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Yull Brown's Gas

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Lawrence Tseung

Jul 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/15/96

Advanced Transmutation

Readers, get the Leaders on this Earth together and resolve our "petty differences"? We
are embarking on the nuclear energy path. China is embarking on building at least 100
nuclear reactors (refer to the front page of Los Angeles Times, July 4, 1996) and
to be confident in solving the nuclear waste problem. We cannot afford wars - especially
using super deadly nuclear bombs. China has no choice but to go for nuclear energy. If
every Chinese consumes the same amount of energy as the average American, all the
known reserves of oil will be consumed within 30 years. Please spread the message of
peace and group wealth creation. Talk to your leaders. Make it an election issue. We can
co-exist and enjoy each other's company. We (including you) can change the fate of the

China appears to have solved the nuclear waste problem. The above is a very strong
statement. Let us examine some of the information in our hands. The following
information comes from Newsletter Volume 8, Number 4 of the Planetary Association for
Clean Energy (address: 100 Bronson Avenue, Suite 1001, Ottawa, Ontario KIR 6G8, Canada,
Tel: (613) 236-6265). The title of the article is Advanced Transmutation: Experimental

The main points of the article are:

1.On August 24, 1991, the Nuclear Institute #202 in Baotou, China, released a report,
titled -- The results of experiments to dispose of radiation materials by Brown's Gas.
In this report, radioactivity on Cobalt 60 was reduced by about 50% by treatment with
Brown's Gas.
2.In 1992, Prof. Yull Brown performed a demonstration before a public audience
including U.S. Congressman Hon. Berkeley Bedell. The slice of radioactive Americium
registered 16,000 curies per minute of radiation before treatment. After treatment with
Brown's Gas involving small chunks of steel and aluminum, the metals registered less
than 100 curies per minute, about the same as the background radiation in the
3.On August 6, 1992, Prof. Yull Brown made a special demonstration to a team of 5 San
Francisco field office observers from the United States Department of Energy, at the
request of the Hon. Berkeley Bedell. Cobalt 60 was treated and resulted in a drop of
Geiger readings from 1,000 counts to 40.
4.Four scientists from Toshiba and Mitsul used more sophisticated protocols and
instrumentation. They found that Cobalt 60 with radiation of 24,000 mR/Hour was reduced
to 12,000 mR/Hour. The Japanese scientists were so excited by what they saw that they
immediately purchased a generator and air shipped it to Japan.

Prof. Yull Brown noted that there are many variations of the atomic structures of the
various waters dependent on the mixing of the three hydrogen isotopes (1H1 - protium,
1H2 - deuterium, 1H3 - tritium) which combine into 6 combinations of hydrogen and the 6
oxygen isotopes (8O14, 8O15, 8O16, 8O17, 8O18 and 8O19) - or practically, 36 types of
water - 18 are stable and 18 have short life.

****** Prof. Brown's studies have led to the observation that the "transmutation
effects" vary depending on the type of isotopes of water used. ****** Detailed
investigation is needed. There is the suggestion that during the treatment of
radioactive material, some of these isotopic forms undergo changes. This is not
surprising in the presence of radioactivity (nuclear particles flying around). The
detailed interaction amongst the radioactive material, other material such as steel and
aluminum, and Brown's Gas is still under investigation.

China had a four year research period already. They have already produced the Brown Gas
Generators which are available commercially. They also have a desalination product using
implosion already used in ships. We have a one page fax and are waiting for full
details. (We have received many Email telling us "implosion" is impossible and that our
eyes deceived us. We shall put it as a challenge for all scientists in the world to
prove us wrong. In a way, we are cheating as we know the result and will have the
product shortly. Additional vigorous scientific experiments are just "confirmations".)
It is not unreasonable to assume that the Chinese Scientists now possess some
"unpublished secrets" that can help to solve the nuclear waste problem.

We do understand the concerns of the US government. Once we work on the isotope
variations, we essentially research on the secrets of the hydrogen bomb. Prof. Yull
Brown received and rejected offers which in his words are "equivalent to kidnapping".
Prof. Brown wants his discovery to be shared by the world for the good of all mankind.
Can we advance his noble dream?

For more information see:

Lawrence Tseung

Jul 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/16/96

I am Teri York using the computer at Lawrence Tseung's office.

This is my first message to the news group. I know Professor Yull Brown for
over four years now. I believe his work is really remarkable. I shall be
putting in more information shortly.

Robert Erck

Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

First he invents a "gas" that he claims implodes instead of explodes, and now he claims that the gas transmutes Co60 into something else. Will it cure baldness too?

"curies per minute?" Now THAT's an interesting unit.....

Lawrence Tseung

Jul 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/22/96

Dear Fellow Scientists:

I have been losing sleep on a phenomenon known as Brown's Gas. Apparently, Prof. Yull
Brown discovered that energy can be converted into mass on treating some material with a
2:1 mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. I laughed at it at the beginning. Now I am a firm
believer - after witnessing the experiment and reading numerous articles and reports.

The Brown's Gas shows implosion - not explosion - if the mixture is maintained 2:1
within 5%. Otherwise, we see the well known hydrogen-oxygen explosion. The temperature
did not rise significantly on implosion and the only logical explanation appears to be
energy is converted into mass. An "inelastic kinetic theory" is being proposed.

Furthermore, some radioactive material, after treatment by the Brown's Gas, lost their
radioactivity. The proposed explanation is "energy is absorbed into the nuclei!", thus
changing the radioactive isotopes to more stable non-radioactive forms or even to other
elements. China was so impressed with Prof. Brown that it gave him the rights to market
a product called EXPLO-PROOF. This EXPLO-PROOF product will prevent fuel explosions
such as in planes, cars, etc. The TWA 800 incident might be reduced or prevented.

The implications are enormous. There is the possibility of controlled nuclear reaction
providing the human race with unlimited energy. I invite you to review and comment on
the findings documented on: or

Andrew John Pickett

Jul 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/23/96

In article <>, wrote:

> Dear Fellow Scientists:

You presume too much.


Andrew Pickett

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