Uncertainty in Privacy and Security
An special session within the
International Conference on Information Processing and Management of
June 28 - July 02, 2010. Dortmund, Germany
IPMU 2010
Nowadays privacy and security systems have to deal with complex and
heterogeneous information, highly networked relations, mobile
components, or erratic information and persons. The use of artificial
intelligence techniques is emerging in the areas of privacy and
security, as means to cope with this issues. This special session
attempts to show the relevance of uncertainty and related tools in
artificial intelligence in the fields of security and privacy: from
areas where the use of artificial intelligence techniques has been
traditionally accepted such as intrusion detection systems, and
network traffic analysis, to more novel areas such as access control,
cryptography, authorization, or data privacy. These last fields have
been traditionally associated with absolute and strict approaches, but
recently their complexity, the consideration of human beings in the
process, or the need to introduce more flexibility in favor of
usability, are boosting researchers to consider more soft approaches.
Techniques from fuzzy logic, to clustering, expert systems, constraint
satisfaction, or pattern matching, are being interestingly applied to
several fields of security and privacy.
:: Scope ::
Papers related to uncertainty management in privacy and security are
highly encouraged. Specific topics of interest of this special session
include, but are not limited to, the use of uncertainity and artifical
intelligence techniques in the following areas:
- Access control
- Anonymity
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Hardware security
- Identity management
- Intrusion detection
- Location-based services and analysis of mobile data
- Metrics for security and privacy
- Network security
- Privacy-preserving data mining
- Statistical disclosure control
- Trust management
- Usability and security
:: Submissions ::
Special session papers will be handled in the same way as regular
papers. In particular, they will be peer-reviewed by the conference
program committee on the basis of the same criteria, and the final
decision of acceptance or rejection will be made by the conference
When submitting the paper electronically with the IPMU 2010 conference
submission system, you will have to explicitly indicate that your
contribution is for this special session (authors will have in
principle the possibility to choose one or more special sessions, so
you should not mark any other sessions). The deadline to submit papers
is, according to the conference guidelines, the January 17th, 2010.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag
(LNAI/CCIS series).
To aid planning and organization, please send an e-mail to
gui...@iiia.csic.es expressing your intention to submit a paper,
including authors=92 information, a tentative title and abstract, as
soon as possible (preferable by January 8, 2010).
:: IPMU 2010 links ::
- Main page: http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~ipmu2010/
- Submission: http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~ipmu2010/submissions.html
- Dates: http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~ipmu2010/dates.html
- Special session: http://www.iiia.csic.es/~guille/ipmu-security.html
:: Organizers ::
- Guillermo Navarro-Arribas
- Aida Valls
- Vicenc Torra
Please, contact the organizers in gui...@iiia.csic.es for further
information regarding this special session.