wrote in news:cf0d8d87-666b-4dc7-a6ba-
>> tw-t that, dipshit. Yet again... yet another immature punk
>> response. You were too stupid to even tell that you were fucked
>> in what you said and had to go off on me instead of noting the
>> particular flaw in your post and now subsequent bitch about it.
> you're free to waste someone else's time.
Yeah, sure.... walk away instead of facing your flaws.
You are free to be corrected again in the future, and you taking it
like a child will result in a similar response again the next time.
You being unfamiliar with the differences between the terms alone
is a tell. Especially when you argue them while in possession of an
incomplete set of information.
Wires get crimped.
Big connection terminal fittings get crimped onto welding cable
ends and the like.
Support strands (cables) get fittings swaged or swedged (in some
High pressure hoses have fitting swaged onto them.
Some folks across all of those industries still use the term
'crimp' even though 'newer' terms are in place that distinguishes
Don't get mad, simply get informed.
It is like the twerps that for so long called a single cell a
It eventually got accepted as correct terminology, even though it
never was or is not still. So bad to the point where folks refer to
actual sets of cells scientists properly call a "battery" as a
"battery pack", as if the package contains multiple 'batteries'. It
contains mutliple cells.
If you don't like the other monikers like dork or dipshit, maybe
you should not have jumped onto the krw/larkin/TraitorTard4 stupidity
bandwagon. Shit like that tends to end up back in your face.
But notice none in this post. There is a way you can keep that
demeanor in me.