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Mar 16, 2011, 3:42:37 AM3/16/11

*** SecureComm 2011 - First Call for Papers ***

Seventh International Conference on Network Security & Privacy
(SecureComm 2011)
London, United Kingdom
Sept 7-9, 2011

Technically Sponsored by:
EAI: European Alliance for Innovation

Technically Supported by:
City University London

Publication: Springer

SecureComm=9211 seeks high-quality research contributions in the form of
well developed papers. Topics of interest encompass research advances
in ALL areas of secure communications and networking. Topics in other
areas (e.g., formal methods, database security, secure software,
applied cryptography) will also be considered if a clear connection to
private or secure communications/networking is demonstrated.
The aim of SecureComm is to bring together security and privacy
experts in academia, industry and government as well as practitioners,
standards developers and policy makers, in order to engage in a
discussion about common goals and explore important research
directions in the field. SecureComm also serves as a venue for
learning about state-of-the-art in security and privacy research,
giving attendees the opportunity to network with experts in the

Topics include:
Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Firewalls, Packet Filters
Malware and botnets
Communication Privacy and Anonymity
Distributed denial of service
Public Key Infrastructures, key management, credentials
Web security
Secure Routing, Naming/Addressing, Network Management
Security & Privacy in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, e.g., RFIDs
Security & Privacy for emerging technologies: VoIP, peer-to-peer and
overlay network systems, Web 2.0

Author Guidelines:
Submission of paper should be made through the submission link:
Please refer to the conference website for guidelines to prepare your
manuscript. All accepted papers will be compiled in conference
proceedings published by Springer. It is mandatory at least an author
registers for every paper that is included in the conference
proceedings. Proceedings will be made available during the

Important Dates:
Deadline for Paper Submission: May 16, 2011
Notification for Acceptance: June 30, 2011
Camera ready submission and author registration : July 22, 2011

Call for Workshops and Special Sessions

SecureComm 2011 is seeking original high quality Special Sessions and
Workshops on focused discussion addressing innovative research
highlighting significant topics and emerging issues which are related
to the conference theme and with the desired expertise.
Interdisciplinary session themes are strongly sought after. Each
special session resembles a mini-conference within the main SecureComm
meeting will run throughout the conference in parallel to other tracks
(except the keynote presentations).

Important Dates:
Deadline for Special Session Proposal Submission: April 30, 2011
Deadline for Workshop Proposal Submission : April 30, 2011
Notification for Acceptance (Special Session and Workshop): May 15,

SecureComm 2011 Organizing team:

General Chairs
Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, City University London, UK
Fred Piper, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Program Chairs
George Kesidis Pennsylvania State University, USA
Haining Wang College of William and Mary, USA

Information Contact:
Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, City University London

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