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Secret message outside of CIA or NSA building?

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Ron Snyder

Oct 15, 1991, 12:53:16 PM10/15/91
A few months ago I saw a bit on TV about a new statue that
was outside of the CIA or NSA (or some other Govt. building)
that had a secret code as part of the artwork. The report
said that the code had not yet been broken. Since some of
us live just a little too far to visit this statue, would
someone be able to post the encoded message (if possible).
Of course, this is assuming that the code uses ascii char-

Ron Snyder <> <>
* Onions are of the devil.

Doug Gwyn

Oct 16, 1991, 4:53:00 AM10/16/91
In article <> (Ron Snyder) writes:
>A few months ago I saw a bit on TV about a new statue that
>was outside of the CIA or NSA (or some other Govt. building)
>that had a secret code as part of the artwork. The report
>said that the code had not yet been broken. Since some of
>us live just a little too far to visit this statue, would
>someone be able to post the encoded message (if possible).
>Of course, this is assuming that the code uses ascii char-

That's "Kryptos" in the CIA complex. GAMES magazine had an article
about it an issue or two ago. From the accompanying photo, normal
text characters appear to have been used. There are multiple
cryptosystems involved, apparently. Read the article for more info,
although unfortunately not a copy of the ciphertext (that may not be
possible due to copyright laws).

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