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Plane crash kills

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Mar 25, 2015, 3:40:26 AM3/25/15
An airliner has gone down in the Alps killing 140 people:

I got up early this morning after waking up too warm to sleep. Unusually warm weather is a signal in itself that there is a large earthquake due. Over in there has been talk for some time about electronic problems interrupting forecasts or data support.

I haven't suffered with anything like that yet, so that's a first (unless you count the annoyance of losing that one chart in the NA_EFS which is hardly on the same scale as a major traffic accident like the above.)

Further signalling:
List of earthquakes in the medium range is as long as I have seen it in a while.

No significant pair or triple adjacent consecutive events as is normal after a storm. There are a few smaller swarms but following a significant period of Tropical storms that included Pam there should have been a more noteworthy closure.

The lunar declination is at maximum north tomorrow which may explain the warms. There are no strong signals on the North Atlantic chart. Nor is there an report of incidents with ferries capsizing. There was one such news item from 15 March; ten days out of spell.

Personally I was thinking tornadic stuff more likely, from the look of the Southern Ocean. It would be trite to say condolences to the families of the people lost but one just can't say nothing. This thread is not the place.

Mar 25, 2015, 12:38:58 PM3/25/15
FLY n DIE....prob is was that sophisticated terrorism and from whom ? The Danes ?

look at unknown known factors, I will be thru Norman during the season.

Reports were issued yesterday on Global Warming reducing all convective systems including the Gulf Stream as yawl run down on oil.

The conclusion of that is world famine while urall freezing your buns off.

Oklahoma quakes were abt 50 yesterday. We saw 2-3 periods bottoming out with no quakes then yesterday with an interesting line up below Mt Lassen, California following wetness thru drought on the wet side with deep drought continuing on the west side.

I didn't look at the WX charts duh


Mar 26, 2015, 4:27:55 AM3/26/15
It is rare for such a phenomenon to occur without a companion earthquake of suitable size. However the earthquake signal should have been a cyclone with a slew of occlusions and occluded fronts giving due warning on the western side of the Mid Atlantic Ridge over at least three days with clear dart-boarding.

Instead we got what looked like it could have been tornado signals had the anticyclones remained in place over Greenland.
I never checked the Noon charts output for the North Atlantic. BoM on the other hand seemed quite clear on the subject. Tornadoes -sort of but overlaid on a chart that clearly shows tropical storms or and it is a big or, something of an interference pattern that takes place every equinoc.

What I was doing besides ignoring everything was wondering what the name of the next Philippines strom was going to be (it will be Chedeng or Maysak, I believe.) The Mauna Kea observatory model first gave warning of that a few days ago. Today it got serious:

It should be a named storm on the 30th March and be a typhoon later that day or early 1 March 2015. It doesn't look like lasting long, starting cyclosis on the evening of the first or by midnight the next day at the latest. It will be a typhoon until noon on the third reaching the Philippines as a tropical depression.

There seems to be a developing system below it as the data on the chart runs out.

The tornadoes that struck Arkinsaw and Oklahoma last night are on the chart for the 25th which is still showing (Norman time.)

Tornado Reports (CSV) (Raw Tornado CSV)(?)
Time Location County State Lat Lon Comments


2230 2 N CLIFTY MADISON AR 3627 9380 (TSA)





2356 INOLA ROGERS OK 3615 9551 (TSA)


I have just looked at the North Atlantic charts for noon 25 March 2015 and I would not have given a warning of tornadoes from them. They DO show a pair of anticyclones through which a pair of parallel fronts are running. I would have just warned of two severe medium quakes with a shared epicentre appearing consecutively on the list of quakes:


06:41 36.38 71.98 5 Mb. PAKISTAN
06:34 39.8 73.5 4.2 Mb. Tajikistan-Xinjiang bor

06:29 43.7 145.9 4 Mb. Hokkaido, Japan region
00:34 42.42 142.98 5.1 Mb. HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION

Hardly what I would have suggested.

Still it is a time of change in the hemispheres. I may not be all that useful as a thaumaturge in the deNada spells but look at the alternative:

Lost sheep bleeting quasi-scientific terms as though by their many words they will be heard:

Mar 26, 2015, 10:30:59 AM3/26/15
Oklahoma's quake burst is in the lee of a hi/lo pressure shift and synchronous with the NA quake flow.

Germanwings crashed in the EQ lee above Nice. Venturing further fringeward, the co pilot's name is similar to one of the Pearl harbor radarmen

Our preceding opinion was tangentially mentioned by media.


Mar 27, 2015, 2:15:20 AM3/27/15
On Friday, 27 March 2015 05:37:15 UTC, Weatherlawyer wrote:

It has become apparent that the recent air crash in the Alps was a suicide murder:

Why the chief pilot felt the need to leave the cabin during a 2 hour flight isn't a question. People need to go to the toilet regardless of how brief a flight turns out to be.

People tend to be careless of others when they get a mental breakdown that requires their immediate suicide. How long it takes to get to that state and how many signals friends and acquaintances overlook and why? is also not a question.

Somebody in Britain once thought it would be a good idea to park on a railway to end it all. People make decisions that suit them alone all the time. That's not in question either. So what is a post about selfish circle jerks doing on this newsgroup?

Now that IS a good question.
When I wrote the following, I had no idea of the ramifications:

> "An airliner has gone down in the Alps killing 140 people:
> I got up early this morning after waking up too warm to sleep. Unusually warm weather is a signal in itself that there is a large earthquake due. Over in there has been talk for some time about electronic problems interrupting forecasts or data support.
> I haven't suffered with anything like that yet, so that's a first (unless you count the annoyance of losing that one chart in the NA_EFS which is hardly on the same scale as a major traffic accident like the above.)
> Further signalling:
> List of earthquakes in the medium range is as long as I have seen it in a while.
> No significant pair or triple adjacent consecutive events as is normal after a storm. There are a few smaller swarms but following a significant period of Tropical storms that included Pam there should have been a more noteworthy closure.
> The lunar declination is at maximum north tomorrow which may explain the warms. There are no strong signals on the North Atlantic chart. Nor is there an report of incidents with ferries capsizing. There was one such news item from 15 March; ten days out of spell.
> Personally I was thinking tornadic stuff more likely, from the look of the Southern Ocean. It would be trite to say condolences to the families of the people lost but one just can't say nothing. This thread is not the place."

Pointless though it is now, this is the time to offer what foolish condolences there are to those who are feeling bitter and sad today, for whatever reason.

There is nothing more to be said about any of it save the following:
News of the type of disaster was first available to any weather fan had they dared to dream -or as in this case, consider a nightmare. Such a thing only occurred to me just now as I listened to the news for the first time in months.

This is not a chart that signals earthquakes, far from it: It turned out to be a signal for tornadoes, not earthquakes.

What it is, is a useful tool for crime scene investigators.

Mar 28, 2015, 12:11:22 PM3/28/15


Mar 29, 2015, 6:28:06 AM3/29/15
On Thursday, 26 March 2015 08:27:55 UTC, Weatherlawyer wrote:
> On Wednesday, 25 March 2015 07:40:26 UTC, Weatherlawyer wrote:
> > An airliner has gone down in the Alps killing 140 people:
> >
> >
> >
> > I got up early this morning after waking up too warm to sleep. Unusually warm weather is a signal in itself that there is a large earthquake due. Over in there has been talk for some time about electronic problems interrupting forecasts or data support.
> >
> > I haven't suffered with anything like that yet, so that's a first (unless you count the annoyance of losing that one chart in the NA_EFS which is hardly on the same scale as a major traffic accident like the above.)
> >
> > Further signalling:
> > List of earthquakes in the medium range is as long as I have seen it in a while.
> >
> > No significant pair or triple adjacent consecutive events as is normal after a storm. There are a few smaller swarms but following a significant period of Tropical storms that included Pam there should have been a more noteworthy closure.
> >
> > The lunar declination is at maximum north tomorrow which may explain the warms. There are no strong signals on the North Atlantic chart. Nor is there an report of incidents with ferries capsizing. There was one such news item from 15 March; ten days out of spell.
> >
> > Personally I was thinking tornadic stuff more likely, from the look of the Southern Ocean. It would be trite to say condolences to the families of the people lost but one just can't say nothing. This thread is not the place.
> It is rare for such a phenomenon to occur without a companion earthquake of suitable size. However the earthquake signal should have been a cyclone with a slew of occlusions and occluded fronts giving due warning on the western side of the Mid Atlantic Ridge over at least three days with clear dart-boarding.
> Instead we got what looked like it could have been tornado signals had the anticyclones remained in place over Greenland.
> I never checked the Noon charts output for the North Atlantic. BoM on the other hand seemed quite clear on the subject. Tornadoes -sort of but overlaid on a chart that clearly shows tropical storms or and it is a big or, something of an interference pattern that takes place every equinoc.
> I was wondering what the name of the next Philippines strom was going to be (it will be Chedeng or Maysak, I believe.) The Mauna Kea observatory model first gave warning of that a few days ago. Today it got serious:
> It should be a named storm on the 30th March and be a typhoon later that day or early 1 March 2015. It doesn't look like lasting long, starting cyclosis on the evening of the first or by midnight the next day at the latest. It will be a typhoon until noon on the third reaching the Philippines as a tropical depression.
> There seems to be a developing system below it as the data on the chart runs out.

Today's puzzle children and anthropoids of various terms and terminology, is what, if any, relationship/series are these in:

2015/03/28 18:41 -7.19 128.51 5.0 Mb KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, IND
2015/03/28 18:18 2.06 126.67 4.6 Mb MOLUCCA SEA

But I can't see much in this:

2015/03/05 23:59 25.38 125.00 4.7 Mb SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISL.,
2015/03/14 13:48 25.08 125.24 4.6 Mb SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISL.,
2015/03/05 14:32 -7.17 125.93 4.7 Mb KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, IND
2015/03/07 16:38 5.64 126.19 4.7 Mb MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
2015/03/22 1:23 1.79 126.33 4.7 Mb MOLUCCA SEA
2015/03/27 13:56 1.47 126.36 5.3 Mb MOLUCCA SEA
2015/03/11 14:46 1.26 126.38 4.9 Mb MOLUCCA SEA
2015/03/06 6:41 4.07 126.38 4.8 Mb KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONES
2015/03/19 10:6 1.95 126.41 5.4 Mb MOLUCCA SEA
2015/03/05 12:11 9.97 126.43 4.7 Mb MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
2015/03/26 19:13 1.89 126.44 4.6 Mb MOLUCCA SEA
2015/03/17 22:12 1.66 126.49 6.2 M Northern Molucca Sea
2015/03/28 18:18 2.06 126.67 4.6 Mb MOLUCCA SEA
2015/03/26 16:46 5.91 126.68 5.0 Mb MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
2015/03/24 14:50 2.07 126.70 5.2 Mb MOLUCCA SEA
2015/03/13 18:19 0.60 126.75 4.7 Mb MOLUCCA SEA
2015/03/21 15:37 5.71 127.03 4.6 Mb PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
2015/03/14 18:39 4.05 127.05 4.7 Mb KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONES
2015/03/21 19:46 3.58 127.34 5.3 Mb KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONES
2015/03/28 1:19 5.01 127.43 4.6 Mb PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
2015/03/16 14:23 26.82 128.19 4.5 Mb RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
2015/03/21 0:44 2.51 128.27 4.8 Mb HALMAHERA, INDONESIA
2015/03/05 4:31 2.17 128.49 4.9 Mb HALMAHERA, INDONESIA
2015/03/28 18:41 -7.19 128.51 5.0 Mb KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, IND
2015/03/09 6:45 -7.48 128.85 5.3 Mb KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, IND
2015/03/25 13:59 -7.14 129.26 5.0 Mb KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESI
2015/03/07 0:58 -2.98 129.27 4.7 Mb SERAM, INDONESIA
2015/03/13 9:21 -7.03 129.28 4.6 Mb KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESI
2015/03/11 9:39 -6.60 129.82 4.9 Mb BANDA SEA

Sorted by longitude. Am I using the wrong column, omitting too much, including too much or what?

Data > Sort > Date?
Data > Sort > Latitude?


Jan 30, 2022, 10:09:25 PM1/30/22
What is all this about corruption in Queensland. Australia is an obviously a dictatorial place but finding out anything about anything there seem preposterously limited. Someone is doing something but what?

Instead of indicating support for only one candidate, voters in Queensland elections rank the candidates in order of preference. Ballots are initially counted for each voter's top choice.

If a candidate has more than half of the vote based on first-choices, that candidate wins. If not, then the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated. The voters who selected the defeated candidate as a first choice then have their votes added to the totals of their next choice.

This process continues until a candidate has more than half of the votes. When the field is reduced to two, it becomes an "instant runoff" that allows a comparison of the top two candidates head-to-head.

Queensland has a long tradition of domination by strong-willed, populist premiers, often accused of authoritarian tendencies, holding office for long periods.

I bet, china's control over all the ports along the coast that gets all its weather is causing something very naughty since before Sever Tropical Cyclone Pam about 2016 Tonga.
The advent of extreme tropicalcyclone Pam never existed:

But it bloody well did, it hit Tonga in March 2016

Severe Tropical Cyclone Pam second most intense South Pacific Ocean one of the worst natural disasters in the history of Vanuatu.[1] A total of 15–16 killed notably the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and New Zealand.

3rd most intense storm of the South Pacific Ocean according to pressure, after Winston of 2016 and Zoe of 2002.
2nd most intense tropical cyclone in 2015, behind Hurricane Patricia. Pam is tied with Orson, Monica, Marcus and Fantala for having the second strongest ten-minute maximum sustained winds in the Southern Hemisphere. Thousands of homes, schools and buildings were damaged or destroyed, with an estimated 3,300 people displaced as a result.

Pam formed on 6 March, east of the Solomon Islands tracked south, reaching tropical cyclone intensity 8 March reaching Category 5 cyclone status on both the Australian and Saffir–Simpson scales on 12 March.

Peak windst 250 km/h (155 mph) through Vanuatu 14 March, Pam's winds began to weaken, but its pressure dropped further to a minimum of 896 mbar (hPa; 26.46 inHg) before rising shortly afterwards weakening accelerated as it moved poleward. On 15 March, Pam passed northeast of New Zealand transitioning to an extratropical cyclone.

First sight: odd only shows up twice on the MetO charts.
Hell no, look for eruptions ongoing 20 March 2015. I had no idea what the signal for eruptions half a world away is. I am a slow learner the angels have been firing holy spirit at me all this time. I deserve a spanking.
My apologies to He stopped posting here some years back. He had learned that Boat Tailed Grackles could signal eruptions. He thought they were telling him about hunters shooting them. Probably the same signal.


Jan 31, 2022, 11:30:31 AM1/31/22
Just a wild guess: The road to Antarctica is paved with the South Sea Islands of the Pacific. Not only is it easier to hide Chinese shipping containers in the middle of the Pacific, people in the middle of nowhere are most likely easiest to subvert to useful idiocy.

The Ross ice Shelf is the key to glowballs if they can warm the ice down there, they control the weather everywhere else. Its likely not about earthquakes in one place after another, its about subverting ocean currents and melting ice.

You don't heat the oceans, you break the ice up so it gets out on the tides, likely that is what they did in the Arctic. there should be archival evidence.
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