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The science of Theodor Landscheidt

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Paul D. Farrar

Jul 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/23/00
I have been translating for my own amusement a work of Theodor
Landscheidt. My German isn't very good, so there may be minor
mistakes. I marked one sentence that baffles me. The part below is
only a small sample, he covers everything you can imagine -- orbital
mechanics to menstrual cycles to business cycles. All are connected
through the cosmic organizing function of the Golden Section (and the
related five-fold symmetry). If you wish to see the climatic
applications of this arcane craft, go to Landscheidt's papers at
Landscheidt provides a sizable part of the content of Daly's site. You
can find a solar-activity paper in the October 1999 issue of _Solar

The untranslated work was online, but it's been yanked in the past few
days after being up forever. He must suspect something. A copy is
still in Google's cache, since they're too busy getting massages to
update their database. Go to
Search with the string
landscheidt goldene
to get the article, then click on the "show
cache". You won't get the figures.



<h2>by Dr Theodor Landscheidt</h2>

<p>The Tabula Smaragdina, which we in Astrology so frequently invoke,
describes the cosmos as holistic structure, in which everything is
connected with everything else, and everything affects mutually
everything else. If this teaching is correct, then it does not permit
any exceptions. Astrology then is connected just as closely with the
natural sciences as with the symbolic sciences or psychology. This
applies all the more, as physical experiments on the basis of the
Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky thought experiment proved irrefutably, that
the holistic Hermetic teachings are scientific fact. If Astrology
wishes to reflect the holistic reality of the cosmos, how it claims
it, then it must not prefer individual poles of cosmic polarities and
neglect others. The cosmic function of chaos is just as vitally
important as that of order; incommensurability and symmetry complement
each other; and irrational conditions are the background against which
rational conditions stand out. Properly understood Astrology should
lead, if one practices it adeptly, to personality transformation, like
the Alchemy of Hermes Trismegistos and the Light Alchemy of Newton. An
indispensable prerequisite for this is, however, that Astrology is in
conformity with the holistic reality of the cosmos. Unfortunately,
this is not, at least to a partial extent, the case.

Traditional Astrology delivers only half of reality, insofar as it is
based -- in the organization into 2 polarities, 4 elements, 12 signs
of the Zodiac and 12 houses -- exclusively on whole numbers, just as
with the aspects, which result from the fact that the set is divided
exclusively by whole numbers. The whole numbers enter, however, only a
small part of reality. They belong mathematically to the rational
numbers, which can be expressed by the ratio of two whole numbers. The
rational numbers stand polar opposite to the irrational numbers, which
cannot be defined by ratios of whole numbers. If they are represented
in decimal form, then no repeating sequences appear, contrary to the
rational numbers, in the infinite number of digits after the decimal
point. From the polar reality of the irrational numbers is missing in
traditional Astrology each sign [?PF]. This also applies to the most
irrational of all the irrationals, the Golden Number G, which
represent the Golden Section. The Golden Section is pervasive in the
cosmos, even if it is not to be detected as easily as geometrical
structures with integral conditions. The image in fig. 1, from Peitgen
and Richter, designated the Mathematician's Seal, proves that dynamic
systems, which are prone to collapese, achieve nevertheless a stable
final state if the Golden Number G affects a cyclic feedback process
through special structural parameters. The stable final state is
indicated in the image by the concentric yellow paths, which remain
stable in the mathematical view through all eternity. The picture is
thus proof and at the same time symbol for a stabilizing function for
the Golden Section. This is to be understood cosmically, and thus
applies also to a dynamic system like our solar system, as we will
soon see.

Since the key word, <em>Golden Cut</em>, has already been brought up,
we will want to recall to ourselves the definition of this proportion
measure. The <i>Sectio aurea</i> divides any whole in such a manner
that the smaller section relates to the larger section as the larger
section does to the whole. The smaller section is called the Minor,
and the larger section the Major. The proportions of the Greek temple
in fig. 2 bring this division ratio into view. If the height of the
temple is selected as a unit, then the Major takes the value 0.618,
while the Minor receives the value 0.382. The value of the Minor is
mathematically the second most irrational number after G. If we seek
the Major of a distance, a cycle, or any other defined structure,
which can be regarded as a whole, then the Major arises as a result of
the multiplication of the appropriate size with 0.618. We obtain the
Minor by multiplication with 0.382.

In fig. 3 are represented the Platonic solids -- on top, the
tetrahedron and the octahedron; in the center, on the left, a cube;
and below; the icosahedron and the dodecahedron -- regarded by the
Greeks, because of their ideal regularity, symmetry and integralness,
as the discrete Prototypes of rational cosmic conditions. Outer
appearances deceive, however. The Tabula Smaragdina is right. During
precise examination it shows up that the apparently most rational
geometrical structures which we can find are indissolubly connected by
the Golden Section to the most irrational geometrical structure. The
most differentiated of the five regular Platonic solids, the
dodecahedron, which is bounded by regular pentagons. If one, as on the
right in the picture in the center, draws all diagonals into a regular
pentagon, then a pentagonal star, a Pentagram, appears as described by
Goethe in Faust. The Pentagram includes a smaller pentagon, in which a
further Pentagram can be inscribed, and so on infinitely. In each case
the diagonals, which form the respective Pentagram, divide mutually By
the relation of the Golden Section. There develops a complex network
of structures, which are all based on this harmonious division ratio.
If the two solids at the bottom of the picture - the icosahedron and
the dodecahedron - successively, by extending their edges, then
develop androgenous star forms, these are completely structured by the
Golden Section. If the edges of an octahedron - the figure on the
right above - are divided by the Golden Section, then more
icosahedrons develop.

Fig. 4 shows a particularly impressive expression of the hidden gift
of the extremely irrational Golden Section in a Platonic body, the
prototype of rationally arranged conditions. If three equal large
golden rectangles are arranged in such a manner that they are in
maximal symmetry, one on the other perpendicularly, as on the left in
the picture, then the developing corners are at the same time the
corners of icosahedrons. Something similar applies to the other
Platonic bodies. All relies on the Tabula Smaragdina. Everything is
connected with everything, even if it does not look in such a way

Paul D. Farrar

Jul 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/23/00
In article <>, wrote:
> I have been translating for my own amusement a work of Theodor
> Landscheidt.

...snipped the rest...

Paul, I must congratulate you on your command of the German language...
I can see why this sort of work might seem highly outlandish to
most people who consider themselves to be scientists. In fact I am
tempted not to touch it and its like with the proverbial barge-pole!
However, I have read one of the papers in detail that you referred to on
Daly's web-site:
(it's in English)
The first part seems reasonable (plenty of references!), talking
about variations in solar irradiance and solar wind (it's obvious which
directions he's coming from though). Then he goes on to mention the
solar dynamo theory and the oscillation of the sun about the
barricentre. He starts talking about the five-fold symmetry relating to
the rate of change of the sun's orbital angular momentum (this I can
accept) and how the length of the cycle is related to climatic cycles on
Earth (it's quite interesting if you can get past all the strange
terminology, Big Hands, Big Fingers, Small Fingers, etc..).
After this point I start to get a bit worried. He suddenly hits us
with the "Golden Section". Now this is totally alien to me and I can't
even start to understand (or maybe I don't want to) where he's coming
from or how it could possibly have any stabilising influence on
chaotic dynamical mechanisms.
However, not being one to disregard a theory because it seems
outlandish, I persevered through to the end (it was a struggle...there
are 24 Figures which need close scrutinisation) and I must admit that I
was quite (unpleasantly) surprised by his conclusions.
His predictions and correlations based on his empirical theory are,
to say the least, quite striking and deserve an explanation.
I am going to contact him and an ex-colleague of mine (who he listed
in the paper references) to find out more...

Nathan Harris.

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Before you buy.


Jul 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/23/00
> . From the polar reality of the irrational numbers is missing in
> traditional Astrology each sign [?PF]

Not a hint of the polar reality of the irrational numbers can be
found in traditional Astrology


josh halpern

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