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ASLEC Cipher Test Piece,

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austin obyrne

Oct 30, 2021, 12:35:54 PM10/30/21
Herewith is a sample of ciphertext from my ASLEC cipher .
The sample simulates Eve having intercepted this quantity of ciphertext and she is trying to decrypt it by statistical means and indeed by any means.

The reader cannot claim any help whatever that Eve would not reasonably be expected to possess.

This sample is absolutely honest and has not been tinkered with in anyway.
9827086 9681778 7343610 6543976 8714739 6219192 9827246 5413762
5427340 8727481 3169833 8474945 9859805 6514808 5403260 7226813
9112694 5728592 8627363 5066394 9687580 9345279 6514854 4706141
7256052 9889497 6527157 6836744 5408090 5423069 9895801 6814913
9765793 9604164 7526032 6524179 8724263 6492178 9245870 8785230
6314892 8674512 5413091 4721366 5424577 5784378 9714466 9417130
7822861 8914716 8724360 6924802 6513256 5724235 9670524 8114459
6277173 6828770 3514873 5121809 8723817 4695034 9932351 9223985
5172131 5465782 8817258 9614870 5120671 5314711 7461976 8424166
9824089 5203094 6231866 7663469 6514870 5705266 7583083 7436956
5423870 8724480 6470278 9572368 9833630 8715706 8421316 8708990
5421715 8723937 7624648 8385728 5465148 8733149 9517012 2518393
7623848 6660980 2637366 9724628 5343510 9602686 6531081 8414895
7422667 8691498 4726932 5424358 6524900 3199172 9536980 9988517
6514761 5081319 6501831 5736636 5423943 7624159 2412932 2125140
9850336 3715052 5415222 8691472 9827796 5824932 7626835 5712743
9423914 8775697 6215409 8711432 5907569 6574935 6524205 8924491
9198074 8733982 8533265 8415922 2414378 8574031 7550785 5424587
8723898 6761259 5777173 8332144 7414629 9520437 9775854 6555229
8724008 8924264 9387644 8443512 7635740 8715359 5410675 6513053
2420967 9524302 8424218 6500243 6537674 7378814 7515335 5398125
8840592 8537972 8724242 6424200 5443211 3463993 7673126 9114904
6476892 8796343 5767119 8424056 7823851 6206111 9830155 8319143
8714655 9470818 9246824 4762400 9421446 8822150 5678749 8746711
6781679 9214907 1972050 8710700 8417310 8722416 8721748 5356335
9009361 6813748 6214914 7490559 9620032 9610658 9821689 6521528
5691087 8746852 9834834 9415569 9807526 7585205 8750617 2841743
8721711 6595405 9742244 9918809 5714730 5301510 7605639 8711264
6232921 9821563 3188623 6544648 6597133 6514611 8678956 8719958
9613924 5422613 9821868 7358062 9570150 7624393 5715401 8718854
9624190 6938928 6521741 8722405 8661751 9580549 9821036 2915184
3220879 7622239 6513795 5721560 9829651 5709076 5419448 7628298
3216838 6209049 9771229 6543783 5423470 7621523 8564946 9983996
8770120 9515906 8684060 9719725 5764019 5421673 8721667 6188622
6541569 6529332 3615206 5417320 8647022 4766329 3222587 7629685
9811297 6518752 9892861 7514569 5759798 7506895 6281140 4721756
7622396 8134286 6584567 8721917 4714566 3220733 9801328 5121690
5421374 6521759 9526189 10039619 8768654 9614924 5366169 8708298
6826697 8722156 9222421 8374125 6567860 8810723 7514659 5330156
7253343 5946347 6523018 6522420 3436325 3325582 9892738 6414719
4704159 6334677 7381635 6521603 8721737 7865545 9786278 9852076
5715668 8385868 8570328 6522848 4721489 6524596 8658997 6595253
6726891 9214786 2320583 5537507 8778164 2123980 6724593 6512672
6525422 5695410 8415013 4751826 7824670 2413477 5824086 6524163
5563922 4826940 9906087 5715357 6446869 7480570 3244845 5423881
8726302 5645933 5468811 6670441 8514870 5371100 7496900 8542960
2424519 9823988 9615678 5847959 7716543 5714786 6464201 8653423
5829765 5424174 9824865 6502498 2437271 7616018 5817920 6522023
7574291 4732086 4724291 7624014 3178699 5862201 9813917 5718923
9521602 7611780 6825297 2525022 8724066 5693601 4749945 7630168
9815449 6519301 9632510 5822018 5424232 8725058 8658430 5767839
6644565 9615014 9739297 5397257 8430490 5724116 7624516 5553921
6648678 9883063 5714990 8693776 8453610 8736959 5424183 3324132
7404236 4731005 5485135 5914714 6201764 5612865 9220734 2523852
8723892 8102483 4734362 6785808 5414868 5888307 5417540 6218248
3225107 8723941 8682013 6548834 7878750 5415026 8564121 9805511
3227695 9824146 8728938 5696041 8731996 7881226 5815645 5381475
8912651 4731324 6223857 6724002 3352016 2586345 8105366 9814816
6432638 6652304 5927904 2424051 4337937 3213847 2415770 5529064
6814774 5676453 6478832 9760430 6525481 7624144 5180206 9793220
9861164 6517283 5396379 9820125 8717215 5723936 6523933 4774597
5458757 10189479 5914979 5359283 5413761 7611840 9524080 7624386
6212380 5726081 8813265 5415023 2258323 5382749 3051961 6224081
7825022 9711533 5426427 6727243 8714684 9522128 9785351 9527272
8724182 7624109 5532121 3432208 9870390 6215149 2392572 7185682
3349647 6524167 9623851 4663678 6280524 8826536 5814857 2338514
7234968 3243005 3224981 9425131 5615802 4724377 7633203 9515050
9509162 8678592 5730297 8724100 8724081 6175852 6566846 9031427
8415066 5557803 6416835 4753851 3224013 9824449 2409185 2428103
6526209 3514609 8522911 8663387 8476079 8723836 5424171 9534380
4773595 8762548 7514743 9499734 5339861 6932225 5423944 7625123
8709285 6528565 10093235 5414925 8578111 9777377 5944674 2425886
7623800 8713040 5425046 6336186 3215453 6214986 8496826 6428958
5424172 9324380 5811349 3227133 8841411 4714861 6464780 6661225
8183595 8724183 8724993 9205975 5434014 6527451 5716307 9519956
8722545 6506062 8732750 5423802 8414219 6523955 6543652 5414629
2418598 9713754 9777175 9824150 7532062 5707448 6528393 6991958
6515046 8464457 6322774 4853723 2524166 9824379 2395498 6542405
6740422 9515026 8717242 9817225 5718845 6524789 7624828 6501457
2434729 6893733 8715084 5297064 8696795 8081581 5724157 7624786
6419756 2517778 8930028 4114781 6521021 6472839 5743761 5424520
7624090 6156389 9880603 6795329 5814951 8662052 9737026 7484915
5724961 9824156 3183764 6553304 8723943 6515133 5423052 4235874
9883923 9524113 6523975 7788920 5645047 7712417 5916026 5635768
9821550 5707116 5835678 7824312 2579746 5266664 4707350 5715250
6086333 7740929 8795868 3224118 5424047 9689103 6543955 6165410
2777367 8723693 9796862 6534040 5424598 6524780 8598577 6616356
9875695 3215202 5678036 6237150 5028911 6524007 9823788 3131563
5506083 6531281 8514952 9818875 9499063 9595098 5424119 5424034
4611824 6666610 7762507 9815112 5285556 9792779 9839479 6224384
8723806 4704285 8730855 8727847 6515867 6518543 6697709 2428708
2424124 4523839 8646998 5500718 8979777 9216548 6457092 6713346
8118036 3228017 5423906 6109091 8006287 7628951 6714826 6721808
9741028 7965635 6524109 7624772 2414157 5423384 4339840 5814787
8907531 8354790 8999671 5424907 8524773 8366285 3282990 7688321
9814892 2447405 8552275 5871517 8723848 6523943 5699943 5453462
9857936 5915294 9593484 6517390 6519759 2424212 8724204 8696174
7443926 6639685 5416039 6434440 9774953 6249595 8723941 8326133
4713660 7522690 7633148 2515054 3224002 4198609 5830722 2423690
9324153 8702388 4635722 7533015 2414946 8815234 8819421 3628576
9224090 8424090 3474772 6580820 8750305 5717030 6509348 9725273
2531996 9523983 9824714 6495785 5446524 7534671 8716869 3210832
9274774 9688892 3224049 8724007 5556372 6739821 6522672 6215105
2423901 8783730 8598603 5623920 4524067 4651757 2497853 8932910
3216876 9511044 7623625 6754792 4805847 9824487 5681747 5864087
8778627 9514832 9488599 8570778 8581511 6524079 9824887 7381112
7274806 6525993 6215018 1705260 6649526 4951787 3923781 8623983
5562174 8557494 7676725 6815480 2633720 9813791 7221412 9524642
8724566 9793868 5744038 8930781 5715074 6305552 9811406 6823346
5423676 6523743 7389877 2551838 9959056 6214883 6441000 9521203
9500636 2438790 9724915 8371551 6571476 7234706 6724416 2402851
9322633 2715013 9823740 7823911 2893822 4747214 8427684 3815125
6521521 9520666 5715568 9824724 7123686 6912994 5425987 6542612
5716879 4704597 9804214 9223435 6524070 7623681 8707586 6234496
7750693 6515152 3164734 8722572 4715006 4723837 8724057 2314286
5919386 5472563 6515778 9468673 8386703 5827899 5424044 6524707
2410972 6527308 9551158 8837329 5423615 6518544 6915980 5425287
9824252 5891866 6546879 5586888 3515049 5240443 5606656 6425256
5423677 8724021 3628279 8607549 3423305 5715120 5723304 4443269
6952579 9525290 8923637 6797550 2442483 5787298 5715118 6337648
7788283 9841940 5423948 9123687 5621148 6944267 5357441 5415831
5708086 8917740 8717558 8423601 7923712 6422804 5829609 8535002
5714945 6485181 7218358 5886783 2523979 9823855 5583867 9668099
7724866 6915403 4570138 5073781 5875404 9523955 7623685 6811636
5833968 8759797 4815420 9401755 7610121 5926507 3224116 9823925
6946628 3006251 7864623 3515270 2304140 8589857 6640327 2424330
9823921 9456497 6583282 7661450 8715365 5779657 6448818 5798788
5723834 9823999 6510976 9528487 8813615 5715555 5368217 5372983
9845322 3223654 9827402 2411035 6524357 5711820 6816262 8792901
6562137 5785882 5824395 5623938 8703731 5731258 6636074 2515728
9423787 9402054 8930340 6523972 8723929 9593845 6782576 8320881
8716923 5723116 7623612 6514406 6523991 6524516 9305418 2590040
9736611 5717374 6197519 8562487 2515712 2423848 7624034 6206040
6541587 4336488 4715509 5699562 5413054 2430156 6523617 6524850
8620459 9632792 9860737 9515086 4679279 7582300 6555854 6523638
9823995 4446916 6029726 7645601 5714894 9097884 7350838 6070757
5423973 8523884 2287044 8851290 7663804 6515946 6602059 9807924
8424483 2523575 6523682 3440063 6574871 8757688 6514933 3203910
5226669 9833296 4723911 7624083 5398611 9543623 8990134 9815136
5354734 8595716 7478437 6523736 5424471 6468412 4779553 7636034
5714997 5821662 6321912 8762740 6223763 8724891 2499377 2438478
5857513 5715139 6370011 6608140 6585008 5423718 6524241 5605246
5863513 9915795 5715899 9481543 7620216 3516563 8723545 7624357
5618874 9657201 8924018 3516850 2420404 7591062 9826714 5425356
8723562 2407449 2130506 6543441 5815007 6205722 8712174 2417397
5723572 6523880 9703478 2434161 7630825 6515181 6518834 8744962
8814474 4824292 9823726 6144646 9972998 8764043 5715315 2076129
6332341 8565053 8424008 9823899 9074002 6015240 5452708 8715169
6484928 8625737 3293356 3224080 4323918 6386139 2448549 4609994
5715016 9459707 7687926 2902449 7823892 6726065 3202717 5636027
9827820 9715033 5418164 8530312 5810498 4724357 9523990 6765360
6298141 6721279 2718120 4722892 8893249 6837817 2423776 5423579
9795052 6538200 7669381 8716990 5661103 8900952 6517536 9526753
7624201 9646152 6327552 9914315 8715538 2345397 6711254 9522969
8723690 8723744 4588639 3386282 6886848 2515264 2004869 9720181
6766772 6223719 8723892 9337286 7995167 6542933 8717374 7403634
9819313 7818813 5423616 7624288 9180657 2462755 5562363 8115276
8580824 6506869 5721997 5128217 7823730 6401304 5441495 5751773
5715098 6055231 8732444 6924386 2423887 8724223 9384308 6554017
9836358 2420346 5803178 5421799 4664543 5464817 6524000 6491872
5742890 9900156 4715164 9432795 6352239 3374521 5723880 7623916
5715338 6522615 9963071 6815095 5573363 9819627 4718366 6523825
8723517 9809455 2428853 6679804 3515790 9398153 6654721 8474393
4725313 8923582 7766892 6572733 8624708 9215134 8522041 9472502
6348182 2423922 7223518 4499202 6544670 9603634 8715313 4511067
8392185 6235662 8923933 6523821 8238966 5626938 8939337 9115403
3202333 8712365 6217077 6225361 6523820 7184972 2692825 9866702
3215294 2380802 8668574 6563155 6523762 5424722 5791094 7445985
6637045 4715335 5285049 7579140 9240288 9527181 9825143 8466238
8765878 9737052 6714940 8617229 9778889 2449404 5725140 7623921
3190915 5847452 7706905 6515135 6133565 6521749 9812521 5431182
8323632 5712468 5724949 5552971 8215327 5658943 7475078 7457882
8424933 8923880 9552370 5839333 8636598 5718287 5406964 9502411
3726927 5723778 3226088 6409684 2426685 4522759 5716329 3222371
7353524 2654015 2423826 9823620 9811857 9527018 7442330 4715142
5701226 8322913 3191694 6554054 5623857 7102822 2435095 7683751
2816175 6415570 9823579 9512593 8726685 9823781 2324214 2615562
6580256 3715104 5639214 7477739 6055210 2423716 9823824 2172361
6747853 8509766 8895603 5423443 6691901 3261188 5725550 9824492
5646654 5489896 8725082 5415298 9520326 9541718 9934758 6223694
8724670 3421145 8797021 4703919 4715283 6066358 5623440 5939354
8496292 9728062 4705696 9541903 5827012 6814927 7116691 7146679
6954363 2423768 8523474 9407632 5138954 9389457 2415233 8677893
6523408 5436319 5835349 8724525 5670474 2488084 6820644 3515092
6425547 7440266 6926618 5423683 8225121 4658170 6580179 9423946
9515247 2293017 4455835 8173552 6523540 6523650 5649223 2490878
6605156 6215273 4613211 9704276 9845194 9824820 7424266 8323655
4231483 6582733 9815620 6460124 7562722 8546273 5723673 6723593
8625537 2225732 9531280 6515603 3214069 8689287 9546122 7423514
6724694 5711004 9825698 6951448 3215317 5212025 8626354 6564522
4723556 6523645 8543637 5873715 9828212 9215295 8421449 6694308
5724600 5423771 8723776 6472006 8762809 8930764 5415040 2409027
7620329 2417311 4723450 9824468 5410286 5828998 10049647 6515279
2346961 7619441 5555984 6523780 8723601 8711287 4726082 6248358
5596866 5423383 6444343 5755954 5924025 9823743 6217372 6124509
8848851 8715135 8650826 7600927 9228068 5425913 8724489 8633222
3015995 9844689 3214998 5703344 6330167 5824589 4723821 7824441
9612852 6528464 4516756 5721105 2420763 5242270 8847510 5423841
8923722 6636232 2638194 7523449 5715521 9822802 9275208 6952901
8723904 7624628 5786046 8771633 9829148 4715404 6517910 7446048
6552917 5424508 7625946 5699824 2260282 9826892 5815264 5419881
8720995 7415849 6223590 4527222 2409610 9722472 8933010 6515078
8914353 5543984 6558736 5923607 8727530 7379002 5467700 8788597
8515740 9477099 6518111 7420580 8423761 8923401 2404354 4739199
6816210 6815347 5200534 9797885 9145732 2624026 4323575 8178930
6570033 6581242 6715272 5611190 9667286 2523450 9523708 7623660
6389296 5758456 9853730 4715449 5389711 4305280 5836058 4723723
9823738 3375685 6565615 5629853 8720444 2410709 6699921 9137472
9824428 6725631 6495491 8777119 8949107 4715377 9462305 9378987
3658771 6523788 6723799 6712127 2691606 9847159 5715257 9513984
9715296 3519243 8723735 9823703 2336277 7609696 6540210 8715475
4817283 9032095 3868135 9423752 6723538 9803171 2436474 7707220
5715795 6165112 6723626 9214397 5723507 8924152 7080667 9556923
7998603 5715426 5474072 5246815 8872379 6823692 7626080 6174876
8781940 7983881 3915490 3148945 6523395 5714566 9123764 8923816
2256062 8882319 7622077 3516800 6522370 9706341 5860839 6523514
8723766 3684176 5389334 6607482 3415417 9460406 9819006 9716673
2423347 7623702 5533343 6732890 9820518 8717330 8722820 5567727
6842691 5723453 8723389 9493819 5757102 9125563 8715124 9521757
8594583 2432479 8723780 7223393 5708795 6531086 8669736 6815458
2249063 9386810 6928452 8723667 7823342 6808922 2429363 7680075
6915371 6483701 9812057 4722449 5423417 7624557 8587477 6324072
6518607 5724818 2418650 7597188 5830588 5723447 9823339 2710721
9828125 6523382 6815122 8723311 9746269 2953170 5424157 5623477
7352656 3298210 7905853 9215922 2299728 5571351 7451543 9823525
7823675 3111917 5563984 6534814 6515028 5411620 8908582 9827235
5723791 7623669 4692181 9575438 8771976 3515334 4664144 5402127
6953799 8423713 9824162 6784295 5767142 7884526 9815466 9495953
7248705 4943992 4723730 8742224 3513564 6504090 8772871 4715417
8686708 8705493 9523904 2523551 6523694 4715317 6522685 9831109
2415524 4711080 8713585 3719552 6524026 9823675 2136910 4957081
8655294 8715238 9415915 5058925 9499757 8423762 8923770 6958564
6809442 6725161 6815634 8721867 6312984 9846237 3623658 9223364
6501971 2940997 7742817 4715486 3027482 5364958 5741558 5424394
9824111 9776488 9579000 7865835 7415421 5699148 7332380 8524908
4723761 9623399 7477577 9564077 8319811 6818901 8722577 6467434
8737533 6524124 9723535 6357512 5481689 4370539 4715929 2387186
9532796 5762215 4723647 8723304 2396129 5945269 9453084 8715575
8697149 8698165 6832126 2423798 6523554 9666668 6634514 8957650
8717356 4688888 7585936 2733921 9823443 7626820 8699889 6538763
10008393 6815564 5161132 6407793 8816863 2424346 9823503 9368597
5788085 7990041 5716097 5699469 6308778 2507113 6523635 8723767
5711451 5429202 9336245 2415783 3213163 7155867 7456771 6523617
9523496 5696838 2444064 8888866 8715508 6058561 8709763 9525041
2424186 7623518 6492025 2450579 5468059 7415966 9507176 9812652
2420808 2423669 6525104 5664446 4778995 8763332 9815804 5772733
8665479 8751458 6523725 6524552 5712391 5426333 6581532 9115249
4616690 8863946 6573559 9523461 7524342 4658363 8797336 8717709
9516222 9517179 5588949 4748815 6518941 9818817 2490997 4845010
5675508 8415528 5527389 7817972 6135976 5926506 6318645 8388496
3255319 7617465 8715257 6518295 6454961 9162822 5418102 8918921
4561253 5922655 8765227 6515503 5346719 9654478 9945452 8718790
8718127 5715518 2517273 4614131 6815336 6462964 6606549 4814368
5418247 7817972 2399760 8728363 8937835 5715381 5396648 9418831
2414201 6518329 8518066 5667012 2454267 8759663 6515970 9474982
9367675 7426879 8718801 8319207 2319303 8824898 8717949 5723501
5709667 4417609 5913906 6518083 6718041 7414916 2418217 8918142
5715400 6517172 7612973 6511327 8726852 9418171 8648407 5518552
8779729 9415312 3074654 9696670 8737682 9518429 7618044 9174189
8757870 8918624 6515198 8817305 8325249 5065333 5918410 6526327
5711926 8712494 9849504 9815263 6511759 7556040 4775414 3218413
9818381 8038889 2228057 7636040 9215881 6490690 9595959 9855395
2418325 6518795 5695574 6534580 9891377 6515443 5330173 5332434
4799429 5718380 9518348 4631704 5093245 8755073 9515492 6449774
8671420 6545281 2518422 5419115 4631279 5800698 6519133 2515771
2416473 9780024 3544657 9818222 7618162 4616607 2487497 6842577
5715381 6307108 9817588 6508334 5723499 7618387 9635125 5842710
9004823 7415215 2352630 6510211 5424170 2418748 8732852 6211884
6503028 5813029 8715458 2299769 7431738 9641007 6518159 9819314
8713051 6218159 8862254 9515322 2353626 7566238 5777062 9518037
9818344 2396717 8930889 5698002 6215383 9475965 9662824 4746135
6718163 9518348 8517295 2829233 7352085 2415645 5583398 9218515
6638365 5718307 7819004 8404139 2528576 6568201 8115617 6452002
6505002 9219643 8719197 8718492 8654892 9889244 7640259 6517451
5403132 5406770 9432967 3218012 7618355 2267515 6832858 8933158
6815633 2329301 9761546 4768246 7819191 5417979 2714678 2418370
8815881 9815740 6415000 7366497 6679515 5718291 9819028 9413486
9519855 8717225 6816908 5417877 7510403 8884316 7818186 9818445
9482675 8945793 8806230 7415804 2462285 9803454 8721239 6518635
5418274 6033419 4846254 6690787 8415551 6727299 9818567 9714672
6817986 5418063 8082939 5871173 7628794 7615458 2489075 9711290
8769770 5718115 8618632 9402258 6526642 9945029 2415588 6159513
7608069 5723549 6818210 8718324 9221747 2585693 7657719 5715664
5381173 9670294 8923835 6518355 8718363 2386536 2552077 7641939
6515618 5882800 8893081 8748986 8718992 8718289 8691644 5438318
9953687 6515505 6485647 8673204 4774820 7518091 6518337 9690692
10004231 6809026 4715927 2861817 8645004 3274214 5718090 6720438
8384464 2456247 7862490 9115372 6441429 9771728 7233866 4718550
7619688 6801924 5831129 8949191 6515551 6500050 8307038 8900137
5418233 9818086 9247138 2540600 8823052 4715637 6109367 7543080
5765233 2419133 9818619 6387275 5450840 8744868 8715600 5703564
9798642 5718974 5819530 8718743 8980958 6700599 9818996 8216014
5715900 9582373 7531349 6518251 8718128 3496104 5441093 9073939
4715677 5196642 9763610 9869926 5418364 7818976 5657039 5476793
7520413 7880391 6517646 9794172 9237817 5418549 7619275 3582052
2475958 4331243 5815249 6505551 5303975 8750161 5418312 9832767
8713792 6500443 7680120 6515391 5352582 8674508 9852572 5918678
9819149 4647594 6576701 8799386 2515794 2363184 8636641 8530969
9519124 5618245 5964405 4946237 5619332 9115349 5816248 8846375
3602796 4718156 6718279 5629381 6622568 6801841 9816350 5662144
9742906 5459315 9518223 4518279 8694082 2436557 5619023 5415314
9515798 6501507 6525718 5720384 6718154 8671936 5771391 9100047
2415590 5610076 5604004 5727163 9517987 8718896 9815094 5717324
5431511 5715582 5814085 9314069 8713551 6523100 7618277 9370760
5475234 8764693 6515316 4760455 6514061 4717799 5818260 9253963
5815201 6347448 9733131 3516172 2287284 8708884 6923280 5718938
9518186 7025180 6069959 8697015 8516009 6447304 5218585 6594946
8718248 8718121 8640905 6585359 6887642 6515557 2297138 9812164
9405310 2434370 9819123 6502214 9530396 4364092 8715368 2377441
5367315 9139792 3217916 5617996 3340311 4785680 9050490 5415440
6318607 5237782 9093466 2418307 8918151 2390714 9547168 8708750
8731619 8511691 4296582 3533313 4717992 7618360 5413458 2419621
5541530 6915795 6500682 7613483 5704466 2426524 7618387 5705850
6531060 8970004 8716603 2302528 8668816 2458682 5718084 8718253
5957290 4839689 9897975 8715677 5817513 9786379 9838719 3518020
7617941 5678679 8748491 9891505 8415592 2945048 6447481 7527574
2418048 8718055 6509583 8421831 4388171 6215734 5665034 8670816
4800866 9518687 6718181 2184161 2617404 5422079 6516464 6505788
7509748 8727694 2419346 9818762 8650854 6574030 8811019 6516099
8618199 7606882 8719848 5418007 8717965 9392388 6538005 9949961
5715528 2367379 5302425 8666126 4718051 7819504 9390718 5875948
8810558 2416242 5348169 7604471 6525310 9517961 7618077 7486740
6953515 9817371 8720676 3511254 9547792 6640132 8718164 8717796
9791439 6536873 10011983 4716228 6324888 6453864 2593729 2518211
9818043 5911129 6520973 8807008 6415738 4590953 8715317 2417233
9417841 5418222 3464625 8460551 8999521 6715952 2448036 8395769
10137730 5418208 6518135 6481360 5476770 5426867 5716386 3103917
8597347 5848721 2418154 6518013 8279841 4991372 7818326 2416161
4716188 9754616 8818737 5718645 8617900 2390437 9533942 7660119
5715429 6794202 9684131 2587054 6518241 7618139 9744461 2488609
9868767 5716234 5752480 9816275 6515538 7319032 7617969 5617512
5534053 9138559 8715715 5743593 8696222 6550193 3218300 9418211
4551096 2703457 7894391 8715695 5108856 8907571 9124189 6218028
8917918 6161542 5459153 9639741 9715524 5691942 8650647 5478744
9818678 6518119 6103661 2530859 10005421 8115669 5726772 6503723
9232755 9518059 9819894 5649922 5465345 8747617 5415358 7387999
9704100 5781596 1488481 6518155 9711421 2642730 9900138 5715599
6444386 9697815 8728169 5419047 7619283 2413881 3517616 9885867
5815749 2483908 7603648 7421263 2419634 8218138 5810477 5622228
9339747 7415582 8901319 9429105 2545540 4719168 8718095 9572848
5856278 6555668 6816390 5661479 9806426 7118957 6218119 7618050
9487588 5438659 9871560 4716977 9466893 9575381 6657693 8717936
8718152 2225747 6450596 7564189 5715693 8708676 9399198 8575525
4718024 8718136 6140464 2628589 7620146 4716114 3214921 9777635
8739288 5718165 8718141 9815710 6517128 7769974 8715841 1681633
9816435 3213815 9123166 8718075 6237136 4991175 9954681 4715500
6415312 7212737 9837913 8418154 9818076 7357258 5585147 9840764
6215827 7196668 6515010 5406881 2536564 7618132 7331583 2527831
9844485 9117920 5684490 7605868 8725891 9518832 9818555 6412439
8847209 6549690 4715794 5696401 9503413 5919797 3218217 8618986
5334288 5901854 8786213 9515671 5554706 6438379 5767500 4717902
9818797 6160142 9564310 6519148 5719807 8410202 6510722 5821135
2418279 7817875 8710420 6526143 9816944 6515614 8718417 6717923
9514047 9118794 9817920 5708039 8742563 6681336 4815897 5553170
9813600 6213120 5422984 8718167 5599540 6590896 7802596 9815661
5222126 9558910 5743816 5718161 8718070 6345364 5804973 7628833
8715515 9501231 8672172 6544918 8517966 7618429 4700829 8439968
7828850 2416124 9408905 6215436 2702370 2518199 9820067 4697424
8742706 8780571 9516164 4778732 6512910 5719585 6517994 9818149
6169946 4875602 7760606 9715753 9371591 9815375 8717402 2517909
6518526 2375034 8751851 8742575 6516059 3492754 7594386 8435620
2817866 5620092 9413468 2614977 9829210 5715459 5905612 8715634
5716325 2419503 9817754 8693178 2843415 7748065 6515830 6384799
9760952 8758180 2417802 6518786 8703339 8730620 9828444 9516738
5406883 8693674 4730580 9523152 7617903 5683320 2467822 6621332
6515607 9400150 4296623 5732069 2517737 8318917 8710594 5421642
6667269 2416381 5714745 8645981 5765862 5717863 5421418 8210357
2421899 9844856 8715794 6493345 8675478 6567213 5718685 6518027
4578479 5576960 7636114 8716748 5697747 9656947 6660648 6517956
7619795 4661904 2561838 9819106 2415797 5815065 8711549 6524989
4717722 8918155 8651927 6570004 8779491 9515768 5626777 9797931
8731135 9517702 6718085 3206501 8725858 8924426 5416256 5711854
6194734 6942069 5818947 8322410 8697686 2528891 7624240 4715449
3514249 8900041 2532452 6517748 7418112 6344992 2467999 9627759
4716111 5707287 8614953 2501175 5617953 9818042 8628051 8957574
9828484 6515583 8712724 9817958 8714311 9818478 7618069 9482863
6252717 8733412 5715572 5706307 8717457 6213120 2519852 9117707
3199056 9535438 8376202 5416699 7751315 7132528 7040674 2518038
9523986 8711302 4715143 7888938 8715866 6470574 8715592 5616650
5417709 7817881 5402357 6530588 8995250 8715962 5655348 5613756
9817896 6817916 7813164 5715461 2287689 8716644 2415743 3518053
9818637 5714207 2418121 7999739 6515477 4335494 10079824 8715788
9258000 7617635 5563149 3656069 9818042 6413289 5518872 7740364
5715605 5590812 9708554 5762965 6218009 8718152 3492459 5733850
6557267 4715892 4799064 8676901 9637900 6517688 9817817 9701986
4732417 8726044 8416566 8415500 6695550 6526034 2417763 9818079
9800745 5438791 9826955 5718118 8712199 9817613 6161994 2471131
6718455 5644508 2496513 7824897 2415935 5916483 8885288 6527948
2418148 7618718 9800243 6530798 7783799 6515758 2374691 9738888
5794769 8718090 9822513 8091051 6538278 7623860 9815652 3215601
8906118 8420200 5418002 7821723 7413078 4717746 6742050 9615977
6211805 8546307 8786459 5918068 6718996 3880657 4739179 8920082
6515936 6515139 7581368 5741939 4718154 6718039 8386169 9847422
5442415 5715862 5707508 9811228 5420907 6517648 7618457 6463161
8756039 8923471 4715956 9511094 7817205 8715741 5717690 7818917
2368543 5963348 9430991 5715693 5411367 6123228 5842605 5718026
8717973 5565236 2639202 7783869 5715965 6465333 9606632 9802555
2418000 5617841 5633775 5979135 8836948 6215773 8655980 9612900
9847123 5417932 5617713 5710689 3221034 9986905 5715825 6420454
5405078 6518824 4718873 6718030 8326161 6230692 6777316 8715857
4701419 9720436 9561925 5617747 7617929 4667036 2470301 8735604
5716960 6499206 9794502 8738583 8717840 9817837 5550965 5583470
7812311 6915913 6278292 8703524 5712616 2527915 7617935 8372208
4756607 9857971 5715605 4794982 8616202 5715004 2518857 9418140
9459068 4566422 5623671 9617170 8712624 7586486 8735129 5417657
9818804 6755368 9585159 8917254 9516616 4216668 7818485 5714659
8717960 6723885 2411413 9816146 8926450 6518505 5901923 8706975
8721736 5418011 9817793 5565931 4780266 6767426 5716994 8379496
8789324 9677947 5717981 9717949 5689648 6537851 8727347 5716430
5412644 9386493 9837223 8418092 6523909 5713109 4715616 5959615
6515950 2223560 7691920 5788732 6518015 6518602 5641495 4775957
9839456 8615865 5695346 8634026 5745473 9517828 5618005 9529849
5033813 6745847 5715745 5384600 7811095 8721629 8718017 8618832
6468102 4872209 9749822 5715996 8280711 9182887 5831820 5818450
8718639 4637383 5821801 6589002 2415689 6500423 7525815 5976752
2518005 9817962 6301525 5945392 6557675 8716965 5371337 5256889
9535035 5618000 6517948 6688789 6551969 6519343 6815650 8915658
7731252 2779122 7817725 9818633 9212890 5719822 9826353 8115610
5408683 9818445 6314282 3217974 5617759 2325437 5479211 7657910
2415883 5879836 9628120 5847839 5817906 7620101 8646221 6563014
10071870 5715947 5626249 7493739 6640789 8418262 8717716 2335261
2518399 6659452 5815776 8626364 8847203 4830642 2517954 6718623
5703489 5431029 8909778 6818812 6515783 8589120 2460838 5618924
7517751 6779197 4957214 9612663 9817728 5816484 8711412 6721110
8718190 9117920 5685287 5755319 6319327 5815923 6516212 7670939
2497998 5717891 8517670 6809355 4122405 5528564 9516084 5839835
7591011 5731571 5817870 8917966 5618357 4793079 7631271 8915684
6510548 9734988 8814086 5417646 8717692 6211080 8720705 9919585
4815844 5580882 7545461 9556146 5218024 9817973 2370647 2556995
5466485 5715891 4789504 6507123 5721712 5719695 7617601 6499751
6529767 10077430 9516034 5254761 8704018 8725323 6517793 6520818
8703843 5722751 9890871 9516978 8863520 6379218 6723291 5718454
9817866 6946836 6786315 7766464 5715780 5642759 9646030 8828996
6517777 6533959 9814790 2408193 10031732 5716016 9421249 6494393
6839211 5818382 9817968 2116422 6061444 6559602 5718615 6486669
8715300 5715973 8715919 9414931 8657767 8765235 6669191 9515841
9360600 6787754 5774331 8614847 8920166 6796103 8435433 8814774
5716051 8329550 8328164 5900812 5814752 7615451 2513748 4716252
8961244 5716039 6493129 6484757 9725416 5714988 8714842 5605393
9640573 9609225 6416594 6474977 7390610 5950615 4729095 7328809
2364775 5885482 9911559 6715790 5359951 6453104 9839886 5829761
7829766 9538250 4807512 7634572 5715885 6519651 9776038 9933850
2429098 7629038 8678357 9570179 9840257 3515696 8721580 9778225
6434163 5428811 7629497 4709401 4733712 9868999 5716308 6515339
6401117 6945662 5728958 9829510 6659924 8525446 4333335 5715623
5425807 6478905 6885414 9828812 7628872 8715095 8729154 9882728
5415653 6499485 7582336 4745668 8730845 9829200 2403175 9539532
6536552 2416149 6523155 7821702 6519335 8528796 9829225 5713008
2431432 8923418 5815979 6431100 7623018 6921881 2428736 9829079
8713024 6531698 7635015 9618398 2422256 8424972 5388726 9557251
9829025 6511069 8731362 6595050 8715853 5411476 8716412 9522597
2428709 9737185 4508220 9533426 6770142 4816021 4495234 9699236
7605165 5828903 6529554 6789845 5953882 9853057 9216161 6519176
8711632 8726582 5731408 9829192 5709324 6533941 6843811 6816031
5320789 9722266 5793872 6528843 8728733 5909396 2434859 9836685
5615883 3225300 9749886 8760637 5629877 5329116 9151713 2591205
6763503 8115784 4698674 9383555 2852186 9829272 8729029 7690601
2452587 6529062 6516107 6527761 8719009 8723235 8728663 8928995
9381573 2721083 9174771 3216331 5682962 6425824 9605656 6244242
7329914 5648388 2511454 8734220 8715797 9363275 7486272 6557190
8728865 9429738 4644043 6285374 6108155 9941244 5728619 8696520
6838839 6529774 9829706 5599568 9521282 7671665 5716073 4690878
9595320 8671664 7428919 9829064 2145673 2696144 6541640 8716139
2870368 9568024 6980283 5429016 7828772 2479014 9579708 9916130
7415997 5341541 7613590 8227757 8529003 9829447 9457158 6569056
9540162 6518983 5714528 6495988 2433291 5429168 9828770 8666382
6584769 8642570 3516191 2412093 9815611 8419938 8734110 6528903
5964168 10052101 7652694 6316064 3220255 9803582 9431193 6528754
8729768 5515143 5428338 8789532 9515861 9767913 9758410 6302338
7929887 9829407 4679055 9673456 6636749 8116062 5301003 9703439
5830273 3228740 9728719 2808136 3643874 9441451 4715885 6317292
9611019 2429700 6230031 8528877 3706599 5638631 7543495 5716955
5340182 9153433 5769567 8729028 8331358 6514508 9827523 6738098
5716076 5128952 7569799 5853307 8728693 8929086 4803345 9540655
7835885 9315941 2842094 9433705 6919412 5829026 9629507 5629527
9652017 8749483 9217499 6217426 9691130 6879610 5429044 9829717
6796259 9552076 8736612 2817322 8719205 8003687 5828034 6528840
9328779 2837946 2534745 7627987 4715854 6528883 8516032 10095110
3228978 9529009 2554558 9000671 8437882 5717917 7416016 6728601
2322852 8855972 6529492 5679512 2472987 9082452 5716103 6130720
8713548 3522316 8728625 9829863 9481827 8480258 7630055 2415864
9516906 8635773 5762143 5728816 9828686 5677967 6586485 8547553
6815955 5396420 7623592 9819165 6229131 9829008 5706076 9538031
7862747 5716131 8182099 9740946 3877653 6529056 8728787 4673885
5476196 10104196 6516057 5260372 8726636 6604278 5440943 9829408
9088129 8459139 9831670 8218504 2622723 8726895 7416220 2548770
9828951 6087835 2689998 4333351 3316159 5426126 5626908 9516192
5129250 6730006 5678082 9578899 8444735 6817526 5412390 7586817
5434528 8429458 9828983 8649757 9628393 9881508 9215887 8403982
7621595 4717430 5129645 9628773 3464852 2577094 5454543 9516258
2399325 6622555 4751349 2328685 7629922 3210850 2533323 8256497
8928120 8728554 9614442 6219358 9533249 8728927 9401912 8742629
8895907 5816081 5240831 6457564 5459838 9528912 9828731 2318963
8823985 7623876 2423559 5422561 9760124 5747973 2429986 6528706
2350407 6600202 9934141 9816046 5608608 7587342 8747414 9528966
8728875 5455180 5764751 9534653 9515960 5725713 9398966 2430238
5828767 8728870 6279395 6801231 8244671 4716047 5374152 7242901
9745811 6528727 9828876 2242733 3719584 5747497 6516615 8548417
8374009 8878471 9828903 6728899 5706275 6559134 8757171 6516302
5411270 9818607 5724487 6528922 8928633 2374782 2473094 5751441
9816064 4716638 7678802 2556350 5729385 8928855 5661240 5884398
9856619 6216273 5595986 5312505 4846125 5828943 7629005 8111451
4734026 9872758 9416170 5901328 7421530 6840470 6528903 9829714
2814675 4728720 8814916 4717234 5700637 9644038 2797006 2529483
5428981 1402782 6237599 6601016 6216418 5364229 9700808 2940080
1428757 6528697 3807227 5955784 6521336 9721413 6927261 9828511
9815376 5729001 8729465 5606451 6694989 9235242 6517153 9514936
8056664 4886100 5728945 8428840 5709626 6541273 7634675 2416182
2517010 9666174 7051159 4728837 8629598 5635514 6021538 7631443
2415895 4825008 9429904 6212043 6528938 7628921 5150393 5031772
9949684 6516189 9687797 9555770 5871695 6828905 7628884 2271959
5572376 8995076 6517692 4693005 6611086 5888621 5828685 8928749
8559131 7036028 7844623 8216208 5304459 9631619 2334321 9528861
8628624 6711546 6833734 8832754 9816235 6720854 9701848 4778837
8528696 7628855 3198131 4749857 9862109 6516178 2523539 7626830
1463769 6928681 8728643 5714406 6529810 10088379 6216199 4557920
7347852 9986518 8428930 9829012 7132855 5534404 7673848 3416336
6507860 9805526 8727783 5728765 9829398 9411574 9673823 9829128
6518474 6524226 7596015 4727741 5230309 8728919 5625213 4814037
5463288 7916205 9497309 6663767 8430534 6828855 7829359 3185618
6256734 9233812 6516067 5425061 7228519 8627348 9529314 9228704
5646293 6676610 7665352 5916258 8685351 9681935 5830936 6928832
5428529 2601091 6259050 7649765 4716123 6500369 7750471 2478406
8428904 9329577 5635926 6798288 8638842 6515860 9620843 7046632
7868744 5828687 6431267 9402528 6542213 7339273 9816254 5215139
9789211 5756134 6528824 8428850 6470770 5896359 7527063 8417859
5928104 9620494 6297966 6829373 9328447 5707411 5434644 8751851
9516962 5796613 9410799 5717983 2431000 6728863 4671299 4795944
8983323 2416245 6481186 8704656 5431613 9828792 9828889 6301265
6005237 7815659 5716073 6312720 9649293 5805965 5728833 8928666
3475901 3265399 7629620 5715994 6527163 8913689 4729826 5728848
9829837 5757790 2195284 6586259 6516042 5368975 8711816 9223023
9533164 7629376 8665976 6594679 10025666 5716278 8469776 8560142
7012377 9728785 6529293 4680282 4863984 9841322 9221396 6208142
7626538 5460041 5474303 9829710 8661250 6574601 8826374 3516318
7312513 9819051 9824588 2628479 9828843 8716242 2547542 7912490
8716249 9523046 9823761 9520163 6528841 8728882 5598324 4243280
9961588 6516629 6121706 6509297 2432523 2428940 9828584 8646285
6299735 8727724 8715999 7429152 8698740 9535247 9528690 9328474
5702198 8446980 6672698 7816193 6419015 8704645 9731674 6528803
9228895 2583472 8997204 8938395 6516248 9815132 7622050 7417144
5429551 9828899 6749929 6444704 8734232 9215952 5122714 9784330
8154605 3228653 7629554 7094996 4748267 9849068 6616020 9503277
9788049 9239115 4831826 8729889 6473996 6264901 9903696 2416073
5393773 8705438 8733708 6529249 9829099 3475697 5668580 9878225
5716077 8674659 6525533 2411872 6541115 6728728 5710995 4731449
8969348 6516045 2507952 6499168 8441899 4729289 8728852 7446337
9657136 9843102 5719738 6509913 8407374 5627913 5428741 9830522
6511666 8730996 8927756 5717217 5627442 7368508 2746126 5428744
9829194 4702726 3243662 8760355 5716391 8390771 9827722 2487571
9565649 5429132 3495683 2547949 5688119 1617158 6421522 6728540
6515386 3529042 8928794 6710381 2535620 5776338 5716413 5608948
9633178 2507657 3228583 7828534 9640149 5898526 5326582 3602015
5928371 8923414 8423196 4728743 6729456 8747628 4794860 6734829
9217360 9816393 7683202 7211680 5828603 9729056 6467633 6566319
9839881 4715908 8718350 7428367 9104569 2749680 8729400 2413950
4132318 9872179 6516353 6445809 7570490 4745706 7828659 9828811
2334429 1601791 9916433 5716263 4667609 6528399 5437365 10240340
9829516 5669758 5195539 8999155 5416259 4455826 9605082 5852127
5728699 6530077 9559131 7785135 7756773 5716370 5561744 9609202
2606085 9528809 8728670 5632805 5913682 9857468 2416025 5789179
4311149 8734770 5728598 8629088 6137514 5521260 5477011 8716470
5576482 9331805 10017374 5929235 8728433 6482442 5766747 9332885
5816298 8422883 7560245 4778209 6828528 9829008 3914003 6529406
5685031 5716053 2475816 6564769 2299528 2428543 8928529 6275409
6351611 7833879 7116383 2526045 5613913 9820709 4828504 7628710
5372972 4967743 9849421 8716291 5687548 8418727 6523442 2328490
8928732 7414310 3230246 8744414 9815951 6522898 9697873 3606202
5428619 5628344 4716242 5728053 9698835 5801637 2428330 8642703
2160412 4929077 6728696 8810987 5036941 8021612 5416156 5716643
9816833 3522687 6529665 8929710 9811613 6646516 9833888 8715989
4723158 6628040 2472821 5828572 8929446 3613841 4733577 8726268
2417822 8927539 8381031 4936779 9828736 9828719 5637231 6843191
6728290 9216320 5527931 9789984 5746154 6528780 7828986 3501113
5753143 6735081 4716485 1421896 8872036 2443604 6929178 5429414
5709693 6835352 6539944 9516907 4716883 9814145 2420936 2529425
7629944 5713789 9827911 9898127 5716606 2363172 6481397 9841838
6228446 7829952 2402111 4745414 8999038 6516762 6478160 5622876
5721703 2528688 9828632 9694769 6708854 5568269 5716456 4392326
8703111 5746414 4829012 6728531 6471495 5985854 8734529 4716089
4716382 9728599 2485279 5928535 6529068 8645206 5824814 6743601
9816252 9611406 9800036 5748841 5428858 9828729 2352356 5777914
8730609 4918035 5823655 7623906 7820162 6928469 9831130 2691509
4795770 8754017 6516368 3467215 6654097 4746933 5928358 9828713
5515081 5693996 7693892 9616759 2702297 9817478 5721643 6528777
9828689 2327794 5937002 9543251 6816424 3222889 8576855 6799619
2428526 4529658 9634313 6919224 7725867 3216834 6460572 9827971
5715990 2528734 8729394 5670211 5773055 5803577 9816451 6679046
7602848 7016982 2428725 5629381 5700562 6850877 9011666 8716211
3489648 7828629 2615558 7628557 6528692 2374293 5870008 6527914
8716385 9528207 6456660 6054559 4828698 9828671 9704602 6669606
8778991 2416270 5690402 8527865 7555221 9529226 9528646 9334265
5037834 8722716 8720679 6227243 7646974 6306291 5728703 8928548
4628593 6667624 9828733 7116129 2427961 6515217 3423942 4728489
6729378 5622292 5945569 10177985 6816434 2252364 6490363 9730038
9628676 9828635 2401166 4941730 6755791 8716195 5709097 8863489
8758579 5828833 7629540 9385980 6630983 8923539 6725859 5723582
5372359 2449216 8428570 7628700 5631565 8323605 9828863 6216235
9627932 9804929 7127541 9228537 8728475 9831896 3029336 6567329
5816510 6769825 9703169 6803925 2528702 6728751 5584261 2607960
8842814 6216434 5611936 8899251 5739942 3529086 6529014 4767601
9638599 8793197 3516416 2049275 6268480 2579054 5728685 8729159
6782600 2575913 5483941 4716497 4703322 7306145 9712856 5828601
9832916 7715702 2423447 8846734 9816906 5840776 8696850 6231694
5728708 6529474 3416323 5826767 5644365 5717103 2403176 7823648
8418176 2428569 9828682 2101626 9792517 5681412 2516439 5716007
6625828 8024148 6528385 9828675 8365016 6008287 8732214 2417297
5725384 6425016 5780392 6528418 9828759 6141875 5829048 8746622
9816477 8534263 6469904 4742637 9529340 8628768 2791531 6563614
7370777 5716432 5704090 8875507 2646436 5928381 8628691 5581258
4874945 8710254 5736417 9524480 5580692 9135055 5728940 9828610
5638363 6907050 8775146 6516957 8692403 7596195 9832767 5728350
9828427 5626336 4832432 9777654 2516814 9784968 6503122 4833080
6528755 8928515 7367734 5839475 8668208 3218674 6488236 9751543
5754886 2428610 5629400 6511059 5733335 9113372 6516509 6266111
7540828 4893158 5729045 8928640 7328065 8850840 8758889 3516874
3431217 9464658 2529191 2428707 9831206 6492403 5765997 3246009
9817015 6914383 4445290 7267342 6828661 8728671 8379946 2569427
6708231 3216549 5549140 7617746 7423781 6828969 9829074 9740299
5818085 8789666 5417277 5906037 8719035 9821004 6528573 7628861
5397961 2448184 9894423 8717213 5844622 8517883 9622605 4728254
9328600 5715390 6828926 9438852 8916200 2408630 7480804 2462829
6528349 7629210 5363741 5796548 8627903 8716999 9727637 6488696
3261939 5829440 6528468 7408759 2536454 8810771 9816603 2218987
8628207 6412977 6669631 9229250 5671341 5791061 6427222 2516583
4928502 8547824 4852819 4828573 9528427 6472811 6885749 8730841
5716109 5824211 8560284 6649924 5729007 9828534 5716097 2427910
7745501 5716391 4661106 9716749 9915313 6528447 7628623 6204284
4939802 9840107 4716254 5715325 6529063 9515511 2528266 9828669
5462541 5919580 6563985 3216818 5391281 7611934 4719903 5728465
9829438 5718512 8837177 8428133 5724440 5719851 9527851 2614892
2628325 7428359 9814474 2530160 8329325 6517671 5723691 7822666
5411982 2437898 9828658 9270612 6147614 7945112 2416577 2147381
8682802 5764200 6829104 7628613 8620450 5618835 9838159 5716626
8719020 7464960 5561651 5428357 9836538 4912915 9822705 6656913
5316881 2502870 8902699 7540901 6828368 5628318 6192999 2461589
6551136 5717025 4693474 8669959 9379314 6828610 6529008 8096331
6544970 6825997 8716464 5611243 9802022 6541883 8728313 6528593
9482069 9879490 7879638 2416236 2502525 9821883 5820197 6828200
7629402 7324034 4819014 5631995 3518122 2423185 7564115 6265893
5928568 8928377 9396012 4912922 6734094 9716515 5379549 8727773
5409271 6533684 9828506 2369746 5829609 8970194 4716530 7946097
7827739 9516583 7228212 6536053 2414424 6520197 10077267 2116565
4577307 9636604 6845591 5828329 7628694 9415480 5928107 10105780
9716581 6404444 7502006 3367168 5428367 7628605 5586063 6761896
9833816 2416187 8725123 9773013 6547164 5728352 8728478 8246092
10009745 6562911 7916651 6793042 7678377 6608678 4728399 9829421
4703302 6840586 7673794 3516559 6468179 9819912 4719059 4728973
6528953 5625008 5835706 8750478 6518364 9813351 9677595 8596496
5728552 6528397 7318918 5035458 10080857 9816639 2324080 8723253
2520791 6828266 5428539 4802236 4738505 6730401 6516682 2423000
9476723 3680521 6928517 7628656 8715461 4728904 9826729 9819740
6827949 4477220 5796277 3528267 7628655 6183769 9856003 8847435
9816998 5652918 8723250 1418210 5728412 9828268 8647842 3276426
8739457 3216265 5715659 8727631 6416363 9828394 9828172 7411252
2136327 7639009 2516429 6499290 9611105 7027249 5428514 9828882
5402904 8737099 8821877 8716545 8885055 7620293 6222807 8728289
8728556 4503934 2712243 9832340 2416251 8724116 8651370 6624698
6428327 6828464 8393229 3255444 7936976 9216321 7415022 9299213
7455623 8729372 7628794 5067992 9869799 8737327 6516409 9602147
9683811 9575344 5428284 8428425 5618691 2574019 9254177 2417169
6350520 8185106 6332073 6228496 5429344 5401079 6846937 9452722
3416631 8514509 8681502 5735019 9528756 6530418 9699303 5745059
9829600 4816231 2587179 7463146 6733283 2428521 9828338 7203966
6683057 6820760 9516589 5632475 7752572 2466697 9529349 5628639
3195120 5752940 7847757 4716506 8717685 8715512 9518656 3929162
7628948 2281924 3410804 9839394 5723332 6108738 6292586 5832333
5128464 9828270 5703166 8543896 6846369 9816648 8530322 9286563
7858126 5428447 6829091 3462545 1482428 7339463 5842439 3527680
8377869 5464081 4829462 9329364 6185988 5681004 6681717 2416493
2286775 7531251 8519563 9728211 9830887 2415955 9824818 8854926
2516583 8295092 9584403 9553898 5428899 7629344 8648539 5786896
9847925 6216360 2414809 8703055 5451945 6428502 8728256 6392920
6640328 9831165 5716500 4724788 6704781 9844775 5728170 9828296
4671789 5982287 8769381 2416765 4800708 9744570 5765314 5728497
9828344 9803251 9839557 8740209 3517353 5906204 9817524 4722963
3429696 6728475 6148812 6611459 9846293 4716274 8717258 6482706
6855308 9528479 6729378 2516004 5427277 9844069 6116675 3223634
8724244 4814544 833275 8728419 5377998 6577293 9024844 8716518
5309516 7821529 6520676 4728773 10001632 7416261 9440051 7696322
2416772 6450679 7816697 9826507 3229430 7628467 4495131 2605020
9873670 2416701 6187400 7454155 4873070 4728384 7628459 9501805
5832006 9839007 6516248 9520255 9825892 8712486 9834280 9828677
7409590 2434388 6559507 2416350 9700618 8488284 6632757 6528457
7428379 9663471 2666351 5885539 7416684 4341360 8618776 6024011
2528437 7628381 9489696 6959890 9823544 7124258 4725013 7795251
5444002 6528317 9828863 6513322 8731018 9848299 3216677 6513351
7627478 5714883 5729215 6530578 4671674 5990486 9850088 6816868
2379326 6488982 2450875 5428240 7628131 4682272 2454282 6556449
5716499 4792451 9765066 2463081 8428391 6528261 8654058 9580082
9972441 6816739 6189488 7479432 5953508 8728488 8428162 4713222
2430198 7640572 2416370 6418620 9788000 2589197 9528752 6628260
6382926 4843213 9830549 4817029 6820836 9815719 9535236 5630377
8728954 8651839 2584222 7682308 5716733 9470029 8866121 6442250
5729158 7628216 7377185 8762407 9845674 9516345 6507798 8659569
2505699 2428114 8729860 7689545 4791225 9832652 3216366 5824439
9783223 9449917 5728432 7628326 2346402 6707324 9827536 8421821
5721239 8447544 6749763 2428374 9828345 4456184 6016132 6586896
4716589 4669457 9789749 3263246 2428257 8728086 4714324 6529504
9884926 2516565 9447054 9827779 1416473 8728003 7628212 6490816
5449533 9916569 9817027 1052372 7457280 4887244 4728205 8728472
5371881 6605147 7839143 8717627 5710957 8885024 6563894 5728111
7628169 2307150 9887290 8928805 4717463 4725767 6474210 9904363
3228726 6728208 5675326 2454625 10121909 3216823 5564152 9707702
8570956 2428417 6528165 7381701 9462571 6757927 5416846 6489710
9826515 8716539 5729244 8728252 3465747 9907024 7848774 9416703
3453808 8894846 2469971 3628831 9828449 8529020 3339714 6589008
8316479 3121305 8726608 9717500 2528025 8728362 5562123 7946717
7634288 6116365 7420537 8666888 2474070 9728851 9828338 6404682
9641078 8946639 4716376 9409032 6721685 5424127 5728101 8929096
8682942 6752291 6955312 6516649 3000996 7801939 4731528 5728156
7628191 2855143 6501542 9910380 7816598 6654628 7621975 3520150
5828366 8728164 5416208 6527848 9830880 6516368 5426521 8221393
7419048 2428804 7828675 3506200 5737365 9675975 4716771 5792007
8685942 2478056 5728620 6528169 6488958 5452780 9830330 8416429
5924359 6500311 8725137 4728800 8928024 9507630 6834437 8781761
9517987 6477094 9648143 8896136 4728204 6528342 5230343 4956362
7974419 5716721 9218906 9488862 5664893 9528337 8628327 2349515
2426900 7834733 4718467 6219996 9795106 6835946 4828304 8728185
9716959 5427325 9966671 5716747 5603955 7625783 5413746 6537009
9828348 5392840 6045993 8679377 6516424 9389414 6326778 10135890
2428379 9827970 4712646 6538547 7650943 2416881 2406847 7825215
5707841 5946927 7828340 6431807 5939087 9662084 5719619 5685489
7827203 8416927 5428023 8728392 6463353 5494622 9916958 4717496
9768549 6702655 5932885 4727981 8928311 5791383 8553852 7850249
6416566 2907430 8536401 2541993 2728346 9829032 5661120 6774545
6729557 3521500 2419136 7814936 8727134 9528961 8928052 5411437
6836320 7627171 8716526 8428692 9828135 9515579 5728454 9828363
4698296 5989146 8893121 2916838 5160883 6722885 3813611 6834419
9828209 6443560 5773934 6972213 8416801 4469511 6723129 9118798
6527994 7828211 5263933 6793334 6580056 8716628 6450367 8919613
8721768 9527989 8729287 6488190 8771154 7546455 4717524 5713211
9650040 8826444 6528163 8730860 2393696 5459415 6790723 6517205
5688884 9818974 4724180 5828445 5628001 8870839 9577348 9913367
7416696 4740497 8585829 9551718 2530842 6729322 7546652 6586803
8769081 9517563 5686656 9778040 8459606 2428250 8629365 2415253
5726251 7950935 4716897 5693717 8920384 3619661 3534513 9828018
1373127 2478060 7644915 5716488 6510555 9643697 5955231 9528296
7830215 9190587 1455524 9836692 8717489 6519031 9820494 2421135
5429602 9827944 6506791 3542913 7659701 4716510 2491819 8545115
5560789 5428289 9828981 5712318 6531293 7765484 5817240 2533199
9641144 4847836 2428330 6532967 6809618 5733636 8730091 9716443
2425884 7594577 5757287 9528712 9827992 2367458 8784845 9842984
6817524 6511520 8513971 5909748 6528260 7629244 5682171 4756140
9832770 5717733 4718903 9792851 2471046 2528229 6528268 2866666
6568906 6799834 7916844 4622045 6412800 5508351 9528169 9827937
6514867 6529244 8748412 8418958 5710269 8916046 5730179 8928543
6529093 9712051 5430678 9852800 2416811 5563365 6300469 6339589
2528336 6528271 7355903 5771137 9841712 2517298 6913656 8468380
9849652 6828307 6828270 6429053 2567802 8732817 7716472 6525601
9828181 9814898 8729148 8728919 5625655 5825511 8743610 8416602
5816505 9827700 3514666 2729465 8728271 7268394 6688488 9879112
9117509 2369678 9463912 9376267 4728322 6537532 6510169 9523985
8931233 4716427 2725617 7604894 4729941 6528272 9828264 9794395
5749671 9789238 5416826 2378520 7621521 8720480 5728288 7988385
3216419 6321137 8926862 9516875 6528220 7628836 8715248 6828210
9065990 6516431 6189651 10135704 7416879 6222971 5427827 9725981
6910049 7628219 8629524 5813992 9917388 6216590 8635276 8218739
8763985 5828194 7628977 9467741 2462297 7648041 6816639 6518320
6360451 4808881 2528129 7628511 8672693 9875961 9831813 9516938
2426789 7566213 7446204 5728216 7628664 3187296 6869552 8734898
5418420 5723750 8727836 6675109 5569260 7629085 4606634 5849906
8743460 9817373 2425398 9762021 5741809 6828921 7629124 5698699
5943210 10085084 6516869 4661376 7605865 5738644 2527977 9829540
8708114 9534973 7645041 9516839 4722241 9808339 5424518 6828500
8737612 8710573 5428201 8779701 6817454 5915436 9674999 4745746
2428010 9828932 9789206 5744715 6535145 2417628 4720458

Austin O' Byrne

Richard Heathfield

Oct 30, 2021, 12:43:53 PM10/30/21
On 30/10/2021 17:35, austin obyrne wrote:
> Herewith is a sample of ciphertext from my ASLEC cipher .

You forgot to include a working implementation.

Oh, but of course, you can't, can you? You haven't got one.

> The sample simulates Eve having intercepted this quantity of ciphertext and she is trying to decrypt it by statistical means and indeed by any means.

Those are your rules, and they don't apply. Eve doesn't play by your
rules. Eve plays by Eve's rules. Eve will almost certainly wait until
she's accumulated more material.

> The reader cannot claim any help whatever that Eve would not reasonably be expected to possess.

Well, to be fair, Eve won't get any more material because no Alice in
their right mind would trust *one* message to this crap, let alone *two*.

> This sample is absolutely honest and has not been tinkered with in anyway.

Yeah, right.

Richard Heathfield
Email: rjh at cpax dot org dot uk
"Usenet is a strange place" - dmr 29 July 1999
Sig line 4 vacant - apply within


Oct 30, 2021, 12:49:37 PM10/30/21
On Saturday, 30 October 2021 at 17:35:54 UTC+1, austin obyrne wrote:
> This sample is absolutely honest and has not been tinkered with in anyway.

Prove it. You are a habitual liar and cheat, so why should anyone go to the
trouble of helping you? Yes, this is help.

Without knowing that at least Bob can read it, this is a waste of time.

A decrypt by you is insufficient. You need to PROVE that this can be done
by someone other than you.


Richard Heathfield

Oct 30, 2021, 1:04:15 PM10/30/21
To do that, he'd need to trust someone with a working copy of his
program; but I don't think he can, because I don't think he *has* a
working copy of his program.


Oct 30, 2021, 1:48:09 PM10/30/21
On 30.10.21 18:35, austin obyrne wrote:
> Herewith is a sample of ciphertext from my ASLEC cipher .
> The sample simulates Eve having intercepted this quantity of ciphertext and she is trying to decrypt it by statistical means and indeed by any means.
> The reader cannot claim any help whatever that Eve would not reasonably be expected to possess.

Yawn. Any(!) cryptosystem out there that is deemed to be "secure", is
secure even if Eve knows *everything* about the cipher, except the key
for the current message. Keep in mind, the "key" is everything that is
not publicly known aka known to Eve.

So your key is the actual key plus the description of the algorithm/the

Your ciphertext has about 15 kB. I doubt the amount of secret data (key
plus algorithm/implementation) is (much) smaller than that. Thus, you
might just as well use something like an OTP.



Oct 30, 2021, 2:23:10 PM10/30/21
On Saturday, 30 October 2021 at 18:48:09 UTC+1, Max wrote:
> Your ciphertext has about 15 kB. I doubt the amount of secret data (key
> plus algorithm/implementation) is (much) smaller than that. Thus, you
> might just as well use something like an OTP.

I've looked closely at his Ada programs, and rewritten them in a
more idiomatic style.

The message is 1 printable ASCII character per triple of supplied
ciphertext numbers. This gives a ciphergram expansion of 20-30 times.

Depending on when/if you get an answer, the key may be 33 or
thereabouts scrambling parameters. These are applied with a
laughably weak mixing process to several lists of baked-in constants
that are used in the cipher. It could be that these baked-in constants
are also part of the key, but to date they are public knowledge and do
not need changing. He has changed his mind often enough that this
is unclear.

He also makes surreptitious changes to his code. This makes it unclear
how his purported communications partner(s) are able to decrypt
the ciphergrams. In effect the whole program could be the key, specially
when he's running the stupid challenges.

If Bob can't decrypt, then why bother?



Oct 30, 2021, 3:01:29 PM10/30/21
Max <> wrote:
> Your ciphertext has about 15 kB. I doubt the amount of secret data (key
> plus algorithm/implementation) is (much) smaller than that. Thus, you
> might just as well use something like an OTP.

Well, the "secret data (key plus algo)" is the Ada source, which is
probably tens of megabytes of duplicative Ada source. As the "key" in
AOB's versions is hard coded into the source (i.e., the 'case'
statement snippet I posted to Chris from Shuttlepads encoded the "key"
in the order of the individual arms. ASLEC is likely similar, in that
the key is the source, so "the key" is likely many megabytes.

But as AOB has not posted any code for anyone to look at, we can only
guess current state from prior code postings, and all those prior code
postings point to megabytes of duplicative Ada source as the key.

Further, as there has not even been a coherent description offered, we
can only guess as to other aspects based on prior variants. All the
"vector" variants output three coordinates per input character, so one
input character would likely become this much output data in ASLEC:
"9827086 9681778 7343610". That is twenty-three bytes out for one byte
in (and in a few spots, the one of the number is eight digits, for
twenty-four bytes out for one byte in.

So it looks like also we have the characteristic AOB ciphertext
expansion going on.

So he put in a snippet of text of about 667 characters, and got out a
about 15kB of ciphertext. Terrible given that AES manages only one
IV's worth of size expansion when used in CBC mode, and provides better
security, and an external key.


Oct 30, 2021, 3:04:47 PM10/30/21
MM <> wrote:
> He also makes surreptitious changes to his code. This makes it
> unclear how his purported communications partner(s) are able to
> decrypt the ciphergrams. In effect the whole program could be the
> key, specially when he's running the stupid challenges.

He's also been known to make changes to his code *during* his
challenges in a sad attempt to cut any breaks being published.

I believe you said he did this to you on one of the early challenges,
or was it Richard H. who was so victimized?


Oct 30, 2021, 3:21:17 PM10/30/21
That was me. Aug 2013 or thereabouts. The boast of the day was
that "two small numbers" were sufficient to secure the ciphertext.

The challenge was agreed and posted, and from the get-go, it was
bad faith. He'd made quite a few changes to the cipher's constants,
contrary to his promise, "to protect the cipher" in his words.

This made a mockery of the "two small numbers" boast. It also
shredded what little credibility he had.

"Two small numbers" was actually three numbers, but they
amounted to two as a pair of them were always subtracted from
each other. I had an Ada program to brute force that cipher, very
little sophistication was needed.



Oct 30, 2021, 3:57:43 PM10/30/21
On 30.10.21 21:01, Rich wrote:
> Max <> wrote:
>> Your ciphertext has about 15 kB. I doubt the amount of secret data (key
>> plus algorithm/implementation) is (much) smaller than that. Thus, you
>> might just as well use something like an OTP.
> Well, the "secret data (key plus algo)" is the Ada source, which is
> probably tens of megabytes of duplicative Ada source. As the "key" in
> AOB's versions is hard coded into the source (i.e., the 'case'
> statement snippet I posted to Chris from Shuttlepads encoded the "key"
> in the order of the individual arms. ASLEC is likely similar, in that
> the key is the source, so "the key" is likely many megabytes.

Spoken from an algorithmic information theory point of view, we would
have to consider the length of the "shortest possible" program that can
produce the ciphertext as its information value (Kolmogorov complexity).
So bad programming doesn't count ;-). Still, that should be more than a
few hundred bytes.

> But as AOB has not posted any code for anyone to look at, we can only
> guess current state from prior code postings, and all those prior code
> postings point to megabytes of duplicative Ada source as the key
> Further, as there has not even been a coherent description offered, we
> can only guess as to other aspects based on prior variants.

The last weeks I learned the hard way how hard it is to reverse engineer
even a toy cipher from just some plaintext-key-ciphertext triplets. As
it's not just about getting the algorithm right, but also all those
mapping and encoding steps that have no cryptographic value as such, it
is rather painful. Yet, I can't think of any real world scenario where
the algorithm is unknown. So this is just an exercise in futility.

> All the
> "vector" variants output three coordinates per input character, so one
> input character would likely become this much output data in ASLEC:
> "9827086 9681778 7343610". That is twenty-three bytes out for one byte
> in (and in a few spots, the one of the number is eight digits, for
> twenty-four bytes out for one byte in.
> So it looks like also we have the characteristic AOB ciphertext
> expansion going on.
> So he put in a snippet of text of about 667 characters, and got out a
> about 15kB of ciphertext. Terrible given that AES manages only one
> IV's worth of size expansion when used in CBC mode, and provides better
> security, and an external key.

Oh boy. 667 characters? 600 bytes? That puts the poor fellow who falls
for this in Zodiac-Killer-letter territory.


Oct 30, 2021, 9:56:42 PM10/30/21
the 2nd character = 'h'
the 9th character = 's'
the 24th character = ' '

Richard Heathfield

Oct 31, 2021, 1:32:15 AM10/31/21
Interesting. In that light, I'd expect the 3rd character to be 'e' and
the 1st to be 'T'.


Oct 31, 2021, 4:41:27 AM10/31/21
Pner gb funer gur qrgnvyf bs lbhe zrgubq?


Richard Heathfield

Oct 31, 2021, 5:05:42 AM10/31/21
On 31/10/2021 08:41, MM wrote:
> Pner gb funer gur qrgnvyf bs lbhe zrgubq?

V jbaqre vs ur'f whfg hfvat gur byq xrl? Orpnhfr gung jbhyq or uvynevbhf.

Chris M. Thomasson

Oct 31, 2021, 5:09:48 AM10/31/21
On 10/31/2021 2:05 AM, Richard Heathfield wrote:
> On 31/10/2021 08:41, MM wrote:
>> Pner gb funer gur qrgnvyf bs lbhe zrgubq?
> V jbaqre vs ur'f whfg hfvat gur byq xrl? Orpnhfr gung jbhyq or uvynevbhf.

Ur orggre abg or hfvat gur byq xrl



Oct 31, 2021, 6:37:34 AM10/31/21
On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 09:05:42 UTC, Richard Heathfield wrote:
> On 31/10/2021 08:41, MM wrote:
> > Pner gb funer gur qrgnvyf bs lbhe zrgubq?
> V jbaqre vs ur'f whfg hfvat gur byq xrl? Orpnhfr gung jbhyq or uvynevbhf.

vgf zbfg yvxryl gung ur'f whfg qvpxvat jvgu gur fpenzoyvat cnenzrgref naq cbfg-fpenzoyvat gur erfhyg



Oct 31, 2021, 11:33:08 AM10/31/21
Richard Heathfield <> wrote:
> On 31/10/2021 08:41, MM wrote:
>> Pner gb funer gur qrgnvyf bs lbhe zrgubq?
> V jbaqre vs ur'f whfg hfvat gur byq xrl? Orpnhfr gung jbhyq or uvynevbhf.

Npghnyyl gung jbhyq or *fb* NBO gb erhfr gur byq xrl cnenzrgref gung
unq nyernql orra oebxra sbe uvf arj 'guvat'. Naq vg jbhyq tb gb fubj
jung lbh, naq bguref, unir fnvq bire naq bire. Gung gur rkgerzr
qvssvphygl bs n "xrl punatr" zrnaf Nyvpr naq Obo jba'g punatr vg bsgra
(vs rire). Vs gur nhgube uvzfrys pna'g or obgurerq gb punatr vg gura
Nyvpr naq Obo jvyy arire punatr vg.


Oct 31, 2021, 1:01:29 PM10/31/21
On Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 11:35:54 AM UTC-5, austin obyrne wrote:
> Herewith is a sample of ciphertext from my ASLEC cipher .
> The sample simulates Eve having intercepted this quantity of ciphertext and she is trying to decrypt it by statistical means and indeed by any means.
> The reader cannot claim any help whatever that Eve would not reasonably be expected to possess.
> This sample is absolutely honest and has not been tinkered with in anyway.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 9827086 9681778 7343610 6543976 8714739 6219192 9827246 5413762
> 5427340 8727481 3169833 8474945 9859805 6514808 5403260 7226813
> 9112694 5728592 8627363 5066394 9687580 9345279 6514854 4706141
> 7256052 9889497 6527157 6836744 5408090 5423069 9895801 6814913
> 9765793 9604164 7526032 6524179 8724263 6492178 9245870 8785230

Your worked example of only one ASCIi character is helpful but leaves
questions. You have now provided a lengthy cyphertext. It is assumed
that you followed the exact procedure shown in the example.

Questions :

1. you choose the coeficients of a vector to start the process.
Does that vector stay the same throughout the encrypting process?.

2. Tou cycle through 12 variations of using V0, V1, V2, V3..
Will that stay as shown in the example and continue in
the order shown throughout the encrypting process.

3. You add a change of origin vector at the end before
publishing the message. Does that vector stay the same throughout
the message or change for each encrypted character.

4. Your recent release looks like 9 or 10 digits for each vector
element,,,,approximately 27 digits for each character....
Is that correct?

austin obyrne

Oct 31, 2021, 1:49:58 PM10/31/21

This is something that Eve cannot ask


Oct 31, 2021, 1:57:01 PM10/31/21
On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 17:49:58 UTC, austin obyrne wrote:
> This is something that Eve cannot ask

... but someone taking an interest in your cipher can. You should
be able to explain this without revealing any key material. Just give
example constants instead of the ones used to encrypt.


Richard Heathfield

Oct 31, 2021, 2:48:05 PM10/31/21
Bollocks. It's the algorithm.

Kerckhoffs's principle

"It should not require secrecy, and it should not be a problem if it
falls into enemy hands;" - Auguste Kerckhoffs 1883.

The principle holds that a cryptosystem should be secure, even if
everything about the system, except the key, is public knowledge.

"We assume that an adversary has at his disposal the machine."

"The standard assumption [at NSA] was that serial number 1 of any new
device was delivered to the Kremlin."

"principle applies beyond codes and ciphers to security systems in
general: every secret creates a potential failure point. Secrecy, in
other words, is a prime cause of brittleness—and therefore something
likely to make a system prone to catastrophic collapse. Conversely,
openness provides ductility." - Bruce Schneier

"The long history of cryptography and cryptoanalysis has shown time and
time again that open discussion and analysis of algorithms exposes
weaknesses not thought of by the original authors, and thereby leads to
better and more secure algorithms." - Steve Bellovin

"To make the problem mathematically tractable we shall assume that the
enemy knows the system being used." - Claude Shannon, "Communication
Theory of Secrecy Systems".


Oct 31, 2021, 2:51:27 PM10/31/21
On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 18:48:05 UTC, Richard Heathfield wrote:
> Bollocks. It's the algorithm.

If you don't know yourself what the key is, then this would be difficult
to separate.

If you can't separate it, you can't explain it.

AOB *should* be able to explain, yet he can't.



Oct 31, 2021, 3:11:10 PM10/31/21
On 31.10.21 19:48, Richard Heathfield wrote:
> On 31/10/2021 17:49, austin obyrne wrote:
>> On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 17:01:29 UTC, DaleT wrote:
>>> On Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 11:35:54 AM UTC-5, austin obyrne wrote:


>> This is something that Eve  cannot ask
> Bollocks. It's the algorithm.

Well, if it has to be kept secret, it's by definition part of the key,
isn't it? So we have a huge key (much longer than the plaintext afaIct)
and a very simple (public) algorithm (basically the high-level
descriptions scattered all over this board).

I wonder what this reminds me of...


Chris M. Thomasson

Oct 31, 2021, 5:13:51 PM10/31/21
Let say, fully compiled aob_program_0 has its secret key baked in.

Hopefully aob_program_1 has a new secret key.

Actually, I am wondering how those constants interact with the overall
logic, well I need to wade through the dank swamp. Can he break is own
program with certain numbers? Say he replaced all of his constants with
random numbers, in range [0...255]? Would his program just byte the
proverbial dust?

Its Halloween, and I do not feel like melting my brain today, so to speak.

Btw, happy Halloween!

Richard Heathfield

Nov 1, 2021, 1:57:07 AM11/1/21
AOB has, by refusing to disclose details of the algorithm when asked,
effectively knocked over the vector cryptography king on his side of the
board. There is nothing worth analysing.

austin obyrne

Nov 1, 2021, 3:59:31 AM11/1/21
Preparing the excuses already.

You have been given a full description of the algorithm in my website.

You have given a worked example.

You have given many descriptive posts in the daily postings to sci.crypt.

You have been gven an ecryption/decryption model.

What you are asking for is the explicit keys the entities used in composing thia test.

You won't be getting that

You will no doubt claim another BUST.

Get on with and stop whingeing

This certainly is not a bust but you will probably claim that it is.


Richard Heathfield

Nov 1, 2021, 4:13:31 AM11/1/21
On 01/11/2021 07:59, austin obyrne wrote:
> On Monday, 1 November 2021 at 05:57:07 UTC, Richard Heathfield wrote:
>> On 31/10/2021 18:51, MM wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 18:48:05 UTC, Richard Heathfield wrote:
>>>> Bollocks. It's the algorithm.
>>> If you don't know yourself what the key is, then this would be difficult
>>> to separate.
>>> If you can't separate it, you can't explain it.
>>> AOB *should* be able to explain, yet he can't.
>> AOB has, by refusing to disclose details of the algorithm when asked,
>> effectively knocked over the vector cryptography king on his side of the
>> board. There is nothing worth analysing.
> Preparing the excuses already.

Are you now! Well, that shows foresight.

> You have been given a full description of the algorithm in my website.

Then you should have had no difficulty in answering the query from
DaleT, and yet you don't know your own algorithm to be able to answer
his query.

> You have given a worked example.
> You have given many descriptive posts in the daily postings to sci.crypt.
> You have been gven an ecryption/decryption model.
> What you are asking for is the explicit keys the entities used in composing thia test.

No, I'm not. I didn't ask you spit, because I know it's pointless.
Someone else - not me - asked you how encryption proceeds. If his
question strayed into the key, it is a sign that your algorithm
description is unclear and needs rewriting.

> You won't be getting that
> You will no doubt claim another BUST.

No, I've already busted vector crypto (as have MM, wizz, and colin) so I
won't be bothering this time around.

> Get on with

You don't get to decide how I spend my time. I see no point in using it
attacking an algorithm that has been laid waste so often and where the
author is incapable of answering basic questions about the algorithm.

> and stop whingeing

Charming; quite, quite charming.

> This certainly is not a bust but you will probably claim that it is.

No; why would I bother to attack a cryptosystem that even the author
doesn't trust enough to explain its algorithm to those who ask? There is
nothing worth attacking. And since you never take any notice of the
fruits of this free work people do for you, why bother putting out
challenges at all? Why not just claim information-theoretical security
and be done with it? Or have you already done that (again)?

Richard Heathfield

Nov 1, 2021, 4:52:24 AM11/1/21
On 31/10/2021 17:01, DaleT wrote:
> On Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 11:35:54 AM UTC-5, austin obyrne wrote:
>> Herewith is a sample of ciphertext from my ASLEC cipher .


> Your worked example of only one ASCIi character is helpful but leaves
> questions. You have now provided a lengthy cyphertext. It is assumed
> that you followed the exact procedure shown in the example.
> Questions :
> 1. you choose the coeficients of a vector to start the process.
> Does that vector stay the same throughout the encrypting process?.

You are not allowed to know how this part of the algorithm works. It's a
secret, in a clear violation of Kerckhoffs's Principle.

> 2. Tou cycle through 12 variations of using V0, V1, V2, V3..
> Will that stay as shown in the example and continue in
> the order shown throughout the encrypting process.

You are not allowed to know how this part of the algorithm works. It's a
secret, in another clear violation of Kerckhoffs's Principle.

> 3. You add a change of origin vector at the end before
> publishing the message. Does that vector stay the same throughout
> the message or change for each encrypted character.

You are not allowed to know how this part of the algorithm works. It's a
secret, in another clear violation of Kerckhoffs's Principle.

> 4. Your recent release looks like 9 or 10 digits for each vector
> element,,,,approximately 27 digits for each character....
> Is that correct?

You are not allowed to know how this part of the algorithm works. It's a
secret, in another clear violation of Kerckhoffs's Principle.

austin obyrne

Nov 1, 2021, 8:34:56 AM11/1/21
Not so - there is no breach breach of Kerchoffs Principle .

Richard Heathfield

Nov 1, 2021, 8:43:20 AM11/1/21
> Not so - there is no breach breach of Kerchoffs Principle .

Bollocks. He asks some simple questions about how the algorithm works -
and we note that he did not ask for the key - but you say it's a secret.
Bye-bye Kerckhoffs!

Note that you could have answered his question making clear which data
are key dependent and how those parts are used to continue processing,
but instead you refused to answer. Explaining how a key is combined with
plaintext should not impact security. For example, in OTP we can explain
that C = P XOR K - that's the entire algorithm! - without detracting one
jot from OTP's perfect security.


Nov 1, 2021, 9:32:20 AM11/1/21
Thank you. You have, in effect, answered all the questions;


Nov 1, 2021, 9:56:17 AM11/1/21
austin obyrne <> wrote:
> On Monday, 1 November 2021 at 05:57:07 UTC, Richard Heathfield wrote:
>> On 31/10/2021 18:51, MM wrote:
>> > On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 18:48:05 UTC, Richard Heathfield wrote:
>> >> Bollocks. It's the algorithm.
>> >
>> > If you don't know yourself what the key is, then this would be difficult
>> > to separate.
>> >
>> > If you can't separate it, you can't explain it.
>> >
>> > AOB *should* be able to explain, yet he can't.
>> AOB has, by refusing to disclose details of the algorithm when
>> asked, effectively knocked over the vector cryptography king on his
>> side of the board. There is nothing worth analysing.
> Preparing the excuses already.
> You have been given a full description of the algorithm in my
> website.

Bollocks. The referenced website contains a half-arsed, confused,
description of something /vectorish/. But it most certianly does not
contain a full description of anything.

> You have given a worked example.

Nowhere is there any coherent worked example.

> You have given many descriptive posts in the daily postings to
> sci.crypt.

Correction, we have seen many posts that are best described as "the
ramblings of a madman" -- but they are hardly descriptive of anything
other than your mental state.

> You have been gven an ecryption/decryption model.

Nowhere does an encryption/decryption model exist -- likely it does not
even exist on your computer, and if it does not exist there, it
certianly can not exist for us here.

> What you are asking for is the explicit keys the entities used in
> composing thia test.

Nope. One user asked for more information on how the algorithm worked,
precisely because whatever it is you think porports to be a description
on your website is so inadequate that he could not fully understand
the algorithm from that description.


Nov 12, 2021, 8:37:30 PM11/12/21
What reason is there to believe....

Chris M. Thomasson

Nov 13, 2021, 1:55:59 AM11/13/21
Because AOB says so? ;^)


Nov 20, 2021, 8:31:57 PM11/20/21
As AOB didn't have the integrity to confirm this himself, I guess I'll
have to do.

The following output was generated using his own decrypting code that
was recently posted on his website.
( yes it did come out formatted like that )

What rea
son is t
here to
that suc
h an inf
y pictur
e of the
e is goi
ng to be
close t
o the tr
uth ? D
espite i
ts evide
nt popul
arity I
wish to
give my
own reas
ons for
able dou
bt on th
e entire
idea !
Again I
must giv
e my sta
tutory w
arning t
o the re
ader. I
ary cosm
ology ha
s become
a major
part of
the bod
y of mod
ern cosm
g. You
will fin
d that e
ven amon
g those
who are
not yet
d of the
ty of in
there ar
e few wh
o are as
e as I a
m going
to be in
the fol
lowing c
If you
feel th
e need t
o ' bala
nce ' my
with on
e that f
inds mor
e Favour
with th
e inflat
ionary i
dea. Se
e Alan G
uth's ve
ry acces
sible bo
ok The I
ary Univ
erse. F
or my ow
n part,
I must p
resent t
hings as
I see t
hem and
since th
ere are
for dou
bting th
e very b
asis of
nary cos
mology I
not refr
ain from
ing thes
e reason
s to the
But be
fore mak
ing my c
nt, I sh
ould mak
e clear
that my
do not t
ell us t
hat infl
gy is wr
ong. Th
ey merel
y provid
e strong
to doub
t most o
f the in
itial mo
s behind
the inf
y idea.
We may
recall t
hat many
nt scien
tific id
eas of t
he past,
have, a
fter all
been ba
sed (par
tly) on
ons that
did not
stand u
p in the
light o
f subseq
uent und
ng. One
of the
most imp
ortant o
f these
was Eins
tein's s
nt depen
dence on
e as a g
uide to
his even
tual dis
covery o
f genera
l relati
vity. M
ach's pr
that phy
sics sho
uld be d
efined e
in terms
of the
of one
body to
and tha
t the ve
ry notio
n of a b
d space
should b
e abando
ned. La
ter anal
ysis of
's theor
y showed
that Ma
ch's pri
nciple i
s not in
ed by ge
neral re
, howeve
r , irre
of the
onal sig
e of Mac
h's idea
. Anoth
er examp
le was D
irac's d
of the
's wave
, which
he based
ntally o
n what h
e percei
ved to b
e the ne
for a fi
rst orde
r equati

Chris M. Thomasson

Nov 20, 2021, 9:27:34 PM11/20/21
On 11/20/2021 5:31 PM, Colin wrote:
> fi
> rst orde
> r

Ohhh, shit. First order. I feel like watching starwars.


Nov 21, 2021, 2:46:36 AM11/21/21
Wow! Congratulations. I am very impressed.

Richard Heathfield

Nov 21, 2021, 2:52:40 AM11/21/21

Congratulations, Colin. Yet another indisputable break of AOB plaintext.
Nevertheless, he will dispute it, you mark my words.


Nov 21, 2021, 4:57:40 AM11/21/21
On Sunday, 21 November 2021 at 01:31:57 UTC, Colin wrote:
> The following output was generated using his own decrypting code that


> ( yes it did come out formatted like that )

That program prints a newline in the output wherever a newline appears in
the ciphertext. One of the many bugs, this one being minor.



Nov 21, 2021, 5:27:17 AM11/21/21
Look for the line

Ada.Text_IO.New_Line(File => OutData);

... fairly close to the bottom, and remove it.



Nov 21, 2021, 9:14:44 AM11/21/21
Op 21-11-2021 om 02:31 schreef Colin:
> On 13/11/21 14:37, Colin wrote:
>> On 31/10/21 14:56, Colin wrote:
>>> the 2nd character  = 'h'
>>> the 9th character  = 's'
>>> the 24th character = ' '
>> What reason is there to believe....
>> _^______^______________^_______
> As AOB didn't have the integrity to confirm this himself, I guess I'll
> have to do.
> The following output was generated using his own decrypting code that
> was recently posted on his website.
> ( yes it did  come out formatted like that )

Great, nice. But I thought the key was in the files that were not uploaded?
Did you have to do some analysis yourself, or were you basically 'Bob'?


Richard Heathfield

Nov 21, 2021, 11:25:24 AM11/21/21
Character, man! Character! Colin almost certainly wouldn't have bothered
to post a decrypt if he'd just decrypted using a known key, and
absolutely definitely certainly would not have done so without
explaining that that was what he had done.

As the old saying goes, there is honour amongst Eves.


Nov 21, 2021, 12:43:56 PM11/21/21
On 22/11/21 05:25, Richard Heathfield wrote:
> On 21/11/2021 14:14, wizzofozz wrote:
>> Op 21-11-2021 om 02:31 schreef Colin:
>>> On 13/11/21 14:37, Colin wrote:
>>>> On 31/10/21 14:56, Colin wrote:
>>>>> the 2nd character  = 'h'
>>>>> the 9th character  = 's'
>>>>> the 24th character = ' '
>>>> What reason is there to believe....
>>>> _^______^______________^_______
>>> As AOB didn't have the integrity to confirm this himself, I guess
>>> I'll have to do.
>>> The following output was generated using his own decrypting code that
>>> was recently posted on his website.
>>> ( yes it did  come out formatted like that )
>> Great, nice. But I thought the key was in the files that were not
>> uploaded?
>> Did you have to do some analysis yourself, or were you basically 'Bob'?
> Character, man! Character! Colin almost certainly wouldn't have bothered
> to post a decrypt if he'd just decrypted using a known key, and
> absolutely definitely certainly would not have done so without
> explaining that that was what he had done.
> As the old saying goes, there is honour amongst Eves.

That's why I was trying to say I was confirming it myself.

-the 2nd post of 31 characters required one of ten key files.
-the first post of 3 characters working was shown in this thread

Richard Heathfield

Nov 24, 2021, 7:05:25 AM11/24/21
On 21/11/2021 07:52, Richard Heathfield wrote:
> On 21/11/2021 01:31, Colin wrote:
>> inf
>> lationar
>> y pictur
>> e of the
>>   Univers
>> e is goi
>> ng to be
>>   close t
>> o the tr
>> uth ?
> <snip>
> Congratulations, Colin. Yet another indisputable break of AOB plaintext.
> Nevertheless, he will dispute it, you mark my words.

Just three days later... "Colin's so-called break was not a break per
se" - prediction **confirmed**.

David Eather

Nov 24, 2021, 11:19:58 AM11/24/21
On 31/10/2021 2:35 am, austin obyrne wrote:
> Herewith is a sample of ciphertext from my ASLEC cipher .
> The sample simulates Eve having intercepted this quantity of ciphertext and she is trying to decrypt it by statistical means and indeed by any means.
> The reader cannot claim any help whatever that Eve would not reasonably be expected to possess.
> This sample is absolutely honest and has not been tinkered with in anyway.


Much appreciated.

You have to accept that Collin's showed your cipher leaks information
(he published three letters from your test the message later confirmed
correct) even before you published the source code of your 'unbreakable'
cipher. That means your cipher is hideously bad at securing information.
This is what 4 or 5 total breaks for the variations of this idea?

No one is ever going to use it for anything and when you disappear so
will all that vector "stuff" you have been writing about.

You need to start again with an new idea.


Nov 24, 2021, 12:45:37 PM11/24/21
>> Congratulations, Colin. Yet another indisputable break of AOB
>> plaintext. Nevertheless, he will dispute it, you mark my words.
> Just three days later... "Colin's so-called break was not a break per
> se" - prediction **confirmed**.

Hehe its all part of the game.

On the other hand to quote AOB
"The sample I am about to post is totally independent of all my
previous work and has never left my computer. It has been
stored safely on my home computer for many months and
has never, ever gone public."

Perhaps it can be considered a break determining this statement was
total bollocks. After all Richard you have been warning him not to
reuse key material.

The wise people here can make up their own minds and label what I
have presented however they please.


Nov 24, 2021, 12:52:09 PM11/24/21
I label it: "a successful proof of a break of aslec".


Nov 24, 2021, 2:03:47 PM11/24/21
On Monday, 1 November 2021 at 07:59:31 UTC, austin obyrne wrote:
> You will no doubt claim another BUST.


> Get on with and stop whingeing

I can't think of anything more persuasive than plaintext.


Richard Heathfield

Nov 24, 2021, 6:29:08 PM11/24/21
On 24/11/2021 17:45, Colin wrote:
>>> Congratulations, Colin. Yet another indisputable break of AOB
>>> plaintext. Nevertheless, he will dispute it, you mark my words.
>> Just three days later... "Colin's so-called break was not a break per
>> se" - prediction **confirmed**.
> Hehe its all part of the game.
> On the other hand to quote AOB
> "The sample I am about to post is totally independent of all my
> previous work and has never left my computer.  It has been
> stored safely on my home computer for many months and
> has never, ever gone public."
> Perhaps it can be considered a break determining this statement was
> total bollocks. After all Richard you have been warning him not to
> reuse key material.

This is something AOB never understood. He thinks a key should be
re-usable, and indeed he's right; you have to go out of your way to
design a cipher for which re-using a key is risky. But he managed. He
cannot bring himself to accept this, but it doesn't change the facts. If
only he'd made it easier to change the key and hadn't hard-wired the key
into the source code, it might never have mattered. But he didn't, and
he did, and it does.
0 new messages