way to anticipate Major Quakes; as the one
I see overlapping the time of the SOG ( Sydney Olympic Games )
The epicenter I estimate is most likely to be located some 50 km out at sea
North East of Sydney.
What would you recommend you fellows to anticipate such major Quake coming
at such an incredible time ???? What are your tools of anticipation ???

Also and this is directed to Stan, there is a major research going on about
the 'Horrid Glaciation Myth' and this is going right on that site.
You said QUOTE ... I'll just use university contacts and web sites to glean
up-to-date research and debates on geology ... UNQUOTE
I am afraid you poor university contacts are completely unaware of that
issue and will only confort you in all of your gluey bluey Geological


Jean-Paul Turcaud
Hydro and Mining Prospector
Pioneer of Australian Mining
The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths

<> a écrit dans le message :

James F. Cornwall

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Johnti Rhodes wrote:
> ><snip>

> >>I wonder if the new spelling `SYNEY' is to get around a kill file.
> ><snip>
> >
> >Well, it certainly got around mine. -:-{
> >
> >
> if the norm of this group is to attack aussies then fuck the lot of ya's!
> I'll just use university contacts and web sites to glean up-to-date research
> and debates on geology.
> >--
> >Stanley Sramek
> >Houston, Texas

The norm in this group is to have flame wars between idiots and
anti-idiots, with some actual geology slipping thru the cracks.... Some
of the idiots are Aussies, some of the anti-idiots are too. If you
think the norm is just to attack Aussies then you haven't been lurking
long enough or paying close enough attention.

Cool your jets and don't be so quick to be defensive. Do you have
anything geological to contribute to the group?

Jim Cornwall
(hydrogeology grad student)

Brian Sandle

Jun 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/25/00
: Well, you have drifted quite a long way off course.

: No concern obviously about some way to anticipate Major Quakes; as the one
: I see overlapping the time of the SOG ( Sydney Olympic Games )
: The epicenter I estimate is most likely to be located some 50 km out at sea
: North East of Sydney.
: What would you recommend you fellows to anticipate such major Quake coming
: at such an incredible time ???? What are your tools of anticipation ???

Maybe we are to be serious about this.

But might I have a bit of fun?

I read a book called `Vanishings' which stated that persons with missing
time have come to in cities whose names have some phonetic connection.

I haven't spent much time developing the theory of phonetics being part
of another dimension. It would be part of what I call `funzy logic'.

Some years ago a business consultant, now deceased, with surname Brown or
Browne, I think, was on TV forecasting a quake on what I think was the
Haywards fault. To my knowledge it did not happen but there was a mass
shooting about the time in New Zealand, near Heywoods Point.

I don't especially go for anagrams. But since it is the first time I have
seen `SOG' used it is the reverse of gos, the Russian for `big'. Are you
just seeing a `landslide' Olympic victory against the usual winners, the
fromer USSR?

What does it look like to you after the `landslide'? What feelings are about?

Where do you get your 50 from? But north might be a hemisphere and east a
political flavour.

You say you have predicted a lot which came true. Maybe you have
something or maybe you have predicted a tremendous amount and only tell
us when you get a hit. Tell us, if you are serious, your total list of
misses. You may have worried a lot of people.

: Also and this is directed to Stan, there is a major research going on about

: the 'Horrid Glaciation Myth' and this is going right on that site.

: You said QUOTE ... I'll just use university contacts and web sites to glean
: up-to-date research and debates on geology ... UNQUOTE

: I am afraid you poor university contacts are completely unaware of that
: issue and will only confort you in all of your gluey bluey Geological
: beliefs
: Regards

: --

: Jean-Paul Turcaud
: Hydro and Mining Prospector
: Pioneer of Australian Mining
: The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
: Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths

: <> a écrit dans le message :



Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
Hello Brian,

I just read you comments and I have to state I haven't made any prediction
in the sense of a prophetic type of statement.
The thing I anticipated once was the 40 deaths in a Spanish coal mine - not
the value - but the real danger of remaining working in a coal mine after a
well recorded Earth quake.

According to my theories the origin of coal ( not of course peat and
lignite ) are the broken oil domes and where we find these coal mines in
folded zone with all these veins; my understanding is that if coal gas ( in
fact oil gas ) still trapped in the oil dome way below is allowed to rise
through a Quake and then permeate the coal exploitation - this could be the
cause of a major explosion - and casualties galore. This is this processus
which according to me produced all these poor people deaths in that Spanish

Concerning that coal mine indeed I tried to warn people in time, but was
not heard.

Now concerning the Major Sydney Quake I anticipate, I am also well certain
not to be heard. According to my theories again, we are in a configuration
of Universal pressure with an Earth in expansion. It follows that we have
therefore a cyclic displacement of Quake alongside the main recorded sismic
line. My estimation is that Sydney is good for it now and I cannot stop
warning people of it, as I see it coming big as a road train. No one I know
share my views on that Law of Universal Pressure and on many other things as
well. I believe however to be my duty as an Australian Mining Pioneer to
not only warn people of what is most likely to happen - in my view - but:
1) To share with them my knowledge of the Rousseau system of Quake
2) To validate the Chinese system of observation of the fauna ( confirmed
by the BEVincent method )
3) To give some of these people ( who will listen ) some procedure to put
their loved ones away just for that period overlapping the last Equinox of
the Millenium
4) To ask them to be a bit more humble in relation to the type of warning
the Geological SciOOnce can give them.

Now you comment on phonetic connection is most interesting and I am a bit
puzzled by your way to look at it . On the other hand I believe there is no

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Hydro and Mining Prospector
Pioneer of Australian Mining
The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths

Brian Sandle <> a écrit dans le message :

> : Well, you have drifted quite a long way off course.
> : No concern obviously about some way to anticipate Major Quakes; as the


Limestone Cowboy

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
You seem to be out to become infamous rather than famous by means of
refuting theories, however so far we have seen little evidence of your
theories which replace the longer standing and proven ones.

> According to my theories the origin of coal ( not of course peat and
> lignite )

Have you been indulging in too much Pernod perhaps?

I can hardly wait!

How many more exceptions to your theory are there.

There is enough fossil and sedimentological evidence regarding the origin of
coal seams. Please remember to understand the existing theory and the
nature of these deposits before refuting the way they were formed.


Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00

"Limestone Cowboy" <> wrote in message
Limestone, he is really a hopping green thingy that speaks like cagle,


Jun 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/28/00

La Rochelle on the 28th of June 2000


Oh, Oh Seismos !

Indeed the only thing you can do is to indulge in free insulting behaviour
and running down your opposition by loss of words to defend your creeds.
You are also that mean little character writing "ribbit" at the end of my
messages, you sneaking, slinking, snooping little FROG !

Don't take that line with me mate as I will teach you the basics of Physics
and of Geology . Right ! How many Mining discoveries have you behind you
mean little
bastard to talk to me in those terms ! Tell us !

I have quite a few myself and some of them I am certainly not in the mood
to disclose ! What understanding have you provided
on the observed phenomenae of the Earth except by spitting out what you
have been passively taught ! Have you once in your life thought for yourself
bloody bugger
about the incoherence of the Carboniferous era with all these mountains of
fern buried and found reduced to oil at depths of 2000 to 3000m down the
ground. Are
you completely mad with all your Horrid Geological Myths ! What evidence
have got to produce if not the evidence of fools and brainwashed twits
refusing the most
basic understanding of phenomenae provided by Mechanical, Fluid, Process
Engineering etc and further in complete contradiction to ALL data provided
by ALL the
Land Surveyors. Have you and any of you worked out or requested from the
Certified Land Surveyors the land profile, path and SLOPE of your stupid
glaciers ?
You know what I am talking about don't you i.e the LAND PROFILE AND SLOPE
wchich your stupid Glaciers followed to bring in any one of those Moraines
so-called Glacial till material coming from all over the places and in some
occasion from 5,000 miles away ! You know and I know the answer ! That
answer is NO,
NO, NEVER since alone this request to Certified Land Surveyors would bring
your HORRID GLACIAL MYTHS splasing on the ground !!!

Don't give me that line bloody sod ! I AM the one who is going to teach you
your basis in Physics and Geology as a Hydro and Mining prospector with
quite a few
discoveries behind me. So don't give me that line indeed you condescending
twit ! I HAVE the highest credentials to my name indeed, admitting being a
slow learner !!!
Indeed it took me nearly fifty ( 50) years to realise the complete HORROR
and MINDLESSNESS of your HORRID GEOLOGICAL MYTHS !!!! And as yet none of
bastards has yet achieved that High Level indeed of awareness !!!!

Also, how many water wells were drilled on your indication and producing
good ( i.e reduced, acidic, high resistivity ) water were made. Where it
takes a team
of geologists like you a year to find aquifers, a good mining prospector -
as I am - takes at the most an hour in all. Where no aquifers are found then
you hopeless
twits are at loss to find water at all ! Right ? ALL RIGHT ?
Just see what horrid schemes your Horrid
Geological Mis-understanding of the true Genesis of water are generating in
the world . Indeed going miles to get what you stupidly call fossil water
while uprise
primal water is just down near to be tapped . Look at the horrid Lybia water
scheme going 400 km into the desert to get some so-called fossil water while
free water
is rightly available on the coast - as I have personally discovered ! Look
at what we got right here in WA with this horrid scheme bringing water
from the Perth
area reservoirs in WA up to 500 km inland to Kalgoorlie and Kambalda. Don't
give me that line again your fool, as I can run you to the ground any time
and anyone
of your bloody colleagues too !
How many islands are polluted by your horrid geological theories on water
ressources and unable to obtain - thanks to those mad Glacier minds of
ours - nothing
else but desalinised water !!! Further more that miserable desalinised water
is completely polluted with heavy metals and passived by a line of chemicals
nocivity is certainly to be demonstrated ( I know so well since as an
analyst I am aware of all the shit thrown to make so-called drinking water -
to my shame I have
to admit I have done it )
... And the same for some desertic regions of the world where you mad
theories are inforced, unabling people to get that water which is present
and readily available
in the ground below the polluted salty water table !!!

Give us your pedigree mate ! Give us your discoveries in term of either
mineral deposits or water wells ! Mines is all open and visible on my sites
If you got nothing to show, and I am certain of that from your bragging
tone, just piss off Seismos ! Bugger off idiot and just try to think for
yourself for once !
Don't bring condescending twits your bloody SciOOnce to bear on people
especially on Mining prospector of my kind, so as to prevent anyone pointing
incoherence of your bloody Orthodox theories.

When I realise I very nearly became one of yours and it's only thanks to
the lying-thieving companies of Newmont/Newcrest and BHP ( as well as
others )
that I escaped the horrid geological brainswashing fate in stock for me at
the WA University Faculty of Geology, I am truly shaking in fear and ALL IN

PS You don't have to compare me to Mr Charles Cagle, I am as nasty on my own
right and I promise you something bugger, ( and buggers ) my intention is to
run all
of your HORRID GEOLOGICAL MYTHS to the ground. It follows you can insult me
directly without Mr Cagle getting any of the splash out ; he is getting
enough as
it is from your bastards !!!! I am also taking objection to that
assimilation and want to be insulted just for myself ! Please take note !!!

PPS I expect to see that Reety face to face in La Rochelle one day and give
him a non-stop one month debucking about all your Horrid Geological Creeds.
This is
the one on the lot which appears to me to have somehow the most shaking
Geological Faith and I suspect he is just toadying ( as the toad he is )
the lot of you guys simply because he lacks self-confidence to think for
himself and side with me !


Jean-Paul Turcaud
Hydro and Mining Prospector
Pioneer of Australian Mining
The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths

Seismos <> a écrit dans le message :


Jun 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/28/00
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 10:41:07 +0200, "SPEWAH TEAM LEADER"
<> wrote:

>PPS I expect to see that Reety face to face in La Rochelle one day and give
>him a non-stop one month debucking about all your Horrid Geological Creeds.

Great Expectations - How Dickensian of you

>This is
> the one on the lot which appears to me to have somehow the most shaking
>Geological Faith

You mean like an earthquake or something???

> and I suspect he is just toadying ( as the toad he is )

The true toads are characterized by warty skin, large eyes with
horizontal pupils, unwebbed front hands, large paratoid glands near
the ear and bony ridges on the head. All toads skin contain toxic
substances that make them unpalatable to most predators. Most toads
are nocturnal, and tend to burrow or hide by day.

Yep, Thats Me!!

>the lot of you guys simply because he lacks self-confidence to think for
>himself and side with me !

Think for myself and side with you??? Then I wouldn't be thinking for
myself, I would be siding with you instead.

Speaking of herpetology::

How do frogs manage to lay so many eggs ?
They sit eggsaminations !

What do earth expansionists and bullfrogs have in common ?
Both have big heads that consist mostly of mouth !

What jumps up and down in front of a car ?
Froglights !

Where do frogs keep their money ?
In a river bank !

What happened when a frog joined the cricket team ?
He bowled long hops !

Whats green and goes round and round at 100 miles an hour ?
A frog in a blender !

Whats yellow and goes round and round at 100 miles an hour ?
A mouldy frog in a blender !

Why was the frog down in the mouth ?
He was un hoppy !

How do frogs die ?
They kermit suidide !

What's a frogs favourite flower ?
A croakus !

Whats a frogs favourite game ?
It's croak-et !

What do you get if you cross a frog and a dog ?
A croaker spaniel !

What kind of shoes to frogs like ?
Open toad sandals !

Why doesn't Kermit the Frog like elephants ?
They always want to play leap frog with him !

Why is a frog luckier than a cat ?
Because a frog croaks all the time but a cat only gets to croak nine
times !

What do toads drink ?
Croaka-cola !

What do frogs drink ?
Hot croako !

What's green a slimy and found at the North Pole ?
A lost frog !

What do you call a 100 year old frog ?
An old croak !

What do you get if cross a frog with some mist ?
Kermit the Fog !

Whats white on the outside, green on the inside and comes with relish
and onions ?
A hot frog !

What happens if you eat a hot frog ?
You'll croak in no time !

What's green and tough ?
A toad with a machine gun !

Where do you get frogs eggs ?
At the spawn shop !

Why didn't the female frog lay eggs ?
Because her husband spawned her affections !


Robert Norton

Jun 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/28/00

> Also, how many water wells were drilled on your indication and producing
> good ( i.e reduced, acidic, high resistivity ) water were made. Where it
> takes a team
> of geologists like you a year to find aquifers, a good mining prospector -
> as I am - takes at the most an hour in all. Where no aquifers are found then
> you hopeless
> twits are at loss to find water at all ! Right ? ALL RIGHT ?

They could use your talents in Texas...


Jun 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/29/00
Well poor chap ! I thought there was something wrong with you but I did not
think it was that bad !
Have you been bewitched or something ?
By the way Reety you haven't replied in my answer to Seismos to the element
of interest related to certified land Surveyors and the different types of
engineering I was referring to !
Running away from main issue as fast as your Glaciers ! As usual

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Hydro and Mining Prospector
Pioneer of Australian Mining
The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths

Reety <> a écrit dans le message :

> On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 10:41:07 +0200, "SPEWAH TEAM LEADER"
> <> wrote:



Jun 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/29/00
Well Robert, I had a look at:
§§ The Ogallala Aquifer, also known as the "High Plains Aquifer," is the
buried erosional remnant of the Rocky Mountains. The aquifer stretches from
the Texas Panhandle northward to South Dakota "snip" §§§
This is wonderful job which has been carried out.
You have all the answers it seems !
Where is the problem ?

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Hydro and Mining Prospector
Pioneer of Australian Mining
The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths

Robert Norton <> a écrit dans le message :

> > Also, how many water wells were drilled on your indication and producing
> > good ( i.e reduced, acidic, high resistivity ) water were made. Where it
> > takes a team
> > of geologists like you a year to find aquifers, a good mining
prospector -
> > as I am - takes at the most an hour in all. Where no aquifers are found
> > you hopeless
> > twits are at loss to find water at all ! Right ? ALL RIGHT ?

Robert Norton

Jun 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/29/00

> Where is the problem ?

The water level has gone down 100 ft in places, (60 ft in a lot of places) and
they could use more water to irrigate all that land that they have. If somebody
could show the farmers there where to dig to get unlimited water, preferably
without having to pump it up from so deep, they could make a bundle of money
very quickly.


Jun 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/30/00
Then call me on my private mail Robert , I'll see what I can do !
Further I am in direct touch with Knet on that matter of Quakes anticipation
with the Rousseau method.
Kind regards

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Hydro and Mining Prospector
Pioneer of Australian Mining
The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20Th Century
Refutation Of The Horrid Geological Myths

Robert Norton <> a écrit dans le message :

Robert Norton

Jun 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/30/00

> Then call me on my private mail Robert , I'll see what I can do !
> Further I am in direct touch with Knet on that matter of Quakes anticipation
> with the Rousseau method.

I'm in Wisconsin, we are up to our armpits (literally in some cases) in excess
water right now.

Australia Psychedelics

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