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Kay Lie

Jul 27, 2023, 11:48:05 AM7/27/23
Hi Samer,

I am trying to figure out how to have all the images at a world readable publically acessible directory, likely google drive (treon3verdery) for the web pages the HTML makes.

Right now it says things like img src="" to specify where the actual image JPGs are at. I want to make sure these image JPG references point to images at the treon3verdery google sites drive, and not your personal google sites drive. To assist with that I have made all the folders containing images at the treon3verdery google drive at (place) world readable.

It would be great if you could write your spreadsheet files, the HTML pages based on the template, and all the links the spreadsheets contain to the “output” folder at treon3verdery and world readable at treon3verdery google drive as well. I do not know how to make the content at treon3verdery google drive world readable with the right syntax to make it compatible with the IMG SRC= “path” thing

Let me know what you think.

I do not know very much but perhaps you could use a VPN to login as an american to google drive or sites if it does not work from where you are.

Or, you can try logging in to googe sites password tupper777 again, google turns you down again, then this time I tell google it was me and use is authorized.

It is wonderful you are seeking a tutor for educational enrichment for your child(ren), You are the first people I have seen on craigslist seeking educational enrichment.

I have volunteer experience reading with children (5-6) in the Coos Bay public schools, and volunteering at the Charleston Marine Life Center. I have been background checked at both. I graduated from Western Washington University with a general studies degree, and have been previously employed as an administrative assistant and a computer programmer.

I have no significant experience as a tutor or teacher. The word “diverse” in your posting brings many things to mind; an educational philosophy similar to Waldorf schools (art, writing, socialization) to a focused intellectual endeavor like learning high school geometry ahead of the coming school year. I think both the achievement oriented and person-first approaches are possible. I am looking forward to hearing your preferences as to educational style.

As a tutor I also expect to prepare lesson plans and assemble resources. During quarantine the Coos Bay library system mails books to people, so textbooks, children’s books, and even other educational resources may be available, as well as finding better educational software for your children online.

I am friendly, easygoing, and intellectually curious, with interests in the sciences and technology, and 98th percentile SAT scores. I encourage you to let me teach your children computer programming, where resources for children as young as 9 exist.

There are some disadvantages. I have never learned to drive a car, and would be walking from North Bend, or as part of compensation you can cover a $16 cab fare round trip each session. Also, I am on SSI(welfare), so can accept almost no pay, perhaps $100-120/month without affecting my benefits. I think of this as a new kind of volunteer opportunity, and if things go well, can be a pure volunteer, also videoconfrencing for free. I do not have PE (physical education) capabilities, but there is a chance I can arrange for you and the children to go hiking (tidepools, science) about once a month.

Let me know if you would like an inexperienced but free (cabfare) tutor for your children. If the compensation really concerns you, you can swap work on my technology website on a 1 hour tutoring:10 minutes on website basis.

Just for fun, tell me how many replies you got, I hope it is many and that you have many good people to choose from.

Treon Verdery
(541) 252-0065

engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date
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